The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 673: The heroine’s best mother (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The second young master of the Yu family, who was once aloof, did not feel too uncomfortable when faced with the show-off of a small figure like "Zhao Wenxiu" who was once attached to his family.

One comes, and the other two mature;

Secondly, to show off that this person is "Zhao Wenxiu", his Aunt Zhao, ahem, is an unreliable person.

This guy may be weird, but he definitely doesn't have bad intentions.

Even though he was trying to show off, there was no malicious intention.

She is like a child, more willful and bearish.

Yu Er has long known what kind of character this person is, and no matter what she looks like now, he won't be surprised.

Not even angry.

Besides, so what if you care about it?

The Yu family has indeed fallen, and now he needs to please "Zhao Wenxiu" even more.

In the past two years in Fog City, Yu Er has really grown up. He has learned how to be patient and can slowly accept the huge gap!

Now, he has become very strong psychologically and a little more diplomatic.

Of course, this is external.

Because of Zhao Chuanyu's relationship, Yu Er regarded "Zhao Wenxiu" as half of his own.

He would not care too much. Instead, like Zhao Chuanyu, he regarded Aunt Zhao as his own ignorant naughty child, and was very tolerant and close to her.

Especially, subsequent facts proved that Aunt Zhao was really a good child, ah, no, she was a good elder.

Half a box of sulfa was given to Yu Er as a meeting gift.

So many medicines, not only used to save lives, but also sent directly to the black market for money, were enough to make Yu Er rich overnight.

"Auntie, this, this is too expensive!"

After all, Yu Er was the second young master of a warlord family who had seen a lot of things in the world. Facing such a generous He Tiantian, he was a little at a loss.

"What's so valuable? I've already told you, it's just my own stuff, it's not worth anything!"

"You and our family Chuanyu are good friends who grew up together. Isn't the relationship between you two worth such a little medicine?"

He Tiantian was like a nouveau riche who had gone crazy. He had half a box of sulfa, but he didn't feel any distress at all and gave it directly to Yu Er.

He Tiantian was not really taken advantage of. The Yu family and Yu Er were indeed kind to the Zhao family.

Not to mention anything else, when Zhao Chuanyu and Huo Mingting broke up, without Yu Er's help, things would not have gone so smoothly.

Perhaps it was just a convenient thing for Yu Er, but for Zhao Chuanyu and the entire Zhao family, it was very important.

Just like now, for He Tiantian, sulfonamide is really a home-grown product.

No matter how high the price is outside, if your family uses it, it really only costs a little bit.

Another thing, after several contacts with Yu Er, He Tiantian discovered the "abnormality" of this young man.

He actually joined the organization.

Originally, He Tiantian wanted to find an opportunity to get close to the organization and find ways to help.

Yu Er's appearance was so timely that He Tiantian no longer had to search hard.

She directly used the banner of Zhao Chuanyu to regard Yu Er as her close descendant and took great care of him.

Yu Er: ...wuwu, aunt, I was wrong. I will never complain about you being unreliable again.

How unreliable is Aunt Zhao? She is clearly a living Bodhisattva who saves people in need.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Sulfonamides, other medicines, grain, cotton, cloth and other scarce materials were continuously obtained from Aunt Zhao.

Yu Er felt a little embarrassed for such a generous and loving elder.

You can't take other people's things for free.

If he really needs it personally, he will be donated as long as he is donated.

But the problem is that he secretly passed out all these supplies.

Besides, asking for donations from others is always in vain. This kind of thing cannot last long and easily attracts attention.

Yu Er simply found a retired "comrade" and opened a trading company together.

When raising funds for the trading company, Yu Er made a suggestion to the organization: "Can I send a comrade with better appearance and condition?"

Of course, people in their organization never engage in seduction.

However, not long after "Zhao Wenxiu" came to Wu, all kinds of scandals about her spread all over the world.

Everyone knows that Mrs. Richard is a nymphomaniac who likes all types of handsome men.

Yu Er asked the organization to find a "partner" with good appearance and condition, not really, but to make everything go smoothly.

Mrs. Richard spending a lot of money for "true love" is definitely more convincing than spending money to take care of her daughter's little sweetheart.

It is estimated that Zhao Chuanyu also believes in the former.

In addition, Yu Er wanted to get involved in the "Zhao Wenxiu" line. In addition to having a lot of in-demand materials in her hands, her close relationship with the principal's wife and other female students was enough to attract the attention of the organization.

This is an excellent umbrella.

If they really have a relationship with "Zhao Wenxiu", it will make it easier for them to organize and do many things.

Yu Er reported all this to the leader.

After several discussions, the superiors adopted Yu Er’s suggestion.

"What? My mother fell in love with a university professor?"

In Hong Kong City, Zhao Chuanyu, who was very busy, was slightly shocked after receiving Yu Er's slightly "apologetic" letter.

After the shock, Zhao Chuanyu became numb.

This is normal. My mother came back from the United States and ran to the foggy city just to enjoy herself.

However, my mother is romantic but not obscene.

Many times, when she interacts with men, it's not all between men and women.

For example, she and Boss Cheng were more like fans pursuing idols.

Another example is Claude. There may have been a brief ambiguity between the two, but in the end, they became confidants of the opposite sex.

Therefore, even if his biological mother married Richard, Claude did not alienate her.

For Zhao Chuanyu who stayed in the port city, Claude did his best to take care of and support him.

Some rich ladies in Hong Kong City admire "Zhao Wenxiu" very much——

Being able to become friends with your ex, and not feel any resentment after the breakup, but actually get closer than before, is simply awesome.

Such a "love expert" should publish a love guide book.

Zhao Chuanyu:......

This is actually an advantage of being a biological mother.

She seems to be very good at dealing with people, and even if she is a supporter, she will not make the other person feel offended or humiliated.

"Perhaps every time my mother falls in love, she is sincere!"

Those young handsome guys and young freshmen felt the true love from "Zhao Wenxiu".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's just that love is destined not to last long. Once the impulse passes and the so-called love is gone, it can turn into a more lasting friendship.

"Yes, I heard that the university professor is a famous talent in the capital. He has written many new-style poems, and he is also a representative of the Crescent School or the Liberal School!"

"The eldest lady liked his works back then and bought many collections of his poems and works."

"However, it's a bit inappropriate to say that I like you. I think Yu Er doesn't know the eldest lady very well, so I mistakenly thought that the eldest lady likes this university professor!"

Butler Zhao is the person who knows Zhao Wenxiu best besides Zhao Chuanyu.

He took the letter sent by Yu Er, read it, and analyzed it: "From my perspective, the eldest lady is just a little book lover. She met her idol and became very close to her."

"And the eldest lady is willing to set up a trading house for this professor, she just wants to help him!"

At this point, Butler Zhao sighed, "Oh, life in the foggy city is hard. I heard that many celebrities, well-known scholars, professors and experts are living very hard!"

After the fall of Jinling, many government agencies, universities, armies, fleeing people, etc. all moved to Wudu.

The foggy city simply cannot accommodate so many people.

Barely squeezing out, many people are also worried about their livelihood.

Even for government, school and other employees who have jobs, their meager salaries cannot sustain their lives.

Except for a very small number of privileged people, the vast majority of people live in poverty.

From Butler Zhao's point of view, the eldest daughter of his family may be unreliable and even a little weird, but she is definitely a kind person.

Since he has the ability and the relationship with Yu Er, and that person was once his idol, it is absolutely reasonable that "Zhao Wenxiu" would provide money and supplies.

Even Zhao Chuanyu quickly understood his biological mother after experiencing the initial surprise.

"..." After listening to Butler Zhao's words, she was silent for a moment, and then nodded, "Yes, the life of the people in the inland is too hard."

Later generations of netizens said: Only when you go abroad can you understand the goodness of the motherland.

Zhao Chuanyu wanted to say: If you have never lived in the war-torn and dark Republic of China, you will never know the importance of peace, stability and the strength of the motherland to individuals.

In troubled times, people are like grass and grass. This is definitely not an empty talk, but a tragic situation that has been staged in countless real situations!

Zhao Chuanyu could not sacrifice himself for the sake of light and to save the country and the people like those benevolent and righteous men.

But she will admire such people and do her best to help within her own abilities.

Yes, Zhao Chuanyu is not stupid!

In the beginning, she helped Yu Er because of her youthful friendship and to repay the Yu family.

But after a few contacts, Zhao Chuanyu became acutely aware that his silly little friend who loved eating, drinking and having fun was no longer a simple and innocent playboy.

In addition to being a military academy student on the surface, he should have other identities.

In fact, in Hong Kong City, Zhao Chuanyu also came into contact with some progressive people.

Regardless of their beliefs, their desire to resist Japan and save the country is true.

Ghosts are everyone's common enemy. Because Zhao Chuanyu ran fast, the whole family was not harmed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, this does not mean that Zhao Chuanyu does not hate ghost smashing.

Not to mention the atrocities that were missed in the newspapers, just the fact that Zhao Chuanyu was forced to stay away from the city was enough to disgust her.

Not to mention, the hometown was lost, and the former villagers were trampled and destroyed. When I went to the foggy city, I saw the ruins caused by the ghost bombing...

There is no family hatred, but there is national hatred.

Zhao Chuanyu herself cannot go to the battlefield and kill ghosts, but she still hopes that she can contribute.

Therefore, Zhao Chuanyu began to do his best to transport a large amount of supplies to the rear through Yu Er.

And her wasteful behavior, which is almost charity, did not arouse the suspicion of the relevant people——

Ahem, with a love brain like "Zhao Wenxiu" standing in the way, all the unreasonable things become reasonable.

Sometimes, Zhao Chuanyu would have the illusion: "My mother can always give me enough help when I need it!"

She even couldn't help but think that maybe her mother was not a burden, but her biggest helper.

Of course, in this case, Zhao Chuanyu only dared to think about it secretly in his heart and did not dare to say it out loud.

So what, don't stand up easily, and don't say nonsense, otherwise, it will be easy to get slapped in the face.

However, in the following years, my mother seemed to have settled down a lot and did not cause any trouble again.

After the fall of the port city, Zhao Chuanyu moved his property to the United States.

She has money, people, and enough connections at the top.

After arriving in a foreign country, Zhao Chuanyu and the Zhao family did not receive much rejection.

And in the United States, there is a more peaceful and stable environment, and Zhao Chuanyu, who already has business and political acumen, is like a fish in water.

In the year of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhao Chuanyu was already in his twenties.

She married the heir of an established American conglomerate and completely integrated into the American circle.

The ghosts were defeated and the inland and port cities were recovered. Zhao Chuanyu restarted the business in Fucheng and port cities.

Of course, making money is one thing, and on the other hand, she continues to fund Yu Er's organization.

In addition, the Zhao family had also provided a lot of support to the principal in the past. When fighting against the ghosts, not to mention the donated sulfonamides, the Zhao family donated more than a dozen fighter jets alone.

Therefore, both the principal and the organization gave Zhao Chuanyu and the Zhao family a big credit in their credit book.

Zhao Chuanyu has many investments in the port city, inland, and in the subsequent bays.

A few years later, when the Goryeo War broke out, Zhao Chuanyu used his layout in Gangcheng and Wanwan to deliver a lot of supplies to the organization.

Decades later, during the reform and opening up of New China, Zhao Chuanyu was among the first batch of overseas Chinese to return to the country to invest.

He Tiantian, who was over ninety years old, set foot on the land of his motherland with his equally gray-haired daughter, and was received by the big boss.

In this time and space, Zhao Chuanyu is definitely a legend.

The major events in China in the past seventy or eighty years all have the shadow of this strong woman and iron lady.

More than ten years after her death, a writer wrote a novel based on her life, which was also turned into a movie and TV series.

In her hometown of Fucheng, the local government also built her personal memorial hall.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In addition, the libraries and laboratory buildings she donated to several universities are also named after her.

"Zhao Chuanyu, you definitely got the script from the heroine Shuangwen!"

Later generations of netizens couldn't help but be envious after watching the film and television works of "The Legend of Jade".

Zhao Chuanyu, who has personally experienced a life of ups and downs, would definitely say with nostalgia if he could hear these comments: "I am here today only because I have a 'superior' biological mother!" "

No one knew that when she sent away her biological mother "Zhao Wenxiu" in her hometown in Fucheng, her heart seemed to have been ripped out.

Mother and daughter have been together for decades and have already integrated into each other's flesh and blood.

For Zhao Chuanyu, her biological mother is no longer a drag or a burden, but is the only support in her heart.

She was extremely lucky to be able to be her biological mother's daughter in this life.

"Ding! The task of expelling wild writers is completed, and the reward points are 12 points..."

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