The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 988th chapter female partner she has a barrage (21)

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[Haha, Xiao Yi was impressed by the intelligence of the female goose. 】

[Oh, look at his little eyes, full of surprise and admiration. 】

[Xiao Yi: Woman, you have successfully attracted my attention! 】

[The front, are you a devil? We Xiao Yi are clearly the heroic special forces king, how can you say that like a greasy tyrant? 】

[Haha, even if it is the boss, it will not be oily. After all, the appearance of our silly goose is there. 】

【right! Yep! Those greasy and disgusting bosses are mainly because they are not good-looking enough. Change the beauty of the prosperous age, how narcissistic is charming! 】

Netizens posted a barrage happily.

Obviously, they were very satisfied with the first meeting of the male and female protagonists they identified.

Si Xiangwan took the time to glance at it, a little speechless, and even more inexplicably shy.

Ahem, she has been a single mother and child for two lifetimes.

As a result, after participating in a holographic live broadcast, I met the so-called official match.

And this Xiao Yi is really good looking, with good looks and good figure, the key is the charm of men.

Tutuo is a "walking hormone".

Si Xiangwan never knew that she still had the attributes of a lecherous woman, but the moment she saw Xiao Yi, she had the urge to want this or that.

Even though Xiao Yi in front of him was injured and the whole person looked in a state of embarrassment, Si Xiangwan couldn't help but be moved——

What, the battle-damaged beauty is also very helpful.

"Sorry, it's classified, I can't tell!"

Xiao Yi couldn't hear Si Xiangwan's voice, he was still thinking about the question that Si Xiangwan just raised.

After pondering for a moment, he said apologetically, "I can only tell you that this holographic live broadcast has changed from a simple desert island survival to a hunting game in hell mode!"

"Hunting game? What do you mean? Is it some kind of super scary, super bloody thing?"

In reality, Feng Qianqian is a two-dimensional otaku. In addition to dubbing, he also likes to read some online articles or play games.

Among his hobbies, there are web articles or games with horror and bloody elements.

"I don't know what super scary, super bloody stuff you're talking about! I can only tell you that in the next holographic live broadcast, killing will become routine!"

"Everyone on the desert island may become your enemy. And you will become everyone's prey!"

"In addition to the live broadcast PK list, there is also a hunting list! Only the anchors who rank in the top three in the two lists can get the reward of this holographic live broadcast!"

"in addition--"

Having said this, Xiao Yi suddenly stopped.

He clutched the wound on his chest, hesitated again and again, but still did not express his guess.

He could only vaguely say, "Forget it, this is just my personal opinion, and it hasn't been confirmed. You don't need to be too concerned, let alone panic!"

Feng Qianqian: ...Elder, when you say that, I panic even more!

However, Feng Qianqian complained, and she also found out that the one who was rescued by her boss should also be a powerful person.

He has a military background and knows many secrets that ordinary "anchors" don't know.

And his force value should not be low.

Not to mention anything else, only his "physical quality" is by no means an ordinary person.

Tsk, after suffering such a serious injury, he was only able to stand up after being bandaged for a little while.

If he hadn't been injured, his fighting power would definitely be good.

Of course, Si Xiangwan was the one Feng Qianqian trusted the most and was willing to rely on.

Woohoo, her eldest is the No. 1 Krypton Gold anchor on the fan list. With the rewards of fans, the eldest can open a lot of "plug-ins".

Soak up!

Feng Qianqian secretly wiped her saliva and tried her best to look away from the laser gun.

Such a domineering weapon, no matter how sturdy and brutal those outlaws are, they can't do it.

The boss with such a weapon is Feng Qianqian's biggest backer!

"Xiao Yi,

Is your guess related to those outlaws? "

Si Xiangwan didn't pay attention to Feng Qianqian, but continued to talk with Xiao Yi.

While looking at Xiao Yi, she paid attention to the barrage.

It's just that fans are still immersed in CP, and there is no "spoiler" at all.

Si Xiangwan was slightly disappointed, and she began to try to think for herself.

She tried her best to recall Xiao Yi's expression when he spoke, and found some traces in it.

She tried to talk to Xiao Yi.

[Haha, the female goose is so smart, she found the clue just by Xiao Yi's expression. 】

[Of course, Si Xiangwan is super awesome. 】

[She has lived a prosperous and well-loved life since she was a child, and she doesn't need to think too much at all. Now, she is in a holographic live broadcast where a major change has occurred, and she is in danger, so she naturally begins to stimulate all her potential. 】

【blow! Awkward! Then blow! I've found it, you brain-stuck fans like brain supplements the most. 】

[Yes, maybe it's not that bad, everything is just a coincidence. 】

【right! You guys are right! My female goose just made a mistake and had a bad luck, that's why she picked up Xiao Yi, and through Xiao Yi got insight into the big trouble of holographic live broadcast, and then solved this trouble! 】

[Sister in front, I have already pulled out a 50-meter machete, so what, let me peel an apple for you. 】

[Si Xiangwan herself is a growing heroine, she used to be the same as many of us. It's just that we are still mediocre, but she can rise in crisis! 】

[Yes, yes, everyone is the same, not born so powerful. Those who can grow and make continuous progress are very positive and admirable idols. 】

[If I say something that may be beaten, Kang Yuhan next door seems to be very powerful! 】

Selfish and cool, rational and sober.

Also a young girl on the university campus, but coaxed Si Xiangwan into a circle.

After entering the holographic live broadcast, you can also be as cold as a lone wolf.

The key is that she can still live well in the jungle alone.

Maybe she is not as positive, kind and beautiful as Si Xiangwan, but she can always hit a certain point in someone's heart.

She seems to have done something that many netizens want to do but dare not sit-

bad, it is bad enough;

If you refuse, you simply refuse.

Moreover, when her bad-woman character was established, the public's expectations for her seemed to be lowered.

As long as she doesn't hurt others, she is a good person.

But everyone has too many moral requirements for a kind girl like Si Xiangwan.

Everyone hopes that they can meet Si Xiangwan, but they don't want to be Si Xiangwan.

In their hearts, there is more of a "Kang Yuhan".

[San'erfan next door, as expected, just like their master, they all have three wrong views. 】

[That is, we were able to discover the secret of the holographic live broadcast to Wan Wan, and finally joined hands with the male protagonist to save a lot of people. 】

[It must be an exaggeration to say 'Savior', but the contribution of the female goose is really great. 】

[Yeah, who could have imagined that there would be such a big bug in this holographic live broadcast? 】

[If it weren't for the female goose, hundreds of people and many subsequent innocent people would have been caught up in this 'hunting live broadcast' and imprisoned forever! 】

[There is also an official, if it is not the female goose, it is estimated that it will be coerced by the evil forces! 】

[The daughter-in-law and son-in-law not only saved so many people, but also saved the holographic technology! 】

【right! If it weren't for the two of them, holographic technology might be stopped! No one wants the technology to get out of control and endanger the entire human race. 】

The live split screen is full of various barrages.

And among the useless barrages of praise or abuse, He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan finally found a useful barrage.

He Tiantian: ...It's the same as my guess.

She continued to travel through the jungle, carrying out some secret operations according to her plan.

Si Xiangwan trembled for a while—

What's the meaning?

It means that there is a big bug in this holographic live broadcast? Or, is it a big trap? Big conspiracy?

And the "anchors" who participate in it will be life-threatening?

Could the dead hologram in the live broadcast affect the physical condition in reality?

As for the "saved holographic technology" mentioned in the barrage, Si Xiangwan can understand it.

The reason is very simple. Human research and development and implementation of a new technology are all to serve human beings.

But if this technology not only fails to bring convenience and benefits to people, but also endangers the safety of human life, it will naturally be stopped.

This is not "giving up food because of choking", but weighing the pros and cons and making trade-offs.

People are always the most important!

Si Xiangwan's brain was running fast, and the more she thought about it, the more terrified she felt.

Xiao Yi was stunned, he didn't expect Si Xiang's party to be so keen.

After a while, he said seriously, "What did you guess?"

"those people--"

Si Xiangwan licked his lips and said with difficulty, "I mean, will those who 'dead' in the holographic live broadcast be 'resurrected'?"

She entered the holographic live broadcast herself, so she knew that these people only appeared in the virtual world through the brain nerves linked to the holographic warehouse.

The virtual influence "dies", and this link is only cut off.

In reality, people at most have truly experienced the feeling of death.

For the body, there is not much damage to the brain nerves.

However, if this "death" is cyclical, and the connection between the brain nerves and the holographic warehouse cannot be cut off, the "people" will be trapped in the virtual world all the time.

Being slaughtered, tortured, repeated, endlessly... This feeling can be called a kind of torture!

It can absolutely drive a normal person crazy.

When people are crazy, their consciousness is also confused.

In reality, even if you can forcibly disconnect the link, you may become a fool or a vegetative person due to confusion!

"The biggest crisis of this holographic live broadcast is not that there are hunters, but that all of us can't get out? Right?"

With a trembling voice, Si Xiangwan asked the guess that frightened her the most.


Xiao Yi fixedly looked at Si Xiangwan, seeing that she had guessed so much, and the "facts" would soon confirm her guess.

There is no need to hide it.

"It's not just us! There are more people, as long as they link to the holographic warehouse, even if they have nothing to do with this holographic live broadcast, they will be dragged into this virtual world..."

There are major bugs in the entire holographic network!

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