The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 586 The fake is really 0 gold (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


He Tiantian shouted subconsciously.

After shouting, she realized that she seemed to have lost her composure.

She hurriedly said to cover up, "I, I'm fine. Maybe I just kept traveling and was a little tired!"

"Besides, I'm just a country girl. How can I dare to work for an imperial doctor? I don't want to be called frivolous!"

As expected, He Tiantian adhered to the character of the original owner. While defending, she also did not forget to pretend to be pitiful. There was a strong smell of tea in and out of her words.

Ma sneered secretly, but her face was dignified and virtuous like a noble lady. She smiled lightly and said, "Sister, never say such words again in the future."

"You saved our third young master, and you are our family's benefactor."

"Besides, my mother also said just now that she will choose a good and auspicious day in the future to officially recognize you as her adopted daughter."

"By then, you will be the young lady of our Hou Mansion. You are naturally very noble, and you are by no means a lowly person!"

He Tiantian didn't show it on the surface, but secretly gave Ma a thumbs up again.

Listening to what others say, it seems to be comforting on the surface, but in reality it is a hidden secret.

Especially the phrase "despicable person", He Tiantian bets that Ma is just criticizing Sang and Huai!

I don’t know whether Mrs. Hou noticed the undercurrent between Ma and He Tiantian. When she heard Ma’s words, she nodded: “That’s right. A’Dian, from now on, you will treat Hou’s Mansion as your own home! "

"Since the imperial doctor is here, I will help you check your pulse. In this way, Brother Yuan can rest assured, and we can also rest assured!"

The second half of the sentence clearly means something.

He Tiantian sighed secretly: You see, there are really not many innocent women in the back house.

Mrs. Hou may not necessarily know Ma's plan, but she is also doubting the true relationship between "He Dian" and Gu Jingyuan.

Take a pulse to see if He Dian is pregnant.

No matter what happens in the future, their Hou Mansion will not be too passive!

"..." He Tiantian deliberately looked embarrassed.

However, since the words have already been said, if He Tiantian refuses again, he will admit in disguise that there is indeed a problem.

She could only force herself to calm down, and stretched out a hand under the gaze of the room full of people.

The imperial doctor pretended not to notice this overt and covert fight. He only focused on reaching out three fingers and gently placed them on He Tiantian's wrist.

"How's it going? Imperial doctor, is sister A'Dian okay?"

Ma asked cautiously, resisting the excitement of being about to expose the mistress's mask.

"...It's nothing serious!"

The imperial doctor gently raised his hand and took a look at He Tiantian's complexion. "Maybe he is a little tired. Coupled with sleeping in the open air, his energy and blood are slightly insufficient. Take good care of him for a few days and he will be fine!"

Ma's smile froze on his face, "No, it's nothing serious?"

How can it be? !

He should be four months pregnant!

Let alone an imperial doctor, even a Mongolian doctor on the street can tell this!

Could it be that the imperial doctor was bribed to help He cheat?

Or is the imperial doctor too shrewd and unwilling to get involved in the secrets of the palace?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Ma himself rejected it.


Because she ordered the imperial doctor to be invited, she specially invited the most upright doctor Feng in the imperial hospital.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This Imperial Physician Feng only has eyes for patients and has no understanding of the ways of the world.

Therefore, his medical skills are obviously the best in the imperial hospital, but for more than ten years, he has always been an ordinary imperial doctor.

It is absolutely impossible for Imperial Physician Feng to deliberately conceal his condition!

...Is He really not pregnant? !

Has the plot changed significantly? !

He was shocked and doubtful in his heart.

After she came here, she had been going smoothly, but suddenly she suffered a setback.

She suddenly became wary!

"Yes, this girl has a good physical condition. It's just that she has been too tired in the past few months, which is why she is a little weak. If she takes good care of her in the future, there will be no serious problem!"

Doctor Feng put away his pulse diagnosis and replied to Mrs. Hou again.

"Okay! That's good! Thank you, Doctor Feng!"

Madam Hou secretly felt relieved and winked at the mother-in-law beside her.

The mother-in-law understood, hurriedly took the red seal, and diligently sent Doctor Feng out of the Hou Mansion.

"Okay, since there's nothing serious, let's have a good rest."

Mrs. Hou looked at Mr. Ma, "Third Young Madam, although Brother Yuan is in good health, his memory is still missing. You can simply wait for him to return to Huaiyuan and take a look at your own courtyard. Maybe you can remember more things."

"In addition, Ah Tian is the benefactor of our family and a member of his own family. It stands to reason that I, the Marquis, should settle down."

"But, after all, she is closer to Brother Yuan. She is the noble of your third room, so it is better for you to make the arrangements!"

Ma pinched her palms hard to prevent herself from panicking due to the change in the plot.

Hearing Mrs. Hou's words, she quickly agreed, "What mother said is absolutely true. I won't bother you with A'Dian's matter, just leave it to me!"

But I dare not let Mrs. Hou arrange He Dian.

Just in case it happens again like in the original plot, He Dian is arranged by Madam Hou to live in the Juyuan.

As Orange Courtyard was the closest to the second bedroom, He Dian accidentally met a wife of the second young lady, so——

The original owner was forced to resign himself because of this incident.

Ma didn't want to put himself in a more passive situation.

Even if Mrs. Hou didn't speak or had already made arrangements, Ma would find a way to destroy it.

This He Dian, let's keep her in Huaiyuan, right under his nose, and see how she still makes trouble!

As for whether He Dian and Gu Jingyuan would be close to each other, or whether they would be in the fields of melons and plums, Ma didn't care at all!

Humph, it would be great if these two people really caused a scandal.

Although Ma's plan to expose He Dian in public failed, through her previous layout and momentum, everyone in the capital knew that she was a good wife who loved her husband deeply.

Even if He Dian pretends to be a lifesaver, if he goes too far, he will be spurned and criticized by everyone.

In this war of public opinion, she, Ma, has taken the lead.

Madam Ma suppressed her panic for the time being, held He Tiantian's hand with a smile, said goodbye to Madam Hou, the Young Madam and others, and walked all the way towards the Huaiyuan where the third room was located.

It is said that it is a sophora courtyard, not just one courtyard, but a set of small courtyards with two entrances, and there are also two small cross-yards in the east and west.

Originally, a cross-yard like this was used to house the concubines of the family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Gu Jingyuan and Mr. Ma have a good relationship. They have been married for more than ten years, and they have never taken any concubines, nor have they had any girls to live with.

In Beijing, it is also a good story.

I don't know how many noble ladies in the capital are envious and jealous of Mr. Ma.

Ma always thought that she was indeed very happy and had met her beloved.

However, how happy and envied she was in the past, how sad and broken she became after the "truth" was revealed!

...Perhaps, the original owner chose to resign himself in the end, not necessarily because he was forced to do so, but also because he was determined to die.

Ma held the handkerchief and thought to herself.

Along the way, Gu Jingyuan didn't speak. He looked around, and the feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger.

The memory fragments in my mind have been added to a few more pieces, and they are about to be pieced together into a complete picture.

He was only concentrating on sorting out his memories, and did not pay attention to the two women walking in front.

He Tiantian continued to play the role of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. She was very curious about the scenery of the Sophora Garden, the exquisiteness of the houses, and the maids wearing beautiful clothes coming and going.

She forcibly resisted looking around, trying her best to avoid doing something rude, but she still couldn't help but peek.

While Ma was deep in thought, he caught a glimpse of "He Dian's" eyes rolling around out of the corner of his eye.

snort! She is indeed a lively and restless woman.

Ignorant and ambitious!

Ma felt that the "He Dian" in front of her perfectly matched her understanding of the characters in the script.

Therefore, although the plot has undergone major changes, Ma did not suspect He Tiantian.

It should be her arrangement, but something went wrong in a certain link, which triggered a series of butterfly effects!

Mr. Ma placed He Tiantian in Dongkuaoyuan, and then led Gu Jingyuan to his study: "Third Young Master, this is your study. You usually like to read here."

Therefore, this place is the place that Gu Jingyuan is most familiar with and has the most memories.

"Okay! Then I'll take a good look in the study alone first!"

After arriving at the Hou Mansion, the familiar courtyard and familiar relatives made new pictures flash in his mind.

His head hurt a little, and his heart was in a mess, and he needed some time to sort it out.

Of course, there is a more important reason. He and Ma are not familiar with each other at all.

He felt even more guilty and didn't know how to face her!

He also had three children, and he also felt an inexplicable sense of unreality.

Alas, I'd better stay alone in the study and collect my thoughts.

"This is Mo Zhu. He is your servant. He is usually the most clever. Let him stay and serve you."

Ma pointed to the boy standing aside with his hands tied, and said softly.

"Okay! You, you arranged it very well, thank you!"

Gu Jingyuan was polite and grateful.

He suddenly felt that although he had forgotten his wife, he no longer had any conjugal feelings for her.

But he must admit that Mrs. Ma is very good and a truly good wife and mother!

"You're welcome, Third Young Master. We are husband and wife, and I am your wife. I should serve you well!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Ma said polite words, but secretly she rolled her eyes and cursed him as a "scumbag" and "a bitch"!

Under Gu Jingyuan's complicated eyes, Ma left the study and returned to his main room.

"Jade, did you ask Ashin to ask Ma Zhong? What did Ma Zhong say?"

As soon as he returned to the room, Mr. Ma dismissed the maids around him, leaving only his confidant maid Jade.

Feicui stood close to Ma, lowered her voice, and whispered back: "Report to Third Young Madam, I have asked you!"

"Ma Zhong said that there was nothing special about the journey. The only thing was that when they just left Shanyin County, He Dian seemed to be a little uncomfortable and went to the drug store to get some medicine to dispel heat and promote fluid production."

After listening to Jade's words, Ma secretly calculated the time.

They had just left Shanyin County, more than two months ago.

It was late summer, and the weather was the hottest.

This time, without Ma Zhong's attentive service, Gu Jingyuan and He Dian just bought a dilapidated carriage. It might be unbearable to live in the open, exposed to the sun and rain along the way.

However, this is not the reason why the fetus in He's belly disappeared out of thin air.

There must be something else——

Under the urging of Ma's eyes, Feicui continued: "Oh, by the way, Ma Zhong also said that He Dian took medicine in the afternoon and seemed to be in trouble at night. The third young master slept until midnight and got up again, and asked the store to give him some medicine. Make hot ginger soup!"

Ginger soup?

It’s not a cold or cold, so why should you drink ginger soup? !


This is not the first time for Ma to come to the Ancient Chinese Channel, and she is a woman herself.

Therefore, she knew that in ancient times, some women would drink hot ginger soup when they had menstruation and abdominal pain.

Could it be——

"He Dian was feeling unwell. He mistakenly thought he had heat stroke or motion sickness, so he asked the doctor to prescribe some decoction to promote fluid production and relieve heat!"

"As for the drugs that promote fluid production, hawthorn is the first choice. But hawthorn is cool in nature and activates blood circulation. If you eat too much, it is easy to miscarry!"

"And she was still young at that time, and the doctors in small places may not have the best medical skills, so they didn't diagnose her!"

Ma's brain was running rapidly.

Soon, she connected all these together, and then got a guess that seemed reasonable——

"So, He Dian was not menstruating at all, but had a miscarriage, and she didn't even know it!"

Ma is well-informed, so she knows that not all miscarriages will be "spectacular."

Not to mention in ancient times, even in modern times, some women have had a miscarriage without even realizing it, thinking that their aunt is here!

"..." Ma guessed this and suddenly didn't know how to react.


Haha, of course I'm happy. He Dian, a scheming bitch, dreams of marrying into a high family based on the wealth of her mother and her son.

As a result, the biggest bargaining chip in her belly was gone. Even if she claimed to be her savior, Mrs. Hou would never let her in.

Ma didn't need to do this herself, someone would help her block everything.

Lost? !

there must be!

He Dian had a miscarriage, so Ma couldn't expose her true face in public.

Her previous layout and preparation seemed to be in vain.

The key is that the plot has been changed, and Ma has a vague feeling of "out of control".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If the butterfly effect is too big and things become more and more complicated, how can she complete the task?

And without this opportunity, where would Ma find a chance to make peace with the scumbag with confidence? !

Is it necessary to wait until the plot develops and He Dian transforms into a golden phoenix and once again forces Ma to resign?


Absolutely not allowed!

Ma clenched the handkerchief tightly, and when she thought of the frustrating and angry plot in the original script, she suddenly felt violent.

not good!

The remaining emotions of the original owner began to cause trouble again!

Ma took a deep breath and kept saying to the afterimage in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness: "Don't worry, I will help you! I will definitely help you!"

After being comforted for a long time, Ma finally calmed down again.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes were filled with burning light, "This time I want to strike first!"

"He Dian wants to fly up a branch and become a phoenix, but it depends on whether I agree or not!"

"...I will definitely break her wings to see how arrogant she can be!"

Chapter 586: What a fake but a real daughter (7)

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