The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 667: The heroine’s best mother (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The dog's father is a cook and knows how to make Western-style food. The dog also learned how to cook it!"

"Chuanyu, aren't you going to do business with Wai Guoren recently? With a dog, you don't have to go to a Western restaurant outside. You can entertain guests at home!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to know the true value of this kid named Gou'er, and bragged about his "cooking skills".

However, Zhao Chuanyu grasped the key point keenly, "Worked as a helper in the house of Envoy Waiguo?"

So, this child should know or even be familiar with those crooked nuts?

This is what Zhao Chuanyu needs most right now.

Why does she support Father Smith?

First, Zhao Chuanyu discovered that Smith was not a simple priest, but he was most likely a spy.

Spies exist in gray areas and can contact many people Zhao Chuanyu needs.

For example, arms dealer.

Another example is drug dealers.

Zhao Chuanyu wants to form her own force, and Western-style weapons and medicines are what she needs most.

Most of these scarce supplies are in the hands of big forces and crooked people.

Secondly, given Zhao Chuanyu's age and identity, false priests like Smith who were secretly hiding in the church were one of the few crooks she could come into contact with!

Age and gender are really Zhao Chuanyu's flaws.

Even suspected spies like Smith only regarded Zhao Chuanyu as a little girl with some ability.

Zhao Chuanyu worked hard for more than a year, but at most he met a businessman named Hans through him.

Hans was just an ordinary fruit businessman. He might have some skills, but he couldn't satisfy Zhao Chuanyu's needs at all.

Even so, Zhao Chuanyu discovered that in recent days, someone seemed to be trying to pry her corner——

Zhou Anna didn't know what happened, but she also ran to the small church where Smith was and became a believer in the church.

When Yu Er mentioned Zhou Anna to Zhao Chuanyu, she still wondered if Yu Er was making a fuss.

However, when Zhao Chuanyu saw Zhou Anna in the chapel and saw that she had become the most respected believer of Father Smith in the shortest time, her wariness towards this woman reached its peak.

Although Zhou Anna looked at Danya as harmless, Zhao Chuanyu keenly sensed a sense of malice in her!

Putting aside Zhou Anna's hostility, the mere fact that she touched Smith Church made Zhao Chuanyu very irritable.

Regardless of Zhou Anna's purpose, her attention to the chapel has already brought some attention to this originally unknown little place.

What Zhao Chuanyu wants is to keep a low profile and develop in a vulgar way.

She never wants to reveal her plan before she has enough ability to protect herself.

"The Smith line seems to be abandoned!"

Zhao Chuanyu secretly made a decision. Of course, she did not forget to remind Yu Er: "Smith has a complicated identity. He has such a good relationship with Zhou Anna——"

And Zhou Anna is the cousin of the Yu family, and she is staying with the Yu family now.

Where is the Yu family?

He is a warlord with heavy troops in Fucheng.

Since Smith is a spy, he may obtain the Yu family's military secrets through Zhou Anna.

Zhou Anna approached Smith with a purpose, why didn't Smith want to take advantage of her?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She thinks she is a hunter, but little does she know that she has become someone else's prey!

Zhao Chuanyu is a little disgusted with self-righteous people like Zhou Anna.

Not only did this person destroy the thread she had finally planted, but the main reason was that he was so smart that he treated everyone else as a fool!

Of course, what is Zhou Anna’s character and ability?

It doesn't have much to do with Zhao Chuanyu.

Zhao Chuanyu hates her because of her cunning behavior!

Alas, Father Smith, the line she finally managed to establish was just ruined.

Just when Zhao Chuanyu was secretly upset, her mother gave her a surprise.

"That's right! Gou'er's father is a chef. Not only can he cook Western food, but he is also good at Shandong cuisine!"

"Chuanyu, let's just keep the dog. He looks young, but he can actually do anything and is smart!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Zhao Chuanyu's thoughtful look, and continued to recommend the half-grown boy he had picked up.

"...Since you brought it back, mom, let's keep it."

Although it may not work, Zhao Chuanyu still wants to give it a try.

Besides, even if Gou'er couldn't get her to hook up with the Waiguo envoy, she couldn't kick out the people her mother brought back.

Now Zhao Chuanyu's requirements for her biological mother are really very low. As long as her biological mother doesn't hold her back, she can do whatever she wants!

In this way, the dog stayed in Zhao's house.

He Tiantian seemed to have gotten a new toy. She no longer went to the theater every day like before. Instead, she stayed at home and learned Western etiquette from the dog and a teacher Waiguo she found through the dog.

"George, I'd rather have the steak well-done. I really can't bear to eat it medium-rare. It's so bloody that it makes me unappetizing!"

He Tiantian was pretending to be eating Western food at home, as a very traditional housewife.

The appearance of the dog seemed to open the door to a new world for her.

She is very curious about all things Western.

Gou'er is a very smart child. He knows that although he is young and understands some crooked things, he is limited in the end.

In order to please the eldest lady "Zhao Wenxiu", he did everything he could to show his worth without Zhao Chuanyu trying to find a way to test her.

He worked as a helper for several years with his father in the house of a foreign envoy. He learned some simple English and German, and even took the nickname "George".

Due to status restrictions, Gou'er, the person George knew, was basically a servant of other envoys.

But even if you are a servant, as long as you use it correctly, you can achieve unexpected results.

For example, Zhao Chuanyu was the etiquette teacher she found through George, and successfully connected with the daughter of a foreign envoy from the United States.

Perhaps Zhao Chuanyu will not be able to obtain direct benefits in the short term, but this invisible personal relationship is the most important.

Zhao Chuanyu believes that as long as she is given time to grow and manage, she will be able to achieve her goals!

However, Zhao Chuanyu never expected that his biological mother would be so capable——

Through George, He Tiantian came into contact with everything in the West and became very addicted.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian started to go out, either to the coffee shop to drink coffee or to the Western pastry shop to eat cakes.

She was rich, and both Butler Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu were very indulgent. She hung out in several places where crooked nuts gathered in Fucheng almost every day.

As time passed and I went more often, it was inevitable that I would run into one or two envoy wives.

He Tiantian spends a lot of money, is good-looking, and has a rich and noble temperament.

She used the plastic foreign language she learned from George and the etiquette teacher to actually get to know a woman named Laura from a country where the sun never sets.

"What? Mom, you said you were going to attend a party held at the envoy's house from the Country where the Sun Never Sets?"

Zhao Chuanyu thought that young George was an unexpected surprise from her biological mother. Unexpectedly, her biological mother was so powerful that she managed to break into the envoy's house without her knowledge!

This is not at the level of a servant, but a real master!

Still an envoy from a country where the sun never sets!

If it were left in the past, Zhao Chuanyu wouldn't even dare to think about it.

"What's wrong with envoys? It was a banquet hosted by Laura and a fund-raising event for our church."

He Tiantian pretended to be indifferent and waved her hands, then casually released another thunderbolt.

"Church? What church? No, Mom, when did you believe in foreign religions?"

Zhao Chuanyu looked at his biological mother in front of him and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

How long is this, one month, or two months?

My biological mother has gone from a rich woman who only knows how to support actors to a rich lady who can be friends with the envoy’s wife? !

They kept saying "our church".

Tsk, this means that he even believes in foreign religions, and he is probably still a core member of the church.

"I don't believe that stuff. It's Laura. She goes to church every week. I thought those children sang very well, so I went with her a few times!"

"Also, Chuanyu, let me tell you—"

He Tiantian lowered her voice mysteriously, with a little girl's excitement and enthusiasm in her eyes, "There is a new missionary in the cathedral that Laura often goes to. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and eye sockets. Deep, nose bridge high——"

As I spoke, I felt like my mouth was watering.

That nymphomaniacal look surprised Zhao Chuanyu and at the same time thought, "Sure enough, it is like this"!

Is this my mother's love for another person "again"?

An actor from China fell in love with a handsome boy from Waiguo? !

As a daughter, it would definitely be a little awkward to see her mother acting like a nymphomaniac.

However, as soon as he thought of Huo Mingting in the past, Zhao Chuanyu suddenly felt: This is good!

Before, she was worried that her mother was too addicted to those actors. If she found true love again and her mother clamored for marriage, it wouldn't be long before there would be another "Huo Mingting" in the family.

Not getting married, just having fun, just spending more money, Zhao Chuanyu can accept it as long as "human life" is not involved!

Now, Zhao Chuanyu is even more surprised to find that her mother's "playfulness" can also bring her unexpected surprises.

Looking back on the past, Zhao Chuanyu never thought that he would have the opportunity to attend the party of the wife of the envoy Waiguo.

General Yu, who also attended the party, saw Zhao Chuanyu at the scene and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

General Yu didn't know that Zhao Chuanyu got into the party through his own mother who loved to play and spend money. He thought more and more deeply: "This girl from the Zhao family really has some tricks up her sleeve!"

He is only thirteen years old, one year younger than his stupid brother.

My younger brother is still greedy and playful, but he has already defeated his own father. He has ascended to the throne and successfully controlled the Zhao family's industry. Now he is even related to Wai Guoren.

"From now on, you can no longer treat me as a child, but as the person in charge of the Zhao family!"

General Yu secretly paid more attention to Zhao Chuanyu and vaguely placed her on an "equal" status.

At a banquet, his biological mother led him around to talk, and Zhao Chuanyu became familiar among these ladies and ladies.

Once you have contact, the next step is to cultivate slowly.

Zhao Chuanyu took advantage of the situation and opened a foreign trade firm, and gave some shares to Laura, the wife of the envoy of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets, and successfully established a real interest relationship with these crooked nuts.

With common interests, Laura also changed from an ordinary close friend to taking special care of Zhao Chuanyu and her daughter.

Through her husband's relationship, she helped Zhao Chuanyu obtain some in-demand craw fruit supplies.

The initial quantities of medicines and grain were not large, but they allowed Zhao Chuanyu's trading house to gain a firm foothold in Fucheng.

Zhao Chuanyu worked steadily and gradually shifted the focus of his business to some emerging industries.

While running the business, Zhao Chuanyu also began to clean up some of the shopkeepers and managers of the Zhao family.

He firmly holds all the Zhao family's property in his own hands.

Zhao Chuanyu believes that even if there is another "Huo Mingting" in the future, even with the support of Zhao Wenxiu, he will not be able to stir up trouble in the Zhao family, let alone threaten her identity as the heir!

The development of the Zhao family is excellent, and Zhao Chuanyu is accustomed to and gradually adapts to the way of getting along with his "love brain" mother.

Something big or small happened in the Yu family.

"Anna Zhou, it's been half a year since you came to the Yu family. I believe you should know this rule about not allowing anyone else to enter my study!"

Major General Yu stood by the window with his hands behind his hands. He didn't even look at the girl curled up on the ground and said coldly.

"Cousin, misunderstanding, this, this is all a misunderstanding!"

Zhou Anna didn't expect that the first time she sneaked into Major General Yu's study, she would be caught.

She had clearly confirmed that Yu Da was not at home.

Moreover, during this time, she made her cheap aunt Mrs. Zhou very happy.

Mrs. Zhou even wanted her to get closer to Yu Da.

Of course, she is not marrying this major general as his wife.

However, given the status of Major General Yu, even being his concubine is an excellent choice.

Yu Da seemed to look at her differently.

After all, during this period, she obtained several valuable pieces of information by relying on the opportunity she stole from the heroine - Smith, an international intelligence dealer.

It helped the Yu family more or less.

Zhou Anna showed her value in front of Yu Da. She felt that Yu Da would value her.

On Smith's side, Zhou Anna also exchanged some less important information about the Yu family for some special medicines.

Relying on these medicines, Zhou Anna made a lot of money. She also followed the heroine's example and secretly raised a group of beggars and street children.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Anna thought very well. She wanted to get ahead of the heroine, take away her opportunity, and then copy her step by step according to her struggle.

In this way, she can take away her success without directly competing with the heroine.

As long as you succeed, even if you can't counterattack the heroine, you can still open up a new story line.

However, Zhou Anna never expected that Yu Da would catch her plan just as it started.

"Trap! This, this must be a trap!"

After being tied up and thrown to the ground, looking at the proud figure by the window, Zhou Anna had an idea flash in her mind and suddenly realized that she had been plotted by Yu Da.

After the grief and anger, there is dense fear——

Yu Da is not a benevolent man, he is a decisive and ruthless warlord.

After being caught by him, even with Mrs. Zhou’s relationship, she, Anna Zhou, would not end well...

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