The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 561: The male supporting character who encourages others to do good (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Speaking of which, she is just like Kizuro, a poor person without a home.

Thinking of this, Ye Beibei felt sad in his heart.

Seeing Ye Beibei's depressed mood, He Tiantian couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Alas, she was only a teenager.

In the novel world, life after life has passed. Although He Tiantian is still a teenage girl in reality, her heart is already that of an old goblin who has lived for thousands of years.

To her, He Tiantian was just a junior.

In addition, He Tiantian herself has suffered cold violence, and she can especially understand Ye Beibei.

It can't be said that we feel sympathy for each other, but He Tiantian feels extra pity for this poor child.

"I remember, Senior Ye Beixuan is your biological brother?"

He Tiantian was silent for a moment, and then asked in a gentle voice.

Ye Beibei raised his head and gave He Tiantian a steady look.

Originally, she wanted to ask: Senior, how did you know that I have a brother named Ye Beixuan?

But soon, a flash of embarrassment flashed in her eyes——

Haha, speaking of it, she, Ye Beibei, is also a "popular person" at Hongde International School.

It's just that other people's reputations are really popular, such as Senior Su's wealth and appearance, and Feng Yuyao's academic talent and toughness.

But she, Ye Beibei, is "black and red"——

He is an ordinary citizen, but because of his father, he became the prince-in-law of a wealthy family. He relied on his wealthy stepmother to study in Hongde.

With mediocre grades and a mediocre family background, he is so out of tune with the rich second generation who rely on their ability to make money, or with those academic masters who work hard for their grades!

She is useless, she is just an ugly duckling among a group of golden phoenixes and white swans.

Not to mention, she also has a half-sister who is a real daughter for comparison.

The rich and powerful person is talking about her, Ye Beibei.

Before, Ye Beibei only thought that her classmates and the international class where Ye Muwan was in would know about her existence.

Now after hearing Senior Su's words, Ye Beibei discovered sadly: It turns out that I have become a "celebrity" in the entire high school department.

"Well! Ye Beixuan is my brother, and Ye Muwan is my half-sister!"

Ye Beibei's heart seemed to be cast by a shadow, and his whole person became decadent.

She was a bit broke, and directly exposed her "family scandal" in front of the male god.

"My father relied on the Qiu family to start his business. Ms. Qiu is my stepmother, and I am just a dragster from a wealthy family!"

Ye Beibei's tone was obviously self-disgusting.

She lowered her head, not daring to look at Senior Su's handsome and elegant face.

She was afraid of seeing the look of disgust and disdain in the other person's deep eyes.

"Is this what you want?"

He Tiantian suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Ye Beibei was stunned for a moment. She suddenly raised her head and shouted loudly: "I don't want to!"

She has never wanted to go to a wealthy family, and she is not willing to live under the same roof with her scumbag father and mistress stepmother.

Unfortunately, she was underage. After her mother passed away, her father became her guardian and she had to go to the Ye family.

If possible, she would rather live alone in the small house left by her grandparents and go to those civilian schools that the rich despise.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Instead of being a dragster here who is disliked and ostracized by everyone!

"Since it's not what you wanted, let alone what you asked for, why do you feel embarrassed? Do you feel guilty and unsure of yourself?"

He Tiantian asked again.

Ye Beibei looked at her "Senior Su" blankly.

In this case, she had also thought about it in her heart.

When she was being plotted by Qiu Wanting, she even shouted out in public.

However, everyone present blamed her for being ignorant and ungrateful.

I think she took advantage and acted like a good girl, which is what she is doing at the same time.

"...Who said you took advantage?"

Ye Beibei was stunned, as if he heard Senior Su's voice again.

She was in a trance for a while, and then she realized that she had said all those words just now without realizing it.

"I, I am not Qiu Wanting's child, but I enjoy the life of a wealthy family. The tuition for Hongde High School costs hundreds of thousands a year!"

And according to her real family situation, she couldn't afford to go to such an aristocratic school.

"The topic comes back again. Are these enjoyments you have, whether it's a wealthy life or an aristocratic school with a tuition of hundreds of thousands a year, what you want? Did you beg for it?"

He Tiantian asked with a smile.

Ye Beibei: ...Of course not!

The conversation between her and Senior Su seemed to be stuck in a loop, with Che Lulu talking over and over again.

However, she seemed to understand what Senior Su meant.

Yes, this so-called "advantage" is not something she wants to take advantage of.

Why should she feel guilty? Why do you feel you have no confidence?

"To put it another way, even if you really take advantage, what does it have to do with other people?"

He Tiantian had a gentle expression, but she said something a bit rogue.


Suddenly, Senior Su, who felt out of reach and could only watch from a distance but not play with, actually had such a playful side.

Is this contrasting cuteness or down-to-earthness?

But no matter what the situation was, Ye Beibei didn't feel that Senior Su's personality had collapsed. Instead, he felt that "he" had become more vivid and real.

It was as if the aloof and cold male god had become her intimate big brother.

"You never thought about spending Ms. Qiu's money. She insisted on marrying your father, so you had to be her 'stepdaughter'."

"You have never thought about living in a wealthy family, but Ye is always your father. Regardless of reason or law, he must fulfill his obligation to support you!"

"If he doesn't support you, not only will he be laughed at, but he will also commit a crime!"

He Tiantian looked into Ye Beibei's eyes and said seriously.

In fact, Ye Beibei may not be ignorant of these principles.

However, people around her said to her: You are just a drag, you are not worthy of enjoying a wealthy life, you have taken advantage of Ms. Qiu, you should be grateful to others!

As time passed, Ye Beibei seemed to have been PUAed, and when he was bullied, he did not have the confidence to fight back!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But in fact, just as He Tiantian said, Ye Beibei did not ask for everything.

Ms. Qiu doesn't want to raise a loser, but that's fine. Don't steal her husband.

Ye Cheng felt that he, the child raised by his ex-wife, was petty and unworthy, which made him lose face. No problem, don't cheat on him in the first place. If you cheat on him, don't leave your daughter to his ex-wife who is suffering from depression to raise him!

Everything was not Ye Beibei's choice.

And she has to bear all the consequences!


She cannot choose her origin or decide her life at all, but others will laugh at her and bully her because of the "enjoyment" forced on her.

Ye Beibei couldn't say that he was awakened by He Tiantian's words, but He Tiantian's words let Ye Beibei know that not everyone thought that Ye Beibei deserved to be bullied.

Ye Beibei is not a weak person by nature. She will let her classmates bully her, mostly because people around her (including her blood relatives) are trying to PUA her.

She was a teenage girl, alone and without a voice to help her.

It’s really hard for her to go against “the whole world”!

Now, He Tiantian just told Ye Beibei that the "whole world" you think of is not really the whole world.

Those who PUA you are only a small part.

There are still people who will stand on your side and help you speak out!

"..." Ye Beibei bit her lip lightly. She had a lot to say to Senior Su.

But in the end, she just said: "Thank you! Senior Su, thank you for telling me this!"

After saying this, Ye Beibei suddenly realized that it was really getting late.

Although no one in the Ye family cared whether she came home late, as a well-behaved girl, Ye Beibei still didn't want to go home too late!

"Senior, it's getting late. I should go back. Goodbye!"

When he said the last two words, Ye Beibei was somewhat reluctant to give up.

She said "goodbye", but she also understood that she might not have the chance to meet Senior Su again.


He Tiantian said goodbye to Ye Beibei with a smile, and added in her heart: Well, see you tomorrow!

She took away Ye Beibei's golden finger, so she would give him a cheat in return.

Oh no, not one, but buy one and get one free.

After all, the "system" created by He Tiantian was too imitation and lacked functions, so it was just a matter of manpower.

Ye Beibei said goodbye to her senior Su, then scampered off the rooftop, ran back to the classroom, put on her schoolbag, and ran out of the campus quickly.

Although Ye Beibei had the opportunity to have close contact with the male idol, he was very excited and his heart was filled with excitement.

But she didn't forget Orange Seat either.

Walking around to the back alley of the school, the chubby orange cat was leaning against the corner with a stern posture.

A pair of eyes looked at Ye Beibei very unkindly, as if to say: Shit shovel, you are late today!

"I'm sorry, Orange, something delayed me today. Are you hungry? I brought you grilled fish. The aunt in the cafeteria gave me an extra spoonful today, which is enough for several pieces!"

Seeing Ju Zuo's imposing little appearance, Ye Beibei apologized and took out a fast food carton from his schoolbag.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She opened the snack box, revealing several pieces of golden grilled fish.

Although it's cold, it's still delicious.

Smelling the aroma, the fat orange cat Gulu sat up, came closer, smelled it, and then ate it with big mouthfuls.

Ye Beibei took advantage of Orange Seat's feast and reached out to rub its fur.

The fur is so soft and fleshy, and the feel is amazing!

Ye Beibei was Rua Mao while chatting with Orange about what happened today——

"The senior is so gentle. Moreover, he is not as cold as he appears. He is very down-to-earth!"

"...Senior Su is right, I don't owe anyone, I don't have to feel guilty and short of breath, let alone compromise!"

"I used to feel that I was alone and helpless. Even if we broke out, no one would speak to me!"

"However, Senior Su made me feel that not everyone thinks that I am a slut who deserves to be bullied. Qiu Wanting and Ye Cheng owe me all this!"

When Ye Beibei said this, he didn't know whether he was talking to Ju Zuo or trying to make himself proud.

Orange Seat: ...The shit shovel seems to be different today.

In the past, she always complained to herself about her grievances, and sometimes cried.

For the sake of being fed every day and given regular baths, deworming, and injections, Orange would occasionally rub her with his plump round body when the shit-sweeper was wiping her tears.

After hearing her talk so much today, I thought she would still cry.

Alas, Orangemen are ready to sacrifice their appearance.

Unexpectedly, the shit shoveling officer didn’t cry!

After eating the last piece of grilled fish, Orange licked his mouth and paws, and originally wanted to turn around and leave.

However, this seems a bit heartless.

Although he is a scumbag, he still has a bit of "professional ethics".

So what, in the past year, the shit shovel officer has been very good at it.

Lifting his little paw, Juzuo touched Ye Beibei's hand meaningfully.

Ye Beibei was overjoyed. He was just about to get closer to Orange Zuo, but the scumbag cat turned around and jumped onto the wall of the back alley with a whoosh.

God knows, how can such an orange pig covered in flesh be so flexible?

Looking at Orange Zuo's heartless back, Ye Beibei sighed with emotion.

However, now that Orange is gone, it's time for Ye Beibei to leave too.

She prepared her schoolbag, went to the bus stop, and took the bus back to Ye's house.

Of course, as wealthy people, the Ye family must live in a villa area on the outskirts of the city.

There are no buses there.

Usually, when Ye Beixuan and Ye Mu go to school at night, they are picked up and dropped off by their family's driver.

Qiu Wanting also arranged for Ye Beibei to ride in the car with Ye Muwan, but Ye Beibei was rebellious.

She didn't want to accept charity from her mistress's stepmother, and she didn't want to stage any drama of sisterly love with her emotionless half-sister.

She braved the danger of people around her calling her "ignorant" and found a way to go to school on her own——

She took the bus on the section of the road that was connected to buses.

On sections that buses cannot reach, she sweeps the small blue, small green and small yellow cars.

Sharing a bicycle is a bit tiring, but she feels comfortable.

After getting off the bus, he saw a small blue car on the side of the road, and Ye Beibei rushed to the villa area.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When Ye Beibei returned to Ye's house, it was already seven o'clock.

"Sister, why did you come back just now? You haven't eaten yet. Fortunately, I asked my aunt to leave some food for you!"

Seeing Ye Beibei coming back sweating profusely, Ye Muwan smiled and said hello.

Ye Muwan is different from Qiu Wanting. Although she is the favorite of the Ye family and the Qiu family, she has not developed an arrogant or willful appearance.

She hates kindness and is very considerate.

Just like a little fairy.

However, Ye Beibei didn't like her.

It has nothing to do with Ye Muwan's temperament.

There is no way, Ye Muwan is Qiu Wanting's daughter, and this alone cannot make Ye Beibei get close to her.

It is even more impossible to become so-called biological sisters!

"..." Originally, according to Ye Beibei's past temperament, she would have said coldly, "No, I'm not hungry."

Then, with a hungry stomach, he went back to his room to endure the torture.

However, after talking to Senior Su today, Ye Beibei suddenly realized: Why does she endure this?

As Senior Su said, she was underage, and Ye Cheng was her biological father, so he should have fulfilled his obligation to support her.

What she eats and lives in now belongs to no one else but her scumbag father Ye Cheng.

As for whether Ye Cheng is eating soft food, that is his problem.

The family where Ye Beibei lives is named Ye, not Qiu. There is no need for her to feel uncomfortable...

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