The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 546: The male protagonist who was slapped in the face (10)


Han Dongmei tore off a piece of paper from her draft book, rolled it into a ball angrily, and threw it aside casually.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen large and small paper balls scattered on the small writing table, on the ground next to the table, and on the shop floor.

Han Dongmei ruined half of the draft, but she didn't even write a dozen words.

Writing is really difficult!

Although she took the Qingling Pill rewarded by the system, Han Dongmei did feel that her mind seemed to be a little brighter.

However, it was only a little better, rather than making her become very powerful from being ignorant.

She seemed to have something in her mind that she wanted to write, but she just couldn't write it.

Holding the pen hard, Han Dongmei gritted her teeth and continued writing.

This time, it seemed that I wrote a few more words, but in the end, I was stabbed by Han Dongmei and rolled into a ball of paper.

Little D’s classmate can hardly stand it anymore.

Although He Tiantian told it not to worry about Han Dongmei for the time being.

But it finally met a "host" other than He Tiantian, and this "host" was still very weak.

Little D really wants to experience what it feels like to be a "guide".

"Host, I suggest you read more newspapers and see how the articles in those supplements are written!"

"Isn't there a slang saying, 'If you have read three hundred Tang poems by heart, you can recite them even if you don't know how to compose them'!"

Writing is something that really requires talent.

However, sometimes, reading more can also lead to writing articles.

This kind of article may have less aura and more craftsmanship, but now Han Dongmei is not allowed to become a great writer. It is just to allow her to exchange her words for manuscript fees, and the requirements can be appropriately lowered.

Just like many Internet article writers in later generations, many of them are ordinary people and may not have much literary talent. Even the academic qualifications are not very high.

But after reading a lot, I know the routines of online writing. Even if I just follow the trend, I can still write works.

Such an ordinary Internet article author may not become a big boss who can become a god with one book.

But you can also earn some royalties.

Practice makes perfect, diligence makes up for clumsiness.

With this in mind, classmate Xiao D made some suggestions to Han Dongmei.

Han Dongmei:......

Her little patience was about to run out.

She really didn't want to do anything about Lao Shizi's writing.

Classmate Xiao D felt her depression and was afraid that she would not be able to bear this setback and give up, so she quickly said, "Don't you want to slap He Yuntian in the face?"

This sentence really struck a chord with Han Dongmei.


Slap He Yuntian in the face!

Beat him at what he's good at!

"Host, He Yuntian, who lives next door, has already started writing, and has written several articles at once. By the time his article is published, the manuscript fee alone will cost dozens of yuan..."

Classmate Xiao D, who was pretending to be a wild general, noticed that Han Dongmei was a little moved and hurriedly kept up her efforts.

Sure enough, Han Dongmei became a little impatient when she heard that "He Yuntian" had written the article.

"Okay! System, I will go to the county tomorrow and bring back some old newspapers!"

"Hate" made Han Dongmei regain her fighting spirit. She nodded vigorously and said to classmate Xiao D.

"Yes, bring back some old newspapers and see what other people write. The more you read, the more you will know how to do it!"

Classmate Xiao D continued to encourage Han Dongmei, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Han Dongmei: ...Haha, I don’t even have any confidence myself.

However, having said that, Han Dongmei didn't really want to give up.

If you don’t steam the steamed buns, you’ll lose your reputation!

Even if she can't defeat "He Yuntian", Han Dongmei still wants people to see that she, Han Dongmei, is not a love brain who only talks about love.

She can also write articles, and with her own abilities, she can leave this small mountain village and become the pride of her parents and relatives!

He Tiantian didn't know Han Dongmei's psychological journey. She took a pen and buried herself in writing the article.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Along with the rhythmic knocking on the door, there was a soft female voice: "Yuntian, are you there?"

He Tiantian's writing hand paused, her expression remained motionless, and she just pretended to be happy and said, "Here you are!"

After saying that, she stood up, walked quickly to the door, opened the door, and revealed a face full of smiles: "Zhuo Ya, you are looking for me!"

The visitor is none other than Zhuo Ya, the heroine of the original novel.

She is twenty years old this year, which is the most beautiful age for girls.

She is slightly taller than Han Dongmei, and He Tiantian is about 165cm tall.

Her long, thick black hair was not braided, but was styled into two low ponytails, laid lazily and casually on her chest.

Each braid is tied with a silk scarf bow, and the hair itself is not straight.

Maybe I had braided my hair before, and my hair had a curvy arc.

She hadn't washed her hair and it looked like it had been permed.

Paired with her low ponytail, she looks very fashionable, even prettier than the heroine in the movie.

She was wearing a red and white plaid short-sleeved shirt, a pair of dark blue pants, and a pair of plastic sandals.

There is nothing too out-of-the-ordinary about her dress, but when she wears the same clothes, Zhuo Ya has more temperament than other girls.

Yes, it’s the temperament!

The heroine Zhuo Ya is not only beautiful, but also has a very good temperament.

She is full of poetry and calligraphy. Just looking at her quiet and elegant temperament, you know that she must be the kind of cultured and cultivated girl.


When Zhuo Ya saw the handsome "He Yuntian", she still felt a little shy even though she was so generous.

She held several books in her hands, "Yuntian, this is the set of information you lent me. I only returned it to you today. I'm so sorry!"

When she came back from the commune that day, Zhuo Ya heard the news about "Han Dongmei settling a score with He Yuntian" from Ma Xinhua, Chen Nanfang and other female educated youths.

She was filled with shock inside, and there was also a sense of shame that could not easily be noticed by outsiders——

Some of the money, tickets and things that He Yuntian got from Han Dongmei went into her pocket.

Of course, these were sent by He Yuntian, and Zhuo Ya did not deal with Han Dongmei directly.

It's just that everyone understands this kind of thing.

He Yuntian is not a real "tall, rich and handsome", he is just a pretty boy who takes advantage of women.

And Zhuo Ya, who got the benefits from He Yuntian, doesn't seem to be really that innocent and aloof.

For example, Liu Weihong, another female educated youth who had never dealt with Zhuo Ya, said angrily: "Oh, it turns out that He Yuntian is so arrogant, not because he is really rich, but because of Han Dongmei!"

Liu Weihong said He Yuntian, but looked straight at Zhuo Ya.

The meaning of her hint should not be too obvious.

Zhuo Ya only felt that her face was burning badly.

Although she was mentally strong and calm enough, she would have almost lost her composure despite Liu Weihong's push.

Zhuo Ya didn't speak, trying to find a topic to blur the matter over.

Liu Weihong refused to let her go.

Are you kidding me? Zhuo Ya has always acted thoughtfully and cautiously, and will not fall into anyone's trap easily.

Liu Weihong finally seized the opportunity, how could he let it go so easily?

There was malice in her eyes, and she pretended to be curious, "Zhuo Ya, your plaid shirt seems to be made of the fabric Comrade He Yuntian gave you, right?"

And He Yuntian's fabrics were most likely bought with the money and cloth coupons sent by Han Dongmei.

Haha, who are these people? He Yuntian uses other women's things to please him to please Zhuo Ya!

He Yuntian is shameless and Zhuo Ya is not a good person either.

No one pointed it out in the past, so Zhuo Ya just showed off.

Now that Comrade Han Dongmei has made a fuss about it, if Zhuo Ya continues to wear it, it will be a bit... ahem, if others don't say it, they will laugh at Zhuo Ya in their hearts.

And Zoya's image of the perfect goddess is probably about to collapse.


No matter how unhappy she was in her heart, on the surface, she still maintained a decent smile.

Facing Liu Weihong's malicious "curiosity", Zhuo Ya did not feel guilty, nor did she become angry from shame.

She said in a very calm tone, "This dress of mine was indeed bought for me by Comrade Tuohe Yuntian. In exchange, I helped him copy his homework——"

Therefore, they are equal transactions and mutual help and love between comrades.

She, Zhuo Ya, is not the kind of money-worshiping girl who takes advantage of others, and He Yuntian's debt has nothing to do with her, Zhuo Ya!

In this era, private individuals cannot do business.

But in the educated youth centers, it is very normal for male educated youths to help jump into the water or chop firewood, and female educated youths to help cook meals or sew clothes.

It is not a transaction, but mutual help, solidarity and friendship between comrades.

Zhuo Ya's words not only prevented her from being involved in the feud between "Han Dongmei and He Yuntian", but also distanced herself from her relationship with He Yuntian in disguise——

She has no personal relationship with He Yuntian. They are just comrades and friends who live in the same compound for educated youth.

Yes, the moment Zhuo Ya heard that Han Dongmei and He Yuntian had broken up, she planned to cut off the relationship with He Yuntian.

Alas, Yuntian is indeed talented and handsome, and is a very rare candidate.

However, the dragon is trapped in the shallows and the tiger is trapped in the sun!

Now He Yuntian is just an educated youth who went to the countryside. His family has no background and they don't care about him.

He couldn't lift it with his hands or carry it on his shoulders. In the past two years, if it weren't for Han Dongmei's crazy subsidies, He Yuntian would have become as embarrassed as other male educated youths.

He Yuntian's talents cannot be fully displayed in the Qingliu Brigade.

Now he not only broke up with Han Dongmei, but also shouldered a huge debt——

Zhuo Ya does like He Yuntian, but she loves herself more!

She didn't want to fall into the quagmire with He Yuntian and never get out of it in this life.

However, Zhuoya is selfish, but she knows how to speak and act very well.

She didn't break off the relationship with He Yuntian just because she saw that he was out of money.

But she never accepted He Yuntian's pursuit from beginning to end. They were just ordinary friends.

As for the things He Yuntian once gave her, Zhuo Ya did not deny it.

However, these are not gifts, but the "equivalent" she exchanged for her labor.

It has to be said that Zhuo Ya is more capable than He Yuntian.

She will not easily accept gifts from suitors, and even if she does, she will give a slight "show".

For example, help the other party with some work, or give some worthless "return gifts".

Anyway, Zhuo Ya doesn't want things from others for nothing, but "come and go" - what you give me are real benefits, and what I give you is my heart!

The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy. Who can say that "feelings" are worthless? !

Now He Yuntian has "overturned". Not to mention that he will not learn from Han Dongmei and run to Zhuo Ya to ask for things and money. Even if he does, Zhuo Ya will have enough excuses to fight him back!

He Tiantian:......

Damn it, what kind of heroine is this?

Well, there was indeed a time when the kind of protagonist with flaws was popular in online literature.

Just like in a TV series, the second female lead who seems to be a vicious villain is more brilliant than the first female lead and is more liked by the audience.

However, there is a difference between a vicious villain and a hypocritical protagonist.

In He Tiantian's view, the reason why villains can be liked by the audience (or readers) is because they are "real" enough!

To be bad, we must be clear and frank.

"I'm going to hit you. Do I have to choose a day?"

Hitting people is wrong, it definitely goes against traditional and normal concepts, and he is a proper villain.

However, it makes people happy to hear these words.

You can't be so "hard" in your daily life, so when you see such a powerful character in the work, you will feel very happy.

This is also an important reason why villains can attract fans.

However, this does not mean that viewers (or readers) will like scheming bitches and hypocritical villains.

The protagonist can be imperfect, even Black Lotus.

But he must not be a hypocritical or insidious villain.

He Yuntian and Zhuo Ya, the male and female protagonists of the original novel, are too hypocritical.

He Tiantian couldn't help but suspect that even if this novel didn't have a virus, just because it had such a male and female protagonist, sooner or later readers would report it and it would be removed from the shelves.

Therefore, after He Tiantian entered the novel world, he not only simply killed viruses, but also changed the novel world to a protagonist who was more sympathetic to the readers.

It doesn’t have to be great and upright, but it can’t be full of flaws, let alone have negative energy!

Zhuo Ya, a delicate egoist, a white lotus with the smell of green tea, is really not worthy of being the heroine.

Of course, these thoughts were hidden deep in He Tiantian's heart, and she didn't even reveal them to her classmate Xiao D.

In front of Zhuo Ya, He Tiantian maintained the personality of the original owner - liking her, pursuing her, and showing her little sincerity to her.

Zhuo Ya: ...Sincerity or something, is it valuable? !

It has been almost two years since she went to the countryside, and there is no hope of returning to the city. Zhuo Ya is no longer a simple girl who only knows how to talk about love and believe in empty words.

Perhaps, from the beginning, she was never "simple".

However, Zhuo Ya was very good at doing things. Even if she rejected He Yuntian as a candidate in her heart, she did not show it.

She is still gentle and caring towards He Yuntian.

However, there is less ambiguity between men and women and more calmness between friends.

Before He Yuntian came to the door on his own, after listening to the gossip of Ma Xinhua and others, Zhuo Ya took the initiative to find "He Yuntian" and said apologetically: "Yuntian, I really need that information. I stayed up all night Make a copy and return the original to you, okay?”

As a man who really likes the goddess, He Yuntian is a cold and cold male god in front of Han Dongmei, but in front of Zhuo Ya, he is just a licking dog.

After the goddess spoke, the licking dog naturally agreed obediently: "Okay! Anyway, Comrade Han Dongmei didn't press for it..."

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