The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 927th chapter exiled villain (8)

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"Sister Yu is proud!"

Madam Hou muttered.

She has been married to the Yu family for nearly 30 years, so she naturally knows all about the Yu family.

East China Sea Yu Clan, iron-clad!

Only in the lineage of Marquis of Yong'an, the first generation of Marquis of Yong'an gained this hereditary title by virtue of his proud military exploits and his loyalty to the king and the court.

Mrs. Hou still remembered how proud the old Yongan Hou was.

Mingming was born weak, but he was still able to rely on his peerless talents to strategize and use his thin shoulders to carry the heavy responsibility of Yongan Houfu and the northwest frontier.

And her husband, the Marquis of Yongan who was killed last month, although he made a mistake, he still fought to the death.

It was the Marquis of Yong'an who defended the battle line with his life, and this was the only way to keep the final foundation of the Marquis Mansion.

It's just exile, not extermination.

Outsiders say that Lord Hou is dipped in the light of her, the daughter of the royal family. In fact, the palace of Chengjun has long since fallen.

And she has been married for 20 to 30 years, even if the current Prince Cheng is her own brother, and the two brothers and sisters each have their own children and grandchildren, how much flesh and blood is there? !

It is impossible for Chengjun Wangfu to take risks for her.

The only thing the elder brother can do is to persuade Mrs. Hou and Li to go home to avoid the fate of exile.

Of course Mrs. Hou would not reconcile.

She and her husband have been close to each other for 30 years, and they raised three sons and one daughter together.

The relationship between the husband and wife is extremely deep, and now that her husband is dead, she naturally wants to observe the festival for him and guard the mansion.

Furthermore, Mrs. Hou is in her 40s this year. In ancient times, when the average life expectancy was in the 40s, she could call herself an "old woman".

At her age, she is still reconciled, leaving her children and grandchildren alone and returning to the palace, how can she have a good life.

Moreover, once a woman is divorced, it has nothing to do with her children.

Her youngest son is only ten years old, and she has several grandsons and granddaughters... She can't bear it!


She is still the mistress of the Yu family.

One day the Yu family will make a comeback, and she will be the hero of the Yu family.

The ancestors of the Yu family should thank her, and she can also win the respect and praise of the world!

Maybe it can also be written into the biography of the martyr girl, and her name will remain in the annals of history.

Mrs. Hou had already thought about the matter clearly.

Therefore, even if she had the opportunity to escape, she did not divorce her husband's family in order to clear the relationship, like some convicted female scrolls.

Thinking of Yu's family, of Yu's pride, Madam Hou couldn't help but think of her sons——

The eldest son was killed on the battlefield before he could reach the weak crown, leaving behind a daughter and several concubines.

The second son was frail and could have sent his love to calligraphy and painting, but because of the death of his eldest brother, he had to take on the heavy responsibility of the family.

However, his health was really bad, and he was crushed for life. A cold wind took his life, and he also left a few children.

Madam Hou was thirty-five years old when she became pregnant with her youngest son.

That year, her eldest son had just been killed.

With grief and hope, Madam Hou gave birth to her youngest son.

As a result, less than three months after the youngest son landed, the second son left.

Three sons, only one baby is left.

Mrs. Hou dared not put too much pressure on her younger son, she just hoped that he could grow up safely and continue the bloodline of the Yu family's direct branch.

As for building a career...the ancestors have already laid a huge family business for their children and grandchildren. If they can keep it well, they are also good children and grandchildren, right or not? !

Anyway, Mrs. Hou never allowed the title of Hou's mansion to be cheaper than other houses, and she didn't want to let those scoundrels occupy this family business!

With such thoughts in mind, Mrs. Hou was extra lenient towards her youngest son Yu Yan.

The only good thing is that Yu Yan was not raised as a dummy.

He is not even as good as his elder sister who is already married.

Yu Yan was too mediocre, and someone in Beijing laughed at the fact that the Marquis of Yongan had no successor.

Some people even accuse Mrs. Hou of being a loving mother and a poor child.

Mrs. Hou: ... Hmph, you don't lack sons, so you are willing to be cruel.

Mrs. Ben has only one of the three sons left, and she is still an old man. How can you not feel distressed?

The mediocre is mediocre. As long as she can be healthy and backed by the big tree of Yongan Houfu, who dares to insult her successor?

At most, after Chengsi gets married and has children, she will have a few more grandchildren, and then she will raise her grandchildren well.

Mrs. Hou's idea was not wrong, after all, she did not expect an accident in Hou's residence.

Now, with the Yu family in trouble, the mediocre and squeamish Yu Yan does not seem so qualified.

During the half month she was imprisoned, Mrs. Hou felt a lot of regrets when she saw her son who was uneasy and not strong enough:

Alas, it's all my fault that I spoiled Cheng Si too much, and made him look like this.

However, at this moment, seeing the same age, the body is not as strong as Yu Yan's "Gongsun Dalang", but he can say such arrogant and strong words.

Madam Hou realized instantly—

It turned out that it wasn't that I didn't teach Yu Yan well, but that Yu Yan was not a member of the Yu family at first, so naturally he didn't have the arrogance of the Yu family.

This person, that's how it is, if the root is not good, even if he is trained again, he will not grow into a towering tree!

"Good! Good boy, worthy of being the good son of my Yu family!"

Mrs. Hou sincerely admired it.

He Tiantian smiled shyly.

She took the measure very well—

Arrogance is arrogant, but he is also a ten-year-old child.

And because he grew up in Gongsun's family, it was inevitable that he was restricted in all aspects.

It's absolutely normal to be a little petty.

Madam Hou saw He Tiantian like this, and while satisfied, she secretly scolded Gongsun Lei.

It's all my fault for this shameless villain who made my good boy look like this.

Fortunately, the child is born noble, and although he is forced to be raised in the hands of despicable people, he has only minor flaws.

As long as she is trained well, it won't be long before another amazing "Yu Jia Erlang" will be born.

Her children will make great achievements and revive the Yu family, and see who dares to call her a "loving mother and many losers".

She is clearly the real mistress who can protect the Yu family.

Finding that "Kongsun Dalang" is not so perfect, and that she needs to be trained as a mother, Mrs. Hou instantly has a fighting spirit.

She directly reached out and took He Tiantian's arm, and said affectionately, "Don't worry, my son, mother will take good care of you!"

"Well, thank you, mother!"

He Tiantian finally called out the word "mother" with a twist.

This made Mrs. Hou, who still had doubts in her heart and felt unreal, suddenly softened her heart.

My son, my poor, uh, Kuro!

While Mrs. Hou lamented in her heart, she suddenly thought of a question: Hey, my family's Jiulang doesn't have a name yet.

Since he has returned to the Yu family, he can't be called "Gongsun Dalang".

Oh, by the way, this child has a name, it seems to be Gongsunli?

Mrs. Hou thought silently, she looked down at He Tiantian, and said in a negotiating tone, "My son, you have recognized your ancestors and returned to your ancestors, and you are the child of our Yu family."

"your name--"

Although the genealogy has not been rewritten, the "Changzi Eucalyptus" has already been prepared in Dali Temple.

Unless Mrs. Hou can produce irrefutable evidence to overturn this conclusion, Gongsun Dalang must be the Yu family.

Mrs. Hou also decided to recognize Gongsun Dalang and regarded "he" as her son.

Therefore, the problem of the name still needs to be solved.

"My name is one word of courtesy."

He Tiantian didn't directly say refusal.

Cough, she changed the original owner's surname, it was too much, she couldn't even deprive him of his real name.

He Tiantian felt that she always had to leave something for the original owner.

He Tiantian refused to change her name. She didn't say it directly, but Mrs. Ruhou, as smart as Hou, naturally understood the meaning of her words.

"Okay, then I'll call you Yu Li. You are the ninth in the family, and your mother will call you Jiulang on weekdays?"

Mrs. Hou said softly, "It's like a loving mother.

In fact, Mrs. Hou really hoped that He Tiantian would agree to her proposal.

Because in the past, when Mrs. Hou addressed Yu Yan, she always called him by his nickname "Chengsi".

He is rarely called Kuro.

Now, Yu Yan has become Yu Li, and Mrs. Hou's name is Jiulang, so it won't feel too awkward.

"Yes, mother, listen to you!"

He Tiantian replied obediently, looking at Mrs. Hou's eyes full of hope and admiration.

Seeing this, Mrs. Hou's mother's heart became softer.

During the not too long journey from the court to the prison, Mrs. Hou and He Tiantian, the "mother and son", became intimate at the fastest speed.

By the time she entered the cell, Mrs. Hou had already held He Tiantian's hand and sipped a kulang, which was called an intimacy.

Everyone in the Yu family in the prison looked stunned.

Just now, when Mrs. Hou was still in the hall, the news about the change of Ziyan in Yongan Hou's mansion was passed by the officers to the prison.

The second room and the fourth room are nothing but the third room couple with a look of disbelief.

Especially the third lady, she had long believed that Mrs. Hou was playing a trick and was trying to get Yu Yan out of prison.

She almost guessed the truth.

However, Gongsun Lei's plan failed miserably, and He Tiantian came directly to a big bomb of "exchange".

"Impossible! Hou's residence is not a small family, and my sister-in-law is the most ostentatious person. When she gave birth, the delivery room was full of people who waited on her."

The three ladies shouted directly.

Yu Saburo, who was tricked by the jailer because he was too useless, deliberately put people on the female prisoner's side, covered his mother-in-law's mouth with a quick hand.

"Forbidden! Forbidden! Didn't you hear what I said just now?"

Yu Saburo was really in a hurry.

In fact, he didn't believe in any exchange, and he also agreed with his wife's guess.

However, this kind of thing can be guessed, but not said.

Now they and the big house can stay on a broken boat.

If the big house capsizes, they will also be unlucky.

"No! No no!"

The third lady was startled, and nodded while whimpering, indicating that she knew she was wrong.

Yu Saburo then let go of his hand.

He lowered his voice and reminded again, "I remind you for the last time, don't talk nonsense!"

"If you really don't want to listen to me, then let's go. In this way, you don't have to accompany me in exile for three thousand miles!"

When the incident in Hou Mansion first happened, Yu Saburo thought about reconciling with his wife first.

Let the wife go back to her parents' home, do some good work, and maybe take a few young children away.

In this way, his room will not suffer all the hardships, and there may be casualties.

But the wife refused!

Don't look at their husband and wife bickering at every turn, and he always dislikes his wife's stupidity and can't stand on the stage.

In fact, their relationship is very good.

Especially Yu Sanlang, he is a concubine, and he is not welcome in the Hou residence.

If it weren't for the fact that his biological mother was the maid next to Mrs. Tai, and his birth was also approved by Mrs. Tai, he would not have grown up at all, let alone marry a wife and have children, and had been living in Hou's mansion.

Mrs. Tai is indeed not as good to him as her eldest brother, second brother and fourth brother, but she has fulfilled her responsibilities as a first-mother.

What Yu Saburo is most grateful to Mrs. Tai is that Mrs. Tai married him the direct daughter of a serious official family.

The identity of his wife is still not comparable to that of other daughters-in-law of the Yu family, but for Yu Sanlang, it is already a tall order.

After his wife got married, she never looked down on him, and she gave him birth to children, helped him save his family, and devoted himself to helping him for the future.

The wife will be so fussy, she will act like a shrew with the sister-in-law and the others, and it is also for the whole three rooms.

Yu Saburo never felt embarrassed, but felt distressed and felt a deep sense of guilt.

Alas, if it weren't for the sudden accident in the Hou Mansion, his wife would have bought him some channels so that he could become an official, and the three families would be able to separate the Hou Mansion.

Of course, being able is one thing, wanting or not wanting is another.

After going through so much, being dragged into a prison by the big house, and even being exiled, Yu Saburo could see his heart clearly——

He didn't want to leave the Hou Mansion, and he was also a Yu family member.

Now, when the Yu family is in trouble, it is time for their brothers to help each other in the same boat.

Yu Saburo felt that with this time of sharing weal and woe, his identity as a concubine would no longer be important.

"Not at peace, I am at peace!"

When the third lady heard this, she knew that her husband was really annoyed.

She was so anxious that she burst into tears, "My grandmother is gone. My mother's family is headed by my stepmother. If I return home with Li, I will only be remarried by my stepmother."

She is in her thirties, and if she remarrys, she can only marry an old man.

But if she doesn't marry again, her mother's family will not allow her to live forever, maybe she will go directly to the nunnery or Taoist temple.

She doesn't want to!

She would rather go into exile with her husband, after all, it is a family reunion.

Furthermore, the Hou Mansion is not really collapsed!

Think about where the sage exiled the Yu family—


This is the base camp of the Yu family.

The sage's meaning is very clear, he did not drive out the Yu family.

It even gave the Yu family a chance to re-emerge.

As long as the Yu family can survive the 3,000-mile road of exile and reach the northwest, their family will be able to make a comeback.

And the three thousand miles, it may not really be able to boil people to death.

I didn't see that the elder sister-in-law who came from the Prince's Mansion didn't leave either.

The third lady does not believe that the rich and rich Yu clan of the East China Sea for one or two hundred years, except for the Yu family of the three generations of Northwest generals, will have no trump card.

As long as they keep up with the big room, their three rooms will not have a good life.

Their third room is indeed a concubine, but the second room and the fourth room are the brothers of the general.

The second and fourth lady's family are also higher than the third lady's family, especially the fourth lady, who is only twenty-three or four years old this year.

How young, if you return home with Li, you can still marry a good family.

But neither of the two of them were arguing for reconciliation, but followed the sister-in-law wholeheartedly...

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