The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 125th chapter patriarchal mother (12)

Zhao Xiaoya was secretly ruthless, but she still had some extravagant hopes for her father.

However, when she followed her mother back to the familiar home, she could not find the slightest trace of familiarity.

"Who, who are you? Why are you at my house?"

Seeing the little widow busy in the yard, He Tiantian was not surprised at all.

However, she still had to look shocked and angry.

If it wasn't for one in her arms and one in her hand, she would probably rush up to grab the little widow's hair.

"..." The little widow was also a little shocked when she saw He Tiantian's mother and daughter.

However, although it was an accident, it had long been expected that there would be today.

The little widow did not quarrel with He Tiantian directly, but turned her head and winked at a little boy of four or five years old.

The little boy ran out.

Not long after, Zhao Baozhu's parents, brothers and relatives rushed over.

Zhao Baozhu also ran out of breath, holding the little boy in his arms.

"He Xiaotian, you are not allowed to bully Xiaofang!"

Approaching the door, I saw the thin figure of "He Xiaotian".

Before Zhao Baozhu could figure out the situation, he subconsciously blurted out.

"I bullied her? When did I bully her?"

"Also, Zhao Baozhu, what the hell is going on here?"

"Who is this woman and why is she staying at our house?"

He Tiantian was both wronged and resentful, like a machine gun, and asked a series of questions suddenly.

"He Xiaotian, you still said you didn't bully people? You look like you want to eat people!"

"That's right, He Xiaotian, I didn't tell you, you ran away suddenly, and now you can't get along outside, and ran back to find our treasure pillar. What is our treasure pillar?"

"It's not. You've already left, so don't come back. Baozhu finally found a good woman and lived a solid life, but you still come back to stir things up?"

It was not Zhao Baozhu who spoke this time, but his parents and relatives.

Those people have long regarded He Xiaotian as a shrew, and they finally found an opportunity, and they naturally won't let it go.

Before marrying He Xiaotian, Zhao Baozhu was the most honest son (brother) in the family, but he beat the shrew He Xiaotian into the door.

Whether parents or brothers, if they want to instruct Zhao Baozhu to do something, or go to their house to "borrow" some money and things, He Xiaotian will chase after him and scold him.

After a few troubles, the good reputation of the Zhao family was ruined by He Xiaotian.

And the affection between parents and brothers also made He Xiaotian mix up completely.

The parents and brothers of the Zhao family will definitely not feel that they are too much. They only blame He Xiaotian for being an unvirtuous and unfilial family mess.

Or the kind of slacker who doesn't lay eggs.

Now, He Xiaotian has "run away", and Zhao Baozhu has found a good-tempered little widow again. During this time, Zhao Baozhu's relationship with his parents and brothers seems to have returned to the past.

I have an honest and obedient son (brother) again,

The Zhao family is of course willing to maintain this status quo.

That bitch He Xiaotian, let's go!

"What did I run away? I'm looking for the big girl!" He Tiantian shouted in a feigned exasperation.

"Where's Big Girl? Where's her people? Why didn't you come back with you?" Zhao Baozhu's biological mother had never liked Zhao Big Girl.

But at this moment, she is acting like a peerless grandmother who loves her granddaughter.

This old lady is actually distressed, but she is not distressed for Zhao Daniu herself, but the betrothal gift that she missed!

They are all fifteen-year-old girls, and they can say kiss at a glance.

Although Zhao Daniu has a mother who can't give birth to a son, she is capable and obedient. She asks for a bride price of 2,000 yuan, isn't it too much? !

As a result, a good girl was sold by the shrew "He Xiaotian".

As a result, the Zhao family received a penny as a gift, so how can the Zhao family be happy?

Especially Uncle Zhao, their family borrowed a lot of debt in order to marry their son.

Two or three thousand dollars is not enough at all, but it can be relieved.

"Big girl is in the provincial capital. I found her a job. The clothing factory in the provincial capital can earn more than 1,000 yuan a month!"

He Tiantian told the truth absolutely, but no one in the Zhao family believed her truth.

"Bah! You are dreaming in the daytime, and you are talking in your sleep!"

"That's right, in the clothing factory in the provincial capital, the eldest girl has been in elementary school for two years, she can only write her own name, and when she goes to the provincial capital, she can distinguish between men and women in thatched huts, and she can still go to the factory. work?"

"You said that the big girl was not sold by you, so where did the child in your arms come from?"

"Yeah, you must have bought this child with the money from selling the big girl!"

The Zhao family talked in a fuss, and the accusation was aimed at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was anxious and angry, and shouted directly: "I found our little treasure from the roadside!"

"Make it up! You continue to make up nonsense, and you still find it! There is such a good thing these days? Will a good boy be thrown on the road?"

Zhao Baozhu's mother spat and cursed with disgust.

"Yeah, why are you so lucky? You can pick up a son as soon as you go out?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense. Our old Zhao family can't afford a heartless daughter-in-law like you. Anyway, you and Baozhu didn't argue with each other at the beginning, so hurry up and leave!"

The old lady made the decision directly because she was Zhao Baozhu's biological mother and the elder in the family.

"Yes, yes yes, hurry up!" Others also echoed.

The only one who didn't make a statement was Zhao Baozhu, but he held the child and stood in front of the little widow.

"Big girl her dad, I, I really didn't run, I went to find big girl, and we have a son!"

He Tiantian deliberately took Zhao Baozhu as a life-saving straw, and she shouted sincerely, "You, come and see, this is Xiaobao, our son!"

Zhao Baozhu looked at He Tiantian and the little baby in her arms with complicated eyes.

White and fat, with a head and a head, it is quite rare to look at.

"Dad!" The four or five-year-old boy who was held in Zhao Baozhu's arms, as if aware of Zhao Baozhu's shaking, hurriedly called out sweetly.

"Hey." Zhao Baozhu became a habit after being called for a few months.

Hearing this cry, he subconsciously agreed.

At this time, the little widow who was silently hiding behind Zhao Baozhu gently pulled Zhao Baozhu's wrinkled clothes.

Zhao Baozhu turned his head, just in time to see the young and gentle appearance of the little widow.

After more than ten years of husbands and wives, who were treated like ancestors, Zhao Baozhu still had some feelings for He Xiaotian.

The biggest problem for the couple is that they don't have a son, and they are always bullied in Zhaojiawa.

Now, "He Xiaotian" brought back a son from nowhere, the problem seems to be solved, and Zhao Baozhu can live a comfortable life again in that kind of clothes to stretch out his hand for food and open his mouth.

Zhao Baozhu's heart was not untouched.

But... Xiaofang is younger and gentler, and has two sons.

Especially the younger son, who doesn't remember anything at all. He has kissed him more than his own mother in the past few months.

He is the eldest son. Although he still remembers his own father, he is also very close to Zhao Baozhu, his stepfather.

After getting along for a few months, they have feelings for each other, and Zhao Baozhu is really reluctant.

"...Big, big girl her mother, you, you can go!"

"My relationship with Xiaofang has been decided. You, you have a son now, and you can count on you for the rest of your life!"

Zhao Baozhu still has some conscience, he said shameless words, but there was still shame on his face.

He is indeed sorry for He Xiaotian, but he, he is also helpless.

Who made this woman He Xiaotian have too many ideas, she went to the south to find a daughter, and she adopted the child by herself.

Oh, yes, and the Fan family!

Although there is no evidence, Zhao Baozhu has a hunch that the arrest of the elder brothers Fan must have something to do with "He Xiaotian".

Otherwise, why did "He Xiaotian" say he was going to sue the police, and then Fan's house was copied by the police? !

Although the Fan family brothers were arrested, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse. Their Zhao family has always been honest and responsible, and they dare not provoke these unconscionable human traffickers.

"Zhao Baozhu, do you, do you still have a conscience?" He Tiantian deliberately made a grief-stricken appearance, and complained anxiously and angrily.

"...Even if I'm sorry for you, but it's already like this, don't make trouble!"

"You also know the situation at home. If you want money but no money, if you want anything but nothing, I have nothing to give you. The child in your arms was exchanged by you for the big girl. You, you can take it away!"

"Xiaoya is my daughter, she is the child of the Zhao family, you, you can't take it away!"

Originally, Zhao Baozhu didn't even want Xiaoya.

The little widow behind him tugged at his clothes and reminded him in a low voice.

Only then did Zhao Baozhu think, yes, although Xiaoya is only seven years old, she can cook and wash clothes by burning fire.

With her, Xiaofang can save a lot of things.

Moreover, if the little girl is raised for a few more years, she will be able to exchange the dowry.

The house just happened to be able to turn over a large tile-roofed house, and perhaps it could also be used for Xiaochuan to study.

"Bah! You are dreaming!"

"Xiaoya was born to me. If you drive me away, Xiaoya has to follow me!"

"Also, why did you drive me away? Although I didn't give birth to a son for you, I also managed to get you a son!"

"Zhao Baozhu, you unconscionable Chen Shimei, I went out to find my daughter, but you were messing around at home..."

He Tiantian jumped and scolded angrily, only scolding Zhao Baozhu bloody head.

Zhao Baozhu blushed with embarrassment, wishing he could find a hole to burrow in.

Seeing this, his own mother scolded inwardly, "What a bummer", but shouted, "You were the one who ran first and sold the granddaughter of our old Zhao family!"

"A vixen and a poisonous woman like you, who are you going to quit?!"

"It's alright, it's alright, Xiaoya, you can take it away, Baozhu is going to get the certificate with Xiaofang, they are the serious couple!"

"Xiao Tian, ​​I advise you to be more acquainted, otherwise I will sue you, hum, the boss of Fan from the next village was sentenced to be shot for human trafficking. The police said that even a real mother can't sell a daughter! "

The old lady is both coaxing and threatening.

He Tiantian seemed to be really frightened, although she shouted, "I didn't sell Da Niu, Da Niu is in the provincial capital." Her eyes were a little erratic, and she looked very guilty.

Zhao Baozhu and a group of people became more and more certain that Da Niu Zhao was sold by He Tiantian.

They used this as an excuse to force He Tiantian to leave quickly.

"Let me go, we must make a statement!"

He Tiantian seemed to be in a hurry, gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "From now on, I, He Xiaotian and Zhao Baozhu will never have any relationship!"

"And my three children, Zhao Daniu, Zhao Xiaoya, and Zhao Xiaobao, have nothing to do with Zhao Baozhu. You don't have to raise them, Zhao Baozhu. When you get old, don't drag them down!"

Including Zhao Baozhu, no one took He Tiantian's remarks seriously.

They thought He Tiantian was threatening her, and she didn't want to be driven away, so they deliberately put forward such conditions.

Zhao Baozhu: "I, I have Dachuan and Xiaochuan. As for the two sons, they will give me retirement!"

The little widow's eyes flashed with light, but when she raised her head, she had a docile face, very much like a mother-in-law who "takes her husband as the heaven".

The boy Zhao Baozhu was holding, namely Da Chuan, hurriedly said sweetly, "Yes, Dad, I will give you a retirement in the future!"

In Zhao Baozhu's heart, it's called an ironing post. Although he is a little reluctant to be a little nanny like Xiaoya, it is even more important to be able to get rid of He Xiaotian completely!

"Let's make a letter, and I have a son, so I won't expect a loser!"

Zhao Baozhu spoke very arrogantly, and he didn't care at all what kind of damage his words had caused to Zhao Xiaoya, her own daughter.

Zhao Xiaoya: I don't recognize you anymore!

You would rather raise someone else's son than a daughter, Zhao Baozhu, you, you are not worthy of being a father.

Zhao Baozhu didn't know the grief and anger in Zhao Xiaoya's heart, even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Afraid that "He Xiaotian" would regret it, he hurriedly went to the village chief and asked them to write a receipt and be a witness. Then he pressed the ink pad hard and pressed a bright red finger print on the black and white paper.

He Tiantian also pretended to be angry and pressed her handprint.

Since then, the more than ten years of husband and wife relationship between Zhao Baozhu and "He Xiaotian" has come to an end.

The father-daughter relationship between Zhao Xiaoya and Zhao Baozhu was also severed.

Such documents have no legal effect, but they have a great impact on Zhao Xiaoya's heart.

The scene of Zhao Baozhu's resolute pressing of the handprint was deeply imprinted in Zhao Xiaoya's mind, which she will never forget.

"Mom, Dad doesn't want us anymore. I, we don't want him either."

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely work hard, study hard, learn my skills desperately, earn money, be filial to you, and take care of my brother!"

Zhao Xiaoya took He Tiantian's hand, and the mother and daughter happily returned to Zhaojiawa. After only half a day's effort, they were driven out again miserably.

She turned her head, looked at the dilapidated mountain village, and then looked at her mother, who was described as haggard (big fog, dear), Zhao Xiaoya's solemn promise.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for my daughter's blessing in the future. And Xiaobao, he's also waiting for you sisters to buy him a house, a car, and a wife!"

He Tiantian said clearly disagreeable words, but she didn't feel any sense of disobedience.

It seems that she is not forcing her daughter to be a helper demon, but inspiring her to make progress!

Even the heroine Zhao Xiaoya nodded in agreement: "Mom, don't worry. These are all covered by us..."

It's not easy for my mother. She was kicked out of her in-law's house, and she didn't abandon her. She will be more filial to her mother.

And my brother, alas, a fool, if she and her sister don't take care of them, can they still count on others? !

Isn't it just buying a car, buying a house and marrying a daughter-in-law. She studies hard and earns a lot of money, and everything will be fine.

Little D classmate: ...I kneel again, dear, you can do whatever you want.

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