The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 553: The male protagonist who was slapped in the face (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Vice Captain, this is the situation. There are too many children, and I really can't fit them in my place!"

He Tiantian found Liu Chuanfu, the deputy captain and head of Liujia'ao Village, and explained the situation, and then said with some embarrassment: "We are all from the village. If I take in the children of this family, I have to take in the children of that family." baby!"

"But there are too many children. I can't even teach in the yard!"

The yard is spacious enough, but the key thing is that there are no desks, benches, or even a blackboard. Do you just rely on your voice to shout?

He Tiantian explained all the difficulties in detail.

"Oh, this is indeed a problem!"

Liu Chuanfu frowned.

Well, several of his grandchildren and granddaughters also went to the educated youth center to learn crafts from He Zhiqing, oh no, they were learning to write articles.

Therefore, even if He Zhiqing didn't come, Liu Chuanfu would still go to the educated youth center.

Yesterday, when my children came back, they complained that they had to sit outside in the summer and were bitten by mosquitoes. It was so painful.

Forget about feeding mosquitoes in the yard, there aren't even any stools, so twenty or thirty children can only sit on the ground.

Children who grew up in rural areas don’t think it’s dirty, but it’s different from what they think of “learning”.

"It turns out that our village also has a primary school, which is the ancestral hall at the head of the village."

Liu Chuanfu smoked the cigarette he rolled, puffed on the smoke, and said slowly: "Later, we merged with the Qingshan Village next door to form the Qingliu Brigade, and built a new primary school in Qingshan Village."

Children in the village all go to Qingliu Primary School next door.

Later, the school was also in chaos. Although classes were not suspended, many children stopped going to school.

Qingliu Elementary School was empty.

"How about I go to the ancestral hall in the village to teach the children?"

He Tiantian looked at Liu Chuanfu's eyes and asked tentatively.

"Oh, the ancestral hall is empty, but there are no desks or benches."

Everything has been transported to Qingliu Elementary School. After all, the merger is not just one name, but both villages have to contribute money and efforts.

He Tiantian wanted to say that she could go to Qingliu Elementary School.

However, Qingliu Elementary School belongs to the Qingliu Brigade, and it is not something that Liu Chuanfu, the vice-captain, can have the final say.

The reopening of primary schools is really not a trivial matter, and teachers must make up for it.

In rural areas, everyone wants to do easy work.

Village teachers are definitely not as decent as public teachers, but in rural areas, they are already very good jobs.

In the past, such work was either assigned to those who contributed, or, ahem, you know!

For example, there was a male teacher at Qingliu Elementary School. When he was blasting a mountain to cut rocks, his leg was accidentally broken by flying rocks.

Because of the lack of medical treatment and inconvenient transportation in the mountain village, it was too late when he was sent to the county hospital, and one of his legs was lost.

He was injured at work, so the production brigade arranged for him to teach in primary school.

In fact, he also attended primary school for two years and could not even read the words.

After the educated youth went to the countryside, some of them could not bear the hardship of working in the fields and wanted to teach in primary schools.

However, there are only a few positions for teachers, and the Qingliu Brigade itself cannot arrange them, so how can it give a foreigner an advantage? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian's current status is that of an educated youth. Although she has enough "students", she must not ask for permission to go to Qingliu Elementary School.

He Tiantian said nothing and left the question to Liu Chuanfu.

Liu Chuanfu took a long puff of cigarette, and the tobacco wrapped in the newspaper burned instantly, and the fire almost burned his fingers.

He just threw away the cigarette butt.

After crushing his feet wearing yellow and green rubber shoes, Liu Chuanfu seemed to have made up his mind, "I'll figure this out!"

Let the children learn skills, but serious things cannot be delayed.

Moreover, when I went to the commune for a meeting these two days, the wind direction outside seemed to have changed.

Liu Chuanfu felt that it was time for their elementary school to be reorganized.

Of course, Liu Chuanfu still couldn't discern the trends at the top, but the example of He Zhiqing was right in front of him.

Not to mention the ordinary villagers who would be moved, even he, the vice-captain, secretly asked his old wife to send all their children to an educated youth center.

In fact, not only Liujia'ao, but Qingshan Village is probably also eager to give it a try.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a river across the road and the people in Qingshan Village were a little arrogant, they would have found He Zhiqing long ago.

Qingliu Elementary School has reopened and can arrange for a few more teachers.

If other educated youths wanted to come, the people from Qingliu Brigade might not agree, but He educated youth——

Qingshan Village will definitely not object.

Liu Chuanfu stamped his feet, put his hands behind his back, and headed towards the brigade headquarters in Qingshan Village.

The next day, everyone went to work and came back for lunch. One of the educated youths said excitedly -

"Hey, have you heard? Qingliu Elementary School is going to reopen! There are six teachers alone."

"Really? Qingliu Elementary School is looking for a teacher? What are the requirements?"

"What else can I ask for? I must at least have gone to middle school and be able to teach those elementary school students."

"I don't think so. Have you heard about that Teacher Yan? He hasn't even finished high school and can't even read a newspaper, but he is a Chinese teacher in elementary school!"

"...He is a model for people injured on the job, can he be the same?"

Just like the college students who were initially recommended, they rely not on their knowledge, but on the calluses on their hands.

"That's right, there is only one teacher Yan in the entire Qingliu Elementary School. The other teachers are basically junior high school students."

Ma Xinhua was very moved.

Looking at the entire Aoyagi brigade, there may be two or three junior high school students, but almost no high school students.

In their educated youth center, there were five high school students, and she was one of them.

The other four are Zhuo Ya, Han Dongmei, He Yuntian and Chen Jianjun.

Chen Jianjun is going back to the city to work as a worker. Zhuo Ya is his partner and he must go with him.

Han Dongmei's family is rich and she doesn't care about the income from being a teacher.

As for He Yuntian, he can get dozens of dollars in royalties just by writing a short story to entertain children.

The salary of a village teacher is only eight yuan plus six work points, but he has to stay in school every day.

Ma Xinhua felt that if she were He Yuntian, she would not care about the teacher's job.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If these four people are eliminated, then she is the only one left, Ma Xinhua, who has the highest academic level?

I know that the people in Qingliu Brigade are xenophobic, but the primary school has to recruit six teachers, and there are so many educated youths, so why should they be given a quota?

In the selection process among the educated youth, Ma Xinhua felt that he would definitely not lose!

"Even if we educated youths are educated, those idiots will not choose us. The captain's family and the deputy captain's family have children who have gone to junior high school, and there are also military martyrs who need to be taken care of..."

No matter how easy it is to work as a primary school teacher, educated youths like them from outside will never get their turn.

Liu Weihong was very pessimistic and sighed.

As soon as she finished speaking, the hall fell silent instantly.

Yes, if the recruitment is open and the competition is fair, they educated youth have nothing to fear.'s impossible.

However, soon, the "impossible" happened.

Liu Chuanfu personally went to the educated youth center and said to He Tiantian: "He Zhiqing, Qingliu Primary School has reopened. You can become a Chinese teacher and teach the children how to write articles!"

When he spoke, he still had a sense of asking for credit, "He Zhiqing, you don't know, in order for you, an educated youth, to become a teacher, I went through all the trouble, and I don't know how many good words I said to you. Woolen cloth."

Who wouldn’t be tempted by a good job like a teacher?

As for Liu Chuanfu, if it weren't for the sake of He Zhiqing being able to teach his children to write articles, he wouldn't have helped him at all.

Isn't it good to leave it to your little girl?

His Cuizhi also went to junior high school and is definitely qualified to teach elementary school.

Although Liu Chuanfu did it for his grandchildren and the children of the Liu family, he was not ambiguous at all when expressing his merits.

He Tiantian was a little embarrassed, "Thank you, vice-captain, but I don't really want to be a teacher!"

Liu Chuanfu's eyes widened: "What? You don't want to?"

Is this person stupid?

Why don't you want to take a good job like a teacher that others are competing for?

"Teachers need to teach and educate people. This responsibility is too great. I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

"If you don't do it right, you'll mislead others!"

He Tiantian said seriously, without any intention of making excuses.

Liu Chuanfu didn't listen, and said doubtfully, "Then you gave lessons to the children in our village and taught them how to write articles."

"That's just tutoring, not real teaching, and I'm not a serious teacher either!"

He Tiantian said calmly, "I have been in Liujia'ao for a year or two. I guess you and the people in the village know something about me."

"I am too aloof and aloof. I am not good at dealing with people, and I am not very good at working in the fields."

"I have too many shortcomings, and my recent reputation is not good. If I were to be a teacher, I would be easily criticized."

"I can usually give a few lessons to the children and teach them how to write articles, but if I'm asked to be a serious teacher, forget it!"

He Tiantian shook her head slightly as she spoke.

Her attitude was not very tough, but her refusal was clear.

Liu Chuanfu was really confused.

Of course, he also knew that He Zhiqing did have a lot of problems. He loved cleanliness, was greedy for pleasure, and was unwilling to work.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Especially the bad reputation of "spending women's money" has spread throughout the Qingliu Brigade.

When it was suggested that he should become a teacher in an elementary school, some people questioned that he could not shoulder the heavy responsibility of "being a teacher by example".

It was Liu Chuanfu and Yan Derong, the captain of the brigade and the head of Qingshan Village, who recognized He Zhiqing's ability to write articles and strongly recommended him, and thus helped He Zhiqing win the spot.

As a result, people are not surprised!

"He Zhiqing, you really don't want to be a primary school teacher?"

Liu Chuanfu refused to give up and asked again.

He Tiantian shook her head, "It takes a hundred years to cultivate people, and there is a long way to go!"

The original owner is a morally flawed person who really cannot be a teacher who burns himself and lights up others.

"..." Liu Chuanfu glanced at He Tiantian intently, and then started smoking.

After a long while, after smoking a homemade cigarette, Liu Chuanfu asked again with certainty, "Can you use your spare time to teach children to write articles at Qingliu Primary School?"


He Tiantian seemed not to notice Liu Chuanfu's displeasure, and nodded: "Not just the children, but everyone else in our village who wants to learn can come to the class!"

"No age limit?"

Liu Chuanfu's eyes lit up.

"No restrictions! No restrictions on men and women either!"

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Just like the young men and women in the village. Go to work during the day and come to attend classes at night. If you are enlightened, you may earn a little more!"

The main thing is not to delay earning work points.

And in the evening, when there are no entertainment activities, it is not easy to go to the elementary school to attend a class because it costs money to light the lamp at home.

Just like what He Tiantian said, if there is a talented person who learns the skills of "He Zhiqing", writes an article and earns royalties, it will all be in vain.

Thinking about it this way, many families who favor sons over daughters, or who feel that their children do not need to go to school when they are older, do not object to their children being suspended from classes.

If there are dates but no dates, hit three poles. If it succeeds, you will benefit. If it fails, you will not lose anything.

Some older girls who had a crush on He Zhiqing, such as Liu Cuizhi from deputy captain Liu Chuanfu's family, were the first to sign up enthusiastically after hearing the news!

Cao Xiufen, the eldest sister-in-law of the Liu family, moved her lips and wanted to give some advice, but when she thought about her son and daughter, she would also learn to write articles from He Zhiqing.

The words that came to my mouth were swallowed again.

She does sincerely do her best for her sister-in-law, but her mother-in-law and sister-in-law may not appreciate it.

Her children, Cao Xiufen, all went to learn their skills, but only her sister-in-law was stopped.

What she knows is that she is worried that her sister-in-law will fall in love with He Zhiqing and cause some trouble, and she feels sorry for her sister-in-law;

I don’t know, I thought she was a small-minded sister-in-law who only cared about her own children and didn’t allow her sister-in-law to learn her skills!

Of course, not everyone is willing to let their children learn how to write articles.

Just at this time, news came out from the educated youth spot——

"Han Zhiqing's article was published in the newspaper!"

Although it is only an article the size of a piece of tofu, the manuscript fee is only 5 yuan.

However, everyone in Liujiaao knows what kind of person Han Dongmei is.

She is squeamish and willful, and would rather pay people to do the work than endure the hardships herself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I usually eat delicious food and wear nice clothes, but I just pretend to be sick and avoid it.

He is too lazy to work and doesn't like to study. That is to say, Qingliu Brigade is too remote and the atmosphere from outside has not spread.

Otherwise, Han Dongmei will definitely not be able to take off the hat of being greedy for pleasure.

The most criticized thing is that she comes from a girl's family, but she pursues a male educated youth regardless of her modesty and face.

All kinds of backstabbing, lots of flattery, tsk tsk, it really made a group of middle-aged women look at it and secretly grit their teeth——

If my daughter is so shameless, I will beat her to death!

However, even such a prodigal girl with no good reputation could actually write articles that were published in newspapers!

Tsk tsk——

It must have been under the influence of He Zhiqing that he became progressive.

Han Dongmei: ...You guys are talking nonsense. I was obviously frightened by the electric shock, so I risked my life to write the best article in my life.

It's a pity that Han Dongmei can't tell outsiders about this. The system is too fantasy.

Others won't believe it when they hear it. Instead, they think Han Dongmei is crazy.

He Tiantian:......

With Han Dongmei's example, the villagers who were still hesitating no longer dared to hesitate and sent all their children (regardless of age, gender) to He Zhiqing's writing tutoring class...

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