The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 504 I am the vicious nanny (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Old Qiao, your situation is really critical this time!"

"Yes, yes, fortunately you are lucky. Xiao He found you in time and sent you to the hospital, otherwise -" The consequences would be unimaginable.

"From now on, you have to be more careful and don't work so hard. You also have to make good arrangements at home!"

"That's right, before, Sister Xu from the labor union said that I would introduce you to a wife, but you still refused to agree! My wife, my wife, I will always be my companion!"

After the doctor left, the neighbors and colleagues in the faculty dormitory all gathered around him with cheers.

Everyone was talking about it, not only caring about Qiao Zhenbang, but also thankful for his sudden serious illness, and more importantly, worried about his future life.

These people are basically about the same age as Qiao Zhenbang, in their fifties and sixties. When people reach old age, they officially begin to enter the age when they are old and sick or are gradually unable to take care of themselves.

They have children, but some of them are in other places or abroad, and not many of them remain with them.

However, they are slightly better than Qiao Zhenbang, and at least they have a wife by their side.

Even if something happens, it won't be as miserable as Lao Qiao: he needs emergency treatment, needs surgery, and there's no one to sign for him!

Fortunately, they are teachers from University A, so the school will not ignore them.

But after all, school is still a layer apart, and it is far less considerate and meticulous than family members.

Qiao Zhenbang: ...I am indeed a loner, but you don't have to be so "poor".

The patient is extremely fragile and sensitive to begin with, and reason tells him that these old guys are worried about him and thinking about him.

However, Qiao Zhenbang still felt very sad when he saw these people's expressions of pity or rejoicing that he had learned a lesson from him.

There was a deep fear and a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Especially after experiencing a coma and stepping into the gate of hell, Qiao Zhenbang felt the threat of death for the first time!

God knows how ecstatic he felt when he opened his eyes and found that he could still move his hands and feet and breathe normally.

Stay alive!

I'm still alive, I haven't had a stroke or become a cripple!

Qiao Zhenbang never knew that being able to live with sound limbs was such a blessing.

For the first time in his life, he realized the importance of health, and he also had a deeper and clearer understanding of his future life.

"Professor Qiao, this is the millet porridge I made. It's delicious. The layer of rice oil is very nutritious!"

Qiao Zhenbang finally sent away a group of enthusiastic neighbors and colleagues. He lay alone in the hospital bed, watching the hospital bed next door surrounded by his children or his wife, and he felt inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Just at this moment, a familiar female voice came from far away.

"Xiao He, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Seeing "He Xiutian" coming in with a thermos bucket, Qiao Zhenbang smiled on his face.

He thanked him politely, and his eyes became a little warmer.

He Tiantian deliberately looked embarrassed and murmured, "Professor Qiao, please don't be polite!"

This Professor Qiao is a generous person.

After waking up, he learned that "He Xiutian" had saved her and was arranged by the school leadership to take care of her. He took his cell phone and transferred 5,000 yuan to her.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Professor Qiao didn't say "thank you", he just said it was to trouble He Tiantian to take care of his salary.

The original character that He Tiantian wants to maintain is that of an ordinary middle-aged woman from a poor family who works hard to make money.

I can’t say that I am jealous of money, but I received my salary in advance.

She was still very happy.

Taking care of Qiao Zhenbang, he worked even harder.

Twenty-four hours a day, serving food and drink during the day, and taking care of the bed at night, one person is actually more powerful than several relatives in other people's homes.

He took very good care of Qiao Zhenbang and was more conscientious than other caregivers.

Some family members of patients who did not understand the situation saw this appearance and said to Qiao Zhenbang in an envious tone: "Brother, what a blessing it is that I have such a wife who knows how to care for my son!"

Qiao Zhenbang:......

He is a professor at University A, a graduate tutor, and enjoys the school's special talent allowance. He is considered a successful person.

As for "He Xiutian", she is an uneducated and uninformed rural woman.

Regardless of personal conditions or family background, bringing Qiao Zhenbang and "He Xiutian" together is definitely a humiliation for Qiao Zhenbang.

However, after hearing the words of the patient's family and knowing that they had misunderstood, Qiao Zhenbang did not feel offended.

"He Xiutian" does have many shortcomings, but she is diligent enough and attentive enough.

If you can have such a wife, it’s not too bad!

Besides, "He Xiutian" itself looks pretty good, but it's just not well maintained.

After staying in the hospital for half a month, without exposure to wind or sun, or doing too heavy physical work, she looked much better than before.

The originally beautiful appearance began to stand out, and the whole person's temperament seemed to have changed slightly.

Qiao Zhenbang lowered his eyelids to hide the glimmer in his eyes.

"Professor Qiao, I learned a massage technique from the nurse next door. I'll give it a try to you after you finish your meal!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Qiao Zhenbang's concealed expression, and continued to take care of him like an excellent caregiver.

"Okay, I'm going to trouble you again!"

Qiao Zhenbang smiled gently.

He said he was an old man, but he was actually fifty-four years old this year.

And because he takes good care of himself and lives a comfortable life, he doesn't look old.

If he dyes his hair black and says he is forty years old, some people will believe him.

But his gray hair, coupled with his elegant temperament, actually has a unique charm.

Gentle, prudent and gentle, he has the unique temperament of an intellectual from his core.

"No trouble! No trouble!"

He Tiantian continues to play the role of an embarrassed middle-aged woman.

After taking care of Qiao Zhenbang after eating, he peeled some fruit for him, then sat in front of the hospital bed and massaged his hands and feet.

Qiao Zhenbang didn't understand acupuncture points, but he let He Tiantian click on them, and his limbs felt particularly comfortable.

He suffered from cerebral infarction. Although the rescue did not cause cerebral infarction in time, his limbs still felt numb and stiff.

After He Tiantian massaged it, Qiao Zhenbang felt that his hands and feet were no longer so uncomfortable.

"Xiao He, your massage technique is really good!"

"Hey, I just learned a little from the nurse next door. If you feel comfortable, I will learn from others more!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Okay! It will be good for you to learn more skills!"

"Hey! Professor Qiao, I know!"

The age difference between the two is less than ten years, but in front of Qiao Zhenbang, He Tiantian deliberately behaves like a student.

This is also for the character of the original owner.

After all, most Chinese people instinctively have a kind of awe for intellectuals, especially teachers.

Especially for people who are uneducated like the original owner, they respect their teachers even more.

As for Qiao Zhenbang, he is not an ordinary teacher, but a university professor, a graduate tutor, and a recognized expert.

Facing such a "big man", the original owner would only double his respect and admiration.

Seeing He Tiantian being so "teachable" and the admiration on her face, Qiao Zhenbang felt secretly satisfied.

He became more and more determined in his idea.

"Dad! Are you feeling better today?"

At this moment, Qiao Zhenbang's children, Qiao Jiamu and Qiao Jianan, walked in.

They rushed back from abroad in a hurry on the third day after Qiao Zhenbang was sent to the hospital.

When he came back, he found that his father was out of danger and had no sequelae.

Apart from the need to take medicine regularly and clear blood vessels, there is not much difference from normal people.

Both of them felt relieved and prepared to go back when their father was discharged from the hospital.

Work doesn't wait for anyone, and studies can't be delayed.

They are not idlers, and they really can't stay with their father all the time.

As for follow-up care, you can hire nannies and caregivers.

For example, this Aunt He is pretty good.

Her ability to act bravely without even knowing him shows her kind nature.

Let her take care of dad, and there shouldn't be any problem.

At most, they could pay more and give Aunt He some bonuses, gifts, etc., which would be considered as their intention.

"Well, it's much better. The doctor said during the ward rounds today that I will be discharged from the hospital in two days!"

His body recovered well and Qiao Zhenbang was in a good mood. He smiled and said to the two children.

But then, thinking of his plan, Qiao Zhenbang's smile faded again.

"Xiao He, I want to eat some pork ribs tonight. You can go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables!"

Qiao Zhenbang glanced at "He Xiutian" who was still massaging him, and suddenly said.

"……Oh well!"

He Tiantian knew that the other party wanted to say some thoughtful words to his children, so he deliberately sent her, an outsider, out.

She deliberately pretended to be ignorant, responded obediently, then said hello to the Qiao brothers and sisters, and left the ward.

After leaving the hospital, He Tiantian went straight to the vegetable market.

She bought fresh ribs and a few of Qiao Zhenbang's favorite dishes, and then put the things back at Qiao's house.

After Qiao Zhenbang regained consciousness, he found out that "He Xiutian" had become his nanny, so he gave her the key to his home.

He Tiantian helped pack some clothes and toiletries and sent them to the hospital.

As well as Qiao Zhenbang's notebooks, mobile phones, books and other items, He Tiantian also brought them to the hospital from Qiao's house.

In addition, Qiao Zhenbang couldn't get used to the hospital's patient meals, and the staff dormitory was not far from the hospital, so He Tiantian cooked a meal at Qiao's house and delivered it to Qiao Zhenbang.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, although there was no formal contract signed, He Tiantian entered the Qiao family like a qualified live-in nanny.

Qiao Zhenbang even gave He Tiantian a special amount of money to buy some personal items.

Such as beds, wardrobes, etc.

Qiao Zhenbang's house in the faculty dormitory has three bedrooms and one living room. He sleeps in the master bedroom and the second bedroom is used as a study.

There is also a small room, which is usually empty and contains some sundries.

Now that He Tiantian is here, Qiao Zhenbang called a few students to help clean up the small room for He Tiantian to live in!

Of course, while Qiao Zhenbang was hospitalized, He Tiantian did not live at Qiao's house at all.

Because she had to stay in the hospital at night.

Qiao Zhenbang arranged a room just to show his attitude.

He Tiantian seemed to have a "sense of belonging" and took care of Qiao Zhenbang more carefully and thoughtfully.

"Xiao He is back? How is Professor Qiao? Is he going to be discharged from the hospital soon?"

Carrying a bunch of things, He Tiantian came to the staff dormitory by a familiar route.

On the way, I met a neighbor who asked enthusiastically.

He Tiantian stopped and replied with a smile: "The doctor said that he is recovering well and he will be discharged from the hospital in two or three days!"

"Oh, this is great! I said yesterday that I would go to the hospital to see Professor Qiao again! Now it seems that I don’t need to go to the hospital!"

"Well, Professor Qiao will be home soon!"

He Tiantian chatted with the other party for a few words, then carried her things upstairs.

The Qiao family is also on the third floor. It is definitely the best floor in an old six-story community.

At that time, there was a saying that the first floor was dirty and the second floor was messy, while high-ranking officials lived on the third and fourth floors.

Qiao Zhenbang is not a senior official, but he is a talent introduced by the school and enjoys expert treatment.

Therefore, as soon as I joined the company, I was given a welfare house with three bedrooms and one living room.

After taking the key and opening the door, He Tiantian went directly into the kitchen, put on an apron and started washing and cutting.

After two busy hours, He Tiantian made three dishes and one soup, packed them all in an insulated lunch box, and carried them back to the hospital.

"Hey, Dr. Qiao, you have to leave!"

As soon as he got out of the elevator and turned into the corridor, He Tiantian met the Qiao brothers and sisters.

He Tiantian quickly said hello.

Qiao Jiamu received his doctorate in the United States, so He Tiantian would politely call him Dr. Qiao.

Qiao Jiamu has the unique aloofness of a scholar, but he was very polite to He Tiantian before.

First, the other party saved his father;

Secondly, the other party is taking care of his father. Although he has paid, being polite to him can also make him more dedicated.

Qiao Jiamu is not a bookworm who studies hard. He has studied abroad for many years and still understands at least the ways of the world.

Therefore, regardless of whether he has discrimination in his heart, on the surface, he still respects Aunt He as the nanny.

However, there was something unusual today.

When He Tiantian took the initiative to greet him, he did not respond politely. Instead, he looked at her with a very complicated look.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian: ...Oh, this is the rhythm of something happening.

Qiao Jiamu was still restrained and stared at He Tiantian for a long time before replying dully: "Yeah!"

His sister Qiao Jianan is not so sensible.

She glared at He Tiantian fiercely and snorted from her nose.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something rude, but Qiao Jiamu stopped her.

He Tiantian had a vague guess, but she still pretended to be confused and looked at Qiao Jiamu and then Qiao Jianan.

A face that can be regarded as "still charming" is filled with questions like "What happened? Why do you look at me like this?"

Qiao Jianan:...Pretend! You're still pretending! Don’t you know what you have done?

Qiao Jiamu tugged on Qiao Jianan's sleeve again and winked at her: "I can't blame Aunt He for this. After all, it was our father who had the idea!"

Qiao Jianan was just angry for a moment, but he wasn't really jealous.

She snorted again unwillingly, then shook off her brother's hand and strode out of the corridor.

Qiao Jiamu looked at He Tiantian with an apologetic look and said, "Aunt He, my dad is leaving it to you!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows: Hey, these words seem to have deep meaning...

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