The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 895 The scheming female CEO VS the innocent male special assistant (14)

Was she overstimulating?

Is this dose too strong?

So, Gu Chen hasn't reacted yet?

Or is it just a little slow to respond?

Leng Su thought hard for a while, and while she was drifting off to sleep, she finally heard the increase in favorability, and she finally fell asleep as she wished.

[Congratulations, Gu Chen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 40 points. 】

Here, after Gu Chen escaped from Leng Su's house, when he got into a taxi and was constantly being slapped in the face by the howling cold wind, the warmth on his face faded slightly.

His originally panicked brain gradually came to his senses. Looking at everything that was going on in front of him, he could not help but think about what he had just done.

My still messed up after all!

That night, as a veteran cadre, Gu Chen, who always had a very regular schedule, had a rare insomnia...

He lay on the bed, tossing and turning, and his mind was filled with Leng Su's figure.

He kept shaking his head and rubbing his temples, hoping to calm down.

As a result, the more he didn't want to think about it, the more he couldn't help but think about it.

When the sky was dark, Gu Chen finally couldn't resist the fatigue coming from his body and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

But before going to bed, he was still thinking about Leng Su and worried about whether she kicked the quilt in the middle of the night. After a hangover, will you wake up the next day with a severe headache, etc...

When Leng Su woke up the next day, he felt like his brain was exploding.

When he reached out and touched it, he realized that his forehead and face were extremely hot, and the temperature was frighteningly high.

She reached out and touched it, only to find that the quilt on her body had fallen to the ground.

Feeling dizzy, ringing in the ears, and facing various uncomfortable reactions in his body, Leng Su couldn't help but reach out and fumble around on the bedside table.

After getting the phone, she subconsciously unlocked it and opened the address book. Just when she was about to call Amy, she suddenly hesitated.

After some hesitation, Leng Su finally put down his phone, endured the discomfort, and slowly climbed out of bed.

Yes, being sick is such a good opportunity to increase your favorability points, no matter what, you can’t miss it!

So, a very coincidental scene happened...

Early in the morning, Leng Su and Gu Chen were both late, and they met by chance on the first floor of the company.

"What a coincidence." Leng Su said with a smile.

"Good morning, CEO." Gu Chen smiled back.

After saying hello, they both entered the elevator and arrived at the sixty-sixth floor together.

In the CEO's office, Leng Su opened the computer and various files as soon as he entered the door, and started a new round of busyness.

Gu Chen hesitated for a moment, but finally poured her a glass of hot milk.

Seeing this, Leng Su smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Early in the morning, Leng Su made arrangements for yesterday's project.

Amy was asked to notify the major shareholders to convene a meeting. As a result, Leng Su just stood up and before he could walk out of the president's office, his body became weak and he fell to the ground.


The sudden sound of heavy objects falling to the ground made Gu Chen tremble, and he suddenly woke up from the ripples of last night.

Looking up and looking at Leng Su who suddenly fell to the ground, Gu Chen's pupils shrank and he quickly stood up and stepped forward to pick him up.

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Chen noticed that Leng Su's face was extremely red. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and a scalding temperature came from his fingertips, which made his already uneasy heart become more and more chaotic...

A deep feeling of distress and guilt arose spontaneously!

[Congratulations, Gu Chen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 50 points. 】

PS: [There will be 4 chapters later, currently being written, please wait]

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