The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 500 I am a vicious nanny (2)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

This is a dilapidated small room, only about ten square meters by visual inspection.

And in such a small room, there is a double bed, a table, and a large wardrobe squeezed in.

Whether it is a bed, a table, or a large wardrobe, all these furniture are old-fashioned, faded and paint-laden, and full of the vicissitudes of the times.

Could it be that she was in the 1980s or 1990s?

However, He Tiantian soon gave up this speculation.

Because she found that she still had a mobile phone with her, a big-screen smartphone.

In addition, although the clothes worn by this body are not new, judging from the style, they do not have an obvious atmosphere of the times.

After pressing the button on the phone, the screen lit up.

He Tiantian looked at the time above: September 13, 2018!

Oh, the time difference between He Tiantian and He Tiantian in real life is not a few years apart.

However, the original owner lives in such a room full of age. He Tiantian can guess that the original owner's financial conditions are very poor without accepting the plot and integrating memories!

In addition to this shabby little room, He Tiantian has other evidence - hands!

She stuffed the phone back into her pants pocket, then spread her hands out and looked at both sides carefully.

The hands are very rough, and the skin on the back of the hands is slightly dark, with obvious color contrast with the arms.

Obviously, the original owner had been engaged in outdoor activities, and the back of his hands and wrists were tanned.

There are calluses on the fingertips, the knuckles are a little thick, and the nails are trimmed very short, which shows that you have to work frequently!

After He Tiantian looked at her hands, she came to the wardrobe again.

This is an old-fashioned three-door wardrobe with cabinet doors on both sides and a full-length mirror in the middle.

The mirror also has a strong sense of age. The mirror surface seems to be covered with a layer of something and is not very clear.

There are still some cracks in the corners, which were covered with clear tape.

Through the foggy full-length mirror, He Tiantian saw the appearance of this body——

He is not very tall, about 1.6 meters tall.

She had shawl hair, but the hair was not decorated in any way, and the original owner did not take care of it carefully. She just tied a ponytail with a rubber band.

I have an oval face, and my skin is very rough. Not to mention taking good care of it, I don’t even wear basic sun protection. The nose and cheeks were even tanned.

A pair of almond eyes, but the ends of the eyes are full of fine lines.

... This is a middle-aged woman in her forties, whose original appearance should be beautiful.

It's just that she is old and has not taken good care of herself. Her face is full of hardships and vicissitudes of life!

He Tiantian pursed her lips, and the image in the mirror did the same.

Alas, this gap is really too big.

In the previous world, He Tiantian was the queen, and she could still remain beautiful and elegant even when she was sixty or seventy years old.

Of course, beauty needs to be maintained, and it also needs money to support it!

The owner of this body has taken good care of it, but her living standard is far below the average standard.

However, as a good writer, she has to adapt to a variety of character settings and maintain them perfectly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Little D, give me the script!"

After staring in the mirror for a while, He Tiantian was ready to get into the mood.

She originally wanted to find a chair to sit on, but she searched around the room and couldn't find any chairs or sofas.

She simply walked to the bedside and used her consciousness to communicate with Little D.


Classmate Little D responded cutely, and then fed the script to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian closed her eyes slightly,

Accept both versions of the plot.

Then, she showed an expression that was hard to explain.

He Tiantian was not surprised at all when he got the villain script again.

However, He Tiantian was still very speechless for the role in this script.

Call the original owner evil, but her nature is not bad. She is just one of thousands of ordinary middle-aged women.

At most, it was because of the hardship in life that she had an evil thought.

And just because of such an evil thought, she not only ruined an originally happy family, but also suffered the consequences and ruined her reputation.

In the end, his only and most cherished daughter was implicated.

Of course, the daughter of the original owner is not a good person either.

She is selfish and vain, and the original owner will have evil thoughts, all because of her!

"Actually, this is the truest human nature. It's not absolutely evil, it's just a little shortcoming."

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's depression and quickly jumped out to comfort him: "The reason why they became evil people was because they made a wrong step."

One wrong step after another, they failed to repent in time, and in the end they could only go to hell.

He Tiantian: ...Is she being lectured by Little D’s classmate?

Well, little classmate D is also kind-hearted. He knows that he doesn’t want to be a villain, so he tries to talk sense to her.

Although He Tiantian didn't need it, he accepted the favor from classmate Little D.

"Yeah! So, the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans know how to exercise restraint and repent!"

He Tiantian agreed casually, and then began to organize the script.

The online novel that gave rise to this small world is not very complicated to say the least, it is just a simple urban romance novel.

There is first love, there are misunderstandings, there is cruelty, there is sweetness.

The heroine of the story, Yan Yan, comes from an ordinary background, and her parents are the most ordinary workers in China.

Yan Yan comes from an ordinary background, but is very beautiful.

It doesn’t matter if he has good looks, he also has a high IQ, and he works hard enough.

At the age of seventeen, he was admitted to the best university in the provincial capital and received a national scholarship every year.

She is the kind of real novel heroine who is good-looking, good at studying, has upright views and has a bottom line.

Soon, she got the attention of many boys, including some flamboyant second-generation guys.

The male protagonist Zhou Zhou is also attracted to Yan Yan.

He is not an ordinary rich second generation, and his family is not a nouveau riche, but a truly wealthy family.

The backgrounds of the two are obviously incompatible, and there are male and female supporting characters in the middle to disrupt the situation.

The road of love between the two was not smooth. Because of a misunderstanding, Yan Yan and Zhou Zhou broke up before they graduated from college.

Yan Yan continued to take the postgraduate entrance examination, while Zhou Zhou went abroad.

Three years later, Yan Yan graduated from graduate school. Because of work, she came into contact with Zhou Zhou, who had returned to China.

The two were each other's first loves, and when they met again, their old love rekindled.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, there are still too many obstacles between Yan Yan and Zhou Zhou.

Of course, romance novels, as long as the author is not a stepmother, are basically romantic, sweet, and have a happy ending.

Yan Yan's family background is not good, but her personal abilities are outstanding.

She is excellent, she is strong, she is independent, she is not greedy for power... With all kinds of beauty, Yan Yan finally got the recognition of Zhou Zhou's parents, and finally married her own prince charming.


It's a pure urban love story with a simple plot and a bit of a bloody edge without making people feel psychologically uncomfortable.

Although there are male and female protagonists between the male protagonist and the female protagonist, they still create obstacles for the protagonists within a certain range, and there is no too fragmented view of the world.

The body that He Tiantian traveled through was neither a vicious female supporting character nor an important villain.

If you look closely, he is just a cannon fodder!

The daughter in this body is called Zhao Yan. She is Yan Yan’s college classmate, but she is not considered a supporting actress.

She did not fall in love with Zhou Zhou, nor did she frame Yan Yan.

At best, Zhao Yan is the female protagonist’s control group!

Yes, control group!

They all have ordinary backgrounds and are both talented and beautiful. The heroine Yan Yan did not take shortcuts, but relied on her own efforts to win everyone's respect and recognition.

As for Zhao Yan, she was greedy for vanity and told lies.

She had low self-esteem because of her poor family background. Her low self-esteem did not make her timid or timid.

She went to the other extreme - fabricating lies and running a "white, rich and beautiful" persona.

In order to maintain this persona of hers, she desperately asked for money from her own mother.

Her biological mother, the body that He Tiantian traveled through, was originally the most ordinary rural woman.

I only attended elementary school for a few years and was barely illiterate.

After her husband died, she raised the children alone.

I originally farmed in the countryside of my hometown, but I really couldn’t make much money from farming.

After Zhao Yan was admitted to college, she almost forced her original owner to sell her kidney for only one tuition fee.

I borrowed money from here and there, and finally managed to get enough for my daughter’s tuition.

However, the original owner knew that the problem had not been solved.

This is only the first year. This is just the tuition fee. My daughter will go to college for four years. In addition to tuition fees, she also has living expenses.

After some consideration, the original owner sublet the land at home and sent more than half of the rent money to his daughter for living expenses. She took the remaining money and went to the provincial capital.

She has no education or skills and can only do the lowest level job——

Work as a helper in a small restaurant on the street, work on a construction site, or be a cleaner.

After working hard for a month, I didn’t earn much salary.

No matter how much she saved, she couldn't save much money.

However, not all was lost in the provincial capital.

At least she broadened her horizons and got to know some workers or colleagues.

With the help and advice of these people, the original owner found the best job she could find in her situation - nanny!

With the money he finally saved, the original owner went to a housekeeping company to participate in training.

The original owner was not very old and had just celebrated his forty-fifth birthday.

She is capable and willing to endure hardships. She quickly passed the assessment of the home service center and was introduced by the home service center to work as a nanny in a client's home.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Being a live-in nanny is hard work, but the pay is really high.

When the original owner worked, he was not lazy or opportunistic, but diligent and honest. The owner was very satisfied.

In addition to salary, she will also be given some bonuses or incentives.

Another advantage of being a live-in nanny is that food and accommodation are included, and the original owner can save most of the salary.

Six to seven thousand yuan a month is enough for an ordinary family to live well.

The original owner spent no money herself, all her money was given to her daughter.

As a girl who graduated from rural areas, Zhao Yan saw a prosperity she had never seen before when she came to university in the provincial capital.

Fruit mobile phones, tablets, brand-name cosmetics, light luxury clothing...

Things that the classmates around him take for granted seem like unattainable dreams to Zhao Yan.

She had low self-esteem, but after she had low self-esteem, she pursued desperately.

At first, she just wanted to hide her poverty.

But, everyone knows that a lie requires countless lies to cover it up.

Zhao Yan was afraid and regretted.

At this time, her biological mother made money as a nanny and gave her sufficient living expenses.

So, Zhao Yan began to imitate the classmates around her, buying skin care products, clothes and bags.

Desire is like Pandora's box. Once it is opened, there is no chance of recovery.

Soon, the living expenses of 5,000 yuan a month could no longer satisfy Zhao Yan.

And Zhao Yan has become accustomed to all kinds of enjoyment, and also enjoys the envious or appreciative looks of the classmates around her.

She used various excuses to ask her mother for money.

The original owner was satisfied at first, but as Zhao Yan's appetite grew bigger and bigger, the original owner began to wonder if her daughter was a bad learner.

Zhao Yan was questioned several times by her biological mother and did not dare to ask for more money from her biological mother.

But she needed money again, so she embarked on the road of no return through online loans.

Due to high interest rates and endless squandering, Zhao Yan owed a huge sum of two to three million yuan in less than a few months.

Zhao Yan was frightened when she was called for debts and forced to take photos of herself.

She didn't care too much and told her mother the truth.

After listening to his daughter's cries, the original owner felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

She is a widow with no diploma and no ability. How difficult it is to raise a daughter and send her to the best university in the provincial capital.

The original owner has always regarded his daughter as his only hope.

No matter how much hardship she endured and how many tears she shed, she never gave up, because she knew that as long as her daughter graduated and found a job, she would survive.

As a result, my daughter only studied for one year and learned nothing else but how to spend money.

I still owe so many loan sharks!

The original owner just felt like the sky was falling.

For the first time in his life, the original owner beat his daughter.

But what's the use?

No matter how much her daughter makes a mistake, she is still her own flesh and blood and everything she has.

After a lot of beating and scolding, the mother and daughter finally hugged each other and cried.

Then, the original owner began to think of a solution.

But as a nanny, how could she solve the debt of hundreds of thousands?

There was really no other way, so the original owner shamelessly went to borrow money from his family.

When she thought about it, the owner of the house was a billionaire who owned a large company and had several villas.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hundreds of thousands of dollars is a huge sum of money in the eyes of ordinary people, but to rich people like the master, it is just the price of a bottle of red wine.

The original owner worked in the owner's house for a year and was very careful. She felt that she had developed a relationship with the owner's family.

Although he felt embarrassed, the original owner still spoke with some confidence.

However, what surprised the original owner was that the wealthy wife, who was always easy to talk to, did not agree.

The original owner's mentality was a little broken, and on the other side, those loan shark gangsters were desperately trying to collect debts.

Under many factors, the original owner became distorted, and she actually had evil thoughts——

Kidnap the master's children and demand ransom!

It's just that the original owner is really not a bad person. He did something bad for the first time and he has no experience at all.

In panic, she exposed her trap, but she didn't give up and actually ran out with her child in her arms.

As soon as he rushed onto the road, the original owner was hit by a speeding truck.

She was killed on the spot, and the person in her arms, a three-year-old child, was also seriously injured. In the end, rescue efforts failed and he lost his life.

He Tiantian:......

What a vicious nanny, what a villain!

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