The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 514 I am a vicious nanny (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Mr. Feng, hello!"

He Tiantian suppressed her tumbling emotions and greeted Feng Mingtang gently.

"Hello, Mrs. He!"

Feng Mingtang has an outstanding appearance and a gentle temperament.

He is even more like a university professor than Qiao Zhenbang, rather than a businessman.

Of course, Feng Mingtang is indeed not a shopping mall elite. Although he holds the position of general manager, in fact, he does not have much say in the company.

The company has always been firmly in the hands of his wife Zhou Rujin.

Speaking of which, Zhou Rujin, the eldest princess of the Zhou family, is really a character.

She is the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, with a pair of younger siblings.

According to traditional Chinese concepts, most family properties are inherited by sons.

No matter how outstanding the daughter is, she will only be given a false position or some of her property will be given as a dowry.

The Zhou family did not fall into such a cliché.

As a self-made rich man, Father Zhou does not have too rigid traditional concepts. He values ​​the abilities of his children more.

As for Zhou Rujin, she is very capable and is the first child in her family.

When she was born, Zhou's father just found the most important pot of gold in life, and the Zhou family soared from then on.

Father Zhou is not superstitious, but business people like to get good luck.

Zhou Rujin seems to be a blessed person. Her birth brought good luck to the Zhou family and her parents.

...Many factors combined, Zhou's father attaches great importance to his eldest daughter Zhou Rujin.

And Zhou Rujin has lived up to his parents' respect. He has been extremely sensible and smart since he was a child.

When I was in school, my grades were among the best.

When learning various specialties, they also performed well.

During the college entrance examination, he was admitted to a prestigious school in the capital with extremely high scores.

She was like "someone else's child" and brought glory to the Zhou family and his wife.

The only time I go against my parents' wishes is probably when I get married.

Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang are college classmates, but their family backgrounds don't seem to be the same.

One is the eldest daughter of a billionaire, and the other is a poor boy from a remote mountainous area.

If it was just about falling in love, Zhou's parents wouldn't object too much.

Young people, if you want to talk about love, as long as the other person is good-looking and can make your daughter happy, then it's just a matter of fun.

But, getting married is definitely not an option!

It's not that Zhou's father is very proud of himself and dislikes poverty and loves wealth, but he is well aware of the principle of "different family backgrounds and three incompatible views".

Especially the Feng family——

Feng Mingtang is not an only child, he has three sisters before him.

In an era when family planning was so strict, the fact that we could still have so many children speaks volumes.

The Feng family is not only economically poor, but also mentally very frighteningly patriarchal.

As a self-made rich man, Zhou's father would not have too serious a concept of family status.

But he has been in the shopping mall for many years and is well-informed and shrewd. He knows very well how terrible "ideological poverty" is.

When a daughter marries the Feng family, it is a low-level marriage.

The Zhou family is rich, and Zhou Rujin values ​​​​Feng Mingtang even more, so naturally he will not ask for any material things from the Feng family.

On the contrary, the Zhou family will provide money and a house for their daughter, and arrange a future for Feng Mingtang.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

People who know how to be grateful and have no ideological problems will appreciate the Zhou family's efforts and treat Zhou Rujin more attentively.

And some people with ideological problems would never think that Zhou Rujin is kind and the Zhou family is generous.

Instead, he will feel that his son has the ability to confuse the wealthy daughter and make the other party rush to take advantage of him!

Father Zhou was indeed right, and the Feng family's parents were indeed such people.

They are poor, and their hearts are even poorer.

They are justifiably poor, and they are justifiably weak.

They could still put on a show at first, but when the Zhou family's parents relented, gave in to their daughter, and agreed to the marriage between the two families, the Feng family slowly revealed their ugly face.

When they got married, they pushed themselves too far and seemed to have taken advantage of the Zhou family.

Not only did the Zhou family have a wedding house for the young couple, they also wanted their wealthy daughter-in-law to buy a house for the old couple in the city.

When buying a house, you cannot buy an ordinary commercial house. You need a large flat floor of at least 200 square meters. Of course, a villa is the best!

There are also meeting gifts for the parents-in-law, as well as pensions and alimony.

The three sisters-in-law cannot be left behind. They bring them into the city, arrange work, and are also responsible for the nephew and niece's studies and other issues!

Father Zhou: ...I just don’t want to argue with you for the sake of my daughter. I’m not really taking advantage of you!

Even Zhou Rujin, who seemed to have been "bowed down" by Feng Mingtang, couldn't help but frown when faced with such a greedy and calculating Feng family.

She is rich. Putting aside her huge family fortune, she founded her own company and made some investments during her college years.

Her personal assets have already reached a high figure that would be difficult for others to earn in a lifetime of hard work.

As a real rich man, what Zhou Rujin is best at is using money to solve problems.

She also didn't like Feng's parents very much, but she couldn't let go of her relationship with Feng Mingtang and didn't want to anger Feng Mingtang.

She then thought, it was just spending some money, and she couldn't afford it, so why bother with a group of ignorant people? !

However, when she took a step back, she did not get the other person's gratitude or satisfaction, but instead fueled the other person's arrogance - this woman just couldn't live without their son, so why should she be polite to her?

If he wanted money, a house, a job, a school transfer for his children, etc., forget it, Zhou Rujin endured it and let it go.

What surprised Zhou Rujin the most and couldn't accept it was that the Feng family's parents, oh no, to be exact, it was Feng's mother who came forward to deal with Zhou Rujin.

She actually showed Zhou Rujin the Feng family's rules in the same way her mother-in-law lectured her!

Men are heaven and women are earth, and women serve men as a matter of course;

Any woman who passes through the family will become a member of her husband's family, and any woman will carry on the family lineage for her husband's family;


Zhou Rujin couldn't help crying or laughing, and even felt like his scalp was numb.

Because she found that Feng's mother was not joking when she said this, but looked very serious. She really felt that what she said was a golden rule and a real truth!


How terrible!

It's already 201X, how come there are still people like this with a bandage wrapped around their brains?

Zhou Rujin really liked Feng Mingtang. For him, he went against his parents' wishes and forced them to give in.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, she is also a proud and independent strong woman.

She has read so many books, she has started her own business, and even if she does not want to be a queen, she will not be reduced to being a "motherly girl" for others.

She suddenly understood what her father said to her, and she also realized that she didn't want to argue with two old farmers who had never seen the world, but they thought she was weak and could be bullied.

Zhou Rujin flinched. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life trapped in a fight with her parents-in-law.

She really loves Feng Mingtang, so she doesn't want him to be caught between his wife and parents.

Once in that situation, no matter how pure and strong the love is, it will be wiped out, and she and Feng Mingtang will most likely become resentful couples!

Zhou Rujin doesn't want her and her lover to break up, let alone change them beyond recognition.

So, forget it!

Zhou Rujin became disinterested, but Feng Mingtang seemed to suddenly discover what his parents had done.

He ran to Zhou Rujin, apologized and expressed his heartfelt feelings, and patted his chest and promised: "Rujin, don't worry, leave your parents' affairs to me!"

When Zhou Rujin saw Feng Mingtang being so sincere, she was a little shaken.

After all, he is a man to whom she is devoted, and a partner whom she wants to spend the rest of her life with. If the problem can be solved, she does not want to break up with him.

So Zhou Rujin gave Feng Mingtang a chance.

Seeing that Zhou Rujin's attitude had softened, Feng Mingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly ran to "persuad" his parents.

I don’t know what the family of three said behind closed doors.

The next day, Feng's mother ran to Zhou Rujin with some trepidation, apologized dryly, and said, "I have never seen the world and don't understand the new rules outside. However, Mingtang has told me everything. Don't worry, in the future I don’t care about your business anymore!”

In order to prove that they had not made false promises, the Feng family moved out of the house Zhou Rujin bought for them and bought tickets to return to their hometown.

As long as Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang get married, they will leave the provincial capital!

As for the rules, Feng's mother didn't even mention a word.

Even though she witnessed her precious son being all kinds of gentle and considerate in front of Zhou Rujin, she did not sneer or criticize Huai.

The three sisters-in-law who supported Feng's mother and a group of naughty children were also taken away by the Feng family and his wife.

Seeing the Feng family like this, Zhou Rujin, who was already soft-hearted, completely changed his mind.

She did not break up with Feng Mingtang, but married Feng Mingtang as planned.

After the marriage, the Feng family left the provincial capital happily as promised.

Even Zhou's father was secretly satisfied.

In the days after their marriage, Zhou Rujin continued to observe secretly while being sweet with Feng Mingtang.

She was not in a hurry to have a child, but wanted to further determine whether Feng Mingtang was worth her life.

It's not that she doesn't believe her lover, it's just that the Feng family is too lethal!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Rujin was very sober and knew that once she gave birth to a child, she would no longer be involved with the Feng family.

However, plans are not as good as changes.

Less than a year after getting married, Zhou Rujin unexpectedly became pregnant.

Although Zhou Rujin felt that the unexpected arrival of this child was sudden, he did not want to give up.

Zhou Rujin was a little worried, fearing that the Feng family's parents would use this as an excuse to run to the provincial capital.

In name, it's caring, but in reality it's just adding to the chaos.

Fortunately, the Feng family's parents did not break their original promise. After hearing the good news, they just called Zhou Rujin and sent some local products from their hometown.

Seeing her parents-in-law like this, Zhou Rujin was relieved, but at the same time she couldn't help but blame herself——

Have I gone too far?

Are they Mingtang's biological parents or my mother-in-law?

Maybe they are too decadent and old-fashioned in their thinking, but they are not bad people.

It seems a little unkind for me to be so wary.

As for Feng Mingtang, he showed his guilt and reluctance towards his parents at the right time.

When chatting with Zhou Rujin, he talked about his family's poverty and how hard it was for his parents to support his education.

He didn't complain deliberately, but his chatty tone made Zhou Rujin feel more and more distressed.

So Zhou Rujin gave in again and proposed to take the Feng family's parents to the provincial capital to take care of them.

Feng Mingtang refused at first, "Let's forget it. My parents are used to staying in their hometown. They won't be able to adapt to the city!"

"Besides, it's not because I dislike my son. In some aspects, my parents did not do it right!"

"For example, they favor boys over girls. In fact, I have always advised them not to treat me and my sisters too obviously differently. However, at most they treat my sisters better, but they still regard me as their only hope!"

"Also, some of their habits are incompatible with the city. If there is a conflict and they get angry, you will be wronged too, and I won't be able to bear it!"

The more Feng Mingtang said this, the more Zhou Rujin felt that she owed her husband.

Her husband considers everything for her, but she is unwilling to endure for her husband's sake.

Alas, aren't they just a pair of extremely good parents-in-law?

Speaking of conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they have always existed no matter in ancient or modern times, both at home and abroad.

Even if you marry someone from a similar family background, you will still have problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The reason why her husband gave in so much was not because he had favored the Zhou family, but because of her, Zhou Rujin.

"Husband, you feel sorry for me, and I feel sorry for you too!"

"You are the only son of your old Feng family. Your parents-in-law have worked so hard to support your education, and they are counting on you!"

"Now, we are living a good life in the provincial capital, but my parents-in-law are working in our hometown. It's really not like that!"

"I happen to be pregnant, so let's bring them here. Let them live in that house. They can take care of the baby and we can take care of them in time!"

What Zhou Rujin said was so sincere that Feng Mingtang found it hard to refuse.

He looked touched, "Honey, you are the best! I knew that I married the best woman in the world!"

Zhou Rujin's eyes were full of sweetness, and she secretly thought that when her parents-in-law came, as long as they were not too excessive, she would turn a blind eye.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Isn't it just patience and concession, just for the sake of my husband!

Besides, her parents-in-law are great, but her husband is a sensible and measured person.

With him here, the parents-in-law should not be too messy.

However, facts proved that Zhou Rujin was still too "naive".

This time Feng's father and Feng's mother came to the provincial capital, they didn't act like monsters directly like last time.

They are like all parents who love their children, humble and pitiful.

He tried every possible means to please his daughter-in-law, a noble daughter of a good family background, but she only needed a way to get Zhou Rujin to marry her.

Not to mention the neighbors, relatives and friends around him, even Zhou Rujin himself felt a little embarrassed.

Unknowingly, Zhou Rujin began to give in and compromise with the Feng parents.

When Feng's mother made some unbelievable requests, Zhou Rujin did not immediately veto them, but acquiesced.

Zhou Rujin was in the middle of the game and didn't even notice it.

It was Father Zhou and Mother Zhou. They were not easily deceived by the Feng family and discovered the problem keenly——

The precious daughter they held in their hands was actually coaxed by Feng's mother into doing housework!

This this……

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