The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and fifteen chapters dug out the ancestors (11)

He Yitian believes in her own ancestors, and she also wants her mother to return to normal.

So, after hearing He Tiantian's words, she took her mother out of the nursing home without any hesitation.

Back on the first island, He Yitian put his mother into the "holographic warehouse" according to He Tiantian's instructions.

"What? What are you going to do?"

"Dad, Mom, come here!"

"...Aah, Wu Xincheng, you shameless bastard, you lied to me! You lied to me!"

"He Fengming, you bitch, if you hadn't fanned the flames, I wouldn't have fallen in love with Wu Xincheng at all!"

"Mom, grandma, I'm so scared. Come and coax me..."

He Lingxi seemed to be stimulated and struggled frantically.

She doesn't want to be locked up, she doesn't want to lie in this "box".

Woohoo, she wants to know the nursing home, she wants to be alone.

When He Yitian saw such a crazy mother, she felt distressed and helpless.

For a moment, she wanted to give up.

Forget it, my mother is actually pretty good.

Most of the time, she was very quiet, and only became ill when stimulated or frightened.

He Yitian opened her mouth and subconsciously wanted to intercede with her ancestors.

He Tiantian will not be as soft-hearted as He Yitian.

She raised her hand and pinched the back of He Lingxi's neck.

He Lingxi's cry stopped abruptly, and the whole person passed out.

He Yitian swallowed a mouthful of spit, and suddenly felt that the back of her neck was fine and painful!

She couldn't help flinching.

When He Tiantian's eyes swept over, she even showed a well-behaved smile——

Old Ancestor, I am different from my mother, I am obedient!

He Tiantian:  …

Look how frightened this kid is.

However, seeing He Yitian so well-behaved, He Tiantian was quite satisfied.

"Okay! Quickly put your mother in the holographic warehouse!"

"...Yes! Ancestor!"

He Yitian did not dare to delay, hurriedly helped her unconscious mother, and carefully placed her in the holographic warehouse.

He Tiantian linked the holographic warehouse with He Lingxi's brain. The door of the holographic warehouse was closed.

Then, she started to operate the computer crackling.

He Lingxi, who was in a coma at first, seemed to be attacked by some energy suddenly, and the whole person twitched a few times.

He Tiantian knew that this was the result of the successful link between the brain nerves and the holographic warehouse.

He Tiantian pressed the button, and He Lingxi's consciousness entered the virtual world specially constructed for her.

【Ding! 】

He Lingxi's "holographic journey" officially started.

In the virtual holographic world, she will experience tragic events such as exile and war, and then deeply appreciate the "preciousness of life".

She also feels hunger, terminal illness and other pains, and understands "the hardships of life" very clearly.

... After tasting all the sufferings in the world, He Lingxi will know that love is very important, but it is definitely not the whole of a person's life.

Family and friendship are equally important.

Responsibility and responsibility are the minimum requirements of an adult.

Love should not become a selfish and irresponsible fig leaf. If you are depressed, you must come out bravely!

He Lingxi: ... woo woo, ancestor, I thank you.

He Tiantian:'re welcome! Who made me your ancestor?

Put He Lingxi in the holographic warehouse to ensure that the program runs normally, and He Tiantian threw this unfortunate fifth-generation grandson aside.

She began to keep busy for the "career" of the sixth generation and grandchildren.

"Ancestor, what do you need me to do?"

He Yitian, who was used to relying on her own for a long time, was a little uncomfortable at first, and always wanted to help her ancestors share some of the burden.

"No! You, just follow the recipe I gave you to take care of your body."

He Tiantian swept He Yitian's eyes, and his eyes were somewhat resentful of "pro-ancestors".

He Yitian: ...Actually, me, my body is okay too.

She is a big star out of the circle by her looks.

With a height of 1.69 meters, a weight of 100 pounds, and a body proportion that defies the sky, she is absolutely white and beautiful with long legs.

Moreover, her beauty is the kind of very bright, very aggressive beauty.

It's the kind of beauty that, even if someone scolds "coquettish bitch", they will envy and envy the beauty that fits the aesthetics of most people.

Uh, okay!

He Yitian admitted that she was not very concerned about maintenance because of her lack of money and because she was young and beautiful.

Her beauty has only innate advantages, not acquired meticulous care.

The skin is indeed fair, but there are still some pores.

There will also be acne on the face because of problems such as eating and resting.

Her figure is not so perfect, and there is still some small flesh around her waist.

Anyway, compared with ordinary beauties in the entertainment industry, He Yitian is more beautiful.

But if compared with the top big beauties, she is still a little worse.

It's not that I lost to Yan Zhi, but to the "wallet".

Beauty and youth, in many cases, need money to maintain!

And once He Yitian, the most lack is money.

When He Shengtian next door applied the mask with "fairy water", He Yitian also washed her face with water.

Other big stars are well-maintained from the hair to the heels, and even when each mouthful of rice has to be carefully calculated for nutrition and calories, He Yitian is still eating the cheapest semi-finished instant food.

... Such a waste, no matter how good the foundation, will be destroyed.

No, He Yitian was only twenty-one years old, and she started to have dark circles under her eyes and a lot of hair loss.

"The nutritious meal I gave you must be eaten regularly and quantitatively!"

"There are also beauty creams and hair serums, which should be used every day."

When He Tiantian threw a pile of gold to the sixth generation grandson, he also prepared some nutritional and skin care products for her.

Pure traditional Chinese medicine, the medicinal materials come from her spiritual spring space.

The original medicinal effect plus the spiritual blessing of space, the effect is not a simple 1+1\u003e2, but a multiple superposition!

There are also clothes, jewelry, bags, etc. He Tiantian is not stingy at all.

He Yitian was surprised at first, then delighted, and finally turned into numbness.

Woohoo, the old ancestors are very rich, and the old ancestors are very good.

At the age of twenty-one, she hardly felt sheltered and favored except before the age of seven.

Until now, she finally understands how lucky it is to have a close relative who is as reliable as a mountain.

"By the way, although you don't have a spiritual vein, you can still try to 'practice martial arts'."

After spending a few days with He Yitian, He Tiantian likes this sensible and kind child more and more.

Of course, most importantly, this is her great-great-great-great-granddaughter.

The descendants who couldn't be kissed again.

He Tiantian is willing to teach her any exercises except the uncle's Promise.

"Practice martial arts?"

He Yitian was stunned for a moment, "Ancestor, do you want me to be a martial artist?"

In a world where immortality and technology coexist, ordinary people without spiritual veins and high IQ are unwilling to stay at the bottom of society.

There are some people with excellent physical fitness and some inheritance from their ancestors, who started another cultivation path - martial arts!

They practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, and they may not be able to reach the sky and escape of spiritual practitioners, but they can still have a certain amount of force.

Some extremely outstanding people have become "mecha warriors" after official selection.

Although it is only the most elementary, and its social status is not as good as that of spiritual practitioners and scientific practitioners, it is still out of the original grassroots.

He Yitian has no spiritual veins, so he can't even practice.

She also once thought of taking the road of martial arts, but her grandparents were reluctant.

They always thought that no matter how the He family fell, it would also be the dignified Dongzhou He family. As the only heir, He Yitian really didn't need to suffer.

Therefore, He Yitian missed the best enlightenment time.

"Old Ancestor, I am twenty-one years old now. Even if I want to practice martial arts, it's too late!"

He Yitian was a little moved, but she still expressed her worries.

"It's too late! My Dongzhou He's martial arts inheritance is different from the street goods outside!"

He Tiantian is full of self-confidence, and she also recognized the rhetoric of "He's in Dongzhou".

Now, she has an inexplicable sense of mission towards the "He Clan of Dongzhou".

"Ah? Oh! By the way! I remembered—"

After hearing He Tiantian's remarks, He Yitian suddenly thought of the "family history" and "anecdotes of the ancestors" that he saw when he was a child.

Ahem, she almost forgot that they would become He Tiantian's descendants because their real ancestors, Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian, were friends in the entertainment industry.

The two also starred in a movie and a TV series together.

In these two works, He Tiantian's ancestor showed her superb martial arts.

It was only later that the grandfather's reputation in the scientific research world was too great, and the fruitful achievements directly overshadowed her former "actor" status.

And in the next two hundred years, the social status of artists has plummeted.

He Polang and his successors in all dynasties have unknowingly lost this "history" of He Tiantian.

So much so that He Yitian, the heir, almost forgot his ancestor's artist status.

He Yitian was excited when she thought of the video materials she had seen when she was a child.

She took He Tiantian's arm like a child and shook it: "Ancestor, I want to learn! I beg you, you must give me the family martial arts of our He family!"

He Tiantian was swayed from side to side, and her heart was so soft that it fell to the ground.

She is only nineteen years old, but she is very adaptable and enjoys the status of "old ancestor".

He Yitian, the sixth-generation grandson who is two years older than himself, is a lovely child in He Tiantian's eyes!

"Teach! I'll teach you everything!"

He Tiantian said dotingly, and then started teaching.

"Our He family's martial arts has a special martial arts mind, you first learn the mind, and then learn the moves!"

He Tiantian taught in a serious manner: "Sit cross-legged, with five hearts facing up!"

He Yitian learned ballet when she was a child, and her body flexibility is not bad.

Otherwise, with her 21-year-old "old arms and old legs", she would not be able to perform such difficult movements as "sitting on the knees".

He Yitian obediently followed the teachings of the ancestors, with the five hearts facing upwards, breathing in the spiritual energy, and then smoothly inhaling the air into the body.

There is no spiritual vein, but there is a spiritual root. Although it is complicated, He Tiantian's exercises are good.

In just a few days, He Yitian broke through the third level of Qi training.

According to spiritual standards, she is already a spiritual practitioner on the fifth floor of the Spiritual Stage.

However, He Yitian didn't know that she had successfully entered the threshold of cultivation, and she only thought that her ancestors were powerful in martial arts and could actually ride the waves, pick leaves and fly flowers...

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