The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 1005th chapter dug out the ancestors (1)

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"Tiantian, look, the videos are getting more and more exaggerated now!"

Zhang Xueqing sat next to He Tiantian, while doing "prenatal education" for her child, while swiping her phone.

Seeing the interesting video, she didn't forget to share it with He Tiantian: "Well, this pumpkin is really invincible, and it can build a carriage like in a fairy tale!"

"And this, tsk tsk, is this an earthworm or a python? Or the kind of jungle python!"

"...The special effects of these one by one are also gone!"

After all, Zhang Xueqing is considered half of the people in the entertainment industry, and she has seen a lot of real and fake things.

She is not easily deceived by online videos and photos.

Videos may be clips and special effects, while photos are even simpler.

She never takes these terrifying news on the Internet seriously, but only treats it as a joke.

He Tiantian: ... Dear, this is really not a joke!

As time passed, the signs of "Reiki" recovery became more and more obvious.

And the video that broke out on the Internet is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are more unknown "mutations" that are quietly happening.

Of course, the national Baba should have detected it long ago and made a comprehensive plan.

Not to mention anything else, only the Chinese Academy of Sciences' emphasis on "Iron Man" and small nuclear reactors gave He Tiantian a glimpse.

Ordinary people are affected by "reiki", and very few people become "spirits", suddenly mastering supernatural powers beyond the limits of human beings.

The original order and hierarchy will undergo subversive changes.

But society can't be chaotic, and it's hard to say in other places, but in China, the country will still do its best to maintain stability and peace.

Iron Man, who is a "chicken rib" in large-scale wars, can play a great role in the face of "spirits".

There are also starships, and the corresponding interstellar immigration program.

No one can guarantee that this "dramatic change" will bring Blue Star down.

In case the Blue Star becomes no longer suitable for human habitation, the possibility of immigrating to other planets must be considered.

Therefore, without the knowledge of ordinary people, the relevant departments have stepped up their pace.

He Tiantian did not deliberately inquire about these top-secret information, but she always received calls from the Chinese Academy of Sciences or other units.

From what they asked and the focus of attention, He Tiantian already had a guess that was closer to the truth.

"Huh? Sweet, did I swipe my phone so my eyes were dizzy? Why do I think the willow tree outside is 'dancing'?"

Zhang Xueqing watched the video for a while, and felt that her eyes were a little sore, so she looked up at the window.

However, as soon as she got to the window, she exclaimed, "It, it is really moving! God, God! What's going on?"

Zhang Xueqing's voice rose suddenly, as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight!

In fact, it's almost like hell.

She saw an ordinary willow tree beside the road and suddenly "moved".

It's not that the branches are moved by the wind, but from the trunk to the branches, and even the roots, they are all moving!

"Is this willow tree mature? Or am I still dreaming without waking up?"

"Or, I, I was a fool for three years, and I actually had hallucinations?!"

Zhang Xueqing was directly stunned by the scene outside the car window, the charming fox's eyes were wide and round, and a small mouth muttered unconsciously.

As early as the moment the willow tree "danced", He Tiantian tightened the nerves of her whole body.

She quickly took out a metal bracelet from the space, clicked it, and buckled it on her wrist.


The moment He Tiantian put on the bracelet, the dancing willow tree grew wildly, and the willow branches that were only one or two meters long instantly became more than ten meters long.

The thick and long willow branches were drawn directly to He Tiantian's nanny car, making a dull noise.

The nanny car was directly pumped and swayed from side to side.


Yuan Mei was shocked but not confused, and decisively took out a weapon from her waist.

To the huge, manic willow tree,

She has a pass of biubiubiu.

But, it didn't work at all.

The eggshell collided with sparks on the rough trunk, but only scratched the bark.

Willow became even more irritable because of the attack.



"Help! Come on someone!"

"Sweet, run! Let's run!"

Zhang Xueqing, who was obviously frightened, grabbed He Tiantian's arm and screamed to escape with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ... dear, stop shouting, my eardrums are about to be pierced.

She never thought that Zhang Xueqing, who has always been sweet, and the future actress's wife, could actually make such a harsh voice.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Xueqing was really frightened, and the whole person was in a state of extreme fear.

However, even with such a "collapse", Zhang Xueqing did not have a stomach to escape.

When she tried to escape from the seat, she did not forget to pull He Tiantian.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid! We'll be fine!"

He Tiantian covered up the warm current in her heart and comforted Zhang Xueqing softly.

"No! Sweet, why don't you run?"

Zhang Xueqing couldn't understand He Tiantian's sullenness.

She dragged He Tiantian hard, trying to pull her and run to the door together.

Her idea was very simple. Before the nanny car was completely smashed by the "willow spirit", they should escape as soon as possible.

"Tiantian, I know you are a genius, and you are smart. But in the face of absolute force, being smart is useless!"

Zhang Xueqing was so anxious that if she hadn't taken into account her past affection and respect for scientists at the national treasure level, she would have wanted to leave He Tiantian to escape by herself.

"Sister-in-law, smart and useful!"

He Tiantian smiled slightly and tapped the metal bracelet.


A metal box originally placed in the car of the nanny car was opened instantly.

Card, card!

There was a very rhythmic mechanical sound, and He Tiantian finished "dressing up".

Zhang Xueqing was stunned again: ...Husband, come and see Superman.

Oh no, not Superman, yes, Iron Man!

He Tiantian put on her armor, raised her hand and tore off the roof of the RV.

Then, one by one, she took Zhang Xueqing and Yuan Mei out of the carriage.

She threw a white ball at Zhang Xueqing.

The ball instantly bounced off in mid-air, became larger, and then turned into a protective pad, holding Zhang Xueqing firmly.

"Big, big white?"

Zhang Xueqing was completely messed up.

Is she really not dreaming?

Why is Willow Tree Chengjing and Iron Man again? At this moment, even the deformed version of Dabai has appeared!

However, the soft touch under the body and the inexplicable sense of security are extremely solid.

And He Tiantian, who took the driver, Zhou Zi and the others out of the carriage and flew directly to the Willow Spirit, was so real.


He Tiantian fired a laser, which directly blew the manic willow monster into slag.

"This, it's over?" Zhang Xueqing muttered while lying on the soft white protective pad.

"Wife, are you alright?" Cheng Yiming, who rolled and crawled out of the carriage, went straight to Zhang Xueqing.

"Brother Yiming, I'm fine!"

Zhang Xueqing finally came back to her senses when she heard the voice of her man.

As soon as she grasped Cheng Yiming's arm, the feeling of the rest of her life came to her mind instantly.

"Uuuu, Brother Yiming, my child and I almost won't see you!"

"Fortunately there is Tiantian... Brother Yiming, after the child is born, let's let the child recognize Tiantian as the godmother?!"

Cheng Yiming, disheartened but full of happiness: ... What kind of divine development is this?

How do you say it and you recognize it as a kiss?

However, He Tiantian did save Zhang Xueqing.

If Zhang Xueqing hadn't taken He Tiantian's nanny car, if He Tiantian hadn't rescued Zhang Xueqing right away, she might have survived, but the fetus in her womb may not be guaranteed.

Cheng Yiming's RV was also deformed by the manic willow branches, and the assistant was crushed and injured by the deformed door.

Cheng Yiming couldn't believe how badly her wife and the child in her womb would suffer if she sat beside him!

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Zhang Xueqing to say so.

And letting the children rescued by He Tiantian recognize each other as godmothers is also in line with the traditional thinking of Chinese people.

He Tiantian: ... It can't be said to be outrageous, just, it's quite unexpected.

She has no kinship, nor does she have much respect for love.

There was no way, there was always a shadow in her heart that made it difficult for her to fall in love with a man again.

If I won't fall in love with a man again, I can't guarantee that I will have children...

"Okay, when my sister-in-law is born, I'll be the godmother for the baby!"

Facing the enthusiastic Cheng Yiming and the persistent Zhang Xueqing, He Tiantian responded with a smile.

However, He Tiantian never imagined that she would not be able to "live" Zhang Xueqing to produce——

After the willow monster incident, He Tiantian continued to film on the grassland outside the city with the crew.

A sudden heavy rain interrupted the filming process.

It rained for three days and three nights, and the grassland turned into a vast ocean.

The most terrifying thing is not the flood, but after the heavy rain, many animals and plants have mutated.

Animals became huge, mice became dogs, cats became tigers.

And those Meng beasts, which were originally large, became prehistoric beasts one by one.

There are also plants and trees that seem to have been hit with hormones and grow.

The giant trees are towering and the vines are like horned dragons. It seems that overnight, human beings have degenerated from a top civilization to a wild world.

Of course, human beings have also transformed. Some people have supernatural abilities, while more mortals have become the lower end of the food chain.

The world is in chaos, but China can still maintain stability.

Although soldiers and the like have no abilities, but with Iron Man, they can still protect this world.

However, He Tiantian's island was attacked by unknown forces, and her people were overthrown together with the island.

"Ding!, open!"

Before falling into a coma, He Tiantian vaguely heard a familiar and unfamiliar mechanical sound coming from the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Then, she was enveloped in boundless darkness.

I don't know how many years have passed, the sea has turned into a mulberry field, and human beings have established a modern civilized steel world in the primitive jungle.

A young girl, controlling the mecha, dug up her ancestral grave...

"Grandpa said that my ancestor was a superhero, and she left a baby in the ancestral house!"

"When I dig out the treasure, I, I will be able to..."

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