The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 929th chapter exiled villain (10)

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Haha, my son is as amazing as his father and eldest brother.

Our big house, the entire Yu family, there are people who have successors!

Mrs. Hou's eyes were full of laughter, if it wasn't for the fear of others finding something unusual, she would want to laugh up to the sky.

Resisting the excitement and surprise in her heart, Mrs. Hou did not take He Tiantian's words.

Uh, there's no way, there was a "real and fake prince" scene, and Mrs. Hou doesn't believe anyone now.

Although she recognized Yu Li, she would not easily hand over the cards in her hand to "him".

[Look at it again, if this child is of good character and reliable, it will not be too late to hand it over to him! 】

Mrs. Hou secretly made a decision, and said in a joking tone: "You child, you just like to think wildly."

"Don't worry, our Yu family is doing well, the brothers are in harmony, the sister-in-law has a blind date, and the family is in harmony and will tide over the difficulties together."

He mixed up the conversation with He Tiantian just now.

As long as she knows that the son she just recognized is not an idiot, she can find clues from the details and be vigilant, it is enough.

For other things, the "mother and son" need further contact and get along with each other before Madam Hou can make a decision.

The next day, the news of the real and fake prince of Yongan Hou's mansion spread throughout the capital.

The saint in the palace also heard about it, and he couldn't help shaking his head, "Alas, this cousin, I just like to play tricks!"

It seems that the sage also believed that Mrs. Hou deliberately made a "false case" in order to let her own son escape the suffering of exile.

An embroidered guard standing in the shadows, thought about it, and said: "Your Majesty, the embroidered guard who is in charge of guarding Yang Xianjun, when he reported it, he mentioned that when Yang Xianjun heard about the whole thing, he also Surprised!"

"Oh? She didn't know?"

The sage was stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something, and immediately said: "Being smart, but being calculated!"

The embroidered dark guard didn't say a word.

Lord Yangxian, whether stupid or clever, are noble daughters of the imperial family.

The sage, a cousin, can call his sister a fool, but Xiuyiwei can't follow suit.

To make taboos is to despise the royal family.

"The prince of the Marquis of Yong'an, is it true or false, and I will never be able to figure it out in the future!"

The saint sighed, feeling speechless again for his stupid cousin.

"...Actually, Lord Yang Xian was also forced to help. The second and fourth rooms of the Yu family have always been eyeing the title."

The Xiuyi Dark Guard didn't speak, but a servant standing beside the sage said something in a low voice.

The inner attendant's meaning is very clear, it is not that Yang Xianjun, who is a noble daughter of the imperial family, is too stupid, but that people are excusable.

The servants are the servants of the royal family, and naturally they have to face the royal people.

He also understood the mind of the saint.

The saint is Mingjun, but he is more protective of his own family.

No matter how bad Mr. Yang Xian is, her surname is "Yang", and her grandmother is the eldest concubine in the palace.

The saint himself can call his cousin stupid, but outsiders, not only can't agree, but also try to help find excuses.

No, the maid seized the opportunity and hurriedly performed.

"Well, after Yu Ji's death, the Yu family will definitely not be peaceful!"

And the sage deliberately distributed the female relatives of Yongan Houfu to the northwest, in order to provide opportunities for Yu Erlang and Yu Shilang.

Oh, by the way, there is that Yu Saburo, who looks useless, but is actually not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The Yu family has been operating in the Northwest for more than 100 years, and the Northwest Army already has the nickname of the Yu Family Army.

The saint has long wanted to take back his military power.

It's just that the Yu family's roots in the northwest are too deep.

Although Yu Ji is dead, Yu Wei is still there.

Just airborne a general may not be able to gather the Yu family's army.

If one does not get it right, there may be a mutiny.

The sage is a self-proclaimed ruler, and he must never do such a thing that makes the hero feel cold and humiliating.

So, let the Yu family do it by themselves.

They had internal strife, their brothers fought against the wall, and finally split the Yu family army, which was also their own reason.

In any case, I can't blame him for being the emperor!

Moreover, the saints have exiled the sinners and their families to their own territory. Whoever listens to them will not praise the "sages' kindness"? !

There is another "true and false prince" in the family. Haha, the sage can imagine that the Yu family in the future must be very lively.

As an emperor, he only needs to sit high on the dragon chair and watch the fun.

The palace knew about the real and fake prince, and so did the in-laws of the Yu family.

They have their own calculations, and they have their own reactions.

The person most directly related, Mrs. Hou's elder brother, Prince Cheng, was the one with the most indifferent reaction.

He just ran over to complain to his sister, "If you want to save Cheng Si, you can't use this method. Oh, you don't know, the capital is full of gossip about you!"

The Prince of Cheng County is a few years older than Mrs. Hou, and this year has passed the age of knowing the destiny.

He wasn't stupid, he was mediocre.

And his mediocrity was inherited from his own father, the previous King Cheng.

King Cheng is not mediocre by nature, but is scared to be mediocre by the fierce battle of his brothers.

Every day I eat, drink, gamble, and visit a flower building, making myself a famous absurd prince in the capital.

The reputation was rotten, but the people survived, and the family was saved.

Unlike other brothers, because of that throne, death to death, exile and exile, almost never end well.

King Cheng lived a mediocre life, only to die when he was in his sixties.

End of life!

Also considered a complete.

After the death of King Cheng, his son was downgraded to the rank and became the King of Chengjun.

Chengjun Wang not only inherited the title of Laozi, but also copied his father's "gou" exactly.

Eat and drink. Not doing business.

When he was a prince, he was a famous waste wood in the capital.

When he became the king of the county, he was also an incompetent person who even his own sister despised.

Chengjun Wang: ...Yes, I'm useless! I am incompetent!

But I stayed in the palace of the king of the county, with numerous wives and concubines, and countless children.

And his son, although he can't be the king of the county, he can still be the prince of the county.

No matter how downgraded, his three generations of descendants can still enjoy wealth.

As for the three generations later, Prince Cheng can't take care of this much.

He is already much stronger than his cousins ​​and cousins ​​of the same generation.

Much better than the self-proclaimed smart sister who is behind bars.

Hmph, my sister is smart, but as a daughter, she is full of ambition.

As a result, now they are two brothers and sisters, one is in prison and the other is outside...

Prince Cheng thought of this, and his waist became straighter.

It is also very emboldened to teach my sister.

Madam Hou was very annoyed, she couldn't see her brother's careful thoughts.

They are all fifty years old and have great grandchildren, yet they are still so cautious.

Mrs. Hou knew that her brother could not be counted on.

Don't say that the Prince's Mansion helped the Hou Mansion to get out of the crime, the Prince of Cheng, being a brother, actually came to see his sister's jokes!

Mrs. Hou held her chest in one breath, and her face became very ugly.

"Brother! I didn't save Cheng Si! Also, Cheng Si is not my son, Kuro is!"

"It's all to blame for that dog thief Gongsun Lei, greedy for wealth and daring, how dare he secretly exchange my nine-"

Mrs. Hou found out that she could no longer swing between her two sons.

No matter what the truth is, what happened to now, Mrs. Hou can only bite to death for one fact—

Back then, the absurd thing about "changing sons" happened.

Her son is Yu Li.

Yu Yan, oh no, it's Gongsun Yan, the son of the Gongsun family!

After thinking about this, Mrs. Hou also straightened her body. She said firmly, "I don't care what gossip is going on outside, but the truth is, my son is Yu Li!"

"This is a case that was broken by Dali Temple. If those idle people in the market continue to talk nonsense, I will go to Dali Temple to file a grievance."

When Madam Hou said "those idlers", she did not forget to look at Prince Cheng.

It means that Sang scolding Huai is not too obvious.

"Good! Good! You are powerful, you are majestic, you are worthy of being the virtuous assistant of General Yu!"

The Prince of Chengjun is mediocre, but he is not really stupid.

He couldn't hear the meaning of his own sister's words.

He was immediately annoyed.

Hmph, he's such a girl, she's really smart but she's doing stupid things.

Don't say anything else, but say that at this moment, she is in jail and is about to be exiled, not to mention acting like a spoiled child and begging for mercy with him as a brother.

It's also a good way to let my brother take care of a little brother and sister, and take care of her a little bit.

Don't dare to say the rest, secretly stuffing some gold and silver for his own sister, the Prince of Cheng County can still do it.

In the end, Mrs. Hou was still so arrogant and wanton!

The Prince of Cheng County was immediately annoyed.

Three days later, the Yu family was exiled, and Prince Cheng did not come to see them off.

He only let the prince of the palace, his eldest son, run around.

"Aunt, my father is ill and can't get up, so I have to let my nephew come to see him off!"

The Prince of Chengjun is not young anymore. He looks like he is in his thirties.

He opened his mouth and smiled, like the Maitreya Buddha in the temple.

The Prince of Chengjun laughed with him, and secretly stuffed Mrs. Hou with a small burden.

"Aunt, your nephew's daughter-in-law made two pieces of clothes for you, and you can wash and wear them on the way."

When he said the word "personal hand", the Prince of Chengjun accentuated his pronunciation.

Obviously, these two clothes are different.

Mrs. Hou disliked her brother for not making progress, but she still had some elders' love and tolerance towards her nephew.

Mrs. Hou did not refuse her nephew's kindness.

Without letting the concubine behind her do it, Mrs. Hou took the burden herself.

She squeezed hard and found that the clothes in the bag were indeed a little stiff.

Mrs. Hou knew that when her nephew and daughter-in-law were making clothes, they should have sewed gold leaves or something valuable in them.

"She has a heart, thank her for me!"

Mrs. Hou said lightly.

In fact, she is not short of money.

When the Hou Mansion was raided, other female relatives might also be searched.

But she was a clan girl, and those officers and soldiers did not dare to offend her.

Therefore, Mrs. Hou hid a lot of things in her clothes while taking advantage of the chaos.

In addition, there are also arrangements outside, as long as you get through the road just out of the city, Mrs. Hou will not suffer too much discussion at all.

"Okay! It's getting late, we should go too!"

Looking at the sun, and at the officers and soldiers in charge of escorting who were on the sidelines, Mrs. Hou urged her nephew to leave.

"Yes! Aunt!"

The Prince of Chengjun agreed, but did not leave in a hurry, but ran to the captain and gave him a golden cake with a smile.

"Little General, my aunt's family is full of women and children. The old are old and the weak are weak. Please take care of them after you go on the road!"

The dark-faced captain, in his twenties, is mature and prudent.

He quietly hid the gold pancake in his sleeve, and said with a calm expression, "Your Excellency is polite. You can rest assured, as long as Lord Yang Xian waits for peace and no trouble, I will take care of you more."

As long as these nobles don't see their own situation clearly, and what kind of nobleman's temper is on the way to exile, the captain of the school is also happy to be a favor.

Also make some money.

In the big room, there is the Chengjun palace to help with the management, and the second room and other ladies' parents also sent people.

Even the natal family of the third lady, who is headed by her stepmother, also sent a steward.

There is not much gold and silver, so I have a bag of things.

The third lady glanced at the bulging burden and sneered to herself, this woman is used to pretending.

It was so before, and it is so now.

Deceived a lot of people to say that she is kind, and also said that she is a kind and good stepmother.

In fact, she is just a donkey dung egg with a bright face, and the inside is a mess.

The third lady would bet that there were only some worthless clothes in the baggage sent by her stepmother.

Not to mention gold and silver, there is not even anything of value!

The third lady had a cold face, unwilling to pay attention to the steward sent by her stepmother.

Uncle Yu was very polite, with a smile on his face, and when he mentioned "mother-in-law", his tone was even more respectful.

"Lao's mother-in-law is worried about me. It's all my fault for not being able to live up to my expectations. That's why the old man is so tired to worry about it!"

Uncle Yu politely thanked him again and again.

It's just that when the steward heard the words "Old Man", the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch——

Ahem, the queen is the successor, less than ten years older than the third lady.

To call a woman under forty years old is an old man, on the surface, it is respectful.

In fact, Uncle Yu and the steward knew what it meant.

"This third Mr. Yu, the scorpion is bad, how can he look like a half-assed and trashy?"

The steward cursed secretly in his heart, but he still had a polite and respectful look on his face.

The second lady, the fourth lady and their daughters-in-law also had their family members to see them off.

Cries, exhortations, consolations, farewells... are intertwined.

He Tiantian stood behind Mrs. Hou, watching quietly.

Early this morning, when he left the prison, He Tiantian finally saw the second and fourth uncles of the Yu family.

And behind them, as expected, followed by a group of big and small men.

People are prosperous.

Compared with the second and fourth rooms like this, the big room really looks particularly desolate.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes. In addition to her two young and powerful uncles, she also focused on Erlang in the second room, Goro in the third room, and Shiro in the fourth room.

The three princes ranged from fifteen to twenty years old.

But they all looked strong and strong, with bright eyes.

He Tiantian just looked at the way they walked and knew that they all had kung fu and had experienced it in the army.

In fact, according to the tradition of the Yu family, the son-in-law of the Yu family began to go to the Northwest Army to polish up when he was thirteen or fourteen years old.

Even Dafang's weakest second son, Saburo, who ranked third in the group, went to the army for two years.

Erlang Yuche of the second room is the proudest eldest son after Madam Hou.

At the age of twenty-seven, he had already made military exploits and won the sixth-rank captain.

As the leader of the new generation of the Yu family, he will also be He Tiantian's most favorable competitor!

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