The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and thirtieth chapters exiled villain (16)

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"The hussar general is here! The idle people are waiting to get out of the way!"

A team of personal guards brandished their whips, as if they didn't know Yuchi, Xiaowei and the others, and wanted to drive out the people who had just hid in the ruined temple.

This ruined temple is not very big, with the front hall and the backyard, only a few rooms.

Colonel Yuchi and Yu's family could barely accommodate them.

Now that there are more than a dozen guards, they can only be driven into the yard.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there were occasional muffled thunder and flashes of lightning in the dark sky.

Such bad weather, if you stay in the wild for one night, it will be an old and weak woman and a child, and even a strong young man can't stand it.

"What a Shi He dog thief, he, he clearly wants to force us to die!"

"Damn it, I knew this old thing was a ruthless bastard."

"Lang Jun, what can I do? The child is still so young. If it rains, it will definitely catch a cold."

"...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy so why don't you have eyes."

The Yu family stood under the porch outside the main hall, leaning against the wall, protecting the child in their arms, trying hard not to let the slanting raindrops fall on the child and themselves.

But, even so, their bodies were still half wet.

When the mountain wind blew, people shivered from the cold.

Yu Er, Yu Si and others were wearing shackles, their faces were sinking like water, and their eyes were burning with angry flames.

If eyes could kill people, they would have killed that old dog a thousand times that flamboyantly walked by in front of them.

However, it didn't work!

The more resentful and annoyed they became, the more proud Shi He became—

Geez, in the morning, I was so stupid that I actually went into battle in person!

The Yu family is no longer the Yu family it used to be, and I am not the original me either.

Now I am separated from the Yu family by the chasm of identity and status.

like this moment,

He didn't even need to come forward in person, he could drive the Yu family out like a dog by letting the guards do it directly.

Tsk tsk, seeing each of them drenched in the rain like drowning dogs, Shi He was filled with joy.

Also, Yu Er and the others' split-canthus eyes greatly pleased Shi He.


That's it!

Lao Tzu just likes to see your kind of "wish to eat my flesh, but I can't help it".

In a good mood, Shi He felt that his broken arm didn't hurt so much.

In particular, the guards set up a large pot in the main hall, and simmered the broth.

Oops, with the steaming heat, the rich aroma of meat wafted through the entire ruined temple.

Shi He Dama sat in front of the cauldron with a golden knife, holding a thick porcelain bowl with one hand, and sipped the hot and fragrant broth.

Looking up, it was the pouring rain outside, and the shivering, blue-faced enemy under the corridor.


It's been such a comfortable day!



The Yu family under the corridor began to rebel in their stomachs.

Especially a few young children, they can't bear to be hungry at all.

In addition, they were cold and tired, and all the pains were superimposed, and they began to cry--

"Auntie, I'm hungry! I'm so hungry!"

"Cold! Auntie, I'm cold!"

"...My legs are so sore, my feet hurt so much, auntie, if I want to rest, just rest for a while!"

Hearing the cries of the children, the daughters of the Yu family were heartbroken.

Yu Er and Yu Si gritted their teeth.

At this moment, for them, hunger, fatigue, pain, etc., are not so serious.

They really, really, really seemed to rush into the main hall regardless, raising the iron shackles in their hands and directly smashing the old man Shi He to death.

He made it clear that he wanted to let the Yu family die.

[We don't do it, let the dark guard act! 】

【Brother, no! I think Shi He is deliberately irritating us! 】

[...I know he has bad intentions, but he can't be allowed to bully like this. We can stand it, but the wife and children can't stand it. 】

【hold on! I-I'll think about it again...]

Yu Er and Yu Si desperately made eye contact, and the two held the shackles hard.

The icy touch of the chain can somewhat keep them calm.

Just when the two were hesitating, a boy suddenly stood up.


Yu Er and Yu Si exclaimed in surprise.

Yu Che, Yu Xing and other cousins ​​were even more anxious, "Come back, Jiulang, what are you, what are you going to do?"

When everyone saw that "Yu Li" actually entered the broken temple, some were worried, some were anxious, and some even misunderstood.

"Could it be that Kuro can't bear this kind of hunger and cold, and wants to run in and beg for a bowl of rice?"

"Don't! It's too embarrassing!"

"That's right, our Yu family can't afford to lose such a person."

Two or three people whispered, and while they spoke, they subconsciously licked their lips.

Woohoo, so hungry!

The broth is delicious.

They were so young, and although they remembered the family motto of the Yu family, they couldn't resist the body's instinctive reaction.

He Tiantian's sudden movement gave them some "hope"—

It's not that we want to lose people, it's Kuro who loses people first, we, we are just following.

Two or three young children, while leaning on their parents and adults to avoid the heavy rain, stalked their necks to eavesdrop on the trend of the broken temple.

Older people like Yu Er did not misunderstand He Tiantian.

In the morning, Yu Li didn't know what method he used, and he tricked Shi He.

Yu Er and others knew that this newly returned nephew was a bit of a backbone.

In addition, they walked all the way, and at such a young age, Kuro was so thin that he was able to endure it with gritted teeth.

With such tenacity and endurance, he did not live up to the identity of Yu Jiaerlang.

Therefore, Yu Ercai did not believe that his nephew would go to Shi He to beg for mercy because of a bowl of broth.

He was mainly worried. He was worried that Kuro was young and couldn't help his temper. In case of another dispute with Shi He——

In the morning, Shi He was unprepared, and that's what Kuro said.

But now, Yu Er dared to bet that Shi He must be on guard, and has been waiting to catch Jiulang.

If there is a flaw, Shi He, a black-hearted old thief, can take the opportunity to kill Kuro.

Kuro is the only bloodline of the eldest brother.

And he is so good, if he can grow up safely, he will definitely become the pillar of the Yu family.

【A small leak will sink a great ship! Oops, Kuro is so young, he can't hold his breath. 】

Yu Er was impatient.

He didn't care to shield the women and children from the wind and rain, and turned around and came to the gate of the broken temple.

He clenched the chain tightly, thinking that if there was a fight later, he would fight with his life to protect his nephew.

"...You Shuzi, are you hungry? Hungry? Want to drink my broth?"

While drinking the soup, Shi He teased He Tiantian like a puppy.

He clucked his mouth deliberately, as if eating the supreme delicacy.

"Shi Yuqi, I heard that you are extremely brave, and your halberd is made of fine iron?"

He Tiantian deliberately licked her lips, as if she was really thirsty and hungry.

Shi He heard He Tiantian mentioned his famous weapon, and immediately laughed proudly, "Yes, this old man's iron halberd weighs more than 100 pounds. With your physique, it is estimated that there will be three or five. They may not be able to move.”

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Shi Yuqi, why don't we make a bet. If I can hold your iron halberd—"

Shi He's eyes flashed, haha, so this kid is waiting for me here.

Ha, sure enough, it's still for a mouthful of hot broth.

Yu Ji's son, Yu Zheng's younger brother, bowed to the enemy like this.

Is it funny?

Shame? !

Shi He was in a good mood, and continued to tease the puppy and said to He Tiantian, "Well, if you kid can lift my iron halberd, I'll give you a bowl of broth!"

The tone of the charity is not too obvious.

Everyone in the Yu family under the corridor was very uncomfortable when they heard it.

Mrs. Hou gritted her teeth secretly, "Kiulang, Jiulang, you can't bear it? How can you run and bow your head to the enemy?"

Yu San's face brightened.

What, in fact, he also wanted to run to intercede with Shi He.

Anyway, he is a notoriously useless Yu family, even if he is scolded a few times, or even played a bit, it will not damage the face of the Yu family.

As long as you can come to eat, what's more, if you can get Shi He's consent to let his wife and children go in to shelter from the rain, Yu San is willing to endure the embarrassment again and again.

【Ugh! Was robbed by Kuro first! This kid has a future! 】

In Yu San's thoughts, being able to bend and stretch is the kingly way.

The Yu family is in trouble now, and they should bow their heads when they should.

There is no need to ruin the family for the so-called "backbone".

If everyone in the family is dead, who can revive the family?

Only when people are alive can they have opportunities and all kinds of possibilities.

He Tiantian didn't know how the Yu family reacted, and she couldn't care about it at the moment.

She took a few quick steps and came to the base of the wall, where Shi He and his guards' weapons, armor and other items were placed.

The most conspicuous of them was Shi He's iron halberd.

Made of pure iron, even the handle is iron.

He Tiantian's eyes flashed with a smile, wow, iron is the best.

When she was fumbling around on her system panel just now, she actually found that there was still a big power pill in stock.

Geez, she forgot there was such a disposable pill.

In fact, after He Tiantian became more and more powerful, she seldom used the plug-in products given by systems such as Dali Pill and Beauty Cream.

But this time, you can take advantage of it.

He Tiantian could do it if she used her internal strength, but the time for her to arrive was too short.

And the aura of this small world is not very full.

He Tiantian spent three days in prison, was exiled for one day, and for four days, relying on Wuji Jue, she managed to cultivate a little internal strength.

In the morning, that finger-pointing acupuncture point has exhausted all the inner strength.

At this moment, if He Tiantian is overdrawn, he can still try hard, but there will be hidden dangers.

No way, the original owner's body is too thin, if the overdraft is too much, it is easy to fall into the root of the disease.

It just so happened that there was still Dali Pill in the system space, and He Tiantian easily exchanged it.

She raised her right hand, which was still shackled, and her thin arm was not even as thick as the hilt of an iron halberd.

However, it was such a thin arm that grabbed the iron halberd directly, and it didn't seem to use much force, so he just grabbed the iron halberd directly.

"What's the point of just lifting the iron halberd? Shi Huqi, how about we take a bigger bet?"

"If I could throw your iron halberd on the roof, would you and your bastards just get out of the ruined temple?"

While He Tiantian was talking, she walked out of the hall with an iron halberd.

Shi He was stunned.

We know our own weapons.

His iron halberd was modeled after the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City Halberd of the Chu Overlord in the Chu and Han Dynasties.

It's just that he didn't find the so-called extraterrestrial meteorite iron, but chose pure cast iron.

Although it is not comparable to the 129 jins of the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City Halberd, it is still 102 jins.

The iron halberd of more than 100 kilograms, Shi He's personal guards were barely able to lift it.

And the Shuzi from the Yu family, who didn't know if it was true or not, actually lifted it up with one hand.

This this--

Shi He subconsciously wanted to rub his eyes with his hands.

But he forgot that he still had a soup bowl in his hand.


The soup bowl fell to the ground, and the hot soup spread over his thigh.

The pain woke Shi He, he didn't bother to check the burn on his leg, but stood up straight.

He strode away after He Tiantian.

Yu Er, Yu Si and everyone in the Yu family outside the door were also dumbfounded.

Uh, the Yu family is indeed proud, and they have been military generals for generations.

But, but, it is extremely rare for a son with natural power like Yu Li.

"Second brother, am I not mistaken? What Jiulang is dragging is the iron halberd of the old thief Shi, not some firewood?"

"Okay, I seem to have read it right! I saw the old man Shi He chased after him!"

Yu Si and Yu Er had dreams on their faces.

They can also be regarded as martial arts practitioners with great strength.

Shi He's iron halberd, if they use all their strength, they should be able to catch it.

But, but my nephew is only ten years old, and he looks thin and frail all year round.

To put it badly, Kuro's weight is not as heavy as that iron halberd.

As a result, people are, but——

I thought the scene in front of me was enough to make everyone speechless.

But soon, He Tiantian broke this record.

She dragged the iron halberd to the yard, and with a single throw, the iron halberd weighing more than 100 kilograms was thrown directly onto the roof.


The iron halberd was inserted into the roof and stood upright, as if it should have been erected on the roof of the main hall.

"Shuzi!! Presumptuous, arrogant!"

Shi He finally came to his senses. He looked at He Tiantian, looked up at the iron halberd stuck straight into the roof, and cursed incessantly.

"Shi Yuqi, I won! Thank you for your concession, and thank you for your hot soup!"

He Tiantian clapped her hands and smiled innocently.

Then, she greeted Mrs. Hou, Yu Er and others, "Aniang, Er Uncle, let's go in, the broth is still hot!"

Mrs. Hou:  …

My son is so powerful, he is like the overlord of Western Chu, born with divine power!

Yu Er:  …

here you go! Good nephew, you should repay Shi He so fiercely.

Shi He:  …

The little beast is indeed the Yu family, and he is hated like his old man and his big brother!

None of these people thought of He Tiantian's real purpose, and only thought that she was deliberately playing tricks on Shi He.

Even in the rain, Shi He stepped on the shoulders of the guards and climbed directly onto the roof.

How could that iron halberd, his most proud weapon, be thrown on it?

He was going to take down the iron halberd himself.

The rain is still falling, and the thunder and lightning on the horizon seem to be getting closer.

He Tiantian heard the pleasant roar, and shouted to Shi He on the roof, "Shi Huqi, you have a bloody disaster, be careful!"

Shi He:  …

He seemed to be yelling.

But there was a faint fear in his heart.

Right at this moment, click!

A lightning bolt with sparks slashed down into the air and landed precisely on the iron halberd...

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