The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 584 The fake is really 0 gold (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Brother and sister? !

Although Gu Jingyuan was surprised to hear He Tiantian's words, he was not too surprised or refuted.

First, during the more than a year since he lost his memory, he had already become accustomed to listening to "He Dian"'s words;

Secondly, Gu Jingyuan felt sorry for Ah Tian. As soon as she found out that he was the prince of the Hou family, A'Dian felt very uneasy and inferior, always feeling that she was not good enough for him. Gu Jingyuan didn't know how to comfort Tai, so he could only actively cooperate with her.

Thirdly, Gu Jingyuan didn't say anything, but he knew very well in his heart that if he was really the third son of the Hou family, A'Dian would no longer be his wife.

In fact, as early as when the two entered the Gyeonggi area, Ah Tian began to say to passers-by or people in inns and post houses: "We are brothers and sisters!"

Because they slept in separate rooms along the way.

If they are a couple, someone will definitely ask why they still sleep separately.

As for why they slept in separate rooms... Gu Jingyuan's mind was so confused that he forgot how all this started to happen.

Although doubts and uneasiness flashed through his heart, in the end, he accepted it.

As they entered the capital, especially when they met Yao Bin and other soldiers at the city gate, Gu Jingyuan gradually realized that it seemed inappropriate to "marry another person" when he lost his memory.

...At this moment, in front of so many people, Ah Tian said that they were sworn brothers and sisters, and reluctantly found a fig leaf for Gu Jingyuan.

Yes, Gu Jingyuan was sure that no matter what Ah Tian did, it would be for his own good and their future!

He Tiantian: ...Okay, the original owner’s brainwashing skills are indeed quite good.

Of course, He Tiantian also knew that the original owner had a great influence on Gu Jingyuan, so she dared to lie in public without fear of being exposed by Gu Jingyuan.

"Become brothers and sisters?!"

"Oh, it's understandable."

"Yes, that's right. When a man and a woman are alone, they will definitely have some contact when rescuing people. Being brothers and sisters of the opposite sex is not too out of line!"

"That's right! Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being the prince of the Hou family. Even if you don't remember anything, you still remember the rules!"

Everyone started a new round of discussion.

Mrs. Hou, the eldest young lady and other female relatives also believed He Tiantian's words.

You can’t believe it.

Do they have to believe that their son (brother-in-law) did not become brother and sister with He, but became husband and wife?

Then, their Hou Mansion will become a joke in the capital.

Whether they were real siblings or He was concerned about Gu Jingyuan's face, her words made Madam Hou very satisfied.

"Good boy, you are indeed a good boy!"

"You, you saved my son and sent him back thousands of miles away."

"...Don't worry, our Nanning Marquis Mansion will never treat you badly!"

"Brother Yuan has become sworn brother to you, so I will find an auspicious day to officially recognize you as my adopted daughter."

Mrs. Hou came closer, took He Tiantian's hand, and said lovingly.

A flash of light flashed quickly in her eyes.

He Tiantian caught it keenly and sighed secretly in her heart: Let's just say, there is no simple woman who can live a comfortable life in a deep house.

But the original owner still wanted to play tricks on the Hou Mansion. If she hadn't used a big killer weapon later, Mrs. Hou used a rat-proof weapon, she would have been pinned to death in the deep mansion sooner or later!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Everyone believed He Tiantian's words, but Ma didn't.

However, she did not rush to question, but gave a wink to a boy in the crowd.

Then she and Mrs. Hou approached He Tiantian and expressed their kindness with a smile.

"Yes! Mother is right, from now on, you will be my biological sister!"

He Tiantian continued to look shy and inferior. She lowered her head slightly, hiding all the emotions in her eyes.

She said in her heart: So, this wild writer is pretty good, adaptable and flexible.

I just don't know what other tricks this "Ma" has behind him.

Of course, He Tiantian also noticed when Ma Shi winked at someone in the crowd.

She secretly curled her lips: I guessed that there might be such a method, so I made preparations in advance!

Sure enough, after a cup of tea, just when Mrs. Hou felt that the pleasantries were enough, she felt that it was not good to be pointed out all the time outside, and she should go into the house to talk if she had anything to say, the boy ran back panting.

He was sweating profusely, his face was flushed, and his breathing was wheezing like a bellows.

Madam Ma was looking at her three children and Gu Jingyuan hugging each other with tears in their eyes when she caught a glimpse of the boy out of the corner of her eye.

She was secretly happy: It’s here!

Then she wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and turned her head slightly, just in time to look at the boy.

However, the boy shook his head at her.


What's the meaning?

Acheng didn't find Ma Zhong who followed Gu Jingyuan all the way back to Beijing?

Or did Ma Zhong not catch the irrefutable evidence that Gu Jingyuan and He Dian were as close as husband and wife? !

"Okay, this is not the place to talk. Let's go in first, sit down, and then talk!"

Just when Ma was in shock, Mrs. Hou spoke again and welcomed everyone in.

Ma was secretly upset, damn, she missed the opportunity to expose He Dian in public!

She was familiar with the plot and naturally knew that after He Dian came to the Hou Mansion, he did not admit that she was Gu Jingyuan's wife at first.

Instead, as a "benefactor", he safely raised the fetus in the inner courtyard.

After the baby in her belly was firmly seated and her life-saving kindness to Gu Jingyuan spread throughout the capital, she held her belly and found Mrs. Hou helplessly, crying and begging him to make the decision for her!

Ma has long studied He Dian.

Although she was born in a rural area, she is deeply scheming and has one little scheme after another.

The original owner was too kind and too simple, so she plotted against him step by step, until he ended up in a miserable state of self-imprisonment and depression!

"Go ask Ashin!"

Many speculations flashed through Ma's mind, but she didn't show any of them on her face.

She obeyed Mrs. Hou's greeting, but instead of rushing in, she turned back to take care of the three crying and laughing children.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ma quickly whispered to the maid next to her.

The maid understood, and took advantage of the chaos to withdraw from the crowd, and quickly ran to ask the boy named Ashin for questioning.

After making these arrangements and instructing the wet nurses and maids to serve the three young masters, Ma quickly accelerated and returned to the main army.

He Tiantian was like Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden and was dazzled by the exquisite scenery and magnificent architecture in front of her.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, she wanted to try her best to pretend that she was not timid and that she was not an ignorant village girl. She wanted to force herself to be calm, so she looked a little funny.

Seeing this, Mr. Ma couldn't help snorting coldly: He is indeed a person who cannot be put on the stage, and he is full of pettiness.

That is to say, the original owner was too innocent and was deceived by such a thing.

"Sister, watch your step!"

When passing by a moon gate, Ma took the opportunity to hold He Tiantian's arm.

She is kind and gentle, but also has the unique reserve of a noble person.

He Tiantian showed an appropriate expression of gratitude and some annoyance, lowered her head slightly, and replied in a voice as thin as a gnat: "Thank you, Madam Third Young Master!"

When she said the title "Third Young Madam", there was a hint of bitterness and subtle jealousy in her tone.

Ma Shi keenly noticed that she still maintained a decent smile, but she despised "He Dian" more and more in her heart.

Is this uncomfortable?

Even though he knew that Gu Jingyuan might be married, he still took advantage of his amnesia and deliberately seduced him.

This kind of woman who rushes to be a mistress should be crushed by the main wife.

He Tiantian couldn't hear Ma's inner voice. If she had heard it, she would definitely have replied: Dear, He Dian does have scheming intentions, but this incident is not entirely He Dian's fault.

Just like what the city gate captain Yao Bin said, Gu Jingyuan only lost his memory, not his IQ.

He is a grown man in his twenties, even if he has no IQ, he should still try - a man of this age, in the ancient times when "the three most unfilial things are not having children", unless there are very special reasons, he would have already married a wife and had children. .

Gu Jingyuan "forgot" even these, and under He Dian's intentional guidance, asked to marry He Dian.

When He Tiantian got the script, she carefully studied the character Gu Jingyuan.

After coming here, I spent a month or two with this person, and I gained a deeper understanding - Gu Jingyuan was not stupid, but too smart!

He lost his memory, and after recovering from his injuries, he didn't know where to go.

In addition to the "young bird plot", he also needs a home given to him by He Dian to settle down temporarily.

He knew that he might have been married and had children, but he couldn't even remember where his home was, so how could he find his relatives?

What's even sadder is that without He Dian, he might not be able to make money or survive!

As a person, no matter what goal he wants to achieve, the most important condition is that he must survive first!

He Tiantian didn't demonize Gu Jingyuan, but felt that he was just an ordinary person.

No, it shouldn't be an ordinary person, but a young man who was pampered and raised.

When he was still the third son of the Hou family, he was naturally a noble man with both civil and military skills and good looks and talents.

But when he lives among the people, he opens his eyes and has to face the basic needs of eating, drinking and eating, and some of his hidden flaws are slowly exposed.

Being selfish and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages are all human nature, but they are particularly obvious in Gu Jingyuan.

In order to verify her guess, He Tiantian also conducted tests on the road——

First, they slept in separate rooms during menstruation, and claimed to be "brother and sister".

The former is better, but the latter is really outrageous.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If Gu Jingyuan was really an upright person, even if he would not make trouble in public, he would secretly ask He Tiantian the reason.

Gu Jingyuan didn't do that!

Obviously, in Gu Jingyuan's heart, he has decided that he is the third son of the Hou family, and He Dian, the wife he asked to marry, is not suitable for him.

He was even a little happy to see He Tiantian's "knowledge". In this way, after he returned to the capital and got married, he would be less troubled.

As for whether the "secret" will be exposed in the future, that is also a matter for the future.

Perhaps by then Gu Jingyuan had completely recovered his memory and could be his third son of the Hou family with peace of mind and confidence.

If something happens again, he will no longer feel anxious or confident.

Once again, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages!

He Tiantian sighed secretly.

She didn't say this to discredit Gu Jingyuan.

But he wanted to tell Ma and others that Gu Jingyuan was not too innocent.

He Dian was wrong, and so was Gu Jingyuan.

After passing through the huge vestibule, we finally arrived at the main hall in the middle.

Mrs. Hou led everyone into the main room, and then took their seats in order of guest of honor and distinguished guests.

He Tiantian was a guest and a person who was kind to the Hou Mansion, so he naturally sat at the top.

"Isn't this bad?"

He Tiantian looked helpless and quickly looked at Gu Jingyuan with her eyes.

Although Gu Jingyuan did not completely recover his memory, his demeanor became more and more comfortable as he entered a familiar environment.

This is his home, where he has stayed for more than 20 years.

His memory is everywhere.

Maybe the memory is not complete, but Gu Jingyuan still feels extremely familiar.

There are so many memory fragments in my mind that they are almost connected into one whole piece.

Perhaps only a few crucial pieces were missing, but these were enough to stop Gu Jingyuan from showing any fear.

However, he was busy familiarizing himself with the environment and searching for memories, and he didn't notice He Tiantian's embarrassment for a while.

He Tiantian: ...This bitch knows that he is unreliable!

However, Ma was very satisfied to see "He Dian" being so cowardly and unable to get on the stage.

Zuo Zuo laughed several times in his heart, and then he seemed to suddenly realize the helplessness of the "distinguished guest", and came up with a smile to persuade, "Sister, mother tells you to sit down, you can sit down!"

As she spoke, she affectionately took He Tiantian's arm and pushed her to the seat.


After hearing Ma's voice, Gu Jingyuan discovered the situation on He Tiantian's side.

He quickly agreed with a smile.

He Tiantian still looked uneasy, but finally sat down.

But she didn't dare to sit too downright, her butt only touched the edge of the chair.

Seeing her timid appearance, Mrs. Hou felt a little disgusted.

But then I thought about it, this He was just her son's "savior", not his woman.

She can no longer be on the stage, and it has nothing to do with her family.

If outsiders saw this, not only would they not laugh, but they would think that the Nanning Marquis Mansion was kind and grateful.

Realizing this, Mrs. Hou's dislike for Mr. He in her heart was much lessened.

Her smile became more sincere, "That's right, you just treat it as your own home."

Tea was served next, and then Mrs. Hou asked carefully what happened after Gu Jingyuan was injured.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When she heard that Gu Jing had been lying in bed for almost half a year before he recovered, Mrs. Hou was so distressed that she wiped her eyes from her eyes.

Ma also cried until she just shrugged her shoulders.

She seemed to realize that she had lost her composure, and hurriedly complained to Mrs. Hou in a low voice: "Mother, my daughter-in-law is rude!"

After that, she took the opportunity to go out and tidy up her appearance.

Mrs. Hou did not become suspicious, but felt a little sorry for her daughter-in-law: Alas, Brother Yuan has been missing for more than a year. Although my mother is distressed, the one who suffers the most is Ma.

Don't be afraid of saying something ugly, Mrs. Hou has three sons, Gu Jingyuan is not the eldest son, nor is he the most outstanding child. Mrs. Hou is sad at best, but it is limited.

As for Mrs. Ma, she only has Gu Jingyuan as her husband.

If she has no children and her husband dies, she can still remarry.

But she has given birth to three children for the Gu family. The eldest son is almost ten years old. In a few years, they can be married and she can be a mother-in-law. She cannot and does not want to remarry.

So, if something happens to Gu Jingyuan, the entire Sanfang sky will collapse...

Chapter 584 What a fake but a real daughter (5)

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