rich! capricious! !

It wasn't just Cheng Yiming who sighed like this, but also Chen Lin who heard about it later couldn't help but secretly startled.

She even asked three times: "How old is she? Is she still a college freshman? Where does she get so much money?"

Before Chen Lin chose He Tiantian, she naturally investigated her related information——

Eighteen years old, freshman, because he participated in the winter camp of Peking University, he was admitted without examination.

Not any second generation, just an ordinary girl from a small county.

Uh, it can't be said that he is ordinary, he is a god of learning after all.

I heard that I made a few small inventions and applied for patents, and then created my own entertainment technology company.

The "Guardian No. 1", which has been very popular in the market recently and is almost hyped up by the public, was developed and sold by He Tiantian's he company.

At first, seeing these messages on Du Niang, Chen Lin still felt in a daze——

Is the entertainment industry already so voluptuous?

Not only do you need a high degree of education, but you also need to have your own inventions and creations?

Soon Chen Lin overturned her guess, she was thinking: Maybe He Tiantian is just capital.

She is rich, and by chance, she bought a good invention, and then——

Chen Lin didn't look down on He Tiantian, let alone question her status as a student god.

Just based on her cognition, it is really hard for her to imagine that a girl who is eighteen or nineteen years old and still working in the entertainment industry will have such a heaven-defying "record".

Chen Lin also had a guess as to why He Tiantian, who came out of a small town as a small town writer, got rich.

Because of his good looks, he was discovered by director Feng Jing.

Because of making a movie, he was chosen by several brands and selected as the brand spokesperson.

Relying on the first bucket of gold from the endorsement fee, they bought a few small inventions and applied for patents... It was like a snowball, and the assets increased.

Until it grows into the capital of the current Haoren humanity!

Chen Lin's guess,

Most people will have it, and it is more in line with common sense.

Even Cheng Yiming had similar thoughts.

After all, in the eyes of them and the public, some talented academic gods are more realistic than national treasure-level geniuses.

And the latter, hehe, are you sure you are not reading Su Shuang's heroine Shuangwen?

Talents at the national treasure level at every turn, really think that "national treasure" is Chinese cabbage!

Whether a national treasure-level genius is a Chinese cabbage, Chen Lin dare not argue, but now her investment is really a bit too much, which makes her very excited.

Originally, Chen Lin had already secured an investment of 100 million, and with Cheng Yiming's 30 million, he could barely make up 150 million.

Then there was Zhao Feier's investment.

Cough cough, people said, if Dugu Danxia can't do it, then come a third girl.

Of course, for the third female or something, you can't give 50 million, but there are 20 million.

Then came another 80 million from He Tiantian's crazy fans——

The amount of investment that can be received is close to 250 million.

Is this still a TV series on horseback? Making a movie is enough.

He Tiantian here is also inhumane and wants to "bring capital into the group", which is 90 million in one area.

However, He Tiantian's meaning is very clear, she does not accept the "admiration" of local rich fans, let alone be coerced and threatened by capital.

The transparent Chen Lin immediately said: "Lian Sanshao, I will explain it clearly to him!"

Either it's pure investment, or it's not.

Spending money to promote idols and so on, other idols don't agree.

Chen Lin really wanted the 80 million, but the actor she fancied gave more.

Chen Lin weighed between the two, and in the end she favored He Tiantian.

She called Lian Sanshao herself in great pain, and said the first time she refused in her life.

Oh, that feeling, how reluctant to give up, but also weirdly refreshing——

Hahaha, in my lifetime, my old lady also boldly said "no" to those stinky capital!

She is simply a modern example of "not bending down for five buckets of rice".

Feeling refreshed, Chen Lin still left some space on the phone, she secretly said:

As long as Lian San Shao doesn't stick to the dandy style of "spending money to make actors" and just purely invests, she and the crew are still very welcome.

"...I originally wanted to invest, but I have a special status as a "lotus leaf". I want Director Chen to take care of us Tiantian!"

What made Chen Lin happy was that Lian Sanshao on the other end of the phone was not such a stubborn and willful master, but was very reasonable.

Chen Lin heard a warm voice, and said slowly: "Okay, since Tiantian doesn't need the help of our fans, then forget it."

"Money, I still want to invest, not in the name of fans, just a pure investor!"

"In addition, when filming, I won't interfere too much. At most, I can visit the set occasionally. This, shouldn't be too much!"

Chen Lin burst into laughter in her heart, and responded again and again: "Not too much! Not too much! You are an investor, and you should go to the crew to inspect it, and you should be rewarded!"

"Okay, then I'll thank Director Chen in advance! Don't worry, I just went to the production crew to take a look around, and I will never interfere with the shooting, let alone disturb the actors!"

Lian Sanshao's implication is very clear, he will not wantonly harass actresses just because of his capital.

Throwing money readily, without forcing actors, without unspoken rules, and without interfering with filming, is simply the most perfect investor.

Chen Lin agreed immediately.

Soon, Lian Sanshao's first investment arrived quickly.

He Tiantian wasn't too slow, and asked the company to give 20 million to the crew first.

There are also Zhao Fei'er, Cheng Yiming and other investments, all of which have been credited to the account.

"Haha, it went so well for the first time."

Chen Lin laughed wildly. She has been a director for more than 20 years, and this is the first time she is so rich.

After all, according to the usual practice, the employer said that he wanted to invest, and not all of them were credited to the account at once.

Some just give a little bit first, and then start acting as monsters in various ways relying on being the father of the funder.

Some are even tossing until the end, and the promised investment never arrives at all.

Even if you have reliable capital, you will spend money in stages.

Many times, the crew will run out of money while filming.

At this time, part of the filming had already been made, and if they gave up, it would definitely be a huge loss.

But if you continue to shoot, you need money.

At this time, if there is capital coming to invest money, no matter how outrageous the request made by the other party, the crew will grit their teeth and agree.

What changed actors, what changed the script... all kinds of chaos came out.

Chen Lin is better. After all, she is a famous director who has been coerced by capital relatively rarely.

But for more and more ordinary directors, alas, for the sake of money and for the completion of their own works, they really endured and endured, almost turning into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The money is in place, and I am still very rich. I didn't say one word - shoot!

After choosing an auspicious day, Chen Lin led the crew to hold the opening ceremony in the film and television city.

Burning incense and saying goodbye are not superstitious, or simply trying to get a good start.

He Tiantian stood at the front with several important characters, and was also given a lot of fragrance by the crew.

He Tiantian followed Cheng Yiming and burned incense together.

The surrounding flashlights flickered.

He Tiantian was used to the flashlight, so she wasn't too cramped.

She obediently followed the procedure and completed the ceremony with everyone.

"Good luck starting up!"

"Good luck starting up!"

The staff sent red envelopes to the main creators and actors, and He Tiantian was also stuffed with a big one.

"Brother Yiming, how much is your red envelope?"

After the ceremony, He Tiantian took the red envelope and chatted with Cheng Yiming in a corner.

"Haha, it's not much, maybe a few thousand yuan, just for auspiciousness!"

Cheng Yiming opened the red envelope, took out a stack of red bills, and showed it to He Tiantian with a smile.

"Yes, I hope our drama will go smoothly!"

He Tiantian put away the red envelope, and said to Cheng Yiming with a smile.

"It will definitely go well!"

The speaker was a beautiful woman in her thirties. What attracted her most attention was not her exquisite facial features, but her dignified and elegant temperament.

"Sister Li!" Cheng Yiming hastily greeted warmly.

He Tiantian also shouted, "Mr. Jiang is good!"

The person who came was Jiang Li, the female lead of "The King's Landing", the well-known Da Qingyi in the circle.

She is thirty-six years old this year, but because she is well maintained, she looks less than thirty years old.

The key is the kind of beauty that is not skinny, and the super good temperament, which makes her have a unique charm.

She is one year older than Cheng Yiming, and she made her debut earlier. She filmed a movie directed by Chen Lin when she was fourteen.

After working hard in the entertainment circle for more than 20 years, he basically won all domestic awards.

Regardless of qualifications or achievements, she is a proper big sister.

Cheng Yiming respectfully called her "Sister Li", which couldn't be more appropriate.

It was the second time He Tiantian and Jiang Li met, and the first time was when they were taking makeup photos.

In the circle, actors who are not very familiar with each other often respectfully call "teacher".

There is not much interpretation, just a simple expression of politeness.

"Don't dare, haha, you two are the capital fathers of our crew."

Jiang Li looked cold and noble, but she was actually easy to talk to.

Of course, they also wanted to make friends with Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian.

Thinking about it, a woman entered the industry at the age of fourteen and has worked in this Vanity Fair for more than twenty years.

If there is no scheming, it is impossible.

It's not intentional flattery, it's just that people with money and background like Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian, there is no harm in being more polite and close to themselves.

"Sister Li, don't make fun of me, I just invested some spare money."

Cheng Yiming rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Speaking of investment, I heard that Sister Li also invested a little?"

"Well! Isn't this following you, brother Yiming, to have meat to eat?"

Jiang Li is not as good at investing as Cheng Yiming, but she has been in the industry for a long time, so she definitely has a lot of personal assets.

This time, she heard that Cheng Yiming invested money, and even the second female lead brought money into the group, so she couldn't hold back, so she followed suit.

It's not for investment, but it's just because I want to be more confident in the crew.

Of course, if she could take the opportunity to make some money, she would be very happy.

Therefore, Jiang Li was very polite to Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian who invested tens of millions.

Jiang Li intends to befriend her, and neither Cheng Yiming nor He Tiantian are awkward.

They are three very important characters in the play, and they have a lot of daily rivalry.

All three of them had a positive attitude, and they quickly warmed up.

"Brother Yiming, Teacher He, Teacher Jiang, you are all here!"

Just as He Tiantian, Cheng Yiming, and Jiang Li were talking and laughing, a young female voice came in.

The three of them turned their heads together and saw the face of the person coming.

"So it's Fei'er!" Jiang Li and Zhao Fei'er had cooperated once, and they were considered acquaintances, so they greeted with a smile.

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian exchanged a silent look——

Cheng Yiming: So this is Zhao Feier.

He Tiantian: Hmm, I heard that she also "brought money into the group".

Moreover, she once wanted to compete with He Tiantian for the second female role.

It's a pity that the acting skills are not as good as it is, and the money has never been spent.

Cheng Yiming: ...Don't gloat so much, after all, the filming is the most important thing for a crew!

He Tiantian curled her lips: Of course I know, but in the script, Zhao Feier and I are old enemies, and now it's a "preview".

Cheng Yiming: Take it easy! Don't overdo it!

He Tiantian: Don't worry, I have a measure.

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian winked for a while.

The cute and chubby Zhao Fei'er is not really soft and cute.

A gleam flashed in her eyes, and she said with a smile, "Brother Yiming, Teacher He, you two have such a good relationship!"

This is slightly ambiguous.

If He Tiantian and Cheng Yiming hadn't had an affair before, Zhao Fei'er said so, there would be no problem.

Just not long ago, the two were on the hot search because of their "private meeting".

Although things subsided quickly, Cheng Yiming also officially announced his relationship.

However, there is always a small group of people who can't wake up, they stubbornly think that there is adultery between Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian.

Therefore, on the Internet, there are still a few discordant voices.

In particular, "The King's Landing" announced the list of actors, and the names of Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian appeared on the same list again.

Of course, the two are not lovers this time, but after all, they are "two couples".

So those sunspots and trolls started running up and down on social platforms such as vbo and dyin again.

At this moment, Zhao Fei'er said innocently, "You two have such a good relationship", hehe, it would be a ghost if she was so innocent!

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of Liaozhai are they playing? !

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian sneered secretly.

However, they greeted politely and smiled innocently, so they couldn't pretend not to hear them.

Cheng Yiming replied with a half smile, "Fortunately, Tiantian is my sister."

When he said this, he didn't mean to deal with Zhao Fei'er, but to tell the truth.

Ever since he met He Tiantian and had a deep understanding with her, Cheng Yiming regarded this sensible, well-behaved, clean and neat little girl as his younger sister.

"That's right, brother Yiming, you have to take good care of me, otherwise, wait for my sister-in-law to visit the class and see how I sue you!"

He Tiantian also agreed with a smile, and the conversation was full of closeness to Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing.

He Tiantian is not just acting, she is quite familiar with the new couple Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing.

Cheng Yiming is the source of the same movie, and Zhang Xueqing sincerely admires He Tiantian——

This girl is too cheating!

-----Off Topic-----

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