The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 368: My sister is reborn (12)

It’s three o’clock in the morning and you’re still painting?

Is this real, or is it just an act?

Humph, I want to see what she spent on it!

He Tianxin felt very confused. She stood up and walked gently to the balcony.

Standing behind He Tiantian, using the less bright light from the balcony, He Tianxin looked at the drawing board carefully.

On the white drawing paper, there are blocks of colors painted on it.

Like clouds, but not quite.

He Tianxin couldn't understand it, but inexplicably felt that the color was very eye-catching.

There are obviously no graphics, just blocks of color, but it gives people an artistic feeling.

It's not like those ghost talismans that He Tiantian made in his previous life. what?

After sitting in front of the drawing board and tinkering for more than ten hours, I came up with such a thing, not even a complete work!

He Tianxin couldn't help but feel a little upset.

However, thinking of her mother's advice, she was afraid that He Tiantian would really make herself sick.

He Tianxin lowered her voice and said softly, "Tiantian, it's getting late, go to bed quickly!"

"Oh, got it!"

He Tiantian responded casually, but continued to draw excitedly.

She was almost there, she was really close to opening the door.

He Tianxin: ...Bah! Still not sleepy! Love to sleep or not!

As if she was angry with someone, He Tianxin went back to the room, dove into her bed, and fell asleep again.

At 8:30 in the morning, the alarm on the phone rang on time.

He Tianxin struggled to get up from the bed, yawned, and turned off the alarm.

Subconsciously, he turned his head to look at the balcony. Well, fortunately, He Tiantian finally stopped painting.

"Sister! You wake up,

Hurry and wash up, the art exhibition will start soon! "

He Tiantian came out of the bathroom. She had finished washing and was applying skin care products to herself.

When He Tianxin saw that He Tiantian finally stopped painting like crazy, the big stone hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Although she wanted to correct her sister's bad habits, she never thought of letting her get over her illness.

Seeing that she seemed to be back to normal, He Tianxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and wash up.

Later, the sisters went to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

The room rate includes a buffet breakfast, so He Tianxin and He Tiantian will not waste it.

He Tiantian seemed to have not eaten for several days, holding a dinner plate with a pile of food.

It's a bit embarrassing!

He Tianxin looked a little embarrassed and wanted to remind her sister, but then she thought about it, her sister hadn't eaten or drank all day and night.

Forget it, let her eat more to avoid having low blood sugar or fainting accidentally.

He Tiantian devoured it and ate several plates in succession before filling her empty stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, He Tiantian felt a little full of blood and resurrected, even though he had barely slept all night last night.

Carrying the painting supplies on his back, he took his sister with him and headed to the art exhibition together.

This is an art exhibition jointly organized by a gallery in Paris and a gallery in Shanghai.

There are several famous European paintings, but most of them are works by contemporary painters.

He Tiantian was somewhat disappointed.

What disappointed her even more was that the few famous paintings were all placed in the glass windows.

A fence was set up in front of the glass window to prevent visitors from getting close.

He Tiantian:......

Fortunately, she still had her painting tools with her and wanted to copy it up close.

As a result, she couldn't even get close to the edge of the oil painting, so she couldn't observe it carefully, so how could she copy it.

However, now that you are here, let’s see as much as possible.

In addition, some of the works by contemporary painters displayed in the gallery are quite good.

Although there are currently popular pop art and minimalist art, there are also some works of realism and post-classicism.

Compared with some messy doctrines that go astray, He Tiantian still prefers realism.

The colors of realism and the dignity and beauty of classicism made He Tiantian fascinated.

Of course, in the past two days, He Tiantian focused on viewing a few famous paintings.

Even though there were fences and glass windows, He Tiantian still squeezed into the crowd with her neck stiffened.

She looked at a painting from morning to night. Her neck was sore and her feet were numb, but she still couldn't bear to leave.

He Tianxin:......

Seeing such an obsessed He Tiantian with her own eyes, He Tianxin couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that I misunderstood Tiantian? She really likes painting.

Even though she had no talent in her previous life, her love for art was very strong.

So, she became a giant baby not because she wanted to be lazy, but because she was really addicted to painting?

When this consciousness hit her brain, He Tianxin suddenly felt that her entire outlook was about to be overturned.

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness and vague guilt.

She seems to have misunderstood her sister. In her previous life, her sister was so "unbearable", not because of her character, but because she had no talent.

After being reborn, He Tianxin was full of hatred and regarded He Tiantian as her number one enemy.

This, it seems a little inappropriate.

He Tianxin shook her head vigorously to get rid of these messy thoughts.

What are you feeling guilty about?

I was hurt so badly by her in my previous life, am I still feeling guilty?

Besides, since you don’t have talent, don’t do useless work.

Diligence can indeed make up for weakness, but in some fields, refusing to give up without talent is asking for death.

He Tiantian didn't care if she died, but she still dragged her whole family to hell.

She, she was wrong too!

He Tianxin tried her best to persuade herself, and the feeling of guilt in her heart disappeared without a trace.

And then, He Tiantian's "willfulness" made He Tianxin feel crisis and disgust again!

"Tiantian, you, you want to buy this painting?"

He Tianxin spent two days with He Tiantian at the art exhibition. Seeing that she finally no longer stayed in front of some oil paintings in a daze, she thought that her sister's madness had passed.

As a result, before He Tianxin could be happy for two seconds, He Tiantian pointed at a painting that He Tianxin couldn't understand at all and said, "Sister, this painting is good, I want to buy it!"


here we go again!

In his previous life, He Tiantian would squander all the He family's property. In addition to hyping his own works, he also made so-called "investments"!

Art trading can indeed be invested.

Sometimes, if you succeed, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, which is higher than the return rate of business.

However, the art market is too complicated. How can He Tiantian, a young newcomer, be the opponent of those capital giants?

After making several investments, He Tiantian bought several paintings with ghost paintings that could not be seen as either human or demonic. He Tiantian failed to wait for the price of the paintings to rise, but instead got the money in his hands.

Now, He Tiantian has talent and really likes to draw.

But, but she wanted to invest in art, and He Tianxin couldn't help it.

"What's so good about it? It's so colorful, you can't even tell what it's painted on. It's not as good as what you painted!"

He Tianxin didn't praise He Tiantian on purpose, she just wanted to persuade He Tiantian not to mess around.

"It's really not as good as my painting. But, it's not bad!"

He Tiantian was not modest at all. Hearing her sister's words, she actually nodded in agreement.

Although she praised herself and stepped on others, she still wanted to buy the painting.

Not because I like it, but because I want to miss something.

He Tiantian looked at the introduction next to the oil painting, and her eyes fell on the artist's name.


A Spanish painter.

There is little fame now, and this work is not his peak work.

The price is about one thousand euros, which is 10,000 yuan converted into RMB.

He Tiantian thought it was a good deal.

Because she knew that this surrealist painter named Artur would win the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennale next year.

If you win a prize, you will be touted by investors and collectors.

Altur became famous almost overnight.

His works have also grown rapidly, and a single gouache sold for 100,000 euros.

The painting He Tiantian saw in front of her was still an oil painting. It could be ten times better than gouache!

He Tiantian silently calculated in her mind that when Artur became famous and sold this painting, she would have all the expenses for learning to paint in the next few years.

Maybe it’s enough for her to study abroad!

“Besides, the price isn’t too high!”

He Tiantian doesn't have to ask her parents for money. She has thirty to forty thousand yuan in her bank card from the pocket money, New Year's money, and the "inheritance" her grandparents gave her before they died.

This time when he went out, He Tiantian brought everything with him.

It's just buying a painting, no problem at all.

He Tianxin:......

She really didn't agree with He Tiantian spending money indiscriminately.

However, they didn't ask their parents for it, but spent it on their own treasury.

He Tianxin really had no position to object.

Forget it, let's do it this time.

If He Tiantian wants to invest in art in the future and uses her parents' money, she will stop him no matter how late!

Closing her eyes, He Tianxin said nothing and let He Tiantian swipe her card and buy the oil painting.

I spent two days at the art exhibition and met a few friends I met at S Art.

Among them was the owner of a gallery.

Speaking of which, this gallery once wanted to sign He Tiantian.

He even thought about how to hype this painter: a talented painter of beautiful girls!

He is less than 18 years old, but he draws at a very high level.

Maybe it’s the declining realism, but whether the painting is good or not, that’s all there.

Speaking of experts, even laymen who don’t understand art think that the paintings are good, mainly because they can understand them without the need for others to explain endlessly in their ears.

The key is that He Tiantian is very beautiful, with a height of 168cm and a weight of 90 pounds, but she does not look thin.

She has fair skin, double eyelids, big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a natural face with oval seeds, which is enough to make a group of people with awl faces envy!

With He Tiantian's appearance, even if she went to the West, she would still be praised as a beautiful girl.

Don't talk about the differences between Eastern and Western aesthetics.

For a long time, most people around the world have a unified aesthetic.

If you don’t believe it, take a look at the so-called most beautiful women in the world. Which one has squinted eyes, a flat nose, and a face full of freckles?

Whether they are stunning European beauties or Hollywood goddesses, they basically have big eyes, high nose bridges, three-dimensional facial features, and perfect bones.

The so-called aesthetic differences are nothing more than "face blindness" between different races.

Or maybe it's a fig leaf created by some "artists" who want to praise the West!

The gallery owner felt that He Tiantian, a talented painter of beautiful girls, would definitely be able to make a name for herself.

Unfortunately, He Tiantian did not agree.

In someone else's words, "I just like painting, and I don't want to exchange my works for money yet!"

The implication is that my aunt is not short of that little money.

Of course, the most important thing is that He Tiantian does not want to be bound by the rules and regulations of the gallery.

She is still in the stage of learning and accumulation, and interest is more important than anything else.

If there are too many interests mixed in, and if you have to cater to the market and draw some "proposal compositions", He Tiantian will definitely not be able to stand it.

Boss: ...the wealthy people from the urban villages are indeed not the poor, miserable painters.

He Tiantian did not sign a contract, but the boss was still very optimistic about He Tiantian.

There's nothing I can do about it, this girl's talent is too high, it's like God is secretly chasing after someone to feed her.

With such a talent, the little girl's family is rich and she is very diligent, so she can always make a name for herself in the painting world.

They are all in the same circle, so it never hurts to make friends in advance.

For example, the tickets for this Shanghai Art Exhibition were all given by the gallery owner.

Therefore, it was reasonable to meet this old acquaintance at the scene.

"There will be an art salon in Beijing next month, and several painters signed by our gallery will participate!"

When the boss saw He Tiantian, he was very affectionate. He smiled and invited, "Don't you want to come to the capital to take the art exam? You just happened to be on your way."

"In addition, I also invited several teachers from CAFA. You also bring your secondary works -"

There were too many things that the boss didn’t say clearly.

But what he meant was very clear.

He Tiantian went to the capital to take the art exam just to take the Central Academy of Fine Arts exam.

It would definitely be a good thing for her if she could get some guidance from CAFA teachers in advance!

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Feng!"

He Tiantian is just obsessed with painting, not really without emotional intelligence.

Of course she knew that the gallery owner had good intentions, so she would naturally express her sincere thanks.

The gallery owner’s surname is Feng, and he also painted when he was young.

However, he was not talented enough and failed to achieve anything famous, so he changed his profession and became a businessman.

Running a gallery is somehow related to art, so Boss Feng has not completely lost his profession.

However, he is not a pure businessman after all, and young people like He Tiantian will politely call him "Teacher Feng".

"You're welcome! It's you who paints well too!"

They are all people who love painting, and Boss Feng is also willing to help talented young people.

After leaving the art exhibition, He Tiantian began to think about what kind of painting to take to the capital.

In addition, she also gained some insights through observation and research in the past few days, and she was eager to give it a try.

Back at the hotel, He Tiantian didn't waste any time and started making a prototype with a drawing board.

From night to day, from day to night.

Without eating, drinking, or sleeping, He Tiantian seemed to have fallen into madness.

He Tianxin is still complaining secretly that He Tiantian shouldn't waste money, and she is still wondering whether her sister is really obsessed or is she deliberately acting.

It was just a symbolic reminder every day. It was not like my biological mother Tian Shumin, who fed her with food and water and took her to sleep.

On the third day, it was time to go home. He Tianxin woke up early in the morning, but she didn't see the painting figure on the balcony.

He Tianxin had a bad premonition in her heart and ran to the balcony. Sure enough, she saw a person lying on the ground, motionless...

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