The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and eighty-fifth chapter female match she has a barrage (18)

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Si Xiangwan was pure doubt, she didn't know anything.

All her "magic" is because of the golden finger of barrage.

He Tiantian made preparations in advance, at least under some circumstances.

Moreover, before she entered the holographic live broadcast, she secretly made a small program.

And at this moment, He Tiantian felt an energy fluctuation——

Her applet was triggered!

She narrowed her eyes, perceiving carefully.


This virtual holographic world looks like it was yesterday, but it has actually changed.

It seems that this should be the trouble that "barrage netizens" said!

He Tiantian thought to herself, changed her clothes, and made a simple fishing net with the tools at hand.

[Is Kang Yuhan trying to catch fish? 】

[Wow, it's amazing, it can actually be transformed into a fishing net from rags. 】

[This is even great? My female goose can also use branches to fork fish. 】

[The one in front, I didn't want to pay attention to you, but I couldn't help it. Why is Si Xiangwan so powerful? Didn't you buy props for her? 】

[Che, if you are jealous, you can buy it for your family Kang San'er! 】

The daily quarrel mode in the barrage area is turned on.

Without even looking at it, He Tiantian used a "fishing net" to catch a fish, and then started to make a fire and grill the fish.

She had found out that even if she moved a little bit, she could peep at Si Xiangwan's barrage, but she couldn't find any helpful information from it.

Still the same sentence, the golden finger belongs to the protagonist, it is tailor-made, and it is urgent for the protagonist.

Even if others find a way to see it, they won't take too much advantage.

Sizzling, the oil from the fish was forced out by the flames, making a slight noise.

The fragrance belonging to the barbecue drifted away with the sound.

Netizens of Kang Yuhan's split screen, regardless of quarrel, started the sharing mode one after another.

[I'm going, so fragrant, so tender, so, so hot! 】

[Although there is no seasoning, the ingredients themselves are fresh and tender enough to obtain the purest taste with the simplest cooking method! 】

"Treading the Stars"

[The rapeseed flower in front, this tongue tip is also gone! 】

【cut! Is this delicious? It's just a grilled fish, with my family—]

【right! Yep! Your goose is the best! Your little ancestor is the coolest!

While "sharing" the delicious food, netizens took the time to quarrel, and the barrage on the split screen was very lively.

He Tiantian didn't care, and quickly finished the grilled fish, and then used the tools fetched from the sea to boil some boiling water.

After eating and drinking, He Tiantian started to get busy.

I rearranged the suitcase and discarded other useless clothes, leaving only a change of sports clothes and shoes.

When I was on the handicraft, the bottled mineral water that the flight attendant wanted to come had already been drunk.

He Tiantian didn't throw away the bottle.

When the hot water cooled, she filled the empty bottle.

Use that blanket as a furoshiki to wrap these clothes, shoes, water bottles and other supplies.

Then, she carried the small burden tightly behind her back.

【what? Is Kang Yuhan leaving this place? 】

[Oh, what a pity, the nest I just built yesterday, I don't want it anymore? 】

[It is estimated that it is too simple, and it is not a place for people to live at all. Still my female goose——]

[The front, you really have enough! Si Xiangwan is next door, if you want to show off fancy, please go out and turn left, okay! 】

[...Can't Kang Yuhan see the barrage? Why don't you explain it to us? 】

The barrage of local netizens, as well as the barrage of netizens from God's perspective, can all be displayed to the "host".

Only those barrages involving spoilers will be blocked.

Only Si Xiangwan (and He Tiantian) can see that kind of content.

He Tiantian saw the barrage that complained about "Kang Yuhan" not watching the barrage, but she didn't reply, and continued to do her own business.

【Fuck! She saw it! She clearly saw it! But still no, reason, me, we! 】

[This is Gao Leng,

Or don't take us seriously? 】

【It's gone! It's gone! It doesn't matter if you have a bad character, but you are still so arrogant, just when we have to watch your live broadcast? 】

【that is! Go, go, go, everyone! Don't contribute to her popularity, and don't give her gifts! 】

Several netizens kept fanning, and the live broadcast split screen barrage was indeed deserted a lot.

However, the ranking of "Kang Yuhan" on the live broadcast rankings remains at TOP5.

He Tiantian prepared a small burden and discarded the suitcase and tree house.

Netizens who squatted on Kang Yuhan's split screen, endured the urge to post a barrage, but couldn't help but complained in their hearts——

Is this lost?

What a pity!

However, the voice of complaining was still reverberating, and I saw several figures quickly surrounding.

It was a small team of three or four, all strong men with weapons in their hands.

Their eyes were fierce, and there were still bloodstains on some people's faces and bodies.

"What about people? Didn't you say there's a single woman here?"

"She also said that she was dragging a large suitcase, and there must be a lot of good things in it!"

"That's right, it's here. It's all shown on the map, damn, that woman escaped!"

"Boss! Suitcase! I found the suitcase! Fuck! It's actually empty!"

"There's still a nest in the tree, I'll go take a look! It's actually empty for those who ride on the horse."

Several big men fell and beat like bandits, kicked the flying suitcase with one foot, and demolished the tree house like a bird's nest.

【Why are these people like bandits? How brutal! Are they also the anchors participating in the live broadcast? 】

【wrong! they are not! I have watched the live broadcast rankings, and there are still 67 anchors left, either celebrities, elites, or ordinary people. There is no such 'big brother'. 】

[The one at the front is too euphemistic, where is this 'big brother', it is clearly a violent maniac and desperado. 】

【Ahhh! It's them! It's them! Just now, they attacked an anchor's camp, they, they not only robbed things, but also tortured and killed——]

【Fuck you! Go to the live broadcast list, there is another hunting list! Is this still the holographic live broadcast we know? 】

【Virus! Must be a virus! This holographic live broadcast uses new technology and may have loopholes. 】

The local netizens were directly bombed, all of them were panicked and faintly excited.

Hunting games can't exist in reality, but in the virtual world, it's not bad to be addicted.

Only those barrage netizens from the perspective of God have long known about this plot, and they are all smiles——

Where have you been, the big show has just begun, and the excitement has just begun.


In the cave, Si Xiangwan had a headache.

After one night, her team had grown to four people—

She, Feng Qianqian, Yu Fang, a flight attendant who served her in the handicraft, and Zhao Mengxue, a friend Yu Fang met after she fell into the water.

The more people there are, the more right and wrong.

Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue came to this cave by mistake.

Seeing that the person in the cave was Si Xiangwan, he suddenly remembered all kinds of things on the handicraft.

Especially seeing that Si Xiangwan was still eating the steak she gave her, while Yu Fang was envious and jealous, her psychology was also a little distorted——


Obviously these foods are sent to you by me!

As a result, after falling into the water, I couldn't eat a single bite.

But you take this little girl to eat and drink, and there are caves to live in!

I want to eat steak, live in caves, and oh yes, and so much wild boar.

Yu Fang was mentally unbalanced, but she still had a professional smile on her face, and tried her best to get close to Si Xiangwan.

Si Xiangwan: ...

They are all women, and they should really help each other.

Moreover, upon closer inspection, the steaks she ate and the mineral water she drank were indeed given to her by the flight attendant.

No matter what the reason was, the result was that after coming to the island, she and Feng Qianqian did rely on these to temporarily solve the hunger problem.

Although Yu Fang is where the accusation lies, in this world, there is still a shortage of "wicked people" who, even if they have a little bit of power, try to embarrass others to the greatest extent possible.

"Hey, forget it, let's keep Yu Fang first, and take it back as a favor on the sledgehammer."

"Furthermore, this cave is not my personal belongings, at most I came first, how can I directly occupy it?"

With such thoughts in mind, Si Xiangwan accepted Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue.

Yu and Zhao were grateful at first, but as their demands were gradually fulfilled, they also became greedy.

First, they asked to live in the cave, then "begged" to share fire and hot water, and then their eyes were fixed on the pieces of bacon!

Si Xiangwan has a barrage as a plug-in, and her fans have started "sharing" one after another to explore the thoughts of Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue.

As a result, Si Xiangwan knew that these two greedy women had already begun to think about turning against customers and occupying magpie's nests.

"Yu Fang, Zhao Mengxue, let's go!"

"It's already dawn, and you've had enough to eat and sleep, so we part ways."

In order to show his determination, Si Xiangwan's tone was a bit rude.

Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue's faces stiffened, and they were swept out of the door, which was really not a wonderful feeling.

But soon, Yu Fang reacted with resentment on her face, "Si Xiangwan, what do you mean? You want to drive us away?"

"I am your benefactor. When I was on the machine, if I hadn't distributed more food and water to you, would you still be alive today?"

Originally, Si Xiangwan was a little embarrassed when he opened his mouth to expel people.

Her own living environment is simple, and the original owner is an innocent white rich beauty.

Therefore, Si Xiangwan did not have a deep understanding of the ugliness and complexity of human nature.

Seeing Yu Fang, who used to be full of laughter, suddenly changed her face and gave her a rogue tone, her three views were greatly affected.

Taking a deep breath, Si Xiangwan said coldly, "I'm a first-class guest. The water and food you give me are what I deserve. What kind of grace is this?"

"Also, Qianqian and I were able to or until now, not because I have those supplies, but because—"

Having said that, Si Xiangwan raised his hand and patted the stone beside him directly.



A stone bigger than a watermelon instantly shattered into slag...

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