The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 542: The male protagonist who was slapped in the face (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Han Dongmei ran back to the room, lay on the bed and started crying.

She was the only one in the small room. Several other female educated youths heard the cry and exchanged glances with each other, but did not come to comfort her.

It's not that they don't have "comradeship", it's just that Han Dongmei is too unsociable.

Not to mention anything else, just for this accommodation, Han Dongmei did not live with other female educated youths, but tried every means to get a "single room".

This educated youth spot where the educated youths live is the only red brick house with large tiles in Liujia'ao, and it is also the property of the only landlord in Liujia'ao.

At that time, the landlords were overthrown and their fields and houses were confiscated.

The village uses this large tile-roofed house as a warehouse and the village chief's office.

Later, Liujiaao and Qingshan Village merged to form Qingliu Brigade, and the village chief became the deputy captain. He went to work at the brigade headquarters in Qingshan Village every day, and the brigade also had a unified warehouse.

This small courtyard was left idle.

Some villagers with quick minds and thoughtful ideas decided to build big tile houses.

However, before they could even get into camp, the first batch of sent-down educated youths arrived.

A few were resettled in Qingshan Village, and a few were assigned to Liujiaao.

The deputy captain discussed it with the elderly in the village and decided that the small courtyard would be an educated youth spot.

In the past ten years or so, educated youths have been sent to Liujiaao every year.

However, some old educated youths married local villagers, and some tried every means to destroy the city.

After several back and forths, this year, there are still thirteen educated youths in the Educated Youth Point, five women and eight men.

This small courtyard is a typical northern rural building, a triple courtyard, facing south.

There are three main rooms in the middle, and two side rooms on the left and right sides.

As the number of educated youth increased, the deputy captain hired someone to renovate the house.

Several houses were all divided into single rooms, leaving only one main room in the middle as a public activity area for educated youths, and the other small rooms were all used for living.

Basically, there are two people sharing a room. The east side of the main room is for lesbians, while the west side is occupied by gay men.

Two years ago, when the new batch of educated youths such as He Yuntian, Han Dongmei and Zhuo Ya arrived, the number of educated youth in the spot reached its peak.

It's hard to arrange a room for two people.

The vice-captain then said that if it didn't work, just three people would squeeze in.

The rooms are all large and open, so not to mention two or three people, even four or five people can sleep in them.

At most, it is inconvenient for daily life.

Don't blame the poor conditions in rural areas. Even in the city, these educated youths may not live as comfortably as in the educated youth spots.

The deputy captain has heard that in the city, a house is less than ten or twenty square meters, but it can accommodate several families.

They arranged two or three educated youths to live in one house, which was a real brick house, so it was not a bad treatment.

No one else had any objections, except Han Dongmei. Her family was in good condition and she had been pampered since she was a child. She really didn't want to share a single room with others.

She walked around the yard of the educated youth spot and found a dilapidated hut.

It should not be original to the yard, but someone made a shed out of adobe and thatch to store firewood, farm tools and other items.

After the yard was used as an educated youth spot, no one repaired it, and the small thatched hut was somewhat dilapidated. The thatch on the roof rotted, exposing a big hole.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Han Dongmei is quite satisfied with this place.

She went to the deputy captain and said generously: "I will pay to repair this hut. However, I want to live here by myself, and no new educated youth can be arranged to come in!"

When the vice captain saw Han Dongmei,

I feel that this female educated youth is not trouble-free.

She is white, tender, delicate, and a little naive and willful. She doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp.

In the past ten years or so, their Qingliu Brigade has accepted batch after batch of educated youths, and there really is someone for everyone.

Some like to shout slogans, some like to cheat and show off, and some rely on their good looks to seduce girls and boys in the village...

After struggling for year after year, the deputy captain had a headache for the educated youth.

This time, he took in another beautiful girl from the city, and the vice-captain was heartbroken.

Hearing Han Dongmei's request, although she felt that it was "not easy to worry about", the young girl was willing to pay for it out of her own pocket, so the vice-captain didn't care too much.

Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway. If she wants to live in a single room by herself, then let her live there.

In the future, even if someone thinks it is unfair and thinks that the deputy captain is getting special treatment, he will still have something to say: "Han Zhiqing paid for the house to be built by himself. If you are willing to pay for it, I will also give you a single room!"

There isn't much else in their countryside, except for a lot of vacant wasteland.

There are a lot of open spaces around Liu Laocai's house.

As long as the educated youth are willing to spend money, as long as they can get bricks and tiles, let them build it!

Anyway, when they leave in the future, this house cannot be taken with them. It will still belong to their collective property in Liujia'ao.

"Okay, you pay for the repairs yourself, and this room is yours to live in!"

The vice-captain agreed generously and let Han Dongmei do what she wanted.

Han Dongmei took the money and tickets, and found villagers in the village to help lay the soil and build the roof. She even painted the house with a layer of white lime. In less than a few days, the hut was repaired. .

The house is very small, only about ten square meters.

But it was very cheap for Han Dongmei to live alone.

She also found someone to make earthen kangs and build wardrobes, and spent dozens of dollars to finally tidy up the hut.

Later, a few educated youths from the educated youth spot left, leaving only thirteen people. The room was no longer very tense, and Han Dongmei still did not move to the girls' side.

Han Dongmei just lives by herself and doesn't eat with the educated youths.

Because she has supplies from home, she has a lot of money and votes.

She secretly "exchanges" fine grains with the villagers, and occasionally gets some wild animals.

Han Dongmei's food is definitely much better than the sweet potatoes and multigrain noodles eaten by educated youths.

Even though she was so generous to He Yuntian, she always gave him any good things she got.

Of course, it’s just He Yuntian.

Han Dongmei would not "take care" of other educated youths, even Ma Xinhua, a female educated youth who was also her high school classmate.

There is no way, in this era of scarcity of supplies, not to mention ordinary classmates, even relatives, everyone takes care of their own family.

It is absolutely normal behavior in this era for Han Dongmei not to share her good stuff with everyone.

But, after all, they are all educated youth.

Everyone lived in the same courtyard, and Han Dongmei really couldn't afford to eat and drink at the same time, while the other educated youths could only swallow their saliva, watch with helpless eyes, and then eat the tasteless coarse grain steamed buns that made their throats ache.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She could only hide in her room or simply avoid everyone's meals.

In this way, she won't be too conspicuous, and people won't be so greedy that they will have objections to her.

Sleeping in a single room without roommates;

When eating, we don’t eat with everyone, but hide and cook a small stove.

Without others deliberately isolating herself, Han Dongmei gradually became alienated from the educated youth in the educated youth area.

In particular, she didn't even get along with others at work, and her relationship with everyone became even weaker.

Han Dongmei is a pretty girl from the city. She doesn't even wash her clothes at home. How can she do farm work?

Even Zhuoya can't do it, but she is a goddess, and there are many men who come to show her attentiveness.

Not to mention He Yuntian, even the few male educated youths at the Educated Youth Point helped Zhuo Ya overtly and covertly.

There are also several unmarried young people from Liujia'ao who work for Zhuo Ya as if they are crazy.

Zhuoya did almost nothing and still got enough work points.

Of course, Zoya is the heroine. She may not be perfect, but she is not a green tea bitch who deliberately seduces people.

She clearly rejected any man she clearly disliked.

I don’t need the other person’s help with work, and I don’t accept things from others.

However, her persistence was no match for her "charm".

Those young people who were rejected all identified with Zhuo Ya, and no matter how much they resisted, they silently made contributions.

Zhuo Ya had an admirer, the son of an accountant. He begged his father to arrange an easy job for Zhuo Ya - looking after the warehouse and distributing tools.

I only work for a while in the morning and evening every day, and I can be lazy the rest of the time.

No need to work in the fields, no wind or rain, not to mention more moisture.

In the past, only the deputy captain or the family members of several important cadres in the village were eligible for such good jobs.

Zhuo Ya, as an educated youth from outside, had not yet married the accountant's son, but the accountant used this "privilege".

And Zhuo Ya and He Yuntian subsidized her with money and tickets so that she could have a good relationship with the vice captain's family.

With the dual support of the vice captain and accountant, Zhuo Ya's job is very stable.

I have to say that she is indeed a true heroine, and she can always attract the heartfelt devotion of the infatuated male protagonists and affectionate male supporting actors!

Han Dongmei is not the heroine, she does not have the aura of Mary Sue.

Naturally, there were no sons or nephews of village cadres who dedicated themselves to her.

She couldn't bear the hardship of working in the fields, so she secretly found a widow in the village and gave her fifteen yuan a month, allowing her to give half of the work to herself!

In fact, if she could, Han Dongmei wouldn't be so troublesome at all, and she didn't live by her work points.

However, Han Dongmei is not stupid and knows the principle of "shooting the first bird".

Since she came to the Qingliu Brigade to be an educated youth, she had to look like an educated youth, at least in public.

She has money and doesn't have to worry about work points, but she can't do too much.

If he is reported by someone who can't stand it, not only he himself will have to suffer, but his parents in the city may also be implicated.

Hire people to help earn some work points, it doesn't take much, just four or five per day, and the cadres at the brigade headquarters and the villagers won't say anything.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for the widow she was looking for, she was a martyr, with a well-established family background. She had several brothers in Qingshan Village and four sons. She was considered to be a member of the Qingliu Brigade.

Even if the captain, deputy captain or villagers knew about their "deal", they wouldn't really make a fuss.

They can ignore Han Dongmei, a foreigner, but they cannot ignore Widow Yang.

In this way, with the "help" of Widow Yang, Han Dongmei didn't even have to work, she only had to pretend to be sick every day, and then her mind was filled with thoughts on how to pursue her male idol!

She lived a happy life alone. Although the educated youths were not jealous, they were somewhat unbalanced in their hearts.

There is also a sense of distance towards Han Dongmei - well, we are different from Comrade Han. She is Miss Jiao, while they are hard laborers who need to work in the fields.

Since you are not traveling with us, just stay far away.

Having been in the countryside for nearly two years, Han Dongmei is not close to the educated youth at all.

Except for He Yuntian and Zhuo Ya, Han Dongmei was too lazy to deal with anyone else.

So, at this moment, Han Dongmei fell out with her "Brother Yuntian" and was lying on the bed crying loudly. In the huge educated youth spot, there were more than ten educated youths, but no one came to comfort her.

In the end, Han Dongmei suddenly thought of something, shed tears, and turned over from the bed to sit up.

"System! Live broadcast system, are you still there?"

Han Dongmei finally thought that she was not alone, she had "helpers".

Moreover, at the beginning, she also successfully slapped He Yuntian in the face once, which seemed to have attracted the attention and rewards of many netizens.

The live broadcast system said that as long as netizens pay attention, there will be fan points.

When the fan value reaches a certain amount, she can draw prizes.

There are also rewards. As long as the amount is large enough, she can buy things in the live broadcast mall.

Whether it was the skill rewards or the novel products in the mall, Han Dongmei coveted them all.

She just started the live broadcast not long ago, so she shouldn't have too many points, but she still has some.

In addition, she still has a newbie gift package that she has not yet collected.

"System, come out when you hear this. I want to redeem a gift package, and I, I also want to check my fan points and rewards!"

Han Dongmei eagerly used her thoughts to communicate with the system.

As a result, there was no response at all.

There is no mechanical sound of "I am".

There's no magic virtual light screen either.

Nothing at all!

It seemed that being bound to some live broadcast system and being able to slap her in the face and counterattack was just a dream she had!

"System! System? What's wrong with you? Why don't you answer?"

Han Dongmei pinched the tiger's mouth hard, and the pain reminded herself that it was probably not a dream.

Moreover, just now, when she ran to ask He Yuntian for debt, she had seen with her own eyes that the system did exist, and she also interacted with netizens in the live broadcast room.

How long has it been, less than an hour in total, before the system disappears?

"System! System!!"

Han Dongmei called frantically.

She was so anxious that she forgot to use her thoughts and actually shouted.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The two female educated youths who were hiding outside the door and eavesdropping showed shocked expressions when they heard Han Dongmei yelling "xitong" at the top of her lungs.

Shouldn't she call her dad or mom? No matter how bad it is, she will still chant He Yuntian's name.

Why do you shout "xitong"? What is this?

Name? Or something important?

Two female educated youths, Ma Xinhua and Chen Nanfang, had doubts in their eyes.

After shouting a few times, Han Dongmei finally realized that her live broadcast system was really gone.

She is desperate, she is helpless.

There is a deep sense of confusion in my heart——

The system has disappeared, what should I do?

Continue to slap He Yuntian in the face?

To take revenge on the scumbag who hurt you?

Han Dongmei is very self-aware. She knows that without the help of the system and those magical rewards and items, she would not be able to defeat He Yuntian!

Otherwise, just cry to your parents and ask them to take you back to the city?

As soon as this idea came into Han Dongmei's mind, she shook her head crazily——

no! I can't run back in such despair!

Even if I have to go back to the city, I will rely on my own ability to go back in an open and honest manner, and never let anyone laugh at me, my parents, and my family...

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