The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and fortieth chapters exiled villain (24)

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"How to bet?"

Yu Heng licked his lips, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

Yu Che, Yu Xing and other cousins ​​all looked at He Tiantian.

They didn't speak, but the curiosity in their eyes betrayed their thoughts——

They also wanted to know how Kuro was going to gamble.

"There are two options, the first—"

He Tiantian raised a finger first, "We can divide the attached city into several parts, city walls, water conservancy, land reclamation, etc."

She talked, her eyes full of burning light.

"Our brothers, each of us has an errand for a period of one or three years. Whoever does the errand well will be the boss!"

Yu Heng rolled his eyes, and it was obvious that his brain was also running fast.

This competition method is not bad.

However, since Kuro said there were two, he couldn't just listen to one.

Yu Heng asked, "What about the second plan?"

He Tiantian raised a second finger, "The second one is, let's directly divide the attached city into villages and towns, and each person will develop a piece of land."

"Within a certain period of time, whoever develops the best village will win."

"And the work of the city wall and water conservancy in the attached city will be done by a few of us together."

Yu Che's eyes lit up: The second plan is not bad.

It not only allows everyone to get independent and comprehensive experience, but also has opportunities for unity and cooperation.

Yuche thought it was feasible.

Yu Xing prefers the first option.

Because he is not an all-rounder, he is better at inquiring about news and dealing with people.

Implemented into specific work, but also prefer to engage in a single project.

In terms of commanding the overall situation, Yu Xing felt that he was still a little worse.


If possible, he would prefer to be by Kuro's side and be an obedient subordinate.

Yu Xing is very self-aware. He feels that in some respects, he is similar to his own father—

It is not a leading talent, but more of a deputy and an assistant.

However, Yu Xing is a young man after all, and he still has momentum in his bones.

Although he knew that he was not as good as other brothers, he still wanted to give it a try when he had the chance.

It's a big deal, he can't do it anymore, he just admits defeat!

In this way, he will give up and no longer have unrealistic illusions about himself.

Among them, the most eager is Yu Heng.

He originally wanted to compete with Kuro, but now he heard the detailed gambling game, and became more and more excited.

Of course, Yu Heng wants to compete with He Tiantian, not because he has any personal grudge against this cousin.

In fact, Yu Heng, like Yu Che, Yu Xing and other brothers, admires Jiulang very much, and has a faint respect.

However, Yu Heng is young, and he is the eldest son of the fourth room.

The fourth room is in Yu's house, which is only slightly better than the third room.

If the title is not available, the Northwest Camp will have the priority to inherit the second room.

Yu Heng also practiced with General Yu for two years, but at that time he was young, so he was not as calm and steady as Yu Che.

General Yu is more inclined to Yu Che, and Yu Heng will be behind Yu Che.

Yu Heng: ...

His father is young, and his age is behind his excellent cousin.

Yu Heng's heart was a little unbalanced.

Moreover, soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers, and Yu Heng also has ambitions as the son of the Yu family.

It's just that Yu Heng was educated by the Yu family since he was a child.

The core rule of the Yu family is unity.

Brothers are against the wall, don't even think about it.

Whenever there is such a situation, it is basically an exception.

Without the clan, it would be a lonely ghost, not to mention the future, it is estimated that it is difficult to survive in the world.

Yu Heng saw that the second uncle intended to cultivate Jiulang, and the middle cousins ​​also respected Jiulang a lot.

Yu Heng also knew that Jiulang was indeed excellent.

But he's not bad either.

Because of the family rules, and also from his heart, Yu Heng didn't want to fight Jiulang to the death.

But, in the bottom of my heart, I am not reconciled.

At this moment, Jiulang took the initiative to propose a gamble, not to shout and kill, but to compete fairly based on his true skills. Yu Heng's restless heart instantly became active.

"Okay! I choose the second option!"

Yu Heng spoke first without waiting for Yu Che and others to express their opinions.

The second is good, everyone has a piece of land, and how they want to develop depends entirely on their own ideas and abilities.

This is just like the great grandfather of the year. He started from scratch, recruited soldiers and horses, and built brick by brick. This is how the Yu family is today!

Yu Heng only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be boiling.

Perhaps, in the eyes of adults, the gambling game of their cousins ​​is quite a bit like a child's play.

On the contrary, for the younger generation, it is the beginning of their own career!

"Well, the second one is really good!"

Yu Che also opened his mouth, he nodded with a smile, and said, "I also choose the second one!"

Seeing the cousins' stance, Yu Xing also echoed, "Yes! I think so too."

He Tiantian hooked her lips, "Okay, then the second one!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, "Brothers, then let's settle it?"

This time, Yu Heng didn't take the lead any more, but looked at Yu Che with the "brother, brother and brother respect" rules.

Without hesitation, Yu Che stretched out his palm and patted He Tiantian's hand, "It's done!"

Yu Heng and Yu Che put their hands on Yu Che's hands, "Okay!"

Yu Xing was the last to reach out, "Betting!"

The four folded hands seem to be taking an oath, and their young or immature faces are full of confidence and perseverance.

Yu Er and Yu Si held heavy shackles and stood silently on the sidelines.

They were very relieved to see that the juniors of the Yu family were so energetic and hard-working.

There is a successor to the Yu family!

Where is the successor!

However, Yu Si was still a little worried: "Second brother, do you really want them to go to Fucheng?"

The attached city has been abandoned, and the poor people are reluctant to go.

The Yu Che brothers basically didn't suffer much.

The time in prison, and the first day of exile, were the darkest moments of their lives.

Going to a deserted desert sand city, there is nothing, and you have to face the looting and killing of horse bandits and Beirong soldiers and horses.

By the way, there are also beasts such as wolves in the grasslands and deserts.

Yu Si just thought about it and worried about the children.

There are four Yu Che, but their best son-in-law of the Yu family is also the hope of the Yu family.

It was agreed that they should be placed in Wuzhen first, someone to protect them, and they could also have a little experience.

Although the attached city is not far from Xicheng, it is too barren and directly borders the grasslands of Beirong, so it is often harassed by Beirong.

At the beginning, the attached city would be abandoned, not only because of the lack of water and the barren land, but also because of Beirong.

They are harassed every now and then, and they are often robbed during the autumn harvest. The people can't stand it at all.

The only good thing is that after the city is broken, the Bei Rong soldiers will not slaughter the city.

Bei Rong: ... we are not stupid. Kill all the people, who will grow food for us?

It is true that Beirong soldiers are not stupid, but the people of Daliang are even less stupid.

After a long time, the people were always "cutting leeks", and the people fled the attached city one after another.

A huge city was completely abandoned.

At most, there are occasional horse bandits, or North Rong soldiers who are rushing to attack, and they will stop here for a few days and make some repairs.

The Yu family once thought about taking back the attached city, but after weighing the pros and cons, they gave up.

Even General Yu was reluctant to "build" the attached city, so little brats like Jiulang dared—

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

If Yu Si was purely worried, then Yu Er was with deep relief in his heart.

Well, this is the good son of the Yu family.

Not afraid of danger, brave to struggle, unwilling to live in the shadow of ancestors.

Of course, there is still something to worry about.

The born calf does have the courage, but also has the strength and the plan.

Not being afraid does not mean that you can really beat Menghu.

If one does not get it right, the calf will become a piece of meat in the mouth of others!

"Kurou, it's a good thing that you guys are ambitious and ambitious!"

Yu Er pondered for a while, and came to a few people, and said in a deep voice, "However, the attached city is not just an abandoned barren city, it is also a border city facing Beirong."

"In the past few years, the attached city has lost its citizens and garrisoned troops, and it has become a temporary camp for horse bandits and Northern Rong soldiers."

"If you go to Fucheng, it will not only be as simple as repairing the city wall, building water conservancy, and reclaiming farmland. The most important thing is that you will fight the most ferocious horse bandits and Beirong in the northwest."

"This is not a child playing a house, it's a real life-or-death-"

Yu Er did not exaggerate, but truthfully told all the dangers of Fucheng.

The three brothers Yu Che, Yu Heng and Yu Xing all changed their faces slightly.

They only think of being able to have their own territory, allowing them to play and operate.

But forget about the various crises in Fucheng!

Yes, if the attached city is so good and a virgin land with unlimited potential, why is it still abandoned to this day?

There is not only one Yu family in the northwest, there are other families as well.

Not to mention others, it was the Shi family where Shi He belonged, and they also got a dock in Xicheng.

None of these families rushed to "recover" the attached city, because the harm outweighed the benefit, and it was not worth it!

Only He Tiantian was not frightened by Yu Er's words.

In fact, she chose Fucheng for the purpose of "training soldiers".

In addition, He Tiantian has another reason-

"Second uncle, of course I know that Wuzhen is good, but the question is, do you think some people will let us go to Wuzhen smoothly?"

When He Tiantian said this, he didn't forget to shake the shackles in his hand.

She is reminding everyone: Dear friends, we are no longer the Yu family of the General's Mansion, let alone the masters of the Yu family's army.

We are prisoners of exile!

It's a crowd.

The migrants do not have the right to choose the place where they "settle down".

It is true that the Yu family still has some foundations in the northwest, and the Yu family has money in their hands.

As long as the gold is in place, it is still ok to pick a specific place to be exiled.

But don't forget, there is a poisonous snake called Shi He in the northwest.

He Tiantian dared to bet that this fellow arrived in the northwest ahead of time, first to gain a firm foothold, and secondly, he was trying every means to block the Yu family.

He Tiantian didn't say Shi He's name directly, but when she mentioned "some people", the word "Shi He" instantly popped into the minds of Yu Er and others.

"Second uncle, instead of letting Shi He assign all of us to a dangerous place like Fucheng, we might as well take the initiative to attack!"

He Tiantian looked at Yu Er's eyes and said seriously, "Our four brothers took the initiative to ask to go to Fucheng, and then let mother and the other women and children go to Wuzhen—"

Shi He was not stupid and knew that it was impossible to destroy the Yu family.

What he has to do is to give priority to killing the "living power" of the Yu family.

And He Tiantian and other four cousins ​​are the new generation of the Yu family and the hope of the Yu family.

Not to mention, there is also He Tiantian, Yu Jiulang, who has taken away most of the hatred value——

Ahem, scared of horses, being struck by thunder, and torrents... Shi He definitely hated Yu Jiulang!

After listening to He Tiantian's words, Yu Er nodded slowly.

That's right, Kuro was really thoughtful.

And, there is one more point, Kuro did not say.

That is, if the new generation of the Yu family took the initiative to request to go to the Fucheng, it would be a bit of a pawn.

The Yu family has been operating in the northwest for more than a hundred years.

Three generations of generals, all died in the northwest.

And the number of Yu clan people who died in the northwest is unknown.

The generals in the army might not be happy that the Yu family came back to grab military power.

But he certainly wouldn't just watch the Yu family's door deliberately shut down.

First, it was the kindness of the past, and secondly, it was difficult to pass on the face.

What if Shi He was the deputy general manager, he was an outsider after all.

But if they let an outsider bully their former "beneficiary" family, their reputation would be stinky.

Fame doesn't matter when it's about life and death.

But when everyone is in power and needs icing on the cake, it will be very important.

Therefore, it is impossible for the generals in the Northwest Army to sit back and watch Shi He do everything.

The Yu family took the initiative to "exile" the four promising new generations into the city. Even if Shi He wanted to kill them all, the generals would stop them.

What's more, the Yu family's behavior is too pitiful and miserable, and it can help Yu Er and Yu Si gain a good position in the army!

Yu Er looked at He Tiantian with determination, and a storm had already set off in his heart——

This kid is only ten years old!

Can you think so much?

Perhaps, the last point, Jiulang didn't think that it was Yu Er's brain supplement as an old fox.

However, if Kuro could think of Shi He, and if he could think of using the four brothers in exchange for the safety and security of other women and children, it was enough to prove that Kuro was good.

Thoughtful, courageous and resourceful, the key is to dare to choose and not be afraid of danger!

Yu Er's mind came up with a long list of complimenting words, all of which consisted of four characters.

He looked at He Tiantian's eyes, full of praise and gratification.

Yu Che noticed his father's eyes, and sighed slightly in his heart: In fact, before this gamble started, Jiulang had already won.

Yu Xing also felt a little bit, he knew that his little cousin was not an ordinary person.

Yu Heng's reaction was a little slower, but he also found the gap between himself and Jiulang——

Jiulang didn't just want a gamble, but more for the entire Yu family.

"He" seems to be in the position of the head of the family, planning for the whole family.

Alas, I lost!

However, Yu Heng is not one to admit defeat easily.

Even if the overall situation is a little worse, he still wants to compare the general affairs of "building a city" with Kuro.

If he still loses, then he will surrender completely, and obediently follow Jiulang to revitalize the Yu family...

PS: There is something wrong, the update is delayed, the second update is in the afternoon, please forgive me!

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