The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 887 The scheming female CEO VS the innocent male assistant (5)

A busy and restless day is over...

When he got off work in the evening, Leng Su stopped Gu Chen who was about to leave and said, "There is a dinner party tonight, you go with me."

"Dinner party?" Gu Chen was slightly stunned.

Leng Su explained: "Mr. Lu of the Lu Group has a piece of land for sale. Currently, all the real estate companies in the imperial capital are trying their best to get it. We, Jiangnan Real Estate, are no exception!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen nodded: "Okay."

"Here are the car keys. You drive the car to the company gate and I'll get down right away."


After Gu Chen left, Leng Su hurriedly processed the last document in his hand, handed over what should be explained to Amy, locked the rest in the cabinet, locked the glass door of the office, and then went downstairs to leave. .

As a result, when she got out of the elevator, she saw a man and a woman talking at the door.

This woman has a pure appearance, with long black hair that otakus love very much. She is wearing a white flowing lace dress. The breeze blows gently, making the men who are passing by her look sideways.

Seeing this, Leng Su's eyes dimmed and his steps slowed down...

As she got closer, the conversation between the two people reached her ears.

"Gu Chen, I have already heard what my uncle said about you. I am really sorry."

"I didn't expect that my uncle would be negligent and accidentally leave out your resume and forget to give it to the president. I'm really sorry."

"My uncle specially asked me to come here to say sorry to you. I also hope that you, sir, can forgive him."

Leng Su: ...Damn, White Lotus is online! ! !

"It's okay." Gu Chen said calmly.

After all, in his opinion, it didn't matter whether it was leaked or not. Anyway, just a few more days of delay, and he would still be assigned to Leng Su's side.

After all, the purpose of his coming to Jiangnan Real Estate was to go to Leng Su's side...

"Thank you, Gu Chen, you are so kind. But to express my apology, I would like to treat you to dinner tonight. Is that okay?"

Leng Su: ...Dream! ! !

"Sorry, I have an appointment tonight." Gu Chen said calmly without changing his expression.

"Have an appointment?"

Hearing this, Tang Xiyue's face suddenly turned pale, and her big watery eyes were full of sadness.

"I wonder who is so lucky to have an appointment with you, Gu Chen..." Tang Xiyue asked Gu Chen with a sad face.

Looking at Tang Xiyue who suddenly had "convulsions", Gu Chen couldn't help but frown and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

After saying that, Gu Chen looked down at the mechanical watch on his wrist, then looked up at Tang Xiyue and said, "At this time, you are also off work. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital to register."

“Don’t end up seriously ill and hospitalized due to a moment of negligence. This will not be good for you or the company.

The company is currently in a critical period. As a member of Jiangnan Real Estate, you should always remember your responsibilities and work hard! "

Leng Su: ...Absolutely, my brother, hahahahahahahaha! ! ! ! ! !

Looking at Tang Xiyue's constipated face, Leng Su was already laughing in her heart, laughing like crazy!

If she also has a favorable impression of Gu Chen, then it will definitely explode at this moment!

Facing such an incomprehensible Gu Chen, Tang Xiyue's face turned green and white, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She tenaciously supported the gentle smile at the corner of her mouth: "No, I'm not uncomfortable. I'm fine."

Leng Su: ...Hahahahahahaha, I can’t do it anymore, my aunt is laughing to death! ! !

PS: [There are updates, currently being written, please wait]

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