The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 907 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (40)

"Go! Enter the tower!"

He Tiantian gave Xuan Mo a few talismans, and the two of them cautiously stepped onto the steps in front of the Buddha Bone Pagoda.


One of the talismans given by He Tiantian was a gathering talisman.

Xuan Mo was still running Wuji Jue in his body, and he absorbed all the spiritual energy of the Spirit Gathering Talisman in an instant.

The spiritual energy in Dantian was instantly replenished.

If he wasn't worried about the corpse poison taking the opportunity to cause trouble, Xuan Mo would have wanted to swallow up all the demonic and evil energy around the Buddha Bone Pagoda.

These dirty smells are very dangerous to other Xuanmen people.

But for the young master uncle who created his own Wuji Jue, it is the same as spiritual energy - it can be converted into the spiritual power he needs for cultivation!

such a pity!

His soul was severely injured, and the talisman given to him by his junior aunt only suppressed the raging corpse poison and forced him back slightly.

Although it was not completely removed, Xuan Mo still couldn't help but be careful when using his spiritual power and running his skills.

He was somewhat at a loss.

However, Xuan Mo was not too disappointed or angry.

His current condition is much better than before.

He can still use at least one-third of his power and still fight, instead of being reduced to a complete waste.

Moreover, it had only been less than a week since he had been with his little sister-in-law, and his health had improved significantly.

Xuan Mo was already very satisfied.

He had a hunch that if he was given some more time, the little aunt would be able to cure him slowly.

After absorbing the spiritual energy from the Spirit Gathering Talisman, Xuan Mo's complexion improved a lot.

He put the other talismans into his clothes and followed closely behind He Tiantian.

He Tiantian is responsible for exploring the path, while he is responsible for observing the surroundings and dealing with enemies that may appear at any time.

However, He Tiantian's use of the exorcism talisman might not be able to eliminate all the monsters around him, but it also created a vacuum zone around the two of them.

Those monsters didn't dare to get too close to the two of them, let alone attack!

The two of them climbed all the way from the first floor to the third floor smoothly.


He Tiantian stood at the door of the third floor, took a deep breath, and winked at Xuan Mo: Be careful!

Xuan Mo nodded and gave He Tiantian a concerned look: Be careful too!

Both of them had a premonition that they would definitely encounter danger if they entered this door.

The biggest secret of this temple should be inside!

The two of them were highly cultivated, but they never dared to ask for help.

Even in such a wild temple, even if they did not perceive the existence of a big BOSS level, the two of them were extremely cautious.

Hold the magic talisman in your hand and start running the exercises in your body.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo were in front of each other, two of them, you were protecting my back, and I was behind yours.

They were each other's horns, protecting each other, and slowly entered the house.

The area of ​​the Buddha Bone Pagoda on the third floor is not large. Except for the stairs, the interior is only about twenty square meters.

The surrounding walls are painted with paintings, but they are not those classic Buddhist patterns or stories, but rather gloomy and bloody hell scenes.

There are eighteen pictures on the walls of the eighteen levels of hell.

The craftsman who drew the picture is very good at painting. The characters in the picture, whether they are majestic ghosts or fearful evil spirits, are all painted lifelike.

Tongue-pulling Hell, Scissors Hell... Oil Pot Hell, Mountain of Knife Hell, etc., all kinds of tortures are so thrilling and horrifying to watch.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo will not be intimidated by such pictures.

However, is it too inappropriate to draw such horrific patterns in the Buddha Bone Pagoda, where the relics are supposed to be enshrined?

Moreover, the two also discovered that

These pictures are not simple paintings, but mixed with a certain amount of blood and evil spirit.

Ordinary people, or people with low cultivation in Xuanmen, if they watch it for a long time, it will affect their minds.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo looked at each other——

【Such monsters cannot be left behind! 】

[Well, after we find out the truth about the Buddha Bone Pagoda later, we will destroy this place that has caused harm to people! 】

The two communicated silently, and then began to search the entire stone room.

In fact, there wasn't much to search.

The stone chamber is not large in area and does not have many furnishings or mechanisms.

Apart from the gloomy and terrifying pictures around it, there is only a Buddhist niche in the middle.

The Buddhist niches were lit with lamps and burning incense burners.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo stood in front of the Buddhist niche. They observed carefully and found that what was enshrined in the Buddhist niche was not a relic, but a tablet.

He Tiantian frowned when she saw the name on the tablet clearly.

"This name looks familiar!"

The key is that such a name does not belong to the Chinese people at first glance, but, but -


He Tiantian and Xuan Mo spoke almost at the same time.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo are also people with excellent control. They have seen many storms and rarely show emotions.

But at this moment, seeing such a tablet, both of them felt furious and furious.

The blood all over his body was rushing upwards, and he could hardly control his reason.

Taking a deep breath, He Tiantian tried her best to stay rational.

Xuan Mo also had a cold face and further observed the Buddhist niche.

"There is a formation!"

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo spoke in unison again.

This tacit understanding, or in other words, the two people have reached a high degree of similarity in terms of eyesight and knowledge.

"Sister-in-law, you speak first!"

A smile flashed in Xuan Mo's eyes, but his face still looked cold.

"This is the eye of the Nine Jue Demonic Array! All the yin energy and evil energy are gathered on this Buddhist altar!"

He Tiantian did not refuse, but told all her findings.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xuan Mo immediately added, "Especially this tablet... someone is trying to resurrect the devil!"

He Tiantian slowly shook her head and corrected, "In fact, they are already doing it!"

"Besides, I have a bad feeling. I always feel that this is not an exception!"

The country of China is so big that there are too many unknown small temples like this.

As long as it's remote enough, as long as it's secretive enough, even for ordinary people, it's difficult for even people in Xuanmen to find it.

"Yes! This is definitely not an exception! Because this formation should be a huge chain formation!"

Xuan Mo said in a deep voice, fully realizing the seriousness of his gaffe.

But he still didn't expect that the ghosts and beasts would be so unscrupulous and actually reach out to Buddhism.

He used the souls, flesh and blood of the people to nourish those demons, and also tried to bring the demons back.

What are they going to do?

"Let's go and see the host again!"

He Tiantian tried her best to resist the urge to destroy the Buddhist altar, and said to Xuan Mo in a cold voice, "I want to see if this host is a human or a demon!"


Xuan Mo knew that He Tiantian was worried that there were other Xuanmen members in Zhenmo Temple.

Maybe he is still a ghostly Onmyoji.

Before taking action, you must find out everything about the Demon-Suppressing Temple.

The two of them stepped forward, and instead of taking the stairs, they flew out of the window like big birds.

After a few jumps, the two of them arrived at the front hall.

The host is a middle-aged man in his forties, fair and fat, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. He looks like Maitreya Buddha.

He Tiantian used her spiritual sense to investigate, and shook her head at Xuan Mo: "He has no cultivation, he is an ordinary person!"

Not even a serious monk.

Because his body is not contaminated with the incense of Buddhism and the due cause and effect.

Wild temples, fake monks, but no practitioners.

"I also looked at a few other monks, they are just like the host!"

Xuan Mo nodded and told the results of his investigation.

This is a group of profit-seeking charlatans.

Maybe they knew the evil plot, or maybe they were just lured by money to find such a dilapidated temple and commit such acts of harming their compatriots.

"I also discovered that this mountain village has long been abandoned. Except for a few old people who are unwilling to leave their hometown, there are not many residents at all."

Xuan Mo continued to speak, with a little compassion in his solemn expression.

Because the few remaining families have still become food for the monsters, without even leaving their souls.

"...I also discovered it. In addition, I also discovered that a tragedy happened in this place decades ago, and hundreds of innocent people were buried in the mass graves in the back mountain!"

He Tiantian had an angry expression and a low tone.

Those behind the scenes would choose this small mountain village as the location of a demon feeding array because there are hundreds of innocent souls here.

They bound these wronged souls with formations, and then nourished the remaining soul of the devil.

"Shameless! Bastard!"

He Tiantian almost couldn't control her emotions when she thought of those poor people who had died in vain and could not find peace after death. In turn, they had to nourish the remaining souls of the beast who had hurt them.

"...Ghosts are hateful, and those accomplices who work for the tiger deserve to be killed!"

Xuan Mo has always been modest, like a gentleman who is as good as water.

But at this moment, he couldn't help but curse.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. The situation has been almost investigated. I'm going to destroy the formation and the Buddha Bone Pagoda!"

He Tiantian clenched her fists, huh, if you want to resurrect the devil on the land of China, it depends on whether she, the little junior sister-in-law, agrees!

"Well, I'll deal with these accomplices!"

As the former number one person in Xuanmen, Xuan Mo didn't feel that He Tiantian was stealing his limelight at the moment.

It is important for a person to know himself. If he is injured and can only exert one-third of his original strength, then he should not show off his strength.

Do what you can do and don't cause any trouble to the little master's aunt, that's the right thing to do!


He Tiandian nodded and gave Xuan Mo a few more talismans, "Be prepared!"

Xuan Mo took it directly, "Be careful too!"

The two exchanged words and then went their separate ways.

He Tiantian suppressed his cultivation and ensured that he was consistent with the ceiling of cultivation in this supernatural world, that is, he was no different from his junior uncle in his heyday.

She used the Guiyuan Jue and began to break the formation.

The black air that shrouded the small mountain village noticed He Tiantian's movements. They became angry and began to attack desperately.

He Tiantian threw out a handful of talismans, and thunder rumbled in the sky.

A series of mysterious thunder struck down from the sky, like sharp blades, cutting through the thick layer of black energy.

He Tiantian took advantage of the victory and pursued it, and came to the nine formation points one after another, either smashing them with the Xuan Lei Talisman, or burning them clean with the Fierce Fire Talisman.

As the positions were removed one by one, the black energy in Zhenmo Temple and the surrounding small mountain villages dissipated a lot.

Xuan Mo arrested the host and several others and restrained them with spiritual power while paying attention to He Tiantian's actions.

Feeling the demonic energy dissipating around him, Xuan Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief——

fine! fine!

With her advanced cultivation and sufficient spiritual talismans, the young aunt will definitely be able to cleanse this demonic realm.

However, before Xuan Mo could relax, he heard a roar that hit his soul——

【Roar! 】

【who is it! Who dares to alarm me? ! 】

【Roar! Hoho! kill! Kill! 】

Xuan Mo's soul was damaged to begin with, and when he heard such a roar, he couldn't hold on.

Xuan Mo didn't dare to delay and quickly took out a spirit-gathering talisman from his lapel.

He desperately ran Wuji Jue to convert the spiritual energy of the spiritual talisman into the spiritual power he needed.

One Sunday, two Sundays...

Xuan Mo kept busy. After an unknown amount of time, he finally controlled the rolling corpse poison.

Moreover, he was pleasantly surprised to find that after this experience, the corpse poison had receded a lot.

He is now able to exert less than half of his original strength.

After clenching his fist and feeling his own strength, Xuan Mo stopped delaying and hurriedly chased in the direction of the Buddha Bone Pagoda.

In the Buddha Bone Pagoda, He Tiantian was fighting fiercely with a group of black monsters.

The monster was extremely crazy, and He Tiantian tried her best.

Xuan Lei Talisman! Fire Talisman! Demon-killing Talisman!

There were lightning and thunder in mid-air, fire was shining again, and there was a faint golden light flashing.


"Stop, you humble ants, stop it!"

The monster was angry and frightened, and it roared fiercely.

He Tiantian would not listen to its exchange and continued to attack desperately.

Her fingertips were filled with spiritual energy, and with a wave of her hand, a spiritual energy blade flew over.

With a click, a small ball of demonic energy was removed from the monster.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"

The monster screamed repeatedly, and not much of its body was left with He Tiantian's slashes from left to right.

"Damn it! I'm going to fight you!"

The monster finally realized that if he didn't fight back with all his strength, he would be driven to pieces.

It decided to fight to the death and die together with He Tiantian!


The monster exploded in cultivation, concentrating all the yin and evil energy around it onto itself.

He Tiantian had just chopped it down to a black ball of air as big as a football, which instantly expanded and swelled, like a big black cover, covering the sky.

He Tiantian didn't dare to underestimate him. She stuffed herself with a spirit-gathering pill to replenish the rapidly passing spiritual energy.

Then, she took out the remaining stack of spiritual talismans and continued to pour enough spiritual energy into her other hand.

With a spiritual talisman in one hand and a spiritual energy blade in the other, He Tiantian also fought...

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