The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 924 The Exiled Villain (5)

Although Yu Yan is young, he has grown up in a circle of powerful people since he was a child.

At his core, he is just like Mrs. Hou, treating those who are attached to the Yu family as tools that can be sacrificed and used at will.

Of course, in order to show the kindness of the superior.

After Yu Yan revitalizes the Yu family, if Gongsun Dalang is still alive, Yu Yan will not hesitate to reward him more.

Well, even if Gongsun Dalang unfortunately died young on the way to exile, or died in a border town because he couldn't bear it, there would still be Gongsun Lei and others in the Gongsun family.

The Yu family will never run out of people to "grace" to.

Mrs. Hou counted the time and prepared to tell her son about some of the Yu family's back-up men before Gongsun Lei and his son arrived.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.

As a family that has been rich for a hundred or two hundred years, the Yu family will naturally not put all their eggs in one basket.

Wubao, money and food, tribes, secret guards... these are the escape routes left by the Yu family for themselves.

Now that the entire Yu family will be exiled, Mrs. Hou discussed with Gongsun Lei and formulated a plan to "Li Dai Tao Jie".

In addition to protecting the small seedlings of the Yu family, which is the direct descendant of the eldest family, someone also needs to control those resources.

Otherwise, as time goes by, people's hearts will become unpredictable, and even the most loyal slave will have second thoughts.

In addition, the most important thing is to allow Yu Yan to have capital and time to rise.

Those back-up moves are the foundation for reviving the Yu family.

In the past, Yu Yan was young, and General Yu and Mrs. Hou were responsible for it, so these secrets were kept from him.

Now that the Hou Mansion has collapsed, Yu Yan must shoulder this heavy burden if he has a chance to escape exile.

"Chengsi, let me tell you——"

Just when Mrs. Hou was about to reveal the family's last trump card, there was a noise outside.

Mrs. Hou was surprised at first, and then secretly happy: It's here! finally come!

My heir is about to escape from this prison.

Yu Yan also thought of this level,

The young face is full of excitement and joy.

Growing up in a wealthy and beautiful nest, had he ever suffered such hardship?

I slept on the wet and hard dirt floor, with rats, lice, and bed bugs scurrying around, and the food I ate was rotten swill...

After staying in prison for half a month, he wanted to just die almost every day.

This is not living, it is clearly suffering.

I can finally escape from this place, and I don’t have to be exiled with you anymore!

After all, Yu Yan is young and cannot control his emotions perfectly.

He was excited, he was happy, and he even forgot that there were relatives from other heads of the Yu family in the cell next door.

The second and fourth bedrooms are okay, they are from the same mother as General Yu.

When the Yu family was prosperous, these two houses often benefited from it.

Only Sanfang, because she is a concubine, has never been favored by the family.

In the Yu family, he is almost a transparent person.

If it weren't for the greed for the power of the Hou Mansion, the third family would have wanted to separate the family long ago.

It wasn't until something happened to the Hou Mansion and the whole family was raided that the third family regretted it.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

There is no separation, it is one family.

Sanfang and his family were also sentenced to exile.

Everyone in the third room felt regretful, and even secretly complained that the eldest room was causing harm to others, which in vain would make the third room suffer along with them.

The only thing that made Sanfang feel mentally balanced was that a noble person like Mrs. Hou was also in jail with them.

Seeing Mrs. Hou, who was usually noble and reserved, sleeping on the floor and eating swill with them like a miserable pariah, the twisted hearts of everyone in the third house were instantly soothed!

Of course, Mrs. Hou is different from them.

Even when he was in jail, relatives from his mother's family or former subordinates of General Yu came to visit him.

Especially since the Yu family was sentenced to exile instead of execution, more people came to visit Mrs. Hou.

Among the many "visitors", Gongsun Lei is the most conspicuous.

"Hmph, this man talks about being "deeply favored by the Yu family" all day long, and he looks like he is repaying his kindness."

"...Now I'm here muttering to my sister-in-law, maybe discussing some major matter."

"Look! They're secretly discussing it behind our backs again. Hey, tell me, do they have any plans?"

The third lady was so jealous that she would pull her husband or her children to bite their ears every time.

She seriously suspected that her shrewd and cunning sister-in-law must have done something behind their backs.

for example--

"Are they trying to get Yu Yan out?"

At this moment, when they heard the noise outside, the mother and son, Mrs. Hou and Yu Yan, actually showed happy expressions.

The third lady, who had been thinking about it all the time and was almost thinking about the truth, suddenly came up with a guess.

"No way! Chengsi is the heir apparent."

Yujia Saburo is in his thirties and looks very mediocre.

He leaned weakly against the wall of the cell, letting the lice ravage in his hair and beard.

After hearing his wife's unreliable guess, he lazily replied.

"Why is it impossible? My sister-in-law's natal family is a county prince's palace, and Yu Yan has royal blood in him!"

When the third lady said this, her tone was full of envy and jealousy.

We are all human beings, but we are divided into different categories as soon as we are born.

Look at Mrs. Hou, the daughter of the royal family, her grandmother is also the highest-ranking concubine in the palace and has the longest lifespan.

When she got married, she also married Yu Ji, a young general from a well-known family in Beijing.

Now Yu Ji got into trouble and died in the border town, which also affected the entire Yu family.

If it were left to other generals, like Yu Ji, who was "greedy for merit" and "foolish and harmed the country", his family would probably be confiscated and exterminated.

But the Yu family was just exiled.

Among them, Mrs. Hou's contribution is included.

"Wait a minute, I remember that Gongsun Lei's family had a grown man who was about the same age as Yu Yan——"

The third lady's mind is very flexible and her brainstorming skills are also very powerful.

She came closer to her husband and whispered in her ear, "Hey, tell me, will they have Li Daitao stiffness?"

Yu Sanlang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the third lady, "No talking! How can you talk about it like this?"

To get rid of the exiled prisoners is to deceive the king and ignore the superior.

If it was exposed, it might even affect the Yu family.

They have all been exiled for three thousand miles. If they commit another "increased crime", wouldn't they be beheaded?

"Why did I just say so nonsense?"

The third wife was scolded by her husband and felt very aggrieved.

She pursed her lips in the direction of Mrs. Hou and her son angrily, "See for yourself, how long has it been, and your dear sister-in-law and nephew are still looking happy!"

"Humph, if nothing good happens? Will they be so happy?"

Yu Sanlang took advantage of the situation and looked at Madam Hou and Yu Yan.

Well, Mrs. Hou was not overjoyed, but Yu Yan was clearly beaming with joy.

What is this scenario?

Did the sister-in-law really do something behind everyone's back?

"As I said just now, Yu Yan is not only from our Yu family, he also has the blood of the royal family."

"Even if the palace knew that my sister-in-law was playing tricks on her, they would probably turn a blind eye."

"After all, we people are still exiled to the border town."

Anyway, there was a scapegoat, and the Yu family was raided anyway, so the saint's anger was probably almost gone.

As for Yu Yan, he was only a ten-year-old boy. Even if he escaped secretly and changed his identity, what kind of trouble could he make?

When the third lady spoke on the phone, it seemed absurd, but it was also a bit unreasonable.

Yu Sanlang sounded a little approving.

But he still hesitated and said, "Probably not!"

That Gongsun Lei remarried his first wife less than a month after her death. It was obvious that he was not a kind person.

Such a selfish and philistine person, who only knows how to brag, can he give up his own flesh and blood to save others? !

"Is there anything he can't do! Humph, it's not like he only has a son, Dalang!"

"Besides, the unloved son from his ex-wife is worth a lot in exchange for a reputation as a chivalrous person!"

"Also, I don't believe you don't know that your good brother and sister-in-law will have no backup plans."

"There is no need to wait for the Yu family to make a comeback. The Yu family's hidden possessions are enough to make Gongsun Lei a rich man..."

Not to mention, the third lady is very narrow-minded, but she has a very good brain.

Her guess was very close to the truth.

"... Even if this is the case, you can't talk nonsense!"

Although Yu Sanlang and General Yu were not born from the same mother, he was often wronged because of his legitimate concubine and so on.

But he understands the importance of "family" very well.

He understands better that harming others must be beneficial to oneself.

For now, even if he guessed Mrs. Hou's plan and the third room went to report it, he would not be able to get away with it.

Instead, they will be accused of fratricide and neglect of family ties.

Even the third lady, a womanly woman, believed that General Yu still had some backup plans.

Why didn't Yu Sanlang, a man who took care of the general affairs for the Yu family outside, make any guesses?

The secret guards and tribes of the Yu family only recognize the head of the direct branch.

If a side branch like Yu Sanlang does something that harms the interests of the main branch, those people will kill him without mercy!

During his time in prison, Yu Sanlang had already weighed the pros and cons clearly——

At this point, since it is no longer possible to separate from the Yu family, we can only "share the same boat" with Dafang.

At the worst, you can gain a good reputation as someone who is kind and considerate of the overall situation.

In the future, the Yu family may not have a chance to make a comeback, and he, Yu Sanlang, can transform from an insignificant concubine to a brother who shares the same troubles!

After Yu Sanlang made a decision, he sternly scolded his wife, "No matter what my sister-in-law did, it was all for the Yu family! Since I can't help my sister-in-law, then don't hold me back!"

When Yu Sanlang said this, he raised his volume slightly, just enough for Mrs. Hou in the next cell to hear.

Madam Hou pursed her lips. As smart as she was, she certainly understood what Yu Sanlang meant.

She lowered her eyelids, well, the third room wasn't all stupid.

Yu Sanlang may have some small calculations, but he can still take the overall situation into consideration.

Even if it's not for the overall situation, it's still good if he can avoid being stupid at critical moments.

It seems that Sanfang can be given some opportunities in the future.

"Mr. Yang County, Mr. Yu Xiaolang, Mr. Shaoqing, please come to court!"

The guards were quite polite to Mrs. Hou and her son.

The Yong'an Marquis' Mansion was raided, and the servants could not call Mrs. Marquis "Madam".

However, before Mrs. Hou left the cabinet, she was granted the title of county monarch because she was a daughter of the clan.

Now the police officer calls her Mr. Yang County, which is quite reasonable.

"Thank you! May I ask this gentleman, why did Shaoqing ask my mother and son to come to court?"

Mrs. Hou stood up holding Yu Yan's hand, straightened her appearance slightly, and asked politely.

"There is a case, Shaoqing would like to ask the county gentleman a few words!"

The guard was polite, but he didn't say anything he shouldn't have said.


What case?

Isn't it just asking Gongsun Dalang to "surrender" in court and admit that he is Yu Yan?

On the day when the Hou Mansion was raided, he happened to be playing in the Hou Mansion.

Because he was naughty, he exchanged clothes with the prince, and the officials arrested him according to his clothes, so he mistakenly took "Gongsun Dalang" as the prince of the Hou family and took him into custody.

...This is the argument that Mrs. Hou and Gongsun Lei discussed beforehand.

There may be some loopholes, but Shaoqing is a smart person.

Even the saints did not kill the Yu family. Now Mrs. Hou is just trying every means to let her only Miaomiao escape the pain of exile. The young minister of Dali Temple should turn a blind eye.

As long as the Yu family and the Gongsun family insist on it, even if Shaoqing refuses to let go, he will not investigate too closely.

Mrs. Hou also secretly contacted her natal family, thinking that if there was an emergency, she would ask her father or brother to have a good talk with the Minister of Dali Temple.

They are all dignitaries in the capital, so the Minister of Dali Temple should not be able to get things done!

Mrs. Hou had almost expected everything, but at this moment, she still had a bad feeling when she heard the officer talk about the "case".

When they arrived at the court, after listening to Shaoqing's story and Gongsun Lei's confession, Mrs. Hou almost fainted——

What kind of bad premonition is this?

It is clear that the sky is falling and the earth is falling!

"...Gongsun Lei, you said you let Cuixia secretly replace my son?"

Squeezing her palms hard, the pain made Mrs. Hou regain some sense.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed out this sentence from between her teeth.

Not the "Gongsun Daxia" he once was, but calling him by his first name.

Mrs. Hou didn't have any respect for Gongsun Lei at this time. She had every intention of eating this villain alive!

"Yes! Madam, I, I'm sorry, General, I'm sorry for you!"

"Now that the Marquis Mansion has become like this, just let the two children go to their respective places."

Of course Gongsun Lei could hear Mrs. Hou's resentment towards him.

His face was filled with shame, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

But the young minister of Dali Temple was sitting in a high position, and he had already spoken out his words.

At this time, he could only bite the bullet and continue.

Of course, in order to express his last resort, when he spoke, he did not forget to wink at Mrs. Hou——

Madam, this is just a temporary measure.

No matter what, let's rescue the prince from prison first.

When Mrs. Hou saw Gongsun Lei winking, she felt a little hopeful.

Perhaps, the "substitution" thing is different from Li Daitao's plan.

But the purpose is the same, to get rid of his son.

However, then Gongsun Lei's wife Zhou, also known as the maid Cuixia, was intimidated by the power of the court. She couldn't help but think wildly, and actually said:

"Sir, it's unfair. At first, I was just doing a favor for Gongsun Daxia for the sake of Sister Cuizhu. I didn't know anything else!"

Gongsun Lei:......

what's the situation?

I was just talking casually, why did you continue to make up the lie?

He Tiantian sneered: ...This is a match made in heaven. When a disaster comes, instead of saying they are in the same boat, the couple blame each other and frame each other.

Mrs. Hou couldn't help but have doubts:

Could it be that Chengsi is really not my son, and Gongsun Lei, together with Cuixia, a cheap maid, secretly changed the child? !

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