The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 961st chapter exiled villain (42)


The thin and frightened young man was a little stunned when he saw Yang Jinhua, who was graceful, arrogant and reserved.

The lady in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Dingding watched for a long time, and finally found the shadow in the memory from the other's eyebrows, and he shouted excitedly.


Yang Jinhua also burst into tears with excitement.

Her heir, her son.

From a baby that fell to the ground, she was brought up with a lot of shit and urine.

There is absolutely no exaggeration in this statement.

As a noblewoman, as a mother of four children, Yang Jinhua invested the most effort and energy in her youngest son Yu Yan.

At that time, her two sons died one after another.

Yu Yan, who is not yet one year old, is her biggest and only support and spiritual sustenance.

Such a treasure, Yang Jinhua holds it in the palm of his hand and in his mouth, and does everything by himself.

Although there are also nursing mothers, maids, etc., Yang Jinhua's first breastfeeding, first time changing diapers, and first feeding are all experiences of Yu Yan.

Yu Yanyang has been by Yang Jinhua's side for ten years, and Yang Jinhua's dedication and hard work are the sum total of all the children!

Although, Yu Yan had to leave Yang Jinhua because of his life experience.

And Yang Jinhua also desperately told himself in his heart: There is no real or fake son, A Li is my son.

When he left the capital and started on the road of exile until he arrived in Xicheng, and after all these years, Yang Jinhua really regarded Yu Li as his own son.

The relationship between "mother and son" may not be as pure and unreserved as she is towards Yu Yan, but it is also much better than an ordinary mother and son.

In particular, Yu Li was strong enough to let Yang Jinhua live a rich life that was touted and envied by others.

And in the growth process of Yu Li, Yang Jinhua also participated in some.

Yang Jinhua didn't understand what it meant to lead troops to fight.

But she is familiar with etiquette rules and models of wealthy families.

Under her guidance, Yu Li, who used to be petite, has successfully grown into an elegant and noble son with a noble family style in every gesture!

Who met Yu Li and Yu Jiulang and didn't boast about being noble and extravagant? !

These are all thanks to her Yang Jinhua.

And with the sense of accomplishment he developed, Yang Jinhua naturally became a little closer to Yu Li, the son he recognized halfway through.

In addition, Yu Li is also filial and obedient, and the "mother and son filial piety" between mother and son is logical, which envy many female scrolls in Xizhou.

In the past few years, Yang Jinhua seems to have completely forgotten the "true and false son".

Only in the middle of the night, occasionally dreaming back in the middle of the night, she can still think of the precious son she once placed on the top of her heart.

However, with the Yu family's army occupying the northwest, and the growing power of the Yu family, Yang Jinhua lived a noble and comfortable life.

The ladies around him sometimes reveal the meaning of "Yu Jiulang will ascend to the top of the world in the future".

It also made Yang Jinhua unable to help but give birth to wild hopes——

Yes, the world is in chaos, and Daliang is no longer the wealthy and powerful dynasty it used to be.

Now any general who leads the army, holds tens of thousands of horses in his hand, occupies a city, and dares to make himself king.

As for her Kuro, she holds an army of 400,000 to 500,000 people and occupies a northwest part of Ruoda.

It seems that it is not impossible to compete in the Central Plains and create a dynasty!

And once Jiulang became the founding emperor, she, Yang Jinhua, was the empress dowager who was incomparably honorable and above ten thousand people.

Yang Jinhua couldn't help feeling overwhelmed when he thought that he might become the most honorable woman in the world.

Her heart also floated up.

When I really return to the capital, I will try to find Cheng Si! 】

I am a high-ranking empress dowager, and the emperor must listen to me. 】

Furthermore, the Yu family already has the world and is rich in the world, so it doesn't matter if you have more than one person. 】

Don't lead troops, not be an official, Chengsi is just a rich and idle person,

It's always possible. 】

No matter what, Cheng Si has been my son for ten years... Birth and support are all kindness, and parent-child and adoptive-children are all sons. 】

And the most important point, who is real and who is fake, Yu Yan and Yu Li, only God knows! 】

Yang Jinhua's heart is full of such thoughts.

Therefore, when Yu Yan came to her door, her motherly heart, her longing and love for Yu Yan all these years, all woke up in an instant.

She didn't care about anyone at all, so she left Yu Yan behind.

Of course, Yang Jinhua did not completely lose his mind.

After leaving Yu Yan, she specially ordered someone to find "Yu Li", made a few special dishes in person, and coaxed her very lovingly.

He Tiantian:  …

She had vaguely guessed Yang Jinhua's thoughts.

Her control over the Northwest is far beyond the imagination of a housewife like Yang Jinhua.

In addition, the Yu family has her eyeliner everywhere.

Yang Jinhua didn't hide it too much. He Tiantian received the news the afternoon after she left Yu Yan behind.

However, He Tiantian didn't reveal anything, she wanted to hear what Yang Jinhua had to say.

"Kurou, I heard that the saint has given you an award again?"

Yang Jinhua starts with He Tiantian's glory, her face is full of motherhood and glory.

"My son is always so excellent. A-niang is truly convinced that she has been cultivated in several lifetimes to have such an excellent and filial son as you."

"With you, A-Niang, I can wake up laughing when I dream, and if I go one day, I can stand up and see the ancestors of the Yu family..."

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh well, Yang Jinhua didn't forget to show his credit while praising his son.

After all, no matter how good Yu Jiulang is, he is also Yang Jinhua's son.

The son is good, and the mother naturally deserves credit.

"...However, Kuro, you are too busy, A-niang doesn't see you a few times a year!"

"Auntie misses you, and wants to hug her grandson as soon as possible. But you always refuse to marry."

When he said this, Yang Jinhua's tone was obviously a little dissatisfied.

As a "filial" son, He Tiantian, of course, must immediately admit his mistake.

"It's all the son's bad, let the mother worry and worry about it!"

No matter what's on your mind, you always have to say it nicely.

"Oh, I don't blame you! I don't blame you! A-niang knows that you have the world in your heart, and you always think about starting a career first and then starting a family."

Yang Jinhua was very satisfied when she saw He Tiantian's confession was very sincere—

Kuro is still very filial, and he values ​​himself as a mother very much.

So, Kuro should fulfill one of her little wishes, right?

"Son, A-Niang understands you and supports you! It's just that A-Niang is too lonely. Since Yuan-niang got married last year, A-Niang has no one to talk to!"

"...However, God still takes great care of A-Niang. Kuro, guess what? A few days ago, a group of refugees came from the prison, and among them there was a person who had some connections with me!"

Yang Jinhua has foreshadowed so much, and finally led to the main topic.

She looked at He Tiantian cautiously, and said tentatively, "Speaking of which, you also know that person. Uh, that is, it is Gongsun Yan of the Gongsun family!"

"Oh, speaking of the Gongsun family, it's really outrageous. Especially the villain Gongsun Lei, who is a human father in vain, and a beast is not as good as..."

Yang Jinhua talked endlessly about Yu Yan's tragic experience.

Everything close to him has been taken away by Gongsun Lei, what can't read can only be used as a horse for the Gongsun family, what can't even eat enough to eat...

There was turmoil in the capital, Gongsun Lei ran away with his wife and children, but left Yu Yan to fend for himself.

"Son, you haven't seen Gongsun Yan, a seventeen-year-old man, but still as thin as a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old boy."

"A-Niang sees him as pitiful, and, no matter what, A-Niang has raised him for ten years, and she still has some affection—"

Having said that, Yang Jinhua deliberately paused.

She glanced at He Tiantian's face.

He Tiantian said calmly, "I know! A-Niang, it's all kindness to give birth to kindness and kindness, and it's a dilemma for you to be caught in the middle!"

He Tiantian looked at Yang Jinhua fixedly, and suddenly curled the corners of her lips, "I understand all of this!"

Yang Jinhua didn't notice He Tiantian's strangeness, he just thought that this child was really sensible, filial, and so considerate.

She hurriedly said excitedly, "Kiuro, you mean, I can keep Cheng Si?"

"Don't worry, I, I will treat Cheng Si as an adopted son, and I will not let him lead the army, nor do I ask him to stand out. I just hope that he can have a stable life-"

He Tiantian raised her hand and interrupted Yang Jinhua, "Yes! A-niang, you can just do what you want!"

Yang Jinhua was overjoyed, her brows and eyes were full of smiles, and her eyes looking at He Tiantian were even more loving and gentle: "Good boy! Jiulang, A-Niang knows that you can understand, you, you will be considerate of A-Niang!"

Then the third and second brothers of Yu who heard the news: ...Fuck! Is Auntie stupid? !

What the hell is she thinking?

Get Yu Yan back and consider him a "foster son"?

Is she afraid that Jiulang is too kind to the Yu family and has too much sense of belonging?

If you have to get a big living person back, always remind Kuro: Dear, your life experience is in doubt? You may not be the seed of the Yu family!

"No, second brother, don't let A-sister ruin the Yu family!"

Yu Si and Yu Er brothers have the best relationship, and there are not so many twists and turns when they talk to each other.

With a cold face, he said solemnly, "What time is it now? The Yu family is about to take off, and nothing can go wrong!"

Yu Er didn't speak, just nodded vigorously.

Because the truth is right in front of you, he doesn't say it, and everyone understands it.

The Central Plains were in chaos, but the Northwest was stable and prosperous.

Just waiting for an opportunity, the Yu family will be able to compete in the Central Plains and conquer the world.

At that time, the Yu family will not have to bear the stigma of chaotic ministers and thieves, but will also be able to create the foundation of eternity.

And the person who created all this is Yu Li Yu Jiulang!

At this time, even if Yu Li was not really from the Yu family's blood, the Yu family would be beaten to death and would not recognize him.

What is true and false?

Yu Er and others only know that Yu Li can lead the Yu family to create a hegemony, make the name of the Yu family go down in history, and completely change the family...

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