The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 588 The fake is really 0 gold (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Looking at the pile of good things and Gu Jingyuan's sincere face, He Tiantian knew that he was sincere.

In addition to being accustomed to relying on "He Dian", Gu Jingyuan handed over "all his wealth" to her, which also meant compensation.

Yes, compensation!

Although it was He Tiantian who initially claimed to be brother and sister, Gu Jingyuan did not deny it, but allowed He Tiantian to talk nonsense in front of others.

Perhaps, in Gu Jingyuan's heart, he had long felt that he was not worthy of He Dian.

Getting married once was more like a joke.

Now, he is no longer a poor man who remembers nothing, but a rich man who remembers everything. He can no longer regard He Dian as his wife like he did in the past.

He has a well-matched and well-matched wife whom he is marrying, but He Dian is not qualified even for being a concubine.

Gu Jingyuan had just returned to the Hou Mansion, and he still seemed to be in a dream.

He himself was extremely unreliable and had no intention of caring about others, let alone helping "He Dian" gain status and treatment.

He could only keep everything as it was for now, and when he slowly adapted to life in the Hou Mansion and no longer felt uneasy or confused in his heart, it would not be too late for him to take good care of A'Dian.

Before that, Gu Jingyuan couldn't get close to A'Dian like he used to. He felt uneasy and wanted to make it up to her.

"A'Dian, keep it. Especially these banknotes, keep them!"

"Although you have no worries about eating and drinking in the Marquis Mansion, and there are monthly visits every month, you have just arrived, and the servants are all bully and greedy. Without money, you can't move in the back house!"

Gu Jingyuan held He Tiantian's hand and advised softly.

He is a grown man, but he also knows some of the twists and turns of the back house.

The Nanning Hou Mansion is already a relatively decent family. It values ​​etiquette and rules. Madam Hou and the eldest young lady are both good housekeepers.

However, in the huge Hou Mansion, there are more than a hundred maids alone, plus the servants, mothers-in-law, etc., there are two to three hundred servants.

With so many people, there are always a few cunning and greedy villains.

They don't dare to directly blackmail or bully, but there are many ways to trick people in the back house, and basically they are still the helpless kind of "dumb people eat coptis".

But for a person like "He Dian" who came from a humble background, he rashly entered the Marquis mansion and was only humiliated by a slave, which was enough to make her unable to tell the story of her suffering.

Gu Jingyuan felt sorry for "He Dian" and felt guilty for her, and he didn't want her to have a bad life.

Moreover, if I am not afraid of being scolded, the reason why Gu Jingyuan is so sweet and considerate is for his own good——

If "He Dian" was bullied in the Hou Mansion and her life was miserable, she would not tolerate it.

At that time, the "truth" suddenly came out...

Gu Jingyuan was not ready for a "showdown" with Ma and his parents at this moment!

So, give up the small treasury, appease "He Dian", and get through this first, and let's talk about the rest later!

He Tiantian couldn't hear Gu Jingyuan's thoughts, but she could still guess something.

This man is a refined egoist.

You can't say how scumbag or vicious he is, but everything he does is based on his own interests.

Even if he may hurt others in the process, he doesn't care, let alone feel guilty, but feels that he has no choice but to do so!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Brother Aya, you are so kind to me!"

He Tiantian was complaining in her heart, but her face was touched.

She was sincere and blurted out the most familiar title.

When Gu Jingyuan heard the words "Brother Aya\

,"His expression was somewhat unnatural.

Because Ah Ya always reminds him that after he lost his memory, he once worked as a mountain man and went hunting in the mountains for just a few dozen copper coins.

It couldn't be called a dark history, but it still made Gu Jingyuan feel awkward.

However, Ah Ya Ge is A Tian’s nickname for him, and it is the interest of their young couple.

Now that we can't continue to be husband and wife, let's just be a pair of loving lovers.

Gu Jingyuan comforted himself in this way, and he also made a decision in his heart about the identity of "He Dian" - concubine!

He Tiantian: ...You are a dog man. If you say you are a dog, you are really a dog!

You may be scolded, but you can’t let go of things!

He Tiantian was in need of money. In addition, Gu Jingyuan's "attitude" also determined her situation in the Hou Mansion.

Ma's side also needs a little stimulation.

In this way, Ma will take action as soon as possible, and He Tiantian can take the opportunity to seize the loophole!

To put it into perspective, He Tiantian had already had a PK with Ma after he came here.

She temporarily won the victory because she saw through the identity of Ma's wild writer in advance.

However, He Tiantian did not dare to relax, let alone underestimate Ma.

Previously, He Tiantian saw Ma's speech and behavior outside the gate of the Hou Mansion and in the hall.

She knew that this man had a strong mind and ability.

She will lose to herself, but because she is too confident and does not know that there are other writers in the world.

Once she knows about He Tiantian's existence, she will definitely become vigilant.

In fact, after experiencing this, Ma will become more cautious even if she doesn't know that there is another He Tiantian.

...This is a war without gunpowder, and He Tiantian doesn’t want to lose to Ma!

After taking the money, He Tiantian expressed her "heartfelt feelings" to Gu Jingyuan again.

Under the demonstration of "true love", the two men and women who have their own thoughts do not seem very out of place.

In the study room, there was a sticky ambiguity.

He Tiantian, like the original owner, was eager to welcome and refuse, and was eager to talk but still stopped, which whetted his appetite.

As for Gu Jingyuan, he felt relieved when he saw that He Tiantian collected the money neatly, without any grievance or complaint, but as gentle and caring as before.

He thought he had successfully appeased "He Dian" and no longer had any worries or guilt in his heart.

He Tiantian: long as you are happy!

"It's getting late, I-I should go!"

He Tiantian continued to excel in her acting skills and dutifully maintained the original character.

She had a look of reluctance and a bit of resentment, "Brother Aya, I can never call you like that again. From today on, you, you are my adopted brother!"

Gu Jingyuan felt more and more distressed, "A'Dian, I can't help you, don't worry, I will treat you well!"

As soon as he got everything back on track, he would look for an opportunity to have a showdown with his mother.

No matter how humble A-Dian's status is, she is still his savior.

She doesn’t want to be a head wife, she just wants to be a concubine. Mother and Ma should be able to understand!

"……I am waiting!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian said this with tears in her eyes, then turned and left.

Of course, when leaving, He Tiantian posed back and forth, but she did not forget the box of banknotes.

After leaving the study, Mo Zhu, who was hiding aside for a while, came up to him.

He is Gu Jingyuan's confidant. Although Gu Jingyuan has lost his memory, his master is still his master.

Mo Zhu instinctively preferred Gu Jingyuan.

However, Mo Zhu was not very respectful to a village girl like "He Dian".

He even glanced at the box in He Tiantian's arms.

As a servant, spying on "distinguished guests" is absolutely unruly.

But Mo Zhu didn't care. Maybe he didn't mean to belittle "He Dian", but it was this "not intentional" that explained the problem better.

Gu Jingyuan's confidants like Mo Zhu had the same attitude towards "He Dian", not to mention other servants of Huaiyuan.

For example, some rough servants and doorkeepers took He Tiantian's money, but they still joked and discussed behind his back.

They don't even know why Tiantian keeps it a secret.

Therefore, almost that night, Ma received the news——

"The third young master gave money to Mrs. He? And Mrs. He used the money to bribe the servant girl in the yard?"

After hearing Jade's reply, Ma couldn't help but laugh out loud, "She is really restless. She just came here and she started making trouble even before her buttocks are even hot!"

"What is she trying to find out? Does she want to know my whereabouts, or does she want to know the preferences of the young master and the young lady?"

"Or is it the situation in each room in the Hou Mansion?"

Ma asked a series of questions one after another, and these were all things He Dian did in the original work.

In the original plot, the original owner was unaware of He Dian's deception and schemes, and truly regarded her as his savior.

Not only did he order his servants to serve him well, he also gave him clothes and jewelry.

The original owner was kind and had a loose hand. He thought that He Dian was born in poverty and had no money, so he gave He Dian a year's worth of money, a full 144 taels of silver, as a "money supplement."

It was unlucky, so the original owner made up for it and directly gave He Dian one hundred and fifty taels.

These are not monthly payments issued by the public at all, but are paid out of the original owner's own pocket.

In addition, that bitch Gu Jingyuan also gave He Dian all the private property he had saved over the past ten years.

He Dian took the money and began to buy people in Huaiyuan.

She couldn't bribe the first- and second-class maids, but those inferior maids and rough ladies were greedy for the benefits He Dian offered.

Although he did not dare to openly betray his master, he would secretly tell He Dian some news.

He Dian is smart and thoughtful. Relying on these small pieces of information, he actually extracted useful information and gradually separated the forgotten relationship between Gu Jingyuan and Ma.

She is a foreign woman with no foundation, but she just makes the whole house a mess.

"...That's the original plot, and I'm not the original owner!"

Ma thought about this and couldn't help but sneered, "I won't spoil you!"

Therefore, after Mr. Ma brought "He Dian" back to Huaiyuan this time, he did not deliberately warn the servants in the yard.

The things he gave to He Tiantian were all flashy things.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is not even a tael of silver or anything.

As for the monthly chart that is actually going to be released, it is a coincidence that the monthly chart has just been released this month.

If you want to send it again, you have to wait until next month!

The only thing Ma ignored was Gu Jingyuan. As expected, this scumbag found the hidden vault and gave all the banknotes to the mistress!

No, Ma didn’t really ignore it.

She was fishing - she was not afraid of "He Dian" becoming a monster, but she was afraid that this person would suddenly become honest.

As long as the other party takes action, Ma can grasp the clue and expose He Dian's cover in one fell swoop.

Of course, Ma was fishing, but she would not use her three children as bait. She carefully beat the maids, wet nurses and other personal servants around the children to protect the children.

As for herself, haha, even if the women who were bribed by He Dian did not dare to spy on her whereabouts, Ma would take the initiative to spread the news.

However, in the past two days, Ma was not busy making arrangements.

Because Gu Jingyuan's return is a great joy for the Hou Mansion.

Especially since the Hou Mansion held a funeral for Gu Jingyuan before, most people in the capital knew that the third son of the Nanning Hou Mansion was "dead".

Now that Gu Jingyuan has "resurrected from the dead", he will continue to return to Qianniuwei as a errand, and he will continue to live in Beijing. The Hou Mansion must provide clarification.

Therefore, after Gu Jingyuan came back and the family got close to each other, Mrs. Hou discussed with the eldest wife, Mrs. Ma and others: "It happens that the Double Ninth Festival will be in a few days, and all the chrysanthemums I raised are in bloom, so let's just hold a chrysanthemum appreciation party. .”

While appreciating the chrysanthemums, he also officially announced the news of Gu Jingyuan's return to the dignitaries in the capital.

"Mom is very considerate. I think this is great!" Madam Tang, the eldest young lady, has been helping her mother-in-law manage the home for more than ten years.

She is also about to marry her daughter-in-law.

The mother-in-law had revealed her intention before: when the grandson's daughter-in-law passed the door, she would officially hand over the Zhonggui to the Tang family!

Mrs. Tang respects her mother-in-law very much and will basically not refute her suggestions.

Furthermore, my mother-in-law’s idea is indeed a good one.

Ma also agreed: "Sister-in-law is right, mother's suggestion is excellent!"

Speaking of this, Ma still pretended to be embarrassed, "It's my fault that I had to hold a funeral for the third young master, so it became a joke!"

Even if Mrs. Hou really complained about Mr. Ma, seeing her like this now, she would smile and say: "How can I blame you? Your affection for Brother Yuan is not only visible to us, but also to everyone in Beijing." Everyone knows it too!”

Mrs. Hou's words were not entirely to comfort Mr. Ma, but to tell the truth.

When Gu Jingyuan first disappeared, everyone in the Hou family used all means and connections to find him.

But after three or four months of searching, it goes without saying that the manpower and financial resources were consumed, but the living people still have to live, and the stability and stability of the Hou Mansion cannot be destroyed for the sake of a missing person.

The Marquis of Nanning and his wife gave up first. Not only did they have one son, Gu Jingyuan, they also had two more outstanding sons.

Only Ma family refused to give up. He sent his companions, confidants, and dowry money to continue searching around Shanyin County.

For a whole year, Ma was in tears and lost a lot of weight.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Anyone who sees it will not be able to bear it and sincerely admire Mr. Ma’s deep affection for Mr. Gu!

Alas, what a rare good wife.

Gu San married a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for!

Outsiders were moved, not to mention relatives like Mrs. Hou.

Therefore, when Mrs. Ma suddenly decided that Gu Jingyuan was dead and insisted on organizing a funeral for him and erecting a tomb for him so that the deceased could return to his hometown, Mrs. Hou agreed although she thought it was absurd.

The Hou Mansion held a grand funeral, and a month later, Gu Jingyuan came back alive.

Even if everyone didn't make fun of him in person, they were still talking behind his back.

The Hou Mansion lost face. Mrs. Hou said she did not blame Ma, but she did not believe it herself.

However, Ma took the initiative to apologize, and she was truly affectionate and loyal to Gu Jingyuan, so Mrs. Hou should not be too harsh on her.

With a slight smile, this matter was completely revealed...

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