The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth and sixty-eighth chapter female match she has a barrage (1)

Without He Tiantian's knowledge, the relevant departments took action and easily solved her biggest trouble.

He Shengli took his family to the county seat. Although He Shengnan still didn't understand, he was frightened by his younger brother.

She no longer dared to contact the man in the jacket, came forward to expose He Tiantian or something, and she dared not even think about it.

As for the "deposit" given by the jacket man, it was directly swallowed by He Shengnan.

Jacket man:  …

Mad, is this Lao Tzu being "blacked out"?

But he gave the cash directly for the visual effect.

There is no bank transfer, no payment information, and if you want to call the police and ask for it, there is no evidence.

Call He Shengnan and get blocked directly.

When I went to the door, this shrew-like woman shouted "hooligan" and called the police again.

Facing more shameless middle-aged and elderly women like He Shengnan, paparazzi who have no bottom line like Jacket Man are helpless.

"Well, money is still a small matter, the key is how to explain it from the customer's side!"

The real client, Fei'er Zhao, didn't have time to urge the private detective at this time, because she herself was in big trouble.

"Sweet! Sweet! Good news, good news!"

Zhou Zi cheered all the way to the nanny car and shouted at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian continued to type on the keyboard, facing the new notebook.

Hearing Zhou Zi's words, without raising his head, he asked, "What good news?"

"It's Zhao Feier! Haha, she, she was replaced by the crew!"

Zhou Zi smiled wide-eyed, and almost laughed up to the sky.

"Huh? Replaced?"

He Tiantian raised her head, with obvious doubts written on her face.

Should not be ah.

It is normal to change actors in the middle of the crew, but no matter how you change it, it should not be changed to Zhao Feier.

After all, Zhao Feier is not an ordinary actor, but an investor.

"Yeah, I heard that Zhao Feier's fiancé came forward and directly dismissed the role."

"Their family is very urgent, and they haven't even withdrawn their investment."

Zhou Zi's mouth was like a machine gun, and he said suddenly:

"Oh, by the way, he also said that he would come to apologize to you face to face, that Zhao Fei'er was too self-willed, and that she should not fan fans to black you on the Internet!"

"Oh, count the time, he should be here soon!"

"Sweet, what did you do, or is it Sister Mei—"

Zhou Zi is not stupid. After staying with He Tiantian for a while, she has already felt that this artist is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Not to mention anything else, that sister Mei is also very mysterious.

On the surface, he is an assistant, but he works part-time as a bodyguard, driver, and almighty housekeeper!

Being on duty 24 hours a day, the key is Sister Mei's energy, it doesn't seem like money can buy it.

She seemed to carry a certain sense of mission and honor.

Anyway, Zhou Zi felt that Sister Mei was definitely not an ordinary person.

And He Tiantian, who was treated like this by Sister Mei, was even more unusual.

No, Zhao Feier has just started to be a demon. First, the crew helped clarify it, and then the official media named and criticized to fan fans.

Now it's even worse, Zhao Feier's rich second-generation husband came directly to help him resign, and even came to apologize.

... So many "coincidences" happened to He Tiantian alone, Zhou Zi really couldn't help but open his mind.

"..." He Tiantian had a question mark on her face.

What "did what"?

She did nothing.

Uh, at most, in the spare time of filming, the technology of quantum computer was developed and handed over to the country.

Maybe, maybe-

He Tiantian had some guesses and said with a smile, "No matter what the reason is, the result is good!"

He Tiantian is not afraid to pk with Zhao Feier, but she really doesn't want to waste time on irrelevant and boring people.

"And her fiance, don't use it to apologize to me!"

Who is to blame, who will bear the burden, and what does it mean to find someone else to replace it?

He Tiantian is not uncommon for such an insincere apology.

Zhou Zi knew that her artist was lazy and didn't want to provoke these right and wrong.

He quickly responded, "Okay, I'll tell him what you mean."

After that, without waiting for He Tiantian to say anything, Zhou Zi ran out again excitedly.

He Tiantian shrugged and stopped paying attention, but lowered her head again and began to immerse herself in her "project".

It's just that it's a little difficult.

If He Tiantian is given enough time, she should be able to conquer it herself.

But time is urgent, and He Tiantian wants to solve it as soon as possible, so he can only cheat and take a shortcut.

She opened the system panel, opened the system mall, and began to search for the desired product.

"Sweet, what do you want to buy?"

Xiao D couldn't bear the loneliness, and hurriedly jumped out to brush his presence.

Since starting the antivirus mission, in order to avoid being discovered by wild writers in the mission world, Xiao D had to be locked in a small dark room, unable to fight side by side with Tiantian in the mission world.

Its relationship with Tiantian seems to have become a little rusty.

Extending to reality, He Tiantian is no longer the same as in the past, often chatting with it and treating it as a bosom friend.

Now Tiantian, I seldom chat with it, and rarely call it out.

This made Xiao D very sad.

If it hadn't been able to feel He Tiantian's mood swings, it would have mistakenly thought that he was unbound with Tiantian.

Woohoo, don't!

Tiantian is her dear friend, she should not break up with Tiantian, let alone become estranged with her.

At this moment, seeing He Tiantian starting to buy things in the system mall, it jumped out to chat up.

"Well! I want to buy a technology!"

He Tiantian answered perfunctorily while searching.

Classmate D: ...Ow, Tiantian is no longer in the Ellen family, yet she is so indifferent to the Lun family!

"What technology? Let me see it for you!"

Xiao D works hard to be cute, and desperately wants to show his value.

He Tiantian:  …

What's the matter, little D classmate?


However, she didn't care too much, anyway, this little mentally retarded convulsion is not a day or two.

It's just a little bit more windy now.

"I found it! You are not needed for the time being."

He Tiantian's eyes fell on the search results and said casually.

"Huh? Holographic technology? Sweet, do you want to buy it? It takes more than 900 points."

Xiao D followed He Tiantian's line of sight and saw that He Tiantian actually wanted to use points to buy holographic technology.

In other words, Tiantian is the most economical. Even if you want a certain technology, you hope to get rewards by drawing treasure chests instead of buying them directly.

Uh, not right either.

Since the last time Tiantian bought a space with points, she seems to be extra "generous".

Spend points at every turn, without any hesitation.

Sweet, is this a thought? Don't want to be a miser with points?

Xiao D's inner core is full of wild thoughts.

"I have a discount card. After the discount, I will get 93 points. I can afford it!"

He Tiantian said this, her fingers kept pressing, and she quickly pressed the "Buy" button.

Holographic technology is too important to her and a very critical part of her plan.

Don't say there is a discount card, even if she doesn't have it, she needs to buy the full amount, and she will find a way to collect the points for the purchase.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with you, I have to continue my research."

He Tiantian used this sentence to send Xiao D classmates away, and then threw herself into the systematic study space, and she began to study hard.

After staying in the system space for a full year, He Tiantian completely mastered this technology.

Pulling the soul out of the system space, she began to replicate holographic technology in reality.

The supercomputer purchased with a lot of money has been shipped to the capital. He Tiantian thought about it and did not install it directly in the courtyard of the capital, but got the first island.

Her island is very safe and private.

After the supercomputer was installed and the server group was installed, He Tiantian began to experiment with holographic technology.

She wrapped the entire first island and built an independent virtual world.

Yuan Mei and the few veterans stationed on the island were dumbfounded, "So what is written in the online article is true? Can you really create a virtual world?"

"Huh? No, it's not written in the online article, you need a helmet or a holographic warehouse, link your brain nerves, and then—"

Several people are secretly discussing, He Tiantian has started to start a small personal factory composed of artificial intelligence, robotic arms, etc., to manufacture the first holographic helmet and the first holographic warehouse.

Crowd:  …

Completely worship.

"Sweet, this, this—"

After Yuan Mei reacted, she was very excited, and her words were a little awkward.

He Tiantian pointed directly to the notebook, "Take it all, all the information is in it!"

"Hmm! I, I'll call right now!"

Yuan Mei's hands were trembling, but she still took out her phone.

He Tiantian ignored her, the holographic technology came out, and the next thing to do is—

He Tiantian returned to the bedroom on the grounds of taking a "lunch break" and called out with consciousness: "Student D, I have a task to do!"

"It's still the kind of gambling task, and the reward points start at 100 points."


Xiao D replied cheerfully, "Sweet, there is just a gambling task for you to complete here. Soul wear, the villain, the difficulty is that the supporting characters have golden fingers."

Xu Shixiao's classmate D wants to regain an intimate relationship with He Tiantian.

This time, without He Tiantian's request, it took the initiative to help He Tiantian cheat.

The biggest difficulty of the gambling task was revealed in advance.

Women with golden fingers?

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Oh? What kind of golden finger?"

Classmate D: "I can't say this, really, sweet, I really can't say this!"

Little D classmate explained eagerly.

While He Tiantian comforted her, she secretly did some tricks.

Xiao D didn't pay attention at all, and the main system, because He Tiantian was on the island, itself is a huge virtual world, and the main system did not find that He Tiantian was making small moves.

"Okay! Don't say it if you can't say it, little D, don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you!"

He Tiantian's "generous" expression of understanding.

"Okay, that's it!"

He Tiantian slowly closed her eyes, "Let's start!"

"Okay! The mission world is open!"

Xiao D's mechanical voice sounded again.

With He Tiantian as the center, a circle of energy fluctuations swayed from the inside to the outside, like water ripples.

And a small program was secretly embedded into a main system...

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