The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 919 Confrontation

"This is Lian Sanshao, Lian Ye. Speaking of which, he has the same name as your fan name!"

Sensing He Tiantian's small movements, Chen Lin turned her head and saw Lian Sanshao and his party.

She hastily introduced with a smile.

Logically speaking, a big director like her wouldn't care what the fan names of the actors in her crew were.

But this time is different.

Firstly, Lian Ye Lian San Shao's reputation is too great.

Secondly, the 80 million investment was made in the name of the number one fan, which is really novel.

After going back and forth, Chen Lin remembered Lian Ye's identity as "Lotus Leaf".

Perhaps, having the same name as He Tiantian's fan name may also be one of the reasons why Lian Ye became a fan of He Tiantian.

Lian Ye?

Helian Ye?

Wild copywriter? !

He Tiantian's heart was full of turmoil, but on the surface she tried her best to remain calm.

Seeing Chen Lin turning her head frequently, she probably wanted to rush over to say hello to investors.

But she was still chatting with He Tiantian just now, so it didn't seem very good to leave rashly.

After all, He Tiantian is not only an actor, but also a capital that cannot be offended.

"Director Chen, go get busy first, I'll study the script myself!"

He Tiantian said to Chen Lin with a smile while holding the script rolled into a ball.

"Hey! Good! It's just a matter of time for you to think about it, whether you should do it yourself or use a substitute."

Chen Lin, who was struggling, suddenly heard He Tiantian's words, and suddenly felt like "the rain meets the rain after a long drought".

She threw a word to He Tiantian, and hurried up to meet him.

From far away, He Tiantian could hear Chen Lin shouting "San Shao Lian" and "San San Shao Lian".

And that Lian Ye didn't seem to be an arrogant and arrogant person.

clear voice,

The tone of voice is neither high nor low, and when speaking, the demeanor is so easy-going.

He Tiantian quietly looked at Lian Ye, an "enemy" in her heart.

Um? etc!

He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something, she retracted her gaze, and summoned classmate D with her consciousness.

For some things, you still need to ask the system or the mentally handicapped assistant.

However, He Tiantian didn't go straight to the point, but asked in a roundabout way, "Little D, is there any anti-virus mission that specifically expels writers recently?"

He Tiantian has a guess that needs to be verified.

And the question she raised can be answered in a disguised form.

"Huh? Tiantian, you have a mission to do?"

"Haha, it's good to do the mission! What a wonderful mission world, and the rewards are generous!"

"...Seeing that you are busy filming every day recently, I thought you forgot your business!"

Student D really lived up to the reputation of "mentally retarded". When he heard that He Tiantian had to do a task, he couldn't even clarify the key points in his words, so he started to get excited.

It still babbled a lot before it stopped suddenly with a "crack", "Wait, Tiantian, are you going to do an anti-virus task?"

"Oh, what's the point of antivirus missions? It's better to customize missions!"

"The rewards are high, and it's also challenging. It's the most suitable for a really powerful old man like you."

Little student D tried desperately to persuade, and even exaggerated He Tiantian to the sky.

"The anti-virus task is also very interesting. Fight wits and bravery with wild writers, how about more training?"

"Furthermore, the points for anti-virus tasks are not low. Maybe not as good as customized tasks, but they are much higher than ordinary tasks."

He Tiantian was unmoved, and instead talked about the benefits of the anti-virus task.

She seems to have decided to do anti-virus missions.

Seeing this, student D had no choice but to tell the truth, "Uh, actually, there is no anti-virus task now!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, it was exactly as she had guessed.

However, He Tiantian still deliberately looked surprised, "There is no anti-virus task? What does this mean?"

"Have all the wild writers been killed? Or have the hostile forces been completely wiped out?"

This is simply not possible.

As long as there are interests, even if a hostile force is eradicated, new forces will rise.

This is like a pirated website in reality, if a batch is killed, new ones will pop up.

It can't be killed at all.

Compared with web sites, the book world has greater benefits.

He Tiantian doesn't believe that the system can completely eradicate those hostile forces that compete with it for benefits.

"Uh! No!"

Little student D was a little guilty, and said in a low voice, "Then what, Tiantian, you don't know, our little mother has incorporated several large hostile forces!"


annexation? !

Enemies in the past, now an alliance of interests? !

Although He Tiantian felt surprised, after thinking about it for a while, she felt it was reasonable.

In addition, Lian Ye was able to stand upright in front of him, instead of secretly investigating secretly like in the past, which can also explain certain problems.

"What's the situation? Student D, tell me about it!"

He Tiantian had various guesses in her heart, but she still looked puzzled on her face.

"Yeah, it's not a complicated thing, it's just that our little mother thinks those wild writers can't catch up no matter how hard they are."

Little classmate D said with a smile, "Also, readers, it seems that I am tired of the drama of PK with wild writers—"

He Tiantian understands that the latter is the key point.

The most important principle of Dian Niang is to satisfy the readers.

The reason why the profession of writers appears is also because the website has to meet the requirements, long-cherished wishes and so on of the readers.

It's all about serving readers!

Just like the so-called evil force, depending on the strength of Dianniang, it may not be impossible to deal with it.

But it still acquiesces that this force has existed for a long time.

It is for the contest between genuine writers and wild writers, which readers love to watch.

Today, the tastes of readers have changed again, and they no longer like the kind of dramas of fighting and intrigue, so Dianniang simply annexed the hostile forces directly.

The two families became one family, and the former wild writers were brought in to do the task.

This is also an excellent selling point, which will make many readers like it greatly.

He Tiantian is not a wild writer, not suitable for that type of task, and the rate of return for ordinary tasks is too low.

Only then did student D desperately persuade her to do the customized task.

He Tiantian is not opposed to doing this type of task.

As Xiao D said, the rewards for custom tasks are high, and the task difficulty is quite challenging.

He Tiantian likes challenges.

However, this does not mean that He Tiantian can be led by the nose by the system.

The feeling of being arranged by someone is too uncomfortable.

Also, He Tiantian also felt like being fooled when the enemy turned into an ally.

You know, in previous missions, He Tiantian fought wits and courage with wild writers.

That is to say, she has persistence in her heart, and she has a feeling of "being the same as the end of the world" towards the wild writer, so she didn't die with the other party.

Once he follows the requirements of the system and fights to the death with the other party, He Tiantian will definitely develop resentment, and then become not like himself.

Even so, He Tiantian's feelings towards wild writers are very complicated.

But now, classmate D told her: Dear, you don't need to fight with wild writers, you have become "colleagues", and you will be a family from now on!"

He Tiantian: ...I can't understand, I can't accept it.

At least for now, He Tiantian's heart is full of rejection.

There is a deep sadness——

Don't look at Xiao D's classmate calling her "big boss" one after another. In fact, she, He Tiantian, and the majority of writers are simply pawns that some people can play with and sacrifice at will.

Being used, being bullied... It's not taken seriously at all.

A certain corner of He Tiantian's heart was extremely angry, but she tried not to show it.

"...Oh, anyway, there will be no more anti-virus missions in the future!"

"Tiantian, you don't have to be wary of wild writers every day!"

The words that student D said obviously meant something——Lian Ye.

This wild writer who noticed He Tiantian's existence and secretly investigated.

He Tiantian's imaginary enemy.

He Tiantian: ...It's hard to say whether it is an imaginary enemy or not.

On the system side, maybe they can happily shake hands with the former hostile forces to make peace, but He Tiantian is even more vigilant.

"Lian Sanshao, this is He Tiantian, who plays the second female Dugu Danxia in the play!"

While He Tiantian was secretly communicating with classmate D, Chen Lin had finished exchanging greetings with Lian Ye, and led him around the set.

When seeing several important actors, Chen Lin would enthusiastically introduce them one by one.

Cheng Yiming, Jiang Li and others were also very polite to Lian San Shao.

As they walked, a group of people came to He Tiantian.

Chen Lin quickly introduced to Lian Ye with a smile.

He Tiantian raised her head, just in time to meet Lian Ye's deep eyes.

There was another thump in her heart, this is a man with deep thoughts.

And his concealment skills are no worse than He Tiantian's.

That deep gaze just flashed by, so fast that He Tiantian would mistakenly think that she was dazzled just now.

Looking at the past again, Lian Ye has changed into his original noble and reserved appearance.

Rich for three generations, he is still a young man in his twenties. He is originally rich, flamboyant and restrained.

Apart from the affluent and noble temperament of his original family, Lian Ye's appearance is also very good.

He is 183 tall and weighs about 140 to 50 catties.

The whole person looks very thin, but not thin.

He Tiantian reckoned that under Lian Ye's expensive casual clothes, where he couldn't see the famous brand, it wasn't skinny, but firm muscles.

Properly "dressed to look thin, undressed to look fleshy".

With a good figure and handsome features, coupled with a dignified temperament, he is no less inferior to male stars such as Cheng Yiming around him.

"He Tiantian, hello, I am your lotus leaf."

This is a bit of a pun.

Even more faintly provocative.

Cheng Yiming at the side couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing this.

What does Lian Sanshao mean, deliberately showing off ambiguity?

What "your lotus leaf"?

Director Chen just introduced him as Lian Ye.

At this moment, he is deliberately saying such misleading words. What does he, what does he want to do?

Could it be that he still has the idea of ​​"seeking actresses", but has become more reserved and more dignified? !

At this time, Cheng Yiming finally understood why He Tiantian insisted on investing by himself.

As long as you get the benefits of the other party, you will become emboldened.

What's more, even the third young master didn't make things difficult on purpose or pressure others with money, and they even put on a "pursuit" posture.

If He Tiantian had refused more times, maybe he would be labeled as "ignorant of flattery" and "refusal if he wants to be greeted".

This Lian San Shao is not a low rank!

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, seeing many ghosts and ghosts, Cheng Yiming's vision is particularly vicious.

Of course, it is also possible that he "measures the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain", maybe Lian Sanshao really likes He Tiantian.


It would be too frivolous to say "I am your lotus leaf (Lian Ye)" at the beginning.

Cheng Yiming, who had long regarded He Tiantian as his sister, was instinctively disgusted.

An "outsider" like Cheng Yiming felt this way, let alone He Tiantian who was the person involved.

She raised her eyebrows, and hooked the corners of her lips politely, "Young Master Lian was joking, I'm honored to have a fan like you!"

Since you claim to be a fan, you can only be a fan.

Don't think about anything else!

He Tiantian will strictly abide by this boundary, and will never let someone with a heart take a step beyond.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious!"

Lian Ye put away his slightly naughty smile, and said to He Tiantian seriously, "Tiantian, can I call you that?"

He Tiantian's numb face: ... If you can, you have called.

If I directly deny it, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to you Lian Sanshao?

As if not seeing He Tiantian's expression, Lianye continued, "Tiantian, I watched your Breaking Dawn three times, and I even found someone to make a collection of your clips."

"Oh, your performance as Twin Flowers is really great, especially the role of ROSE, the rose with thousands of faces and the beautiful snake with ever-changing changes, you portrayed it like a three-pointer!"

This should be a compliment.

But for some reason, He Tiantian just felt uncomfortable.

"San Shao won the award, mainly due to Director Feng's good guidance and the good cooperation of Yi Ming and other actors!"

He Tiantian said modestly.

Perhaps she was already wary of Lian Ye, and for every word Lian Ye said, He Tiantian subconsciously believed that there was something in the words.

In "Breaking Dawn", she played a pair of twins.

Miss Wuguan, warm and kind, is not only the hero's Bai Yueguang, but also the heart of many movie fans.

Both good and evil ROSE, vicious, vicious, hateful and pitiful, the character design is indeed easier to shine than Bai Yueguang.

But ROSE is evil after all, not really a good person.

However, Lian Ye boasted a lot about Rose, and even said "three points to the bone".

Why, is Lian Ye implying that He Tiantian is also a femme fatale, acting in her true colors?

"Tiantian, maybe people really like it, but you overinterpreted it!"

Little student D felt He Tiantian's psychological fluctuations, so he couldn't hold it back, so he jumped out to help Lian Ye with a few words.

He Tiantian frowned slightly, Xiao D students messed in, it is easy to leak energy fluctuations.

Lian Ye in front of him is not an ordinary person, He Tiantian dare not underestimate his vigilance and sensitivity.

Sure enough, at the moment little student D spoke in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, Lian Ye's childish hole shrank slightly.

He Tiantian captured it accurately, so she was finally sure——

Lian Ye is a wild writer.

And Lian Ye also cheered in his heart: He Tiantian, it really is you!

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