The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 922 The Exiled Villain (3)

He Tiantian opened her eyes and found that she was being held tightly by a big hand.

Her hands were huge, and there were obvious calluses on the palms. Being held so hard, her hands hurt.

He Tiantian's eyes fell on the big hand, and she happened to see part of her body.

Small, tender... He Tiantian can tell just by looking at the arms, which are not too thick, and the hands, which are n sizes smaller than the big ones -

The body that traveled through this time was still a half-grown child.

He was probably about ten years old.

Still a boy.

Because she had listened carefully just now, the man kept calling "Dalang".

He Tiantian didn't think that the body she traveled through was named Dalang.

Dalang is just a ranking, indicating that he is the first boy in the family.

So, it’s a woman wearing a man again this time?

He Tiantian subconsciously lowered her head and looked at her lower body.

Well, some old blue robes, covering up to the knees.

He Tiantian could only see two khaki pants legs and a pair of feet wearing cloth shoes with two holes.

The shoes were very old and worn, and both big toes were sticking out.

He Tiantian couldn't help but frown——

She had listened carefully just now and saw what the man said about Prince Yong'an and what he meant as a general.

He also said that his family had been greatly favored, and it was obvious that he had some connections with powerful people.

Moreover, the clothes of the men around him are much more sophisticated.

A sapphire blue satin robe with a good-quality jade pendant tied around the waist.

The pants are made of fine cotton silk, and he wears black official boots on his feet.

Official boots, even if the wording is not strict, are not worn by ordinary people and cannot be afforded.

He Tiantian has every reason to believe that the man who seems to be an elder holding her hand,

Even if he is not a member of the government, he is still somewhat wealthy.

Soon, the man's words confirmed some of He Tiantian's guesses——

"Your father and I were just a down-and-out ranger. If I hadn't met General Yu, I would have died in the Jianghu vendetta. How could I still have such a good life today?"

"And you, if your father and I weren't working as martial arts instructors in the Hou Mansion, would you be able to have enough to eat and study and practice martial arts?"

The man was still chattering, his words full of gratitude to General Yu and the Yong'an Marquis Mansion.

He Tiantian curled her lips playfully.

It’s interesting!

This man is actually the father of his own body.

Then the question arises, why is my father wearing silk and satin and looking sleek and rich?

Why is his son dressed in rags and extremely thin, as if he has not had enough to eat for a long time?

No, no, not as if, but as should.

Because He Tiantian just thought of the words "can't eat enough", her stomach roared.

Gulu! Gulu!

Hungry, this body is so hungry.

There was no food left in his stomach, and he felt as uncomfortable as burning.

Damn it, the father is tall and strong after eating, but the son is so hungry that he is sour.

Even though He Tiantian didn't have the memory of the original owner, she didn't think she had any close father-son relationship with this so-called father.

But the grown man next to me is still showing off his achievements, "Just be content with what you have done, that is, you have been reincarnated into my family. Otherwise, how could you have the good life you have today?"

"...Da Lang, you have to be grateful as a person. The reason why you have enough food and clothing is because you have me as your father."

"Your father and I can live a stable life today only because of the support of the general."

"My general was framed by a traitor. He obviously died for the country, but he still has to bear the reputation of being a fool who harmed the country."

"The huge Yong'an Marquis Mansion was also raided, and all relatives were exiled three thousand miles away."

"...The Crown Prince is such a noble person. He is also the only legitimate son left by the General. He is the heir to the Marquis Mansion. He cannot be exiled to a border town."

"Coincidentally, the crown prince is the same age as you, so you can take the crown prince's place..."

He Tiantian:......

Damn, listen, this is human language.

The prince is so noble that he cannot bear the pain of exile, so he lets his own son take his place?

Gee, I really think you are putting on a drama like "The Orphan of Zhao".

If you really want to repay your kindness and promote your chivalry, you can sacrifice yourself.

Why use other people's lives to achieve your reputation?

Of course, in ancient times when patriarchy was prevalent, children were the private property of their parents. Let alone sending their sons to die, they would not be punished even if they beat their sons to death.

Besides, judging the whole thing from the perspective of this chivalrous father, maybe the father still feels that he has not treated his son too badly——

"Da Lang, don't worry, at most you will be exiled, not beheaded!"

Haha, what a good "at most".

Since it doesn't matter, why not let Prince Yong'an go by himself? !

By saying this, a man can deceive ignorant children.

Being exiled for three thousand miles is not an outing.

We must wear shackles and shackles, and walk to the place of exile step by step.

Being exposed to wind and sun, climbing mountains and wading in rivers, you may not be able to get treatment if you get sick, you can only fight hard.

Many young and strong adults may not be able to endure this kind of hardship.

Not to mention a child who is only about ten years old.

He Tiantian seriously doubted that the little body she had traveled through would not be able to survive three hundred miles, let alone three thousand miles.

Also, even if you barely arrive at the exile place, can you still live well?


Not to mention that the border town is the outermost town on the northwest border and has been plundered by Beirong all year round.

Just being an exiled prisoner means he is destined to be unstable.

When there is no war, you have to do hard labor.

If there is a war, they will probably be used as cannon fodder and rushed to the battlefield.

Anyway, in border towns, exiled people basically have no human rights.

If Prince Yong'an was really exiled, perhaps Yong'an, an old friend of General Yu, was secretly taking care of him.

What's more, the Yu family also has some secret forces such as secret guards and tribes.

If nothing else, the man beside him is a martial arts instructor with a background as a ranger.

In his heart, he regarded General Yu as his benefactor. In order to repay his kindness, he would even sacrifice his own son.

These people may not be able to rob prisoners, but they can secretly protect them.

We will not let Miaomiao, the only remaining member of the Yong'an Marquis Mansion, die prematurely. Maybe we can help the "young master" to open up a business in the border town and make a comeback!

But if it were the body that I traveled through, there might not be such benefits.

Because everyone, including the Hou Mansion, knew that this was a Xibei guy.

He is a tool specially used to protect the prince of the Yong'an Marquis Mansion from disasters.

If you die, you will die. There is no need to waste the resources of the Hou Mansion.

The remaining connections in the Hou Mansion have to be used to help the real prince, who hides his identity, live a good life!

He Tiantian sorted out these ideas in the shortest possible time.

She suddenly felt violent and angry.

He Tiantian knew that this was the remaining consciousness of the original owner.

Yes, even a child doesn't want to be sacrificed or trampled on.

Another thing, He Tiantian can also guess some of the original owner’s resentment——

If "he" and his father really had a deep love for each other, and "he" really enjoyed the good life given by his benefactor at home, he wouldn't be so angry when he was pushed out as a scapegoat.

But in fact, it doesn’t!

He Tiantian didn't even need to refer to the memory of the original owner. Just looking at "his" small figure and the way he was dressed, He Tiantian dared to conclude:

Life was not easy for the original owner. Even if he was not deliberately abused, he was still neglected for many years.

Isn't it too unfair to ask him to sacrifice for the "family" without getting the convenience of the "family"? !

"Da Lang! I have said so much, have you remembered it?"

Just when He Tiantian was thinking to herself, she felt a sharp pain in her palm.

It turned out that the man was a little embarrassed when he saw that his son remained silent, so he tightened his grip on his little hands.

pain! It hurts!

He Tiantian even heard the sound of the joints of her little hands snapping.


He Tiantian hurriedly replied and said in the childish voice of the original owner, "I am Yu Yan, the eldest son of the Yong'an Marquis Mansion."

"General Yu has done you a great favor, and you must repay the favor!"

When He Tiantian said the second sentence, she really couldn't hold it back, and her tone was slightly sarcastic.

Haha, it’s true that “every favor must be repaid”.

It's just showing generosity to others.

The man, Gongsun Lei, the martial arts instructor of Yong'an Marquis Mansion, heard He Tiantian's words. He nodded with satisfaction at first, and then frowned.

Does this little beast have any grievances?

Thinking about it, he would indeed be unhappy if he was asked to go into exile instead of the prince for nothing.

However, how can we allow a child like him to act recklessly in this kind of thing?

"Dalang, I know that you don't want to leave home and be exiled, but -"

In order to ensure that things went smoothly today, Gongsun Lei endured his anger and did not directly slap his eldest son, whom he did not value at all, but continued to persuade patiently.

"I know! I know everything! General Yu is your benefactor. To put it bluntly, he was just exiled. Even if he is beheaded, you still want me to replace the prince."

He Tiantian had a small face and said sadly and resignedly.

"You brat, what are you doing with such a treacherous attitude? Humph, you have the same virtues as that damn bitch of yours, with no conscience, no gratitude, and an awkward temper!"

Gongsun Lei couldn't bear it any longer and cursed, "If your second and third brothers weren't so young, how could it be your turn?"

He Tiantian sneered in her heart——


This man is willing to sacrifice his own son. Firstly, he regards his children as his own private property.

Secondly, it is also because he has more than one son.

Moreover, this "eldest man" is the rebellious son left by his ex-wife and whom he does not like.

He also has a lovely wife and two younger sons whom he loves even more!

Since there is no shortage of sons, of course he will not be stingy about using treacherous sons to gain a good reputation for himself.

Perhaps, he could also become a benefactor to the Hou Mansion.

There are still three thousand nails left in the broken ship. Although General Yu is dead and the Yong'an Marquis Mansion is defeated, such a wealthy family will still have a few in-laws or a few old tribes.

Better than ordinary civilians.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that everyone in the Hou Mansion was exiled instead of being executed by the clan can prove that the Hou Mansion still has some trump cards.

And the Yu family also has a chance to make a comeback!

Gongsun Lei probably made the decision to "change the civet cat for the prince" after weighing all the pros and cons.

He Tiantian: ...He is such a grateful hero, but he is clearly a speculator.

After Gongsun Lei finished scolding his son, he felt a little lost.

No, no, there is still this little brat cooperating today.

If he is really blocked and talks nonsense in front of adults, then the whole plan will be ruined.

"Dalang, I know that you have been a good and sensible boy since you were a child, and you are also very filial."

"Actually, not only me, but also your mother-in-law Zheng has a great connection with the Hou Mansion."

"Didn't I tell you that your mother was once Mrs. Hou's maid?"

"Well, Mrs. Hou is very kind to your mother, and Mr. Hou is my benefactor. Our family owes the Yu family so much!"

"Even if you don't look at me this time and only look at your dead mother, you should still help the Yu family this time. The prince is the only son left by Mrs. Hou!"

Gongsun Lei worked hard to stir up emotion.

However, he was tall and thick, with a fleshy face. Even if he tried to look pitiful, he would look so twisted and terrifying.

The key point is that he is used to his eldest son shouting and drinking, and he really can't behave softly and keep his head down.

He was awkward, and He Tiantian's eyes hurt when he looked at him.

However, Gongsun Lei revealed some more news to her.

A bright light flashed in He Tiantian's eyes, hey, her plan has been further improved.

"Dalang! Did you hear what I said?"

I tried my best to stir things up for a long time, but couldn't get a response from my son.

Gongsun Lei, who came from a rough background and had a bad temper, was a little impatient.

His eyes began to look fierce when he looked at He Tiantian.

A chill ran down He Tiantian's spine, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

She knew that Gongsun Lei had evil thoughts towards her.

If he didn't express his position, this person would knock him unconscious and send him to the cell.

Although the "son" cannot be allowed to admit his identity on his own, with his biological father and the testimony of the female family members of the Hou family, the plan of "Li Dai Tao Zang" can still be completed.

He Tiantian:......

Gongsun Lei cannot be allowed to take action.

She wants to take the absolute initiative.

Thinking of this, He Tiantian replied with a reluctant voice, "I heard it!"

"Dad, don't worry, I, I will do what you say!"

"Just treat it, just treat it-"

When he said this, He Tiantian's tone became very low.

She said half sad and half cruelly, "Consider me repaying your kindness in raising me. From now on, the fate between our father and son is over!"

Gongsun Lei still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this.

However, he heard the meaning of "acceptance of fate" from his "son"'s words.

You little brat, you are quite sensible!

Gongsun Lei gave up taking action directly and took He Tiantian to Dali Temple according to the original plan.

"Sir, this is Yu Yan, the Crown Prince of Yong'an. The man in the cell is the villain's son——"

After entering Dali Temple, Gongsun Lei went straight to the topic.

However, before he could finish what he had planned in advance, He Tiantian took over the topic and said, "Yes, sir, I am Yu Yan."

"When my mother gave birth to me, the Gongsun family was greedy for the wealth of the Hou family, so they took advantage of the fact that my adoptive mother was Mrs. Hou's eldest maid, and secretly exchanged my child with the Gongsun family's child..."

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