[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shines onto the island without any obstruction.

The gentle summer breeze, carrying the unique moisture and freshness of the seaside, gently blew the curtains.

He Tiantian woke up naturally after sleeping, opened her eyes, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar bed curtains. She was lost for a moment.

After adapting for a while, she realized: I am back, back to my island!

After a while, He Tiantian rolled out of bed and stepped on the clean floor with her bare feet.

After walking a few steps to the closet, I found a set of short-sleeved shorts with a more sporty feel.

Put on your clothes and go to the bathroom to wash up.

Looking at herself in the wash mirror, He Tiantian felt extremely friendly.

The girl in the mirror is eighteen years old, with a palm-sized face, fair skin, and a pair of lively almond eyes.

The nose is not the kind of nose that has a particularly high base, but is slightly upturned.

The shape of the lips is very beautiful, plump but not fat, pink and tender, and even curved.

The face is full of collagen, which is the age when you look good without makeup.

She originally had short hair, but in the past two years, she had been thinking about traveling into novels to complete tasks all day long, and she temporarily neglected her hair style.

The result of allowing it to grow is that He Tiantian's hair has now grown to shoulder length.

It has not been dyed or permed, and the hair color is a very natural dark brown.

Because he rolled on the pillow all night, his hair was a little messy, and the ends of his hair were sticking out.

He Tiantian pulled it a few times with her hands, found a hair tie from the sink, and tied her hair up in twos and twos.

She picked up another hairband and pushed it back on her forehead. The long bangs that covered her eyes were all pushed back.

With his smooth forehead exposed, He Tiantian still washed in front of the mirror.

Playing various characters in different novel worlds, it seems that she hasn't been herself for a long time.

"It seems that you can't always indulge in the world of novels!"

"I often push against other people's bodies, and I almost forget what I look like!"

The most important thing is that my real age is only eighteen.

She is still a green and tender girl.

But because she always spent a long life in the world of tasks, her mentality became old.


It is definitely the word that humans least want to mention, regardless of gender.

He Tiantian didn't want to think that she was still young but had an extremely mature and aging heart.

Gulu gulu!

He Tiantian spit out the mouthwash, winked at the mirror, and twisted her waist.

Well, we are still very young, not some old granny or old goblin!

He Tiantian tried her best to build herself up mentally, and her mood seemed to be rising.

Of course, her relaxed state of mind after returning to reality also makes her feel relaxed and casual from the inside out!

No need to worry about the characters, no need to think about the tasks, and no need to pay attention to the bullshit plot!

This is my life, I can live it however I want!

With this thought, He Tiantian's eyebrows rose, and she seemed to have regained the liveliness and publicity that she should have at this age.

Humming an unknown internet celebrity tune, He Tiantian finished washing her face, dabbing on some toner and applying some lotion, which meant she had completed today's skin care.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


There's nothing I can do about it, I'm young, and my skin is so tender that it can ooze water even if I don't take care of it.

He Tiantian was wearing flip-flops, looking a little proud as she swayed out of the bedroom.

As soon as I came to the living room, I saw that I had gotten up early.

Yuan Mei has already exercised around the island.

"Tiantian, wake up! Today -"

Yuan Mei greeted He Tiantian habitually.

However, when she turned her head and saw He Tiantian's appearance clearly, she paused for a moment.

After considering her words, Yuan Mei smiled and said, "You are in a good mood today!"

It's not that He Tiantian was in a bad mood before, but the feeling she gave Yuan Mei today seemed to be full of vitality and joy from the inside out.

"Yeah! I had a good dream last night!"

He Tiantian said with a smile.

Although she did not dream, she was able to return and regain her youthful state. For her, it was more joyful than having a sweet dream.

He Tiantian came to Yuan Mei and hugged her, "Sister Mei, good morning!"

In her heart, He Tiantian added, "Long time no see, Sister Mei, everything is well!"

Yuan Mei's body was slightly stiff. It was not that she was not used to He Tiantian's closeness, but she was a little confused.

After all, for her, it was just one night without seeing He Tiantian.

It’s not like we haven’t seen each other for a long time, so there’s no need to be so affectionate.

He Tiantian misses her very much. She has lived three lives in the world of novels.

Especially the last two times, in order to "send away" wild writers, she endured and endured until she was over ninety years old before she left the world of work.

Such a long time, even in the world of novels, He Tiantian feels like he has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

When she saw Yuan Mei again, although she tried her best to restrain herself, she still felt the joy of seeing her again after a long absence.

"Good morning!"

Although Yuan Mei was surprised, she still reached out and patted He Tiantian's back out of habit.

He Tiantian took a deep breath and smelled the strange yet familiar smell of lime on Yuan Mei.

Don't get me wrong, this is not Yuan Mei's body fragrance, but the scent of shower gel.

Yuan Mei exercised for an hour in the morning and was sweating all over.

She had just taken a shower, and her short, sleek hair was still wet.

"Tiantian, what do you want to eat today?"

Yuan Mei casually put on an apron and came to the kitchen counter.

She had been in the army for several years, and during field training, she often cooked by herself.

In my spare time, I also helped cook in the cooking class.

Therefore, even if Yuan Mei is not a great chef, she can at least cook.

On the small island, after the infrastructure construction was completed, there were only three people, Yuan Mei, Duan Yong and He Tiantian.

He Tiantian is either busy doing experiments or occasionally going diving and fishing.

And because of her special status, neither Yuan Mei nor Duan Yong would let her do housework by herself.

Three meals a day, housekeeping for a living, basically it was Yuan Mei and Duan Yong who took turns.

Today was Yuan Mei's turn, so she put on an apron very consciously.

"Let me do it!"

He Tiantian became interested and suddenly wanted to do it herself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Tiantian, you, can you cook?"

Yuan Mei watched with some worry as He Tiantian opened the huge refrigerator and took out some ingredients.

In Yuan Mei's view, He Tiantian is still a half-grown child.

And she is often obsessed with studying and research, which has nothing to do with things like cooking and housework.

To put it bluntly, given He Tiantian's identity and ability, asking her to do this would be a waste of time.

With time spent in the kitchen, He Tiantian can definitely make more inventions that are more beneficial to the country.

It can even benefit all mankind.

"Yes, when I was in a small county town, I was always alone."

Maybe she has experienced a lot, and maybe she is strong enough, and He Tiantian no longer bears any grudges about the past.

"My aunt is busy looking at small supermarkets. Ordering takeout in a small county is easy to be criticized, so after school, I will help my aunt cook!"

Of course, this kind of "exercise" is not enough for He Tiantian to have good cooking skills.

At that time, she felt resentful and wronged, and she was reluctant to do housework.

The stir-fried dishes were barely edible and definitely not delicious.

However, in the world in the book that He Tiantian traveled through, she acquired the skill "Huang Rong's cooking skills".

In addition, in many novel worlds, He Tiantian has sufficient identity and status many times.

This allows her to enjoy many top-notch meals.

She eats a lot, and she is a chef herself, so she can replicate those delicacies!

He Tiantian walked around the kitchen and found a small bucket of fresh prawns, oysters and other seafood in the corner.

Seeing He Tiantian's eyes falling on the seafood, Yuan Mei hurriedly smiled and said, "Yesterday evening, Duan Yong went to the beach for a walk and dug some oysters!"

He Tiandian nodded. Duan Yong said he was going to "Landa", but actually he wanted to get familiar with the entire island.

Even though they have settled on the island, He Tiantian also installed many cameras and used drones to scan the three islands again and again.

However, they are not too familiar with the island.

In those specific corners, such as in the woods or on the edge of cliffs, whether there are any dangers lurking or whether there are any wild animals requires people to go around and carefully explore them.

In their spare time, Yuan Mei and Duan Yong took turns wandering around the three connected islands.

Yesterday, Duan Yong went to inspect the beach on the west side of the main island. Today, Yuan Mei wanted to go to the reef area on the south side.

They must ensure the safety of the island.

He Tiandian nodded. What happened last night, to Yuan Mei and Duan Yong, really just happened last night.

But for He Tiantian, it seemed like several lifetimes had passed.

However, this kind of thing is not a big deal, and He Tiantian doesn't need to remember it so deeply.

He Tiantian knew about the situation of Yuan Mei and Duan Yong taking turns inspecting the first island.

Therefore, when she heard Yuan Mei's words, she did not think carefully about it.

I took out an oyster from the bucket. It was quite big. It was as big as He Tiantian's hand.

After a night of soaking, the oyster slightly opened its mouth and soaked out all the fine sand and other dirt inside.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian picked up a few, rinsed them with water, pried open the shell, and dug out all the meat inside.

Putting it on a plate for later use, He Tiantian found scallops, kelp, sea cucumber and other ingredients from the cabinet, washed them and cut them into pieces.

When preparing the ingredients, He Tiantian took some flour and water and threw them into the cooking machine.

The ingredients are ready and the noodles are ready.

He Tiantian applied some oil and let the dough rise.

During this time, she began to heat the oil, simmer the pot, and put the ingredients into the pot one by one.

The fragrance exploded instantly, and then He Tiantian poured some boiling water into it.

The water is boiling and the dough is almost awake.

He Tiantian started directly, moved her hands back and forth a few times, and stretched the dough into thin noodles, which were all put into the boiling pot.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The overall planning method allowed He Tiantian to use it just right, and no time was wasted.

Within an hour, the fragrant, chewy seafood noodles were on the table.

"It smells so good. Lao Yuan, I really didn't realize that you have such a skill!"

Duan Yong came in from outside and smelled the overbearing fragrance as soon as he entered the living room.

He couldn't help sniffing and praised with a smile.

"This is not my skill. I can make noodles, but not ramen!"

Yuan Mei took the rice out and said, "This is handmade seafood noodles made by Tiantian!"

"Tiantian made it? No, Tiantian can even cook?"

Duan Yong showed a shocked expression.

Immediately, he shook his head helplessly, "Sure enough, a genius is a genius!"

Not a normal human being at all.

At a young age, he knew martial arts, several foreign languages, and was also engaged in scientific research.

This is enough to defy the heavens, and countless mortals (such as Duan Yong) can't help but sigh every time they see such an outstanding He Tiantian——

I'm just here to make up the numbers.

Compared with these real geniuses, I am simply a waste of food!

Now, it's even more powerful. He Tiantian is not only a genius in the professional field, but also a strong man in life.

High intelligence and low energy?

Ha, it doesn’t exist!

A truly great person has no shortcomings and can do everything they do!

"Haha, don't doubt your life, hurry up and eat!"

Yuan Mei felt much relieved when she saw Duan Yong's shocked look.

Also, she was a little stimulated just now when she saw He Tiantian skillfully handling ingredients and hand-pulling noodles.

Seeing that Duan Yong's reaction was greater than her own, Yuan Mei was instantly comforted.

"Yum! So delicious!"

Duan Yong was not polite, he came to the dining table, picked up the kuaizi and took a big sip.

The noodles are chewy and the seafood soup base is amazing.

Afterwards, Duan Yong didn't even bother to talk, and after a few mouthfuls, he ate a large bowl of seafood noodles until there was no soup left.

"There's still more in the pot!"

Seeing Duan Yong's support, He Tiantian felt even better.

People who cook would most like to see this kind of scene.

Simple, direct, but full of a sense of accomplishment.

In fact, Duan Yong went to the kitchen with the empty bowl without He Tiantian's greeting.

He ate four large bowls before slumping down on the sofa with his slightly bulging belly in his hands.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yuan Mei was better than Duan Yong, and she also ate two and a half bowls.

He Tiantian is quite normal. Not only in reality, but also in the world of the novel that just ended, she has the best enjoyment.

The desire for food and drink is not the most important thing to her.

After eating a bowl of noodles and drinking some soup, He Tiantian was about eight times full, so He Tiantian put down Kuaizi.

"Tiantian, we basically explored the main island and found no dangerous wild animals!"

After eating, the three of them came to the living room and started talking.

"Yes, we are going to visit the other two islands next."

Duan Yong and Yuan Mei, you said something to me.

He Tiandian nodded, "Okay! Just follow your plan."

"Oh, by the way, there must be not enough manpower!"

Having said this, He Tiantian looked at Yuan Mei, "Sister Mei, how about you help me find some retired comrades, even those who are disabled!"

"No problem! I'll make arrangements!"

Yuan Mei agreed without any hesitation.

He Tiantian knew that Yuan Mei could not handle this matter alone, and the superior department should also make corresponding arrangements.

He Tiantian wanted to say something more, but her phone rang.

"Director Feng? Is something wrong?"

He Tiantian was a little surprised. It had only been a month or two since the filming of the movie.

Director Feng Jing shouldn't be busy editing and submitting for review. Why did he suddenly call her?

"Our movie has been reviewed and will premiere on July 1st. Tiantian, you have to attend the premiere and cooperate with road shows and other promotional activities..."

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