The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 979 Fried little meat VS Princess

"Master, I'm fine, please leave quickly."

Zhao Kai: "..." Forget it, he'd better leave so that he won't cause trouble here anymore.

Seeing that Zhao Kai finally left, Ning Ze quickly lifted the quilt and turned Leng Su's face.

He gently patted her little face and shook her body: "Wake up..."

"Wake up and drink porridge..."

Ning Ze shouted several times, but Leng Su didn't wake up.

Seeing this, he frowned again. After thinking about it and hesitating for a moment, he still rang the bedside bell.

Ning Ze lived in the VIP ward, so as soon as the "ding bell" rang, the doctors and nurses came in quickly.

"Mr. Ning, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I just want to ask her." Ning Ze pointed to Leng Su in his arms.

"Didn't you say it's okay? Then why didn't she respond when I called her and she never woke up?"

Hearing this, the doctor quickly explained: "The patient's health is not serious. We have already examined both of you. As for why this young lady has not woken up, it is probably due to psychological reasons."

"The detailed situation will have to wait until she wakes up, or until she lets go of you, sir, before we can conduct further inspections."

"Is there any difference whether you said it or not?" Ning Ze said angrily.

"Forget it, let's go down first."

"That's disturbing your rest." After saying that, the doctors and nurses exited the ward where Ning Ze was, and thoughtfully closed the door for him.


As soon as the doctors and nurses left, Ning Ze's stomach began to moan.

He looked at Leng Su in his arms, then touched his belly. After thinking about it, he picked up the thermos box beside him and drank the porridge.

After finishing a portion of porridge, Ning Ze felt his stomach felt much better.

The portion of porridge belonging to Leng Su was quietly placed on the bedside table...

As soon as Ning Ze finished his porridge, someone broke into the ward where they were.

"Mom and Dad? Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Father Ning and Mother Ning glared at him angrily and said, "You brat, you still have the nerve to say that."

"If you want to enter the entertainment industry as an actor or something, we won't stop you, but you can't film such dangerous things."

"You can try some idol dramas or some lighter variety shows." Ning's mother started chattering all kinds of things as soon as she walked in.

Ning's father, on the other hand, noticed something was wrong immediately after entering the door.

"This girl..."

"Hey, who is this? Why is she lying on top of you?" Ning's father's voice also reminded Ning's mother and made her discover Leng Su's existence.

The confusion only lasted for a short moment, and Ning's mother quickly reacted.

"I know. I asked Zhao Kai before, and he said that you were suddenly hit by a woman while filming, and then you fell off the wire.

It is said that this woman still holds you tightly and refuses to let go. Is it her? "

Seeing the unkind look on his mother's face, Ning Ze subconsciously protected Leng Su, turned her face away, pulled the quilt aside and covered her again.

"Well, parents, please don't get excited. Listen to my explanation. Things are not what you think. Zhao Kai is not my client. He has no idea what happened. He is just talking nonsense to you."

Zhao Kai, who was innocently lying at gunpoint: "..."

Seeing Ning Ze's protective action, Ning's father and Ning's mother couldn't help but look at each other, and exchanged a "seemingly enlightened" look with each other...

PS: [There are still two chapters, there are still two chapters, and they are being written non-stop]

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