The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 556: The male protagonist who was slapped in the face (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After shouting those words, all the negative emotions accumulated in her chest were released, and Han Dongmei's rationality returned little by little.

She finally realized what she had done, she began to regret it, and she felt great fear.

The system is not her parents, and it will not tolerate or condone her without principles.

If it says it will give an electric shock, then it will give an electric shock.

Last time, she just cursed the Dogecoin system and was shocked for 5 seconds.

This time, she almost pointed at the system’s nose and scolded it, with a posture of “the fish will die and the net will break.”

Woohoo, system, I was wrong. I, I really didn’t mean it.

Han Dongmei knew that with her ability, if she fought against the system, the fish would definitely die, but her net would not be broken.

She didn't want to be shocked, and she didn't want to die!

"System, I-I was wrong. I-I was just dizzy and talking nonsense. I--"

Han Dongmei was anxious and stammered explanations, trying to win the system's forgiveness.

As a result, the mechanical sound that frightened and disgusted her did not come from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Han Dongmei was stunned for a moment, then shouted cautiously: "System? System?! Are you still there?"

Han Dongmei seemed to be unable to hear anything at the moment, only the pounding of her own heartbeat.

Still no response?

Is the system hibernating again?

When Han Dongmei thought of this possibility, her heart almost flew up.

Haha, great, that Dogecoin system is finally dormant again.

Maybe it's only temporary, but the short-term "freedom" can also make Han Dongmei ecstatic and cry with joy.

However, Han Dongmei was still afraid of the system in her heart.

She is afraid that it will "wake up" at some unknown time. If she performs too poorly, the system will calculate the old and new accounts together, and she may really be tortured to death.

Han Dongmei suppressed her inner ecstasy, continued to study the review materials, and signed up to take the college entrance examination in December.

Han Dongmei thought about it and she would work hard, but if she really couldn't pass the exam, she would have a clear conscience, right?

So, in the following days, Han Dongmei continued to stay in her hut, studying and studying.

The Han family in the city were very happy to know that Han Dongmei was going to take the college entrance examination.

They all tried their best to get her a lot of information. In addition, money, tickets and nutritional supplements such as malted milk and milk powder were also indispensable.

Han Dongmei was deeply moved when she saw the big package and felt the love from her parents, brothers and sisters.

Perhaps through systematic training, she could fully understand the reality: in this world, except for your family, there will never be anyone who will love and tolerate you without principles or reasons!

If you make a mistake and take the wrong path, you will be punished.

And only family members will not care about their faults and will give them the greatest warmth and comfort!

Han Dongmei finally understood and began to be grateful.

When she writes letters to her family, even if she is not deliberately sensational, she will reveal some true feelings between the lines.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Our Dongmei has become sensible!"

"Oh, this kid must have suffered a lot in the countryside!"

Children will grow up and become sensible, all because they have endured hardship.

The parents of the Han family felt relieved and distressed at the same time when they saw their daughter's reply.

They cherished their daughter even more and tried every means to plan her future.

My daughter is going to take the college entrance examination, which is a good thing.

It would be great to be admitted to university.

But the problem is that their family knows their own family, and the Han family's parents naturally feel that their child is the best, but they must also admit that their daughter does not seem to be good at studying.

"First arrange a job for her. If she can't go to college, we can get her back to the city!"

"That's right! Regardless of whether she succeeds in the college entrance examination or not, our Dongmei can no longer stay in the countryside!"

There was no need for discussion between the Han father and the mother. The couple's ideas were surprisingly the same.

When they wrote back to Han Dongmei, they inadvertently expressed this meaning: Dongmei, don't be too anxious. It's best if you can get into college. If you don't, we can go back to the city.

With her parents' support and the relief that "the system may go into hibernation", Han Dongmei's condition has improved a lot.

No longer anxious, no longer afraid, but able to devote myself wholeheartedly to learning.

Han Dongmei was able to calm down and prepare for the college entrance examination, while the educated youth focused on other people and became even more desperate.

In addition, some young people from Qingliu Brigade who agreed with the college entrance examination requirements also worked hard together.

Speaking of which, it was also He Tiantian’s credit.

She used remittance orders one after another and royalties that made the villagers envious, and told everyone very clearly:

Reading helps!

Even if educated people make money, it is easier than farmers like them.

"He Yuntian" is not a college student yet, "he" is just a high school student, and as a result, he can make a lot of money by writing articles.

If your child goes to college and becomes a cadre, even if he can't write articles, he can still be assigned work and provide an iron rice bowl.

Moreover, He Zhiqing also said that there is no money to study in college, and money will be given.

As long as you pass the exam, you can even save money at home.

There was no opportunity in the past (the college entrance examination was suspended), but now there is an opportunity and the children are willing to learn. Even if parents do not support it, they will not directly oppose it.

At most, just let nature take its course and never force it!

In this way, some young people in Qingliu Brigade, even if they were married or had left school for many years, were infected by the learning atmosphere and picked up textbooks one after another.

As for He Tiantian, her writing tutoring class was temporarily suspended and she started a college entrance examination tutoring class instead.

Under the banner of "learning together" and "helping each other", she did not regard herself as a teacher, but mixed in some personal information when discussing with her classmates.

Fortunately, the first test after the resumption of the college entrance examination was not very difficult.

As long as you have some basic knowledge of middle school, Tiantian can provide you with very targeted tutoring.

In two months, Liu Cuizhi and others had made a qualitative improvement.

On December 9, the college entrance examination in S Province officially started.

There are hundreds of thousands of candidates who have been backlogged for ten years. Some of them are no longer young, but they still walk into the examination room with excitement.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

These candidates include recent high school graduates, educated youths who have gone to the countryside, factory workers, and soldiers in military camps...

Led by He Tiantian, the Qingliu Brigade attaches great importance to knowledge and culture.

This time the college entrance examination, the whole team responded positively and was very supportive.

When the candidates went to the county town to take the exam, the team leader managed to get a tractor and pulled more than 20 candidates, including educated youths, all the way to the examination room.

"Take the exam well and don't have to worry about it mentally!"

"Not this time, there will be next year."

He Tiantian sat in the crowd, quietly comforting a few people who obviously looked a little nervous.

"Yes! Not this year, but next year! Anyway, the college entrance examination has resumed, and the road to college has been reopened!"

As long as the unified recruitment examination is open and fair, they will have a chance!

The person who spoke to me was an old educated youth in his twenties. He married a local girl three years ago and gave birth to a child last year.

His face already showed vicissitudes beyond his age, but there was a burning light in his eyes.

"This is the first year. There will be a lot of people taking the exam. Maybe next year will be much better!"

"Everyone, please don't be nervous, calm down and answer the questions well!"

This old educated youth didn't know whether he was comforting everyone or encouraging himself.

He said softly, but his hands clenched into fists involuntarily.

"Yes! Brother Yang is right, don't be nervous, calm down and take the exam well!"

He Tiantian agreed with a smile.

Regardless of whether those overly nervous candidates listened or not, at least they seemed less nervous.

"...Zhuo Ya, you should also take the college entrance examination!"

Seeing "He Yuntian"'s high-spirited look, Liu Weihong thought of Zhuo Ya for some reason.

She couldn't help but mutter.

Ma Xinhua, who was sitting next to her, frowned slightly. At this time, it seemed inappropriate to mention Zhuo Ya.

However, after all, Zhuo Ya lived with them in an educated youth spot for two years, and they could barely be considered friends.

When chatting, it makes sense to care about the current situation of "friends".

"Maybe! When she was in school, her academic performance was very good!"

As a high school classmate of Zhuo Ya, Ma Xinhua is quite familiar with Zhuo Ya's situation.

What a pity. At that time, going to college was not based on grades, but on recommendations.

Zhuo Ya is just an ordinary working-class family. It is not easy to get recommendations from neighborhood committees, schools and other units.

Therefore, as soon as she graduated from high school, she was sent to the countryside.

More than a month ago, Zhuo Ya went to the next city to marry Chen Jianjun in order to return to the city.

Half a month ago, Chen Jianjun wrote back to show off, telling everyone that not only did he have a job, but Zhuo Ya also got a temporary worker job under the arrangement of the Chen family.

Temporary workers can also register as registered permanent residents.

If it were before the resumption of the college entrance examination, it would definitely be the dream of educated youths like them.

But, now——

Although he didn't get the exact information, based on his understanding of Zhuo Ya, Ma Xinhua bet that even if he had a job and a city registered permanent residence, Zhuo Ya would still be admitted to college.

Because temporary jobs are nothing compared to universities.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Will her parents-in-law agree?" Liu Weihong just didn't like Zhuo Ya and couldn't see her living a better life than him.

Several educated youths taking the exam exchanged glances with each other after hearing Liu Weihong's words.

So what, use yourself to save others? If your daughter-in-law (or son-in-law) has a job and still wants to take the college entrance examination, she will definitely not agree.

Let's talk about the Chen family's parents-in-law, even Chen Jianjun may not agree.

Because everyone knows in their hearts that Chen Jianjun is not worthy of Zhuo Ya in all aspects.

The only advantage is that he has a job and can help Zhuo Ya return to the city.

But once Zhuo Ya was admitted to university, his advantage would be gone.

If you don't do it right, your newly married daughter-in-law will fly away.

"No, Zhuo Ya will persuade Chen Jianjun to take the college entrance examination together!"

And draw a big picture: We and I will take the college entrance examination together. After graduation, we will become cadres together and become the envy of everyone!

He Tiantian replied lightly.

Again, Zhuo Ya is smart and skillful, and she always has a way to make her wishes come true!

Everyone fell silent after hearing He Tiantian's words.

Yes, Zhuo Ya is not an ordinary person.

She is still going to the countryside and staying in the countryside, but Zhuo Ya can be as fair and noble as a city girl.

My skin has not been tanned, there are no calluses on my hands and feet, I have not starved or suffered, and my life is better than all the educated youths in their educated youth spots!

She was also one of the first people to return to the city.

Now, everyone can take the college entrance examination, how can Zhuo Ya miss it? !

Such a smart person will only live better than everyone else, not worse!

Liu Weihong also understood this, but she was a little unhappy after all.

Looking around, her eyes fell on Han Dongmei. Hey, how could she forget that this person hated Zhuo Ya the most.

Liu Weihong said to Han Dongmei: "Dongmei, you——"

She wanted to instigate Han Dongmei to join her in the crusade against Zhuo Ya.

Han Dongmei waved her hand, "I'm not familiar with Zhuo Ya, so I don't know about her affairs. Besides, it has nothing to do with me!"

She hated Zhuo Ya in the first place because of He Yuntian.

Now, she doesn't even care about He Yuntian, how can she pay attention to Zhuo Ya?

If you have this time, you might as well memorize a few more questions and read more books.

Under the high pressure of the system, Han Dongmei actually became fond of learning.

In the past month or two, she rarely paid attention to the rights and wrongs of others, and only focused on reviewing.

She was afraid that after the system woke up, it would settle the general ledger with her.

Therefore, it is better to be good first. When she is admitted to college, even if the system comes back, she will be able to defend herself.

He Tiantian: ...Little classmate D, look what sins you have committed?

Seeing that Han Dongmei had changed so much, He Tiantian didn't know whether to scold Little D for being too harsh or to praise her for "getting things right".

However, no matter what, Han Dongmei is actively striving for improvement. As long as she stops being stupid, she will not end up as a cannon fodder female supporting role.

As for whether she can counterattack and become a heroine——

He Tiantian glanced at Liu Cuizhi sitting on the other side. This rural girl seemed to have more potential to become a heroine than Han Dongmei.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This is also true.

After the college entrance examination, the results were announced, and Liu Cuizhi became the number one student in their county and was admitted to Peking University.

Han Dongmei was also admitted to university, a university in their provincial capital.

Liu Weihong and Ma Xinhua were admitted to junior high schools. Although they were not as good as Han Dongmei, they were still a way out.

There is also a male educated youth who received an admission notice from a university in the next province.

Of course, He Tiantian also passed the exam.

But she was not admitted to a prestigious school in the capital or the provincial capital, but to an unknown university.

Although the image of "He Yuntian" as a male god is not broken, it is not as tall as before.

For example, Liu Cuizhi, after she surpassed her male idol, she looked back and realized that "He Yuntian" was nothing more than that.

The girl's youthful love slowly faded away, replaced by rational thinking and calm deliberation - He Yuntian was no longer the unreachable god in her heart, no longer the idol she dreamed of!

Her future is infinite, and her journey is a broader sea of ​​stars...

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