The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 655: The heroine’s best mother (2)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian lowered her eyelids slightly and accepted the script in the shortest possible time——

This is a proper novel with a heroine.

In a parallel fictional era similar to the Republic of China, the heroine Zhao Chuanyu was born into a wealthy family.

Her father Huo Mingting is a son-in-law;

The mother, Zhao Wenxiu, is the only daughter of the richest man in the city. She has a simple temperament and is like a flower coddled in a greenhouse.

The old man of the Zhao family knew that this precious daughter, who was spoiled by him, could not bear the burden of inheriting the family business.

In fact, let alone inheriting the family business, it would be very difficult for her to maintain her current life after his death.

Although Huo Mingting has always been very honest and treats Zhao Wenxiu and Mr. Zhao very well.

But who is Mr. Zhao? He started from scratch and has been in the business world for 20 to 30 years. He has already developed a pair of vicious eyes.

He didn't like Huo Mingting at all, and he didn't think that this cheap son-in-law would be a good match for his daughter.

However, Zhao Wenxiu was so fascinated by Huo Mingting that he identified this man who was useless except for his face and mouth.

Mr. Zhao felt sorry for his daughter, so he thought that he should get a pet for his daughter.

In addition, although Huo Mingting looks unreliable, he is really good-looking and smart.

He is married to Zhao Wenxiu, and it should not be too bad for him to have children in the future.

Mr. Zhao has given up on raising his daughter. He plans to raise his granddaughter before he is too old.

Yes, granddaughter, not granddaughter.

Huo Mingting was a surrogate son-in-law, and the children he had with Zhao Wenxiu were all descendants of the Zhao family.

Therefore, when Zhao Chuanyu was born, although Mr. Zhao regretted that he was not a boy, he still happily kept the child by his side.

Mr. Zhao has trained Zhao Chuanyu as his heir since he was a child, and Zhao Chuanyu also thinks that he is the little master of the Zhao family.

However, when Zhao Chuanyu was twelve years old, Mr. Zhao suddenly passed away.

As soon as Mr. Zhao left and the paper on the grave was still fresh, Huo Mingting's face changed.

He first brought back his illegitimate children who had been raised outside.

Zhao Wenxiu cried and made trouble, but was finally coaxed by Huo Mingting and happily accepted the mother and son.

Zhao Chuanyu was angry and anxious. Huo Mingting's illegitimate daughter Huo Chuanfang was only five months younger than her.

In other words, when Zhao Wenxiu was pregnant, Huo Mingting got involved with other women.

Later, Zhao Chuanyu accidentally learned that Huo Mingting was involved with that woman earlier than she imagined -

That woman is Huo Mingting's junior sister, and the two grew up together.

Zhao Chuanyu didn't believe Huo Mingting's words to deceive Zhao Wenxiu: "Xiao Ting is my junior sister. I have treated her as my own sister since I was a child."

"If Xiaoting hadn't had nowhere to go, and I had mistaken her for you when I was drunk, there would never have been an affair between me and her!"

"From now on, we will still be husband and wife, and Xiaoting is our biological sister. We will live a good life as a family!"


What a bullshit sister, a bullshit drunken moment, a bullshit family!

In this family, except for her and her biological mother, who are surnamed Zhao, the family of five is one family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, her mother Zhao Wenxiu seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. No matter how Zhao Chuanyu persuaded her, she only believed in Huo Mingting.

If Zhao Chuanyu tried to persuade her too much, Zhao Wenxiu would scold her for being ignorant, unfilial, disrespectful of her parents, and not respectful enough to her father.

Zhao Chuanyu was almost tortured to death by his own mother.

Respect your father?

She wants it too,

However, a man like Huo Mingting did not deserve her respect at all.

Taking the Zhao family's money, he went to raise an illegitimate child.

If he dares to take responsibility, Zhao Chuanyu can still admire him.

As a result, when Mr. Zhao was alive, Huo Mingting did not dare to reveal anything.

As soon as the old man left, his true colors were revealed.

He continued to coax Zhao Wenxiu and wanted Zhao Chuanyu to change his surname to Huo.

Don't get me wrong, Huo Mingting wants his daughter to "recognize her ancestors and return to her clan" not because she cares about her so much.

But as long as Zhao Chuanyu's surname is "Zhao", he will remind Huo Mingting that you are the son-in-law of the Zhao family and a pretty boy who relies on women for his livelihood.

Although this is a fact, Huo Mingting does not want to face it, and even wants everyone to forget it.

The old man Zhao who was weighing on him is dead, Zhao Chuanyu is still young, and Huo Mingting is ambitious and wants to annex the entire Zhao family.

As long as Zhao Wenxiu is on his side, what if Zhao Chuanyu is the heir to the Zhao family?

Besides, even if Zhao Wenxiu doesn't help him, he is still Zhao Chuanyu's legitimate father.

In the fictional Republic of China, old and new ideas collided.

But even among the new "civilized people", most of the bad feudal habits they want to break are their wives, and they are still very filial to their parents.

Filial piety, in this era, is still king!

Therefore, Huo Mingting suppressed Zhao Chuanyu with just one word "filial piety".

Not to mention, he also has a king-level assist - Zhao Wenxiu.

Zhao Wenxiu obeyed Huo Mingting's advice.

Huo Mingting pretended to be sorry for his ancestors and proposed that Zhao Chuanyu should recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.

Zhao Wenxiu readily agreed, completely forgetting his father's instructions.

Mr. Zhao's anniversary has not yet passed, and Zhao Chuanyu became Huo Chuanyu.

Later, Huo Mingting took over the Zhao family's property from Zhao Chuanyu, and took his illegitimate son Huo Chuanjia with him, as if he was training an heir.

Is there anything else you can't see? !

In a few years, not only the time traveler will change his surname to Huo, but the entire Zhao family will probably change its owner.

Zhao Chuanyu was filled with anger and deep resentment towards his parents.

Yes, resentment!

Compared to his scumbag father, Zhao Chuanyu hated his mother's weakness and confusion even more.

It was she who handed over the Zhao family's property to the Huo family and his son.

Huo Mingting relied on the Zhao family's money to ingratiate himself with the local military governor, and even married his illegitimate daughter Huo Chuanfang to a junior officer, achieving a class leap from businessman to executive.

Huo Mingting did not let go of the honest Zhao Chuanyu and found her a man who looked glamorous but was actually dirty.

The first is to completely eliminate the "danger". After all, Zhao Chuanyu is the legitimate heir to the Zhao family.

He is a surrogate son-in-law who stole the Zhao family's property, which is indeed a bit unfair and inconsistent.

If Zhao Chuanyu gets married or dies... ahem, in a few years, who will still remember the Zhao family? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Secondly, Huo Mingting was not willing to waste such a good resource as Zhao Chuanyu.

Zhao Chuanyu was very beautiful, well-educated, and proficient in business and housekeeping.

Many local wealthy families regard her as a good daughter-in-law candidate.

Huo Mingting planned to drain Zhao Chuanyu's value and marry her to a family that was beneficial to the family but not to her personally.

Zhao Chuanyu is the heroine, and her excellent native parents are just a training ground for her life.

How could she be easily exploited by a "tool man"? !

On the wedding day, Zhao Chuanyu took the opportunity to escape.

She quickly rose up in troubled times with the help of her grandfather, Mr. Zhao.

At this point, the author of the novel is a eunuch!

He Tiantian:......

Of course it is a eunuch novel, otherwise, there would be no wild writers coming in to continue writing the script.

Although the author's writing skills are not very good, his writing style is really good.

The characters are very vividly depicted, and the book is truly top-notch, making readers want to rush into the book and give it a good beating.

The heroine is also a really great heroine, who kills decisively and has clear grudges.

When her scumbag father is strong, she endures the humiliation and takes the opportunity to lie dormant;

When she finally got a chance to escape, she didn't hesitate at all. When she left, she even cheated her father once;

After escaping from Fucheng, there was a problem with the "escape route" left by her grandfather, but she relied on her own abilities to easily solve the problem;

There are also subsequent entrepreneurship and rise in troubled times. The author writes very wonderfully.

But the most wonderful relief was reached, the author was a eunuch, which caused countless readers to feel resentful.

Unfortunately, there are too many eunuch articles and unfinished articles in Dianniang Library, but there are only a limited number of contributors, and evil forces have taken advantage of this gap.

This time He Tiantian dressed up as Zhao Wenxiu, the heroine’s best biological mother.

"Well, the system is really powerful. It didn't choose a character with a surname of He or a character with a sweet name."

He Tiantian is very satisfied with her identity.

There are no obvious traces, so there are no rules at all.

In this way, even if the evil forces or wild writers know that the novel world they smuggle into has regular writers, they cannot easily lock He Tiantian through "certain rules".

As long as there are no flaws in his name or identity, He Tiantian is completely confident that he can deceive those wild writers.

Haha, she is the best at not losing her character!

He Tiantian thought secretly.

It’s just that…the original owner of this body is extremely high-quality.

If he followed the original character design, He Tiantian would not be able to help the heroine at all.

Moreover, He Tiantian is unwilling to let the scumbag scheme and trap her, becoming a pitiful and hateful best, and even a stumbling block for the heroine.

Putting aside my own opinions, even her readers will feel uncomfortable after reading it.

What He Tiantian wants to pursue is not just completing the task, but perfection!

"Hmm! It seems that I need to find a suitable opportunity to undergo a 'transformation'!"

After He Tiantian integrated the memory of the original owner, he began to secretly plan.

The node she passed through was neither too early nor too late.

Mr. Zhao has passed away for more than a year, and Zhao Chuanyu, who is only thirteen years old, is also forced to change his name to Huo Chuanyu.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Huo Mingting began to take over the Zhao family's industry, and everything developed in an orderly manner according to the original plot.

The reason why Zhao Chuanyu came to argue with the original owner was because, under Huo Mingting's instigation, the original owner "persuaded" Zhao Chuanyu to hand over the two remaining shops she had to Huo Chuan's family.

These two shops were properties that Mr. Zhao specially assigned to Zhao Chuanyu in order to allow her to practice her skills in the early years.

Huo Mingting could rob him by force just because he was his biological father.

But as a person, what he likes most is to be both responsible and independent.

He clearly wanted Zhao Chuanyu's shop, but he didn't want to get a little bit of notoriety.

Besides, he has Zhao Wenxiu as a "big killer", so he can get everything done without having to act on his own.

No, he just whispered a few lies in Zhao Wenxiu's ears, and Zhao Wenxiu believed it, and Dian Dian'er came to "persuad" his daughter.

"Chuanyu, your father is right. You are from a girl's family after all. Once you marry, you belong to someone else's family!"

"Those properties, if you take them there, will fall into the hands of others!"

"Heirloom is different, he is a male!"

"...I know that you care about the Zhao family. I am also the daughter of the Zhao family. Don't I know that I want to inherit the Zhao family's legacy?"

"Your father said that when the family members get married and have children in the future, one of them will be adopted by our Zhao family."

"When the time comes, your father will also hand over part of the property to the child, so that the Zhao family can continue to thrive... Your shop is just passing through the hands of the heirloom, and will eventually return to the hands of the Zhao family. !”

Zhao Wenxiu told Zhao Chuanyu in detail what Huo Mingting used to deceive her.

Zhao Chuanyu was already disappointed with his biological mother, but after hearing her words, he still couldn't help but feel angry and annoyed.

"I don't need to adopt an adopted child! I am originally a child of the Zhao family! I am the one who is on the Zhao family tree!"

"Also, even if the Huo family's children are adopted into the Zhao family, what does they have to do with the Zhao family?"

Not just any person can be adopted into the Zhao family, they must be related by blood.

Well, to take a step back, if there was really no blood connection, Mr. Zhao would probably choose an heir with good character and a decent life!

The child of the Huo family? !

Ying'er isn't even there yet, and since he is Huo Mingting's illegitimate son, he hates the Zhao family very much...

Zhao Chuanyu felt that if his own mother had any sense, she would not have such ridiculous and absurd ideas!

However, her biological mother really did this and used her identity as a biological mother to suppress him.

Seeing that Zhao Chuanyu refused to cooperate, Zhao Wenxiu put on a determined look, "I am my father's biological daughter, and the Zhao family's property should have been passed on to me!"

"The reason why you are valued by my father is not because you were born by me?"

This is indeed true, but it is also really hurtful!

Zhao Chuanyu's heart, which was already riddled with wounds by his own mother, was severely hurt again.

It turns out that in the eyes of my biological mother, I am just such a dispensable accessory that belongs entirely to her, rather than an independent and complete individual.

Zhao Chuanyu was disappointed and knew that he could not resist.

After this incident, she went into complete hibernation, waiting for the opportunity to escape from this home that made her sad and resentful.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian: ...For a man, he hurt his biological daughter so deeply. The original owner is really awesome!

To say she is a love brain is not true.

Zhao Wenxiu really loved Huo Mingting, and was so confused by him that even his basic IQ was devoured by him.

However, Zhao Wenxiu would be "cheated" over and over again, not just because of true love.

More importantly, she is selfish and has a strong mentality——

In the past, she relied on her strong father;

After her father's death, she became attached to her "rising" husband;

If the daughter acts strong enough, she will rely on her daughter instead!

She is just a dodder flower, selfish and cold to the core.

If the author did not have eunuchs, according to her setting of Zhao Wenxiu, she should have written the corresponding plot.

It's a pity that the author gave up the trap, and He Tiantian can only make certain speculations based on the character of the original owner.

However, this kind of "Mu Qiang" is not suitable for He Tiantian to clear her name. She also needs a better, more direct, and less suspicious excuse...

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