The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 919 The scheming female CEO VS the innocent male special assistant (39)

A sensational case of jumping off a building was solved like this...

Afterwards, Gu Chen curiously asked Leng Su how she did it.

Leng Su just smiled and handed him an invitation to the charity party.

"I just provided her with a chance to enter the upper class!"

When he saw the invitation letter, Gu Chen couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Although his painting style is strange, he is not stupid.

Although Leng Su didn't say much, the meaning contained in her words was very clear.

Coupled with what happened on the rooftop, the words Tang Xiyue said at that time, and the understanding of him in her words, Gu Chen understood that... the other party knew his identity!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen looked at Leng Su with complicated eyes: "Su Su, I'm sorry."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Under Leng Su's gaze, Gu Chen finally began to confess his identity and the purpose of coming to Jiangnan Real Estate.

It turns out that Mr. Leng was kind to the Gu family before his death.

Before his death, the old man was worried that Leng Su could fight the entire Jiangnan real estate alone, so he called Father Gu and asked him for help.

The old man said that he did not want the Gu family to help Leng Su openly.

He said that Leng Su would eventually grow up, and no one in the Leng family could take care of her all the time.

Therefore, he only went to the Gu family just in case.

The old man's original words were that the Gu family would help take care of it, and there would be no need to take action unless absolutely necessary.

"Then why did you come to Jiangnan Real Estate in person in the end?" Leng Su asked puzzledly.

Hearing this, Gu Chen showed a tangled look on his face, looking unspeakable: "I..."

"What's wrong? Isn't it convenient to tell you?"

Facing the curious look on her face, Gu Chen sighed helplessly and said: "In the past two years, I have been busy studying for double doctorate degrees and working in the company. Seeing that I am now quite old, my mother has I have been very anxious about my marriage."

"After learning about your family, my mother has always liked you very much and feels very sorry for you. So..."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen's cheeks were already red!

And Leng Su understood in her heart, she couldn't help but chuckle and said: "It seems that your real purpose of coming to Jiangnan Real Estate is not to help me..."

Hearing this, Gu Chen quickly explained: "No, I'm really here to help you!"

"Oh, what do you mean, you don't like me at all? Are you staying with me to help me better manage Jiangnan Real Estate?" Leng Su deliberately distorted the facts and said with a sad and desperate look.

"No, why do you think so? My sincerity towards you is absolutely remarkable!" Gu Chen explained in a panic.


Leng Su couldn't bear it anymore and burst into laughter without any need to hold it back any longer.

Gu Chen was anxious to explain, but when Leng Su smiled like this, he immediately reacted.

Is this girl trying to tease him on purpose? ? ?

After thinking about it, Gu Chen suddenly decided to scare Leng Su too.

"My parents have returned to China."

"Ah?" Leng Su was confused, "Are you kidding me?"

"Didn't we just confirm our relationship?"

"How did my uncle and aunt know this?"

It wasn't until this moment that Leng Su suddenly realized that the progress between her and Gu Chen was really like riding a rocket.

They had only known each other for four or five days, but suddenly, they decided to get engaged and were even about to meet their parents!

This is even faster than a "flash wedding" and is even more complimentary! ! !

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