The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 958 The cold female doctor VS the infatuated “male nurse” (34)

As Xiao Han spoke, the atmosphere in the entire clinic was slightly sad.

Just then, Leng Su spoke, and her words made Xiao Han laugh and cry...

"So, are you grateful to me? Or do you like me?"

"Do you regard me as a mother? Or a benefactor?"

"..." Xiao Han had a helpless face.

He let go of Leng Su slightly, lowered his head and looked into her eyes.

Under Leng Su's gaze, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

A hot kiss followed...

[Congratulations, Xiao Han's favorability increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability is 75 points. 】

He tasted it and stopped!

Even so, when Xiao Han left, Leng Su's cheeks were still red and panting.

Seeing her so seductive, Xiao Han's eyes darkened again, and his Adam's apple rolled.

After noticing someone's wolf-like gaze, Leng Su stared at him with wide eyes.

"Xiao Han, I warn you, if you touch me again, I will make you abstain from sex for twenty years!"

Xiao Han: "..."

Seeing Xiao Han's silence, Leng Su thought that her threat had worked, and a hint of smugness appeared on her face.

"In order to prevent Su Su from being wronged because of me, I will devote myself to her several times a week according to Su Su's physical needs."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han's words made her face flush, and she stared at him with grief and anger.

"Xiao Han, you are shameless!!!"

Hearing this, Xiao Han raised his eyebrows and said, "I am doing this for your own good."

"Occasional exercise is good for your heart health and helps endocrine coordination."

"Get out!!!"

Leng Su angrily kicked a shameless person out of her clinic.

Leng Su ignored the public opinion on the Internet, but strangely, everything related to this video and this voting post suddenly disappeared on the Internet that night.

When Xiao Han told her all this, Leng Su was curious and asked if he did it...

"No, although the Xiao family's business is not small, they are not involved in the Internet. Besides, I just took over the Xiao Group not long ago, and I don't know many people in the Internet."

"Tonight, I was just about to contact people to ask if I could sink this post, and suddenly I found that everything disappeared."

Hearing this, Leng Su couldn't help but look puzzled.

"That's strange..."

However, the doubt only lasted for a few seconds, and soon, Leng Su thought of a possibility.

"I suddenly thought of a possibility, that Xiao Han, I'll hang up first and reply to you later."

As he said, Leng Su hung up the phone in a hurry, rushed out of the room with his mobile phone, and came to the hall.

On the sofa, Leng's father and mother were sitting there leisurely, watching a family ethics drama.

"Mom and Dad, do you know who helped with the video and post on the Internet?"

"Oh, you're talking about this. When I called Mr. Liang today to say hello, he told me about this.

I was very angry at the time, and Mr. Liang comforted me and said he could help get rid of these messy posts."

"Mr. Liang?" Leng Su asked in confusion.

"The one who gave us gifts last year. Mr. Liang was not in good health in the past two years.

Your mom and I rushed back from abroad several times at that time. Why, did you forget?"

"Mr. Liang Shaohua, the number one tycoon in the entertainment industry of Country Z?" Leng Su exclaimed.

"Well, this time, thanks to Mr. Liang's help.

Your mom and I have to go to the Liang family tomorrow to check the health of Mr. Liang and others before going abroad."

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