The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 900 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (33)

"Huh? This is-"

The junior uncle who was chatting with his junior nephew suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power that seemed to be there but not at all.

Could this be the legendary divine consciousness? !

Can spiritual consciousness really be released? Can it also radiate to a certain range? !

The young master's uncle thought about something and suddenly thought of something. He asked Su Wenbo directly:

"Wenbo, let me ask you, when you met the master of Guiyuan Temple, the master did not show up, and he discovered you when you arrived at the mountain gate?"

Su Wenbo saw that his junior uncle asked the question seriously. Although he didn't understand why the other party asked, he still answered obediently: "Yes!"

Having said this, Su Wenbo couldn't help but think about it carefully.

"Uncle Junior, speaking of which, that expert is really amazing! She seems to have installed surveillance cameras in the mountains and forests. Even though she is not close by, she can still "see" all this and deal with it from a distance!"

Su Wenbo admired him very much.

In his mind, the little junior sister seemed to be a fairy-like existence.

That's why he said, "It's as if there are surveillance cameras installed in the mountains and forests," instead of directly suspecting that Guiyuan Temple installed surveillance cameras.

After all, this is a new era, and Xuanmen is also advancing with the times.

Not only the ancestors have learned how to send messages and take videos, but also some secluded sects have also used the most advanced electronic equipment.

Just like the Su family, their Taoist temple is equipped with a complete set of monitoring systems.

360 degrees with no blind spots, so it’s great for day and night shots... It’s almost using technology to realize the legendary clairvoyance and ear of the wind!

However, in Guiyuan Temple, Su Wenbo personally experienced the scene of encountering the young master's aunt, but he subconsciously concluded——

This is the advanced cultivation of the young aunt, not some high-tech method!

With this determination in his heart, Su Wenbo became particularly firm when he spoke.

The junior uncle nodded slowly, "As expected!"

The cultivation of this young aunt has indeed reached the point where she can release her spiritual consciousness.

Then has she broken through the acquired world and entered the innate realm? !

The levels of cultivation in Xuanmen are roughly divided into four levels: Huang, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven.

However, the young uncle learned from the ancestral handwriting that in fact, there are realms above the heaven level——

That is, innate, above innate!

If you break through the Xiantian realm, you can officially step into the threshold of cultivation.

There is also a chance to become a real god.

In their Mai lineage, their ancestors had masters who had broken through to the innate realm.

Unfortunately, time has passed and the records left by our ancestors are incomplete.

Based on these handwritten notes and residual techniques, the young master created his own Wuji Jue.

He had a hunch that if he could continue to practice this set of exercises, he would be able to achieve or even surpass the achievements of his ancestors——

Enter the innate realm, truly embark on the path of cultivation, cut through the void, and transform into an immortal!

He Tiantian:......

Indeed you can! But I entered the wrong channel!

This is not a world of immortality, but a supernatural world.


Perhaps he was too distracted by his thoughts, and the young master actually forgot to use his spiritual power to suppress the corpse poison.

The black mist swam around the little uncle's body like a horned dragon, with "black veins" all over his body.

The young master's soul was severely injured, and the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow almost forced the young junior uncle to scream.

Fortunately, the young uncle's mind was extremely tenacious. At the critical moment, he forced himself to swallow back the pain.

But his figure was slightly swaying, and his face turned gray.

Su Wenbo couldn't see the black mist, but he could keenly detect the abnormality of his junior uncle.

He supported the little uncle and shouted urgently: "Little uncle! What's wrong with you, little uncle?"

Could it be that Junior Master Uncle was really injured?

He lied to himself. In fact, when he was at the Southwest Tomb, the young uncle was severely injured by the flying zombie!

But, that kind of injury is not in the physical body, but deep into the soul? !

Su Wenbo was really not stupid. Based on these clues, he thought desperately.

It actually allowed him to restore most of the truth.

"It's okay! There's just something wrong with cultivation!"

The young master's uncle desperately ran a circle of Wuji Art, and barely suppressed the surging corpse poison with his spiritual power.

Alas, corpse poison attacks are becoming more and more frequent.

The days he could be "sober" were getting shorter and shorter.

If he still can't find someone to save him, he will carry out that plan——

Fight back to the ancient tomb and die together with the flying zombie.

Even if he dies, he must solve the problem.

Otherwise, once Fei Zhan breaks through his seal, it will cause disaster for thousands of miles and kill tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people!

"Uncle Junior——"

Su Wenbo didn't believe the young master's argument at all.

He knew that the junior uncle must have been injured by that flying zombie.

And all this is because of him!

It's his fault, it's him who has caused trouble to the little uncle!

Su Wenbo's heart was filled with regret, self-blame, chagrin and other negative emotions.


The junior uncle lightly patted Su Wenbo on the forehead and said with a smile, "Don't think so wildly! I said, it's my own problem and has nothing to do with you!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go visit that expert."

This is his last glimmer of hope.

If the little sister-in-law of Guiyuan Guan could not save himself, then he would really have no choice but to choose a better way to die.

"...Comrade police, walk slowly! Walk slowly!"

He Qingfeng politely sent several constipated-looking policemen out of the yard.

Policemen: ...walk slowly?

They didn't dare to walk slowly, they wanted to leave this absurd place quickly.

They never want to experience this feeling of being speechless and choking again.

He Qingfeng stood at the entrance of the courtyard and watched several policemen walking down the mountain quickly.

Ahem, the mountain road is narrow and cars can't get there, so everyone can only walk.

However, although these police officers were on foot, they were not satisfied with the speed.

In less than a few minutes, the figures of several people disappeared into the forest.

He Qingfeng raised his hand and waved politely: "Slow down! See you again, oh no, never again!"

Demonic spirits and the like should be as rare as possible.

Although He Qingfeng no longer cheats, he still has a guilty conscience!

Reaching out to wipe the non-existent sweat from his forehead, He Qingfeng turned around and prepared to continue today's work.

As soon as he turned around, he saw two young people appearing in front of him.


Almost startled him.

He Qingfeng exhaled with lingering fear, and put on his signature expert smile: "What do you two want?"

"My name is Xuan Mo, and I come from the lineage of Mai. This is my nephew Su Wenbo."

The young uncle didn't be polite, but went straight to the point.

However, before the junior uncle could finish speaking, He Qingfeng's eyes lit up, as if he saw a big business owner, ah, no, it was a big customer.

"Are these two fellow Taoists here to buy spiritual talismans?"

He Qingfeng followed He Tiantian not only to practice, but also to learn some common knowledge about Xuanmen and the current status of Xuanmen.

For example, famous Taoist and Buddhist sects such as Longhu Mountain and Fayuan Temple.

Another example is Mai, Maoshan, etc.

Even for such an official organization as the Extraordinary Office, He Qingfeng also knew its origins, rules, etc.

Not to mention, I met Ge Fuli and Zhang Duoduo a few days ago, and the two helped He Qingfeng introduce many customers.

He Qingfeng's V-trust friends in Xuanmen are growing at a geometric speed.

So what? Yesterday, a Taoist priest who claimed to be from Wudang Mountain took the initiative to add his letter and spent a million to get a Xuan Lei Talisman.

Now come another one of Mai's lineage, haha, not surprising!

He Qingfeng said, "We are people who have seen the world, so naturally we won't make a fuss."

Furthermore, he has the skills to draw spiritual talismans.

Junior Sister-in-law said that he alone can walk sideways in Xuanmen.

No matter how awesome the other person’s background is, he still has to come to him to ask for a magic talisman!

How much money should be given, how much money should be given.

Therefore, when He Qingfeng sees "people of the same mind", he will only be excited and not think too much at all.

"Do you two know the price of the magic talisman? It's clearly marked at one million a piece! Discounts are given for large quantities. You can become a member, dear!"

As He Qingfeng spoke, he couldn't help but adopt a customer service tone.

Uncle Junior \u0026 Su Wenbo:...

It was clear that when he was facing ordinary people just now, he had a somewhat noble demeanor.

Why did he turn into a philistine-looking businessman now?

Look at those eager eyes and listen to those nonsense words. He looks like a wretched villain inexplicably.

He Weisuo Qingfeng continued to introduce enthusiastically, "Our membership in Guiyuan Guan is absolutely worth every penny. The annual membership fee is——"

This time, before He Qingfeng could finish what he said, Su Wenbo, whose face was full of words, hurriedly interrupted: "I know! We all know!"

"However, we are not here to buy magic talismans this time, but to meet our little sister-in-law!"

When He Qingfeng heard that the other party was not here to "consume", the enthusiastic smile on his face suddenly dropped.

"Please see my little aunt? My little aunt doesn't see visitors!"

He Qingfeng said a little coldly.

He complained secretly in his heart: He actually opened his mouth and shut up about Little Senior Aunt. Is that what you called Little Senior Aunt? Huh, Junior Sister-in-law is from our Guiyuan Temple, so you deserve it?

Su Wenbo couldn't hear He Qingfeng's thoughts, but he felt the pulse of He Qingfeng, "I'll buy the magic talisman! One million per piece, no problem!"

"It's just that we really have something to ask our little sister-in-law, and we would like to ask the Guanzhu to help us spread the word!"

Su Wenbo tried to use money to break He Qingfeng's persistence.

He Qingfeng:...

Humph, I really don’t think I’ve ever seen money.

In the past few days, I have made a small profit just by selling magic charms.

A mere one million, I, I... He Qingfeng swallowed subconsciously and spit.

There is no way, I have been afraid of poverty since I was a child.

Even though there was a huge number in his account that he could not even imagine in the past, He Qingfeng still valued money extremely.

Let's talk about one million, even one hundred yuan, He Qingfeng wouldn't be able to part with it.

However, compared with money and the little aunt, the little aunt is more important!

Suppressing the eagerness in his heart, He Qingfeng shook his head firmly, "I'm sorry! If you buy the magic talisman, we can trade directly!"

"But, Junior Sister is an elder of my sect and has been practicing in seclusion. Without her permission, I would never dare to disturb her!"

As for meeting foreigners casually, don't even think about it.

Su Wenbo couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he heard He Qingfeng's firm words without any room for maneuver.

He was about to say something more, but was stopped by his junior uncle: "Okay, Wenbo, I'll do it!"

He Qingfeng:’s you? That won’t work either!

Although this young uncle looked handsome and handsome like an immortal, he was definitely not an ordinary mortal.

However, the young master's aunt was too important to him and to Guiyuan Guan, and he would never dare to slight her.

He Qingfeng was about to shake his head when he saw his junior uncle perform a hand strike, and then, a thunder sound sounded in the air.


It was a sunny day, but thunder suddenly sounded.

People inside and outside the Taoist temple were a little shocked.

Even He Qingfeng was frightened——

Without using talismans, relying only on magic power, he attracted a mysterious thunder!

This young master's cultivation level is really not low.

Su Wenbo puffed up his chest proudly, his junior uncle was the most powerful.

Only the young uncle's face became even more embarrassed after attracting Xuan Lei.

If he hadn't persisted desperately, he might have fallen to the ground.

The Wuji Art was running wildly in his body, barely suppressing the raging corpse poison, and the young master's body became weaker and weaker.

However, he is good at pretending, or in other words, he is used to pretending.

No matter how unlucky he was, his face still showed the calmness and reserve of an expert.

"...A good trick!"

In midair, a crisp female voice actually sounded.

This voice struck straight to the soul.

Ordinary people without cultivation would not be able to hear it at all.

Even if you have cultivation, if you are not the designated target, you will not be able to hear it.

The junior uncle, Su Wenbo and He Qingfeng all heard it, indicating that it was only for the three of them.

"Secret sound transmission!"

The young master's uncle was shocked.

This little aunt's cultivation was even more advanced than he had predicted.

As the recognized number one person in Xuanmen, at this moment he met a person with a higher level of cultivation than himself.

Not only was the little uncle not disappointed or jealous, but he was very happy.

He is saved!

Before, I had only guessed that the young master's cultivation was high, but I had never seen it with my own eyes.

At this moment, although he still didn't "see" it, just by relying on the other party's "secret sound transmission" move, the young uncle knew that the other party's cultivation level was really very, very high!

Having broken through the legendary Xiantian realm, he became a Qi Refiner and a true immortal cultivator!

The young uncle's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and if it weren't for his good self-control, he would almost burst into tears.

"Don't dare! It's my class that's doing something wrong!"

The young uncle controlled his emotions and still looked calm and relaxed. He bowed his hands in the direction of the voice and saluted, "Ma Yi Xuanmo, I have met senior!"

"So you are Xuan Mo, the number one person in Xuanmen!"

He Tiantian is still very close to her junior uncle.

I have no choice but to use other people's Wuji Jue myself, and it's simply not that easy.

Even though the junior uncle had not personally taught her, in a sense, this person was definitely half of her master.

He Tiantian was instinctively close to her, and even had a hint of respect.

Her cultivation is so high that she is just cheating.

But Xuan Mo is truly an incredible genius. He created his own god-level technique, which alone is enough to kill everyone in an instant.

If it weren't for the partiality of Heaven, Xuan Mo would have been directly killed in order to let the male protagonist take over.

With his own abilities, he definitely has a chance to ascend to the upper world.

Therefore, when He Tiantian said that Xuan Mo was "the number one person in Xuanmen", she definitely did not mean to be sarcastic, but expressed her sincere admiration.

Su Wenbo had some misunderstandings. He instinctively wanted to say a few words, but thinking of his junior uncle's "trouble", he forced himself to endure it.

Even He Qingfeng felt that his junior aunt was deliberately speaking sarcastically, and he couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression on his face.

Only the junior uncle Xuan Mo still looked like an elegant gentleman. He gently raised the corners of his lips and said politely: "It's the favor of the Xuanmen. Xuan Mo should never claim to be the "number one"."

"...As expected of the talented, yet humble and gentle Junior Uncle Mai! I can cure your illness!"

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