The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 902: The scheming female CEO VS the innocent male assistant (21)

[Congratulations, Gu Chen's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 75 points. 】

Hearing the 5-point increase in favorability, Leng Su couldn't help but raise his eyebrows...

So, is this an appreciation and affirmation of her work ability? ? ?

"Just rest after taking the medicine. You will have to drink water later in the evening. As for these drawings and documents, I will help you conduct a preliminary screening and make a corresponding plan, so that you only need to choose from them tomorrow. Whatever you think is appropriate.”

Ever since Leng Su exposed his purpose, Gu Chen had no intention of hiding it anymore.

Therefore, he is extremely comfortable in doing these things that are beyond the scope of his work and does not feel there is anything wrong.

"Yes." Hearing this, Leng Su responded in a low voice.

Then, she lay down, turned sideways, and stared at Gu Chen who was concentrating on his work seriously.

Leng Su's gaze was so intense that Gu Chen felt uncomfortable being stared at. He couldn't help but frown slightly and looked at her in confusion: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Or do you need help?"

"No." Leng Su shook his head.

Gu Chen: "..." Then why are you staring at me? ? ?

"Ahem." Gu Chen pretended to cough twice to remind Leng Su, "The medicine Lao Chen prescribed for you contains the function of assisting sleep. Close your eyes and have a good rest."

"Oh." Leng Su responded.

Time passed bit by bit...

Facing someone's increasingly hot gaze, Gu Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

He looked up from the document and asked, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Look at you." Leng Su said naturally.

"..." Gu Chen had a helpless face, "I have nothing to see, so you should rest quickly!"

Hearing this, Leng Su blurted out without even thinking: "No, you are very good-looking, very good-looking. You are the best-looking and most handsome boy I have ever seen since I was a child!"


Being caught off guard and praised, Gu Chen couldn't help but blush.

After a brief moment of shyness, Gu Chen raised his head and was about to say a few words to Leng Su, but his eyes met Leng Su's big, bright eyes...

In an instant, the words that reached his lips were stuck.

He opened his mouth, but found that his mind was blank and he had no idea what to say.

Under Leng Su's scorching gaze, Gu Chen became restless and suddenly stood up from his chair.

"You, I...I suddenly remembered that Lao Chen had something to do with me. I'm going to find him first. You should go to bed quickly."

With that said, Gu Chen ran away under Leng Su's gaze...

Outside the door, as soon as Gu Chen escaped Leng Su's sight, he leaned against the wall weakly.

His big hand unconsciously touched his chest, feeling the violently beating heart inside.

In his mind, he unconsciously recalled the look in Leng Su's eyes when he looked at him just now... At this moment, Gu Chen thought of the word "like a wolf and a tiger" again! ! !

Just now, at that moment, Leng Su looked at him with scorching eyes, as if he really wanted to eat him alive...

But the strange thing is that, facing Leng Su like this, not only did he not feel scary, but he felt a little bit of joy in his heart...

He was happy, rejoicing, and secretly delighted that the person she was staring at with such hot and scorching eyes was him! ! !

[Congratulations, Gu Chen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 85 points. 】

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