The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 386 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (10)

"I, my eldest brother is a lone wolf, he avenged me!"

Among the six people, the last one was so frightened that he didn't dare to attack again. He turned around and ran away.

While escaping, he did not forget to shout to Stanley Ho: "4044, don't be arrogant because you think you are powerful. Let me go, I -"

What a pity, before he could finish his threatening words, a wooden thorn was firmly nailed into the back of his heart.


The man fell to the ground with a look of reluctance and horror.

He Hongtian stood up and looked at the corpses around him expressionlessly.

It’s still the old rule, search the corpse for useful items.

Various cold weapons from the Blue Star era, as well as nutritional supplements, drinking water, wild bird eggs, exotic animal meat, etc.

He Hongtian collected them all and placed them either in the shack or around the camp according to his needs.

Seeing his action of placing weapons, netizens realized that Stanley Ho's rolling on the spot was not random, but to pick up the weapons that had been placed around!

"As expected of Dr. He, he is thoughtful and impeccable in his thinking!"

"I feel like Dr. He is less like a doctor and more like a lone ranger wandering the world!"

"...I don't know if I'm the only one who felt it. When the brother said, 'My eldest brother is a lone wolf,' Dr. He's eyes clearly flashed with excitement!"

"And me! I saw it too! Let me go. When others hear 'I am XX', they will be a little wary. Dr. He seems to be very much looking forward to someone seeking revenge!"

"Doctor He: I'm worried that there are no fools to give away heads and equipment!"

"Xiu'er, are you?"

"Although the brother upstairs was a little naughty, he also told the truth: Dr. He is just waiting for someone to die!"

"Suddenly I discovered that there was still one person left, and Dr. He had also 'killed ten people'!"

"... Damn it, it's true! Doctor He didn't shout to kill, let alone clean up everywhere, he just killed nine people first!"

Netizens were suddenly very excited.

They couldn't tell what kind of feelings they had towards this "Doctor He".

Reason told them that this man was a scumbag, a beast who even tortured and killed his ex-wife.

However, Stanley Ho's performance in front of the live broadcast camera really shocked everyone, giving them the illusion that this man was a killer from the Blue Star ancient martial arts era.

"Kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace in a thousand miles."

There is nothing ferocious and cruel, but a kind of coldness and aloofness.

Stanley Ho: ...It’s up to you to make up your mind, anyway, I have my own plan.

Stanley Ho still ignored the commotion in the live broadcast room, packed up the trophies, and then carried the six corpses deep into the jungle.

However, when Ho Hongtian saw the scene in this place, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised——

The three corpses he dumped here yesterday had become mutilated.

Looking at the wounds on the severed limbs, Ho Hongtian judged that they should be some large beasts.

"Holy shit! Did that giant beast appear again?"

Not only is Stanley Ho worried about this, but even the netizens in the live broadcast room also thought of the giant footprint yesterday.

"It shouldn't be the one from yesterday, otherwise, all these corpses might have been eaten!"

"That's right. Judging from the footprints, the unknown giant beast must be very big. It can swallow an adult man in one bite without any problem!"

"Just here, what footprints are there?"

"Watch yesterday's replay, around nine o'clock in the morning Empire time!"

"Even if it's not that giant beast, it will be some medium to large carnivorous beast."

"Look at this location. It's not very far from Dr. He's camp."

"...It seems quite dangerous. Does Dr. He want to move?"

Netizens were worried and even took the initiative to help Stanley Ho with advice.

move place?

This thought flashed through He Hongtian's mind, but it didn't cause the slightest disturbance.

Stanley Ho doesn’t want to move!

He was very satisfied with this camp.

Don't talk about wild beasts. This is originally a virgin forest, so it is normal to have wild beasts.

Who can guarantee that if Stanley Ho sets up camp in another place, there will really be no danger?

Rather than running to a strange place that is also dangerous, it is better to stay here.

If there really is a wild beast coming... He Hongtian clenched his fist gently, and there were new dishes on his table.

Although fish is delicious, you will get tired of it if you eat it every day.

No, yesterday he dug traps and set up rope buckles, and today there is fresh roe deer meat.

If another large beast comes tomorrow, haha, Stanley Ho feels that he can change to other flavors.

With a decision in his mind, Stanley Ho simply threw the body away and went straight back to the camp.

Continue to pack up the silly roe deer, tie it with branches, put it on the fire, and roast it slowly.

The grease was forced out by the fire, and dripped down, making a sizzling sound.

The rich aroma of barbecue slowly spread, and netizens in the live broadcast room were driven crazy by greed @Stanley Ho, urging him to turn on his personal holographic projection.

However, Stanley Ho remains the same as before. He does not turn on the screen or interact with netizens. He even rarely talks to himself.

"This is no longer cold, it's just a big ice lump!"

"I wonder if Dr. He has any mental disorder? Or a character flaw?"

"Tch! Upstairs, if you want to say that Dr. He is a pervert, just say it directly. Why are you beating around the bush?"

"Well, I'm not a pervert, but this 4044 is definitely different from normal people like us!"

"...I think this is good. No one stipulates that you have to ramble during the live broadcast."

"Yes, yes, a truly strong person doesn't need to please anyone at all!"

"That's a bit exaggerated, isn't it? He's just a late-stage cancer patient who fears society and doesn't like to talk much. How did he become a strong person?"

"Hee hee, the 999th ranked strong man, how can this make the 998 adventurers in front of him feel embarrassed?"

"Huh? Another place ahead? Dr. He still had 1,000 lives yesterday."

"Hanhan upstairs, you are focusing on the wrong point!"

Netizens either praised, ridiculed, argued, or laughed at each other, and the live broadcast room became lively again.

On Stanley Ho's side, the roe deer meat has already been roasted.

He took a dagger, cut off the pieces of meat, and ate them with big mouthfuls.

While eating, he couldn't help but frown.

In other words, after solving the problem of food and clothing, people will have higher pursuits.

For example, barbecue without salt, cumin and other barbecue ingredients is really not delicious.

He Hongtian chewed hard for a few mouthfuls and finally didn't want to endure it anymore.

He put down the dagger and finally clicked on the light screen in the eyes of many netizens who were surprised and horrified.

"Dr. He, have you finally heard our voices?"

"Ah ah ah, Doctor He, look here, look here, quickly turn on the personal holographic projection!"

"Yes! Yes, yes, I want an immersive experience, and I'm willing to pay as much as I want!"

"...I also want to experience the feeling of a lonely killer from a first-person perspective!"

Yesterday, netizens were still wondering about the deliciousness of grilled fish.

But today, especially at this moment, having just witnessed a wonderful killing, netizens want to experience Dr. He's "aesthetics of violence".

Seeing that Stanley Ho finally turned on the light screen and could see everyone's comments, netizens were frantically scrolling through the screen.

Unfortunately, after Stanley Ho clicked on the light screen, he did not check the comments, but directly clicked on the live streaming mall.

"Huh? Doctor He wants to buy something? What does he want to buy?"

"Medicines? No injuries. Weapons? He has a lot of them! Are they some personal items?"

"Bet on a nutritional supplement, what Dr. He wants to buy will definitely exceed all of our expectations!"

"Upstairs, it's like you didn't say that!"

"Yes, you are really talking nonsense seriously!"

"Doctor He really has an inscrutable feeling——"

Before the netizen, who was suspected to be a fan of Dr. Ho, had finished boasting, Stanley Ho had already found the barbecue ingredients and spent 100 star coins to exchange for ten servings.

Netizens: ...nothing else, just a sense of disillusionment.

Until the small delivery aircraft accurately delivered the items to Stanley Ho, some netizens in the live broadcast room still didn't come back to their senses.

Regardless of anything else, Stanley Ho used his iris to confirm receipt of the goods, put the other nine portions into the shack, took one portion and sprinkled it on the roasted roe deer meat that was sizzling with oil.

With barbecue ingredients, barbecue suddenly becomes different.

Although it's not as perfect as pre-marinated and carefully cooked barbecue, it's not too unpalatable.

Without reading the comments, Stanley Ho closed the light screen, picked up the dagger again, and started eating in big mouthfuls.

"Doctor He, how cruel! He actually refuses to prescribe personal hologram delivery!"

"Wow, I can smell the aroma of barbecue. The barbecue ingredients are really good. I have already placed an order on and am ready to sprinkle it on my nutritional supplements!"

"Hahaha, upstairs, are you going to laugh me to death and then inherit my 'credit points'?"

"Sprinkling barbecue seasonings on the nutrients is indeed a genius idea. I will try it too!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room continued to make mistakes.

Although it only lasted less than two days, the "fans" who have been squatting in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room can still see it.

This Dr. He is really stubborn and will not change at all what he believes in.

Moreover, he seems to have no desire or appeal. Other death row prisoners or serious criminals will compromise or show weakness in order to survive.

Even if he doesn't say it, netizens in the live broadcast room can see his thoughts through his eyes or words and deeds - I want to live! I want amnesty!

Even as noble as Princess Yvonne, she once had a similar expression.

However, there was no such feeling in Stanley Ho.

He is like a Taoist priest from ancient China in Blue Star, with no desires or desires.

He also responded to and counterattacked the adventurers who took the initiative, and he never had a moment of initiative.

Such a person must be very strong and extremely confident.

In fact, through Ho Hongtian's performance in the past two days, netizens are vaguely certain: Dr. He is really amazing!

A scalpel allows him to master the art of magic, and he can also draw inferences by analogy. He can even throw wooden thorns with treacherous skill.

He stayed in his camp, eating and drinking, digging traps, and making weapons every day.

When a wild beast comes, he kills it and eats its meat.

If there are adventurers with evil intentions, he will counterattack and explode equipment.

"...Made, I can't think about it anymore. If I think about it any more, I will really worship a murderer like Stanley Ho!"

"Yes, yes, I feel like my three views are about to be shattered!"

"But Dr. He, who seems to be a hidden master, is really charming!"

"That's right, by the way, I'm a big fan of Thunder Warrior Huo Huating, and now I'm actually climbing over the wall to watch Dr. He's live broadcast."

"Huo Huating? Hasn't he already established the Thunder Alliance and has more than a hundred adventurers under his command?"

"Yes, I also followed General Huo and went to his live broadcast room to check it out. However, General Huo seemed to have some big plan. Instead of fighting with other alliances, he bypassed the crowd and went to a grand canyon! "

"Now that General Huo has turned on the blocking mode, we die-hard fans can only hang out in other live broadcast rooms! However, Dr. He is really awesome and cool!"

"Fried chicken has charm. I'm sorry, my moral teacher, I, I've really been struggling!"

"...I am your teacher, you are a villain with a broken outlook on life, why don't you kneel down?"

"Pfft! Are you here to talk about cross talk?"

The live broadcast room is still noisy and lively, but there are already some bad signs.

Stanley Ho doesn't know, and he doesn't care.

After eating a roe deer leg and drinking a lunch box of "lemonade", Stanley Ho's stomach was full.

He hung the remaining barbecue on a branch and prepared to eat it in the evening.

With this silly roe deer and a few packets of nutritional supplements, Ho Hongtian's food was guaranteed for the past two days.

He did not go to the river to fish, but guarded the shack, cutting branches, making javelins, digging traps, and burying rope buckles.

It looks like a simple camp, but it has layers of traps and defenses.

In fact, with Ho Hongtian's current internal strength and martial arts, even without these, he is not afraid of incoming adventurers or wild beasts.

However, he can't just sit there stupidly all the time.

As he was busy with something in his hands, Wuji Jue was running in his body, and his mental power was released bit by bit.

Netizens just watch the live broadcast and will not notice anything unusual.

Stanley Ho can continue to "fish" here.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the light in the forest changes, which is when ordinary people are most likely to fall asleep.

However, Stanley Ho continued to stay by the fire, whittling wood.

Netizens can't bear the boring picture.

Just when most netizens were about to climb over the wall and go to other live broadcast rooms, there was another movement in the distance.

"Hey! It's coming! It's coming, the idiot who sent the equipment is here!"

"Isn't that some lone wolf here?"

"Haos! I just went to check. There is an adventurer named Lone Wolf. In less than two days, he has killed twenty-six adventurers. This guy is still talking in the live broadcast room, saying that he is going to be the third one. One reached the point of 'killing a hundred people'!"

"Damn it, he thinks he is a ghost!"

"...Well, don't mention it, this guy really has the blood of a ghost!"

"Doctor He! Kill him!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to kill him even for that bullshit bloodline!"

"It's a 'hundred-man-killing' thing, Doctor He just slit his throat!"

Netizens are excited. Although we have entered the era of the universe, it seems that the entire human race is in great harmony.

However, the time for integration is still short after all, and some hatred engraved in the bones of the Chinese people is really difficult to dissipate...

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