The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty-three chapters dug out the ancestors (19)

Xuan Mo didn't regret using the talisman for He Yongcheng, because what he gave can also be taken back.

However, Xuan Mo would not take it lightly until he finally confirmed the guess in his heart.

And at this moment-

"Old Ancestor, I'm recording a show today, can I stop practicing?"

The screen in the live broadcast room was switched, and He Yitian appeared in front of the camera wearing a training suit with a bitter face.

"What do you say?"

Still outside the camera, a cold female voice rang out.

The corners of Xuan Mo's lips couldn't help but rise, the familiar voice made him fascinated.

I don't know how many years I have been searching and how many places I have been to before finally reuniting in this world!

"Alright! Alright! I'll practice now!"

He Yitian shrank her neck, rolled her feet, and jumped directly onto the plum blossom pile.

[Fuck, He Yitian is going to practice martial arts? 】

[No, doesn't it mean that He Yitian's spiritual veins and IQ are irrelevant? 】

[They don’t have spiritual practice, or engage in scientific research. People are not practicing martial arts. 】

He Yitian stood on the high plum blossom pile and steadied her horse.

She was busy practicing martial arts at the moment, so she couldn't look at the screen for a while.

However, she could guess the questions of netizens, and said casually, "This is the martial arts secret book passed down by my He family ancestors, and it was created by my ancestors."

【I go! He Tiantian, He Da Lao? Isn't she the supreme god of technology? 】

【Hahaha, I know! You may not believe it. He Dalao's main business is not a scientist, but an actor! 】

【actor? No way! 】

【Please! In the front, the entertainment industry two hundred years ago was much more beautiful than it is now. They are not called actors, but literary and artistic workers and performing artists! 】

[I used to think that the He family in Dongzhou was really in decline, but He Yitian, a dignified daughter from a noble family, decided to become an actor.

Now it seems--】

【what is this? Really inherit the ancestral business? 】

Netizens were discussing excitedly.

Because of their "passing-through", He Yitian was forced to become a star by life, but it was also "washed white".

This is also human nature!

People who have the ability and support to do "players" are definitely to experience a different life.

Ordinary people do the same thing, they are lowly and do not seek to make progress!

Applied to He Yitian at this moment, that is "the inheritance of the ancestral business", which is worthy of praise.

No matter what the netizens think, He Yitian started to practice according to the exercises taught by the ancestors.

"Huh? It's a bit like the Guiyuan Technique, but it's the most basic technique!"

Xuan Mo is definitely an "expert", and he soon saw the clue.

have to!

Don't doubt it anymore, the old ancestor is her.


Xuan Mo closed the light screen, stood up, and was about to leave here.

"Senior! Senior Xuan Mo!"

He Shengtian shouted while running, and when he came to the front, the whole person was a little out of breath.

Xuan Mo raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

He made a mistake in judgment and admitted the wrong person, but he was not too annoyed.

Trial and error, it was meant to be tested one by one.

Make sure you find the wrong one, just replace it with the next one as soon as possible.

However, he would not take his anger out, nor would he speak ill of a girl.

No matter what his inner thoughts are, Xuan Mo has always maintained the appearance of a gentle gentleman.

At most, it was looking at He Shengtian's eyes, alienated and cold.

This girl is the descendant of He Yongcheng.

And He Yongcheng, tsk tsk, actually went against He Tiantian's descendants for two hundred years!

Xuan Mo doesn't take anger on innocents, but he is also a person with "clear love and hate"——

Love the house and Wu! Hate House and Wu!

"Senior, can you want to shoot this thing down?"

Approaching Xuan Mo, He Shengtian calmly breathed and glanced at the metal ball flying above him.

This drone is so annoying.

Once turned on, it cannot be turned off.

The live-streaming drone will run all the time unless it’s private time such as taking a shower or changing clothes.

And she and her family, every move, every word and deed will be captured by the camera and broadcast live online simultaneously.

If you are not careful, it will overturn.

Originally, He Shengtian thought of everything, and agreed on the "script" with his parents in advance.

However, I never imagined that my family of three would be fine, while He Yitian next door did not act according to the script.

There was even a He Lingxi, as if reborn.

With her spoiling the situation, He Fengming and Wu Xincheng not only failed to clean up the whitewash, but took advantage of the situation to push the Dongzhou He family, but ended up in an extremely passive position.

If this matter can't be solved, their family of three will overturn the car, and it is still the kind of death situation that cannot be easily turned over.

If you want to break the game, you can only find the family to come forward.

He Shengtian had no other trump card, she could only pin her hopes on Senior Xuan Mo, who looked at her differently.

[Cousin said, senior should like me! Otherwise, he would not follow his cousin to the ancestral land! 】

[Since you like it, you should protect me! Now it's just asking him to talk to the ancestors, it doesn't cost anything at all, he shouldn't refuse! 】

Thinking like this, He Shengtian's face took on a bit of confidence.

However, she didn't want netizens to see pictures of herself begging for a man.

However, the live drone provided by the program group is difficult to be shot down.

Anyway, with the strength of He Shengtian's family, he couldn't do it at all.

Therefore, she lowered her voice and made a request to Xuan Mo in a low voice.

"No!" Since it's not a little sister-in-law, Xuan Mo will not easily condone.


He Shengtian was directly choked.

She didn't expect the senior to be so indifferent.

Does he really like me?

Why can't I feel it?

Doesn't it mean that people who are liked can have nothing to fear?


There was a bad premonition in my heart, but He Shengtian still had a bit of luck.

She swallowed a mouthful of spit, cheered up, and said the matter in three or two sentences: "...that's how it is."

"He Lingxi gave the things to my father at the beginning. Now he has turned his face and refused to admit it, not slandering my father for stealing property!"

"My father is really wronged. He Lingxi is going to have a lawsuit. He Tiantian's old friend still has influence in the government, and my father may lose!"

"Senior, I beg you, please help my father. You go and ask for mercy from the ancestors. The ancestors respect the seniors and will listen to your words."

He Shengtian suppressed her voice and asked in a low voice.

Although drones are the latest black technology, they are still affected by objective conditions.

When He Shengtian deliberately lowered his voice, the drone's radio effect was not very good.

However, when the drone is aware of this situation, it adjusts the shooting position by itself without any human operation.

The small metal ball almost landed on He Shengtian's mouth.

The camera was very close to He Shengtian, so an extremely enlarged face suddenly appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

The thick foundation can't hide the large pores and a playful pimple or two.

There is also He Shengtian's facial features, which basically have no major flaws.

However, the face shot is too scary, and it will infinitely magnify some of the shortcomings of the human face.

【I go! Was taken aback! 】

[He Shengtian's skin condition is not much better than mine. 】

[Compared with the next door, He Shengtian's appearance is really not high enough. 】

[You guys only know the superficial things that look at the face, aren't you curious, what did He Shengtian say to this immortal in white? 】

【Yup! Why suddenly control the volume? 】

【cut! What else can I say? It must be to help my pair of slut parents find a relationship and beg someone. 】

[The person in front said it very well, this little brother's appearance and temperament are really like a fairy! 】

[He is a spiritual practitioner! I feel like I'm radiating energy all over my body! 】

[Whether it is a spiritual practitioner can't guarantee it, but the other party must be very powerful, otherwise He Shengtian will not come to beg him! 】

【Ahhh! I remembered that when the broadcast first started in the morning, I saw him in the front yard, but in the next second, the person "disappeared", really disappeared! 】

[Fuck~ I watched the replay, and there really was a white shadow! However, the speed was so fast that even the latest drone did not capture him, and the pictures were full of phantoms. 】

[Betting on a pack of spicy sticks, this immortal little brother must have a very high cultivation level! 】

【right! I have seen spiritual practitioners dodge on the Internet. It is said that he is still a master of the spirit pill stage, but he was still captured by satellite monitors. 】

【Almighty above the spirit pill stage? Oh my god, this little brother looks like he's only under twenty years old! 】

[The one in front, don't understand again! A spiritualist's appearance is the most deceptive. Next door, Le Nader, is a former spiritual practitioner with damaged spiritual veins. He is almost fifty, and he is still the same as a thirty-year-old young man! 】

【Fuck! He Shengtian is also very lucky. In the past, I relied on my parents, and my parents overturned the car, but there are still "seniors" to rely on. 】

[Our eldest princess is lucky, unlike someone next door, who doesn't even have a power above the spirit pill stage, and can only practice martial arts by himself! 】

[I don't deny that He Shengtian is lucky, but I can't say that! How can you be ridiculed for being an independent woman on your own? It will only be on the thigh, but it is glorious? 】

Countless barrages flashed across the screen, some netizens were amazed, some were curious, some were envious, and some were indignant.

He Shengtian's stubborn fans and the sailors invited by He Fengming were rejoicing.

They almost scattered flowers and exploded fireworks in the live broadcast room!

But at this moment, I heard Xuan Mo say, "I'm sorry! I can't help you!"

What a joke, He Lingxi and He Yitian are the direct descendants of He Tiantian.

This one of them has guarded He Tiantian for two hundred years.

As an "elder", Xuan Mo would only be particularly distressed and prefer such filial descendants, how could he help irrelevant outsiders to bully them in turn?

He Xuan Mo is just a gentleman, not a fool!

"What? Senior Xuan Mo, you don't want to help me?"

He Shengtian's face was incredible.

Xu Shi was hit a bit hard today, and her mind was in chaos.

Now, her only hope has been dashed. She couldn't help but lose her balance. On impulse, she blurted out, "Senior, don't you like me?"

"Back then, you stayed in the He Clan in Xizhou for me, and helped my ancestors break through the cultivation base!"

"...Our family is really in trouble. Please help me. As long as you are willing to help me, I, I promise you everything!"

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