It was Cheng Yiming who called.

The last time I worked with He Tiantian to shoot "Breaking Dawn".

And Cheng Yiming, who is going downhill in the entertainment industry, also succeeded in becoming famous by relying on the murderous ghost character in the play.

This time, it wasn't just Cheng Yiming's fans who were bragging about his acting skills.

Even some passerby fans, or movie fans, are also teasing in various ways——

[My brother Yiming is right, if you are strong, you will be strong, and if you are weak, you will be weak! 】

[Haha, as long as Brother Yi Ming forgets that he is a handsome guy, and doesn't try to be cool or handsome, he will be able to act online! 】

[It's not just online acting, he clearly has a super level of playing with the old drama bones. 】

[I still remember the champion Hou back then, wearing silver armor and a red horse, oh my, childhood god. 】

【...I heard that as long as I, Brother Yiming, don't take pictures of the domineering president, I won't be abusive? 】

【Is it oily or not? Brother Yiming has clearly removed the oil successfully...】

All kinds of ridicule on the Internet spread everywhere.

There are also some malicious slander or slander.

However, it doesn't matter whether it's praise, ridicule, or embarrassment for the sake of being black, the result is that Cheng Yiming's traffic is up.

He's back in the top tier again.

I heard that this year Cheng Yiming was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the Golden Flower Awards.

Back then, when he first debuted, he directly won the best actor award for "Young Huo Qubing".

Become famous as a teenager, debut is the pinnacle!

Immediately afterwards, he acted in several popular TV series one after another, and gained a super high nationality.

However, it may be that "the prosperity must decline".

Facing the oncoming popularity, fame and fortune, Cheng Yiming drifted away, and began to run wildly on the greasy road of pretending to be cool and handsome.

Make a film, throw a film, the key is that the reputation will also be damaged.

After all these years,

Cheng Yiming completely consumed his excellent reputation and became synonymous with bad movies.

Coupled with the scandal of a love triangle with two actresses, his reputation has dropped to the bottom.

Before accepting the filming of "Breaking Dawn", Cheng Yiming was thinking about quitting the circle.

He simply has shares in several film and television companies under his name, as well as other industries. It is good to be a pure capital after retiring from the industry.

It's just that Cheng Yiming is not reconciled.

He became famous when he was young, and in the past ten or twenty years, he has long been accustomed to a life of star-studded and star-studded life.

Moreover, to put it in a word that might be tricked, he really likes acting and being an actor!

Therefore, when Feng Jing sent him an invitation to audition, he carefully studied the script, breaking his own practice of not playing villains or supporting roles.

He, fight!

In order to save his acting career, Cheng Yiming not only acted as a villain, but also as a ghost that the Chinese people hate so much.

Subsequent facts proved that Cheng Yiming's "break the boat" was extremely correct.

Not only did he become popular with Inuyang Shaozuo in "Breaking Dawn", he also won back his nationality.

The most important thing is that Cheng Yiming recognized himself.

He knows how to settle down, know how to restrain himself, and study acting in a down-to-earth manner.

No, before the aftermath of the dawn had completely passed, Cheng Yiming began to look for a notebook, preparing to take advantage of the victory to pursue and further consolidate his position as a top-tier player.

"It's a TV series, I don't know if you're interested!"

After reading the script, Cheng Yiming felt a little interesting.

And there was a second female role, Cheng Yiming suddenly felt that He Tiantian was very suitable.

Yes, we worked together on a movie, and Cheng Yiming felt very good about this little girl, He Tiantian.

Don't get me wrong, there is no ambiguity, just pure appreciation.

Cheng Yiming is well-known in the circle as a popular person, he likes taking care of newcomers the most.

Especially newcomers who are well-qualified, talented, and willing to endure hardships.

He Tiantian met all the above points.

She also has an advantage that Cheng Yiming cares about the most——

This girl actually has a kung fu background. When she was filming a fight scene, she was so smooth and smooth!

It just so happens that this TV series is a costume historical drama. Although there are not many fight scenes, there are also some action scenes, horse riding and other scenes.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiming asked casually, "By the way, Tiantian, can you ride a horse? It doesn't matter if you don't, you can learn first. I know a horse farm, it's very good—"

"I can!"

He Tiantian interrupted Cheng Yiming's words directly, and said with great confidence.

Not only can she know how, but she can also shoot arrows on horseback.


Cheng Yiming scratched his nose, this little girl really knows everything.

"Okay, I'll send you the script for a look, if you're interested, you can audition!"

After a moment of silence, Cheng Yiming spoke enthusiastically again.

"It's directed by Chen Lin. Although she is a female director, she is best at making historical dramas. My "Young Huo Qubing" back then was directed by Chen!"

"I recommended you to her, and she also watched Breaking Dawn, and she is very satisfied with your performance!"

Young, beautiful, good at martial arts, and good at acting, he is simply the actor most wanted by the directors.

The key is that He Tiantian has no flaws in her body, and there are still bright spots that can be hyped——

Freshman at Peking University!

Hua Guo always has the greatest kindness and tolerance for those who can read.

If he studies well and goes to a prestigious school, people will subconsciously think that he is a good boy.

Although Chen Lin didn't quite understand why a Peking University student would like to film and make his debut smoothly, but with a Peking University student's name, he would be a hit.

"...Hey, I'm the number one male in this show, so I invested some money by the way!"

This is another reason why Chen Lin would accept Cheng Yiming's recommendation.

Cheng Yiming said it modestly, but he is actually the second investor in this show.

The selling price is 30 million. If there is a need in the future, it is estimated that there will be more.

No way, he is not only a big star, but also a very good investment capital.

It's just that he's not very high-profile in this respect, and the public is most concerned about his ups and downs in acting skills, as well as gossip and gossip that make hot searches from time to time.

"I recommend you to play the second female role. Even though it's a supporting role, it's really brilliant."

"The general's daughter, a character like Hua Mulan, doesn't have much emotional drama, only the purity and sincerity of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country."

Cheng Yiming sat across from He Tiantian in a very private restaurant.

He directly took out a script and said to He Tiantian, "Look for yourself. I think the character design is pretty good, and it's easy to shine."

Although it is not the vicious female supporting role that is popular nowadays, it is even too bright and upright.

But the positive characters, if they are well portrayed and their acting skills can keep up, are the real brilliance.

Cheng Yiming thinks the role of the female general is very good.

When he was young, he was carefree in fresh clothes and angry horses.

When disasters happened at home, the father went out to fight on behalf of the father, and the women would not give up their eyebrows.

As long as the strength is enough, this character can definitely explode.

Cheng Yiming doesn't have a good eye for choosing scripts for himself, but he is more reliable in judging other people.

He Tiantian took the script and looked at it at a glance.

Of course, what she read was not the complete script. After all, she hadn't signed a contract yet and needed to keep it secret.

What she held in her hand was the script of the second female lead, Dugu Danxia.

Well, as soon as He Tiantian saw Dugu's unique surname, she immediately guessed the reference background of this fictional historical drama——

From the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The Dugu family is one of the eight surnames in Xianbei, and it is also famous in history because of having the best father-in-law in history.

However, Dugu Danxia has nothing to do with Dugu Xin and his three queen daughters.

He Tiantian scanned the plot and got a general understanding.

The second female lead in this script is not the Dugu queens, but it has something to do with it.

She can be regarded as a powerful subordinate of the heroine Queen Dugu. When the heroine helps her husband conquer the world, the second female lead is a very eye-catching surprise soldier.

Dugu Danxia is the heroine's clan sister, and the blood relationship has been very weak.

However, they grew up together since they were young, and they are closer than real sisters, and they are perfect best best friends.

Therefore, in this drama, the female second did not fall in love with the male first, but became the most powerful helper and partner of the female first.

The second female lead doesn't have too many emotional dramas, she just focuses on fighting, "protecting my sister"!

"The second female doesn't love the first male, and she can even have a CP with the female. It's absolutely anti-routine!"

He Tiantian is satisfied just by looking at this setting.

She doesn't like the kind of scenes where the second female and third female only know that they are obsessed with the first male, and then a group of women vie for it.

What are you fighting for? Wouldn't it be good to start a career with good sisters? !

"Yes! I just think the script is well written, so I want to invest money!"

Cheng Yiming nodded with a smile.

The male protagonist he wants to play is not the perfect male protagonist in the traditional sense.

He is ambitious, dark and cunning, not a benevolent father, but a real politician.

Of course, overhead historical dramas are not real dramas, but emotional dramas.

His love with Dugu is the only emotional embellishment in the whole play.

Others are treacherous tactics, cruel and fierce wars, and the righteousness of completing the unification of the country.

Cheng Yiming's blood was boiling with enthusiasm. He had a premonition that as long as the script was filmed, as long as he was convinced and the acting skills of the main actors were on the line, the show would explode!

"Tiantian, how about this Dugu Danxia role? I think it suits you very well!"

Young and proud, she has the freedom and publicity of a noble girl from an aristocratic family, and the bravery and arrogance of a general and a tiger girl.

Cheng Yiming has seen He Tiantian's performance, and he feels that with He Tiantian's ability, he can completely control such a role.

Especially since the opponent can ride a horse, there is no need to train in advance.

Like him, he has already found a horse farm, hired a professional rider, and is preparing for a period of training.

"I want to try it! Thank you Brother Yiming!"

He Tiantian also found it interesting, so she nodded and agreed with a smile.

The two talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

And taking a photo at a certain angle is actually a bit ambiguous.

So, no surprise, He Tiantian had her first scandal since her debut——

"Cheng Yiming has a tryst with a mysterious girl, and there is a new opponent in the battle between the two snows?"

"Xue Min vs. Zhang Xueqing? Cheng Yiming: No, I have a new love!"

"Cheng Yiming's new rumored girlfriend—"

There was almost an uproar on the Internet. One of the parties involved, He Tiantian, returned to school, and faced the fiery gaze of her roommate, she was immediately caught in the ring.

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