The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 658: The heroine’s best mother (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Beiyang Grand Theatre, in the box on the second floor.

He Tiantian held a small folding fan, sat on a comfortable chair, put her hands on the railing on the second floor, and watched the performance on the stage with interest.

To be honest, He Tiantian is not a theater fan. For opera, he has always valued "respect" more than "love".

There was no way around it. As a child who grew up in a modern world where entertainment is extremely popular and cultural entertainment is highly developed, opera and the like were just a symbol of traditional art and could not enter her life at all.

Like many young people, she would be amazed when seeing the costumes and unique skills of those opera actors, but it was difficult for her to endure the entire performance.

After traveling through so many book worlds, He Tiantian has also been to the fictional Republic of China. This is her first time entering a theater.

However, when He Tiantian was sitting in the grand theater, she suddenly discovered that listening to a play was similar to watching a movie.

That is, they all need an atmosphere and an environment.

If you watch it alone at home, even if it is a movie, you may not feel that way.

You still need to go to a professional theater and watch it with countless audiences.

Hearing the cheers of the people around him or seeing their immersive enjoyment, He Tiantian was slowly infected.


On the stage, Concubine Yang was biting her wine glass. Her enchanting figure and sad expression showed no signs of being a man at all. On the contrary, she was more feminine than a woman.

He Tiantian couldn't help but shout "Okay" along with the audience in the theater.

Then, some theater fans started throwing things on the stage, including silver dollars, copper plates, and some small gifts.

Infected by the atmosphere, of course He Tiantian also wanted to act, so she quickly took out all the silver coins in her purse and threw them on the stage.

"Boss Cheng, you sang just right!"

"That figure, that singing voice, and those eyes are amazing!"

He Tiantian was like a little girl who was obsessed with her. Even after the play was over, she still had more to say.

After sitting in the rickshaw and returning home, I saw Butler Zhao who had been waiting for a long time when he entered the door.

He Tiantian said to him excitedly, "Uncle Ninth, Ji Qing Troupe is indeed a big theater troupe from the capital. The performance is really good!"

"And Boss Cheng, oh my, his drunken concubine is so awesome!"

"Uncle Jiu, let me tell you, his figure -"

As He Tiantian spoke, she couldn't help but imitate.

He raised his orchid fingers and showed off his stage style, turning around and bending down. Not to mention, He Tiantian learned it well.

Seeing such a cheerful "Zhao Wenxiu", Butler Zhao was in a trance for a moment.

He seemed to see the eldest lady from more than ten years ago, who was also so excited after watching Huo Mingting's play.

He was chattering like a little opera fan, his eyes full of the coquettishness and admiration of a little daughter.

"Uncle Jiu, don't be so dazed. Do you think my singing is good? Do I look like Boss Cheng?"

He Tiantian sang a few words, and seeing Butler Zhao looking lost in thought, he pulled on his sleeves to act coquettishly, as he had done in the past.

"It looks like! It's so similar! The eldest lady sings so well!"

Where has Butler Zhao seen Boss Cheng?

He didn't even go to see Boss Process's concubine drunk.

However, as a loyal old housekeeper, he could only dote on the young lady he watched grow up.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With a crumpled smile on his face, Butler Zhao was only seven or eight years older than Zhao Wenxiu, but he still acted as lovingly as an elder.

He boasted almost mindlessly, "The eldest lady in our family is the smartest. What can she learn to be like?"

"You haven't put on your makeup or clothes yet,

They already look very similar. When they are fully dressed up tomorrow, they will definitely look even better than those in the corners! "

He Tiantian was like a simple child who believed it after being coaxed by an adult for a few words.

She pretended to be humble and said, "No! I'm still not as good as Boss Cheng!"

"However, I will go to the Grand Theater tomorrow to talk to Boss Cheng. Maybe we can invite him to our house to teach me how to sing!"

He Tiantian continued to perform.

Butler Zhao was in a daze again.

When the eldest lady fell in love with Huo Mingting, she would first listen to a play, then go backstage, and then invite people to sing at home.

In the end, the eldest lady made Huo Mingting a guest of the Zhao family on the pretext of learning opera from him.

Spending time together, one teaching and the other learning, the eldest lady learned a few singing tunes, and was successfully seduced by Huo Mingting.

...What happened next was a bit unbearable to look back on.

At least for Butler Zhao, it's really not a good memory.

As a child raised by Mr. Zhao, Butler Zhao is definitely the person who admires and trusts Mr. Zhao the most.

Mr. Zhao didn't like Huo Mingting, and Butler Zhao didn't want to see him either.

But Mr. Zhao couldn't defeat Zhao Wenxiu, and it was even more impossible for Butler Zhao to disobey his eldest lady.

Therefore, the master and servant could only watch Zhao Wenxiu jump into the fire pit.

In the past ten years, Huo Mingting has been relatively peaceful.

Butler Zhao and Mr. Zhao have the same idea. As long as they guard the Zhao family, Huo Mingting is just a toy for the eldest lady.

However, none of them expected that Mr. Zhao would leave so early.

Before the little master (that is, Zhao Chuanyu) grew up, Mr. Zhao suddenly passed away.

While Butler Zhao was sad, he also became more vigilant.

It has been a year since Mr. Zhao died, and Huo Mingting has not really taken over the Zhao family. Butler Zhao definitely deserves a lot of credit.

However, Butler Zhao is a servant after all. If Zhao Wenxiu is allowed to continue to indulge, the Zhao family will change their surname to Huo sooner or later.

During this period, Butler Zhao was angry and anxious when he saw with his own eyes that Huo Mingting brought back the illegitimate child and forced the young lady to "recognize her ancestors and return to the clan".

But he had nothing to do. Alas, it was a waste of time.

The eldest lady only listened to Huo Mingting's words, and he, an old servant, could only endure it.

Now, I suddenly saw my eldest lady showing her old expression again——

Butler Zhao didn't know anything about love, and he didn't realize that Zhao Wenxiu had changed.

He just instinctively felt that it would be great if his eldest lady could "transfer love"!

What does Huo Mingting have?

Firstly, he has no family background, and secondly, he has no talent and learning. He is just a low-class person.

If his eldest daughter hadn't been young and ignorant, and he had a pretty face and a clever mouth, he wouldn't have been able to climb up to the Zhao family.

Huo Mingting is now in his thirties. It cannot be said that he is old and yellow, but he is indeed not as pink and fresh as when he was young, and he is even a little fatter in middle age.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And there is no shortage of pretty girls in this world.

The eldest lady in their family is rich. If she can support one Huo Mingting, she can get another one!

Huo Mingting was originally a son-in-law, a thing that the Zhao family bought with money.

Nowadays, this thing actually wants to be a guest. Haha, if it weren't for the eldest lady, Butler Zhao would have taken action long ago!

The Zhao family, however, relies on... ahem, can't say! It can't be said!

"Okay! Let's go tomorrow!"

"As long as the eldest lady likes it, we will invite Boss Cheng to our home to sing!"

"By the way, it's not just Boss Cheng! Miss, I've heard that there have been a lot of new roles recently, teenagers with good looks and even better voices..."

Therefore, it is better to put aside Huo Mingting, a greasy white-eyed wolf.

Butler Zhao is very much like a parent who indulges his naughty children, and he actively instigates his eldest daughter to cheat on her.


What kind of cheating on Hongxing!

Is the surname Huo also worthy?

The eldest daughter of their family is the old man’s only daughter. If it had been left in the past, she would have long——

Uh, forget it, let’s not mention the past.

Even now, Butler Zhao doesn't think that his eldest daughter should stay safe for Huo Mingting's son-in-law.

A son-in-law, huh, is just a thing used to give birth to children for the Zhao family.

Now that there is a young lady, and the eldest lady is unwilling to have another child, there is no need for a son-in-law or anything like that.

This is not a case of Butler Zhao "burning bridges by crossing the river".

But in the past, this was what a son-in-law was.

Why is it that the son of a good family is not willing to let others knock on his door? In addition to being discriminated against, he is also very likely to be kicked out of the house by the woman.

That is to say, Zhao Wenxiu likes Huo Mingting.

Otherwise, when Mr. Zhao passed away, Butler Zhao would take action.

"...Well, I'll go tomorrow!"

He Tiantian looked full of love, and her face, which was no longer young, revealed the coquettishness of a little daughter.

Butler Zhao saw it and became even more happy.

"I'll keep the car for you tomorrow, and let the cashier give you the reward money..."

Butler Zhao seemed to be confident. He really had no respect for Huo Mingting, his uncle.

Still want to take a car?

You deserve it!

Every needle and blade of grass in the Zhao family belongs to both the eldest and the young lady.

Cars and other things, even if the eldest lady is going to have fun, they must be used by the eldest lady.

"Yes! Uncle Jiu is still thoughtful!"

He Tiantian seemed to be distracted by the wild flowers outside, and she didn't think so highly of the "husband" at home.

Without this kind of preference, He Tiantian has returned to her arrogant and willful eldest lady nature - she will never be wronged for anyone except herself.

People who go out to watch a show take a car, and people who go out to do business walk or take a rickshaw. This kind of behavior is considered too outrageous by normal people, but for "Zhao Wenxiu", it is simply not too ordinary.

Thinking about it, if he wasn't too arrogant, how could he go against his father's wishes and find an actor as his son-in-law?

These days, the son of a good family is really not happy to be a son-in-law.

But it also depends on whose family you want to step in the door.

The Zhao family is the richest man in the province.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Moreover, in order to find a good family for his daughter, Mr. Zhao also publicly stated——

If anyone is willing to be a son-in-law to the Zhao family, he can choose one of his children to take his father's surname.

The Zhao family is not that domineering and wants to deprive a grown man of his inheritance.

Well, even if the Zhao family is so domineering, people will die for money.

With a family fortune as big as that of the Zhao family placed here, many people are still attracted by it.

Not to mention the people who are looking for their heads, even some young masters from down-and-out families, or the youngest sons or concubines of wealthy families, also want to join the Zhao family.

This was considered a good match, but Zhao Wenxiu was so fascinated by an actor that he became dizzy.

And her doting father actually agreed.

In addition to Mr. Zhao loving his daughter, it was also because the original owner was too willful and arrogant.

Therefore, when she regained her true nature, she was more arrogant, more selfish and arrogant than anyone else.

"As long as the lady is happy!"

When Butler Zhao saw that his young lady was happy, he also started to smile.

He even began to wonder whether he should quietly deal with Huo Mingting.

During this period of time, this son-in-law was very capable of causing trouble.

He forced the young lady to change her surname, took away the Zhao family's property from the young lady, and also tried to recruit or squeeze out the old shopkeepers...

Haha, if the old man is gone, the Zhao family will just let him run wild? !

Butler Zhao squinted his eyes, hiding the cold light in his eyes.

Zhao Chuanyu didn't know that her housekeeper grandpa had the same plan as her.

Now she just wants to get her mother to fall in love with him as soon as possible, so that she can persuade her mother to divorce her scumbag father and then take back the property.

Under the pretext of going out to make clothes, Zhao Chuanyu also went out after his mother went out to watch a movie.

Hu Xiaoting is not too afraid of her.

A thirteen-year-old child is still a daughter. After two years, she can just find a random family and marry her off.

Hu Xiaoting and Huo Mingting thought clearly that as long as they held Zhao Wenxiu in their arms, they didn't have to be afraid of anyone.

Besides, Zhao Chuanyu was indeed very well-behaved during this period.

Unlike when Mr. Zhao died, she just made a fuss even if he forced her to change her surname.

After that, there was no more movement.

"With Zhao Wenxiu as my biological mother, even if she is a Sun Wukong, she won't be able to make any big waves!"

Hu Xiaoting just glanced at Zhao Chuanyu and continued singing her Legend of the White Snake.

When Zhao Chuanyu left the house, he found his classmate and follower.

"Yu Er, you are a dandy. You should know which troupe is the most popular in Fucheng!"

When they met at a Western restaurant, Zhao Chuanyu didn't hesitate and went straight to the point.


The boy named Yu Er looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old.

He followed the example of an adult, picked up the coffee seriously, and took a sip. Just when he was trying his best to endure the bitter taste, he heard Zhao Chuanyu's words.

He couldn't hold it back and spit out the coffee in his mouth.

"Zhao Chuanyu! What do you mean I'm a dandy?"

Although it is true, should the truth be told?

Are you all still good friends?

How can you open your mouth and curse? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Chuanyu rolled his eyes and apologized nonchalantly, "Okay, I said the wrong thing!"

"You often hang out on the streets and are proficient in eating, drinking and having fun——"

Before Zhao Chuanyu could finish speaking, Yu Er quickly raised his hand, "Stop! Stop! My eldest lady, you should just call me a dandy."

No matter how ugly he sounds, he is still a young master and a rich man.

As for "mixing on the street", it just sounds like mixing.

He is also proficient in eating, drinking, and having fun, so why not just talk about eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and smoking.

No matter how dandy he is, he is only a fourteen-year-old boy. How can he be possessed of all five poisons?

At most, he just loves to play, like to listen to a play, bet on horses, and imitate his brother's example, and attend some banquets.

"..." Zhao Chuanyu looked straight at Yu Er and said nothing.

Yu Er was startled by her eyes. He carefully thought about what Zhao Chuanyu said just now, and then realized that he was only busy bickering and forgot to answer his sister-in-law's question.

"Oh, if you ask the troupes in my city, you are asking the right person!"

"Let me tell you, Gu Xiaoju from the triple class, Liu Chunhua from the Liu family class, and..."

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