【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"Sweet, are you alright?"

Cheng Yiming called.

When the online public opinion was fermenting, he was filming.

After filming, the intermission, and after a meager swipe, I saw He Tiantian's hot search.

Both he and his fiancée believed that He Tiantian was a scholar and a real genius.

However, scientists are still too far away from them, and Cheng Yiming didn't dare to think about it at all.

He was worried that someone knew that He Tiantian liked to knock on the computer in the crew and write some academic papers that mortals could not understand, and deliberately "killed" He Tiantian on the Internet.

He Tiantian is indeed excellent, but he should not be a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

She was definitely smothered this time.

Cheng Yiming secretly helped He Tiantian count his enemies in his heart, and estimated their chances of calculating He Tiantian one by one.

He also thought of Zhao Fei'er, and even thought of his ambiguous object, Xue Min.

This woman, through the breakup, asked him for the role of He Tiantian.

In this way, Xue Min also had some holidays with He Tiantian.

In addition, there are some post-zero florets who are similar in age and style to He Tiantian.

In order to compete for resources and seize the market, they or the brokerage company behind them may also fish in troubled waters.

No way, the entertainment industry is a huge vanity fair, right and wrong nest.

Once someone has signs of overturning, there will be a lot of people rushing up and down the road.

Cheng Yiming really wants to be friends with He Tiantian. Not only will he not fall into trouble, but he is willing to help her within his ability.

So, after sorting out his thoughts, Cheng Yiming called He Tiantian.

"I'm talking about the Internet, you, you must not lose your head and want to make a default."

"The clarification will be clarified, and it will be strongly stated that the legal responsibility of those "rumor makers" will be pursued."

Cheng Yiming is an old man in the circle, and he knows the rules and doorways too well.

Don't have a fluke mentality, don't think "I don't deny, I don't admit it", and then you can wash it off after rubbing the heat.

What is true is true, what is false is false, and the attitude must be clear.

Although this wave of "praise and kill" is ruthless, it is not impossible to crack.

As long as He Tiantian takes a stand and clarifies the facts, even if someone continues to slander, there is a chance for things to be salvaged.

It will only affect the speed of the rising star of He Tiantian, and it will even be silent for a while.

But that's better than a complete overturn.

He Tiantian is rich, Cheng Yiming has connections, and there are big directors like Director Feng and Director Chen in the circle who are willing to help He Tiantian.

When the limelight passes, it will not be too difficult for He Tiantian to "come back" again.

It can be said that Cheng Yiming is really thinking about He Tiantian, and he even helped He Tiantian imagine the follow-up plan.

Although He Tiantian couldn't hear Cheng Yiming's voice, he could feel his concern from his words.

"Brother Yiming, don't worry, there will be clarification. This matter will be resolved satisfactorily!"

He Tiantian was very moved.

She has no family relationship, but she still met many good people.

Such as Zhou Zixuan in high school, and her mother.

Another example is a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

And Yuan Mei, she was kind to herself, perhaps because of her responsibilities.

But in the process of getting along, the other party also paid his sincerity.

Entering the entertainment industry, He Tiantian met director Feng Jing, Cheng Yiming and his fiancee...

They are also sincere to themselves.

He Tiantian has gained a lot of friendship, which has comforted her lonely heart to a certain extent.

Knowing that Cheng Yiming is really for her own good, her attitude towards Cheng Yiming is extraordinarily kind.

"……That's good!"

Cheng Yiming heard He Tiantian say "there will be clarification", mistakenly thought that He Tiantian had listened to his persuasion, so he felt relieved.

The two had some gossip and exchanged about filming matters before hanging up the phone.

"Brother Yiming, it's your turn again!"

Just hung up the phone, Cheng Yiming suddenly

what came to mind.

Just before he could think about it, a staff member called him to film.

Cheng Yiming had to put it down temporarily and got up to shoot.

In the second half of the night, Cheng Yiming was so tired that his eyelids were fighting.

He climbed into the nanny car and was about to go to sleep when a flash of light flashed in his mind: "I figured it out!"

He Tiantian said "there will be clarification", but did not say "I will clarify".

This, this... oh, will there be any changes in this matter?

Cheng Yiming felt tense in his heart, and was completely drowsy. Gulu sat up, picked up his mobile phone and started searching.

He Tiantian's hot search titled "A new budding actress in the entertainment industry is actually a genius scientist" is still high on the list.

However, it has moved from first to second.

The first place in the hot search is "Statement issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences".

Cheng Yiming became even more nervous, "It's broken! It's broken! In the end, it still angered other officials. The eldest boss himself went off the court and slapped his face!"

Cheng Yiming was worried, but he still clicked on the news.

He had ten lines at a glance, but, soon, Cheng Yiming discovered that he knew all these words, but why did he, he, couldn't understand them when they were combined together?

"Huh? Brother Yiming, are you also watching hot searches?"

Cheng Yiming's assistant came back with a takeaway snack, and as soon as he got into the nanny car, he saw his artist swiping meagerly.

He asked with a smile, and then said to himself, "Oh, I really didn't expect that He Tiantian is really from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Those black technologies such as artificial intelligence are actually developed by her!"

"Brother Yiming, we are all human, why is the gap so big?"

"Compared with He Tiantian, I feel like an unevolved ape-man."

"Netizens are even more stunned. Those big Vs who used to connotate He Tiantian's character have deleted their posts and apologized. Those netizens who followed the trend and scolded He Tiantian also ran to her meager apology."

"The most hilarious is He Tiantian's "Lotus Leaf". Tsk, proud and proud! Think about it, there are all kinds of people in the entertainment industry, and there are also high IQ and highly educated categories. ."

"But, the talented and beautiful girl scientist! Absolutely the first!"

"The key people are not empty names, but really high-quality scientific research results."

"There is a big old netizen who popularizes science late at night, saying that any scientific research achievement He Tiantian is enough to make her famous. Maybe she can win a Nobel Prize."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Cheng Yiming's assistant is very talkative, and he can say so much without anyone supporting him.

Cheng Yiming:  …

In the past, he had also disliked his assistant for being so dry, a talkative and loud speaker.

But at this moment, he was extremely grateful for this characteristic of his assistant.

He didn't need to search for it, just listened to the assistant's bbq, and he knew what was going on outside.

"It turns out that she is really a scientist! And the Chinese Academy of Sciences is willing to take the initiative to help the platform!"

Cheng Yiming sighed softly.

No wonder He Tiantian said "there will be clarification" so confidently.

Co-authoring, she had known for a long time that this would be the outcome.


That's good, He Tiantian will be in the entertainment industry in the future, even if it is the sun, it is estimated that he will not dare to black her!

Ahem, she's a talented and beautiful girl scientist, maybe with an inspiration, she can invent the black technology that "the sun won't tan".

"...What am I thinking about?"

Cheng Yiming himself was amused by his own thoughts.

He Tiantian is a scientist, not a willful child.

However, soon, Cheng Yiming was "slapped in the face".

The next day, He Tiantian returned to the crew. As soon as he stepped into the film and television city, he was blocked by the swarming reporters.

Everyone was very crazy, shouting their own problems at the top of their voices.

Yuan Mei's heart was about to go to her throat, so she hurriedly took a few "colleagues" who were newly assigned to protect He Tiantian, and escorted He Tiantian around.

Yuan Mei and the others were all special forces, and they had a strong suffocation on them.

That kind of coldness directly frightened the entertainment reporters and paparazzi.

Only then did they realize that He Tiantian in front of them was not an ordinary entertainment star, but a national treasure-level scientist.

Officials must be closely guarded.

And the people who protect her are estimated to be official special bodyguards.

"It won't be the king of soldiers."

"It should be, that little sister's eyes are so sharp, she feels like she can kill people!"

"Will they carry weapons! Like biubiu?"


A group of entertainment reporters looked at each other and communicated silently.

They want to back off.

However, the gossip gene given by the profession still makes some entertainment writers forget their fears.

Someone hid in the crowd and shouted, "He, Mr. He, are you really a scientist?"

One is two: "Mr. He, when did you start doing scientific research?"

If there are two, there are three: "...Mr. He, why did you think of developing holographic technology? Is the holographic technology you developed what we imagined?"

"Mr. He! Excuse me—"

Another sound of questioning.

Among the many questions, He Tiantian noticed the phrase "how to think of developing holographic technology".

She turned her head, found the entertainment reporter who asked the question in the crowd, and said to her mobile phone camera: "I didn't want to develop holographic technology so quickly!"

"However, some black fans scolded me for being fat on the Internet. I am definitely not fat, but it is a technical problem to be fat on the camera."

"And I, as someone who has the ability to push technology forward, think about how to solve this problem."

He Tiantian said this, and spread her hands pretending to be innocent, "So, I got the holographic technology out! With the holographic technology, there will be a holographic film and television experience soon."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"Really entering the holographic era, being on the camera and being fat will no longer exist. Problems such as not being photogenic or being very photogenic will also become history!"

Public Entertainment:  …

Even Yuan Mei and the others shook their heads for a moment.

He Tiantian will develop holographic technology, just because of the abuse of online black fans?

This, this is too much of a joke.

And He Tiantian himself is the highest interpretation of "I am arrogant and self-willed".

After the interview video was circulated on the Internet, netizens were speechless.

They suddenly felt that such a willful He Tiantian was very down-to-earth.

He also finally realized that He Tiantian, like them, is a young man who will be angry and willful...

Chapter 1003 Willful

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