The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 582 The fake is really 0 gold (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the following time, He Tiantian cultivated her body while crazily practicing her junior uncle's Wuji Art.

Although the medicine she prepared was mild, it was still a miscarriage.

That is to say, she has internal power to protect her body, otherwise she must be in a very weak state.

Even so, you still need to take good care of yourself after a miscarriage.

He Tiantian's excuse to Gu Jingyuan was: "I'm having my menstrual period. In the past, we were just ordinary people, and we didn't have to pay so much attention!"

"But it's different now... Brother Aya, you, you are the noble son of the Marquis."

"I heard that rich people avoid these things. They think menstruation is too dirty and will bring bad luck!"

He Tiantian endured the rejection and spoke out about the ancient taboos about menstruation.

She was gentle and aggrieved, and said reluctantly: "Brother Aya, let's sleep in separate rooms."

Gu Jingyuan is not so particular, after all, he has not completely recovered his memory.

However, in recent months, he has become accustomed to listening to "He Dian".

And He Tiantian's words are not completely unreasonable.

Of course, the most important thing is that as he approaches the capital day by day, the surrounding scenery and people make him feel more and more familiar and cordial.

More and more pictures flashed in his mind.

He became more and more certain that he was the third son of the Nanning Marquis Mansion, a truly wealthy and noble son.

... There are indeed many rules and particularities among powerful and wealthy families.

Gu Jingyuan wasn't sure if there was any taboo about menstruation, and he didn't care.

But he felt sorry for Ah Tian.

Gu Jingyuan couldn't bear to see her looking happy, scared, anxious, and low self-esteem because he might be "Gu Jingyuan".

Gu Jingyuan knew that if he was really the prince of the Hou family, and A'Dian was his wife.

When she goes to the Hou Mansion, she will definitely be disliked by the elders in the family because of her status as a village girl from A-Dian Township.

If A-Tian is "not well-behaved" again, it will definitely arouse double dissatisfaction.

For A'Dian's sake, Gu Jingyuan had to follow her wishes and try to be "behaved" as much as possible.

In this way, Gu Jingyuan temporarily shared a room with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian sleeps alone, which gives him more freedom to practice and regulate his body.

She also took advantage of the situation and gradually distanced herself from Gu Jingyuan.

Usually, the original owner would deliberately make some intimate gestures with her "Aya brother" outside the room.

Firstly, it’s for the fun of the couple, and secondly, it’s for brother Aya to develop a habit.

However, the original owner did it very naturally and in a subtle way.

Most of the time, she still sticks to her simple, kind, and self-loving persona.

After He Tiantian came here, he naturally had to maintain these characters.

Apart from anything else, He Tiantian is very insistent on "self-love".

He Tiantian was "changing" invisibly, and Gu Jingyuan didn't notice it at all.

First of all, He Tiantian has made some changes based on the original design, and the difference between the before and after is not large.

At most, the original owner is "fake self-love and genuine scheming", while He Tiantian is the real "self-love"!

Secondly, Gu Jingyuan also began to feel uneasy.

How timid it is to be close to home!

The further he walked towards the capital, the more memory fragments appeared in Gu Jingyuan's mind.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He had vaguely sounded a lot of things.

However, he was like an onlooker, with no real sense of empathy for the memories in his mind.

To use an analogy, he seemed to have watched a play, and he knew that he was the person in the play.

But he just couldn't bring it in.

This feeling made him feel inexplicably panicked and helpless about his identity and the future.

Secretly restless, Gu Jingyuan didn't want A'Dian to notice.

He Tiantian's deliberate alienation actually helped Gu Jingyuan.

In this way, the originally loving couple became deliberate and went along with the flow.

During the next month or two on the road, they were more like companions traveling together than a close couple.

Finally, the towering city walls of the capital are close at hand!

Looking up at the tall city gate tower, Gu Jingyuan's familiar feeling hit him again.

Capital City!

This is the capital!

He seemed extremely familiar.

In order to conceal his inner excitement and joy, Gu Jingyuan turned his head and said to He Tiantian with a smile: "A'Dian, we finally arrived in the capital!"

He Tiantian leaned half out of the simple car shed, looked at the city gate tower, then looked at Gu Jingyuan, pursed her lips and smiled: "Yes, we are finally here. Brother Aya, you, you can find it too My own relatives!"

When she said the second half of the sentence, she deliberately showed a disappointed expression.

Gu Jingyuan could understand his wife's worry and anxiety. He quickly smiled and said, "Don't worry, A'Dian, no matter what happens, I will take care of everything!"

He Tiantian said nothing more, but looked at Gu Jingyuan with trust and hope.

Gu Jingyuan originally felt that A'Dian seemed to be a lot stranger to him on the way.

He did not suspect that his wife's core had been changed, but he could not help but murmur in his heart.

At this moment, Gu Jingyuan's heart melted when he saw Ah Tian's familiar eyes. A familiar feeling, a familiar person, this is his wife He Dian.

"Let's go! Let's go to the city!"

Feeling the wholehearted dependence of his little woman, Gu Jingyuan's pride as a grown man instantly surged.

He raised his riding whip, and the whip made a loud crack in the air, and the horse trotted quickly.

"Brother Aya, wait a minute, don't rush into the military men at the gate of the city!"

He Tiantian continues to play the role of an ignorant mountain man.

The awe that ordinary people have for officers and soldiers has long been engraved in their bones.

"Don't be afraid! Haha, I'm Gu Jingyuan!"

Gu Jingyuan was very high-spirited, and he smiled cheerfully, "Maybe the people guarding the city gate still know me!"

This was not out of his imagination, but in the memory fragments that flashed through his mind, there was a similar scene.

"He" was dressed in rich brocade clothes, riding a tall horse, and roared in and out of the city gate with several young men in brocade clothes of similar age.

The soldiers guarding the gate all gave way and bowed very flatteringly.

What happened next, although not as Gu Jingyuan expected, was that the soldiers did not salute her.

But the reaction of these soldiers still made Gu Jingyuan very happy——

"Oh my god, you, you—"

"Third Master Gu? Could it be the Third Master of the Gu family?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"It's not that... I heard that the Nanning Marquis Mansion just held a funeral last month!"

"Maybe they just look similar?"

"What are you talking about? How can there be such similar people? I have been working as a city gate officer for more than ten years, and Mr. Gu has been coming in and out under my nose. How can I mistake him?"

"That's right, no one was found in the Nanning Marquis Mansion at the beginning. There was a funeral last month, but they only set up a tomb for Mr. Gu!"

"...So, are you really Mr. Gu?"

When several soldiers saw the man who had been missing for more than a year, they didn't bother to stand guard and all came to join in the fun.

They surrounded Gu Jingyuan, looking at him and discussing him.

Although Gu Jingyuan felt awkward, he still extracted the key points from their words——

First, he is indeed Gu Jingyuan.

Secondly, the Gu family had already decided that he was dead and even organized a funeral for him!

As a person involved, Gu Jingyuan would definitely not be happy when his relatives heard that he was "dead".

His already uneasy heart became even more uneasy.

It seems that the Nanning Marquis Mansion does not value him as much as he imagined and miss him!

He Tiantian:......

She was not surprised at all by this.

Because as early as when he accepted the memory of the original owner, He Tiantian discovered an abnormality——

The original owner deliberately led Gu Jingyuan down the mountain to the county town and found the bulletin board.

The missing person notice on the bulletin board not only stated Gu Jingyuan's identity, but also left his contact information.

Yes, this is the correct way to start searching for someone.

If you just announce the identity of the missing person without leaving any contact information, people who have seen the target or the target himself will not be able to contact the person who is looking for him.

On the notice board looking for Gu Jingyuan, it said: "Anyone who has clues can go to Ma Ji Grocery on East Street and find the shopkeeper Ma. He will be greatly thanked!"

Gu Jingyuan followed the address and found Ma Kee Grocery Store with the original owner.

As a result, the store actually closed.

Gu Jingyuan asked his neighbors and was told: "This shop just opened a few months ago. Since it opened, it has not been a serious business, but has been looking for people everywhere!"

"However, strange to say, a few days ago, the store suddenly cleared out the goods. Oops, so many good things were disposed of like they were free of charge!"

"After selling the goods, the shopkeeper dismissed the clerk and left the county alone!"

Gu Jingyuan was a little dumbfounded. He extracted the key points from his neighbor's words——

This shop should have been opened by Ma, the third young lady of the Nanning Marquis Mansion.

This shop was not opened to make money, but to closely search for Gu Jingyuan, who was seriously injured and missing.

Hmm, this matches the missing person notice on the bulletin board.

But the question is, after searching for several months, why did I suddenly stop looking?

They also directly liquidated the goods, transferred the shop, and even left the shopkeeper?

Could it be that something happened in Beijing?

Or after several months of searching, Ma or the Marquis became disappointed and were not ready to search again? !

Not to mention Gu Jingyuan, even the shrewd and thoughtful original owner He Dian was a little confused.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After He Tiantian came here, he sorted out this memory and discovered the problem——

Something must have happened in the capital!

And Gu Jingyuan's wife Ma is the key!

If He Tiantian guessed correctly, this Ma might be a wild writer.

Yes, it's possible!

He Tiantian is not sure which character in the novel world has been transported by the wild writer.

This is the greatest difficulty in the new type of mission——

Only the original script, no tampered script.

The wild writer who tampered with the script had no information at all.

Of course, the wild writers didn’t know that this novel world would have regular writers sent by the system.

Even if the intelligent assistant provided by the "evil force" had a warning, they did not know which character in the novel the regular writer (that is, He Tiantian) had transformed into.

That’s fair!

What the writers on both sides have to fight now is who can discover the "transformation" of the characters in the play first.

The person who has changed the most may naturally be transported through time!

After He Tiantian sorted out his memories, he targeted Ma.

She had previously chosen to abort the unformed embryo in her belly, and she also had concerns in this regard.

If she went to the Hou Mansion with a full belly like she did in the original plot, Ma, who had been crossed by a wild writer, would definitely take action.

He Tiantian wasn't sure what kind of plan the other party would have.

He Tiantian was confident that she could protect her unborn child, but she didn't want to drag an innocent life into such a quagmire.

Now that I have arrived in the capital, I heard from the soldiers that the Nanning Marquis Mansion held a funeral for the missing third son a month ago and also erected a tomb.

He Tiantian became more and more certain of her guess.

Even if this Ma is not a wild writer, she still has "secrets" in her body.

He Tiantian secretly guessed, but her face still looked cowardly and inferior to someone who had never seen the world before.

He saw Gu Jingyuan surrounded by a group of soldiers talking, and then someone dressed as a school captain came over.

The young captain was shocked at first, and then ecstatic. He punched Gu Jingyuan on the shoulder affectionately, and then they linked arms and talked.

He Tiantian hurriedly retreated into the carport like a little daughter-in-law.

And her fleeting movements were keenly captured by the captain.

There was a flash of complexity in his eyes, and he moved his mouth, wanting to ask about the specific situation of his long-lost friend - for example, who was the young woman in the carriage behind him? !

However, when the words came to his lips, the captain swallowed them back.

Alas, actually, do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?

A grown man takes a young girl on the road. The way the girl peeks at the man is full of affection, which is enough to say everything.

"...You kid actually forgot about me!"

When he first saw Gu Jingyuan, the school captain realized that something was not right with this little friend who had grown up together.

After some questioning, I found out that the other person fell off a cliff after being injured, damaged his brain, and couldn't remember anything.

In this case, it is understandable that he would find a "new love".

It's just... Gu San's wife Ma is really a very good woman. He is of noble birth and yet not pampered.

He treated Gu San with all his heart and soul.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

To this day, the captain still remembers how devastated Mr. Ma was after the news of Gu San's accident came back to the capital.

Everyone in the Hou Mansion gave up searching, but she still insisted on sending people to stay in the county closest to Gu San's accident.

It wasn't until a month ago, when Gu San had been missing for a full year, that Ma seemed to have given up and completely accepted her husband's death.

Even though she gave up her heart, Ma still held a funeral for Gu Sanda.

Half of the people in the capital were alarmed.

The captain and his family went to Nanninghou Mansion to pay homage.

As a result, just one month after this grand funeral, Gu San came back!

Also, he brought a young and pretty lady with him!

The captain grinned. Although he could understand, he didn't agree -

Gu San, you just lost your memory, have you become stupid?

How old are you yourself?

Even if you don't remember, you can still make a rough guess based on his appearance and physique.

A grown man in his twenties, who is not stupid, crippled or ugly, should have gotten married and had children long ago.

You can forget about your wife and children, but you can't "pretend to be stupid" and hook up with a new love.

This... As Gu Jingyuan's best friend, the captain even wanted to call him "bastard"!

My heart is full of sympathy and pity for Ma!

He Tiantian: ...Hmm, "Ma's" method is good. Not only did he bring out the family scandal, he also put himself at the highest moral level!

Chapter 582: The real daughter is fake (3)

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