[The heroine took the villain script] []

In order to better protect He Tiantian, her information is not set as top secret.

As long as some high-tech means are used, relevant information about He Tiantian can be found online.

Of course, this information is also what the state wants people to know.

Certain situations that cannot be known to others, such as the development of artificial intelligence, genetic enhancement solution 2.0, small nuclear reactors, etc., are all hidden.

The superiors did this simply to make He Tiantian "hidden in the market."

However, if someone is serious and really cares about He Tiantian, if he insists on getting to the bottom of it, some things will not stand up to the investigation.

After all, He Tiantian's situation is a bit special. Before she was seventeen, she was an ordinary high school girl.

But suddenly, she became outstanding.

He is proficient in the languages ​​​​of several countries, knows martial arts and archery, and was admitted to Beijing University without taking the exam. He also has a small island with personal property rights in his name...

Relevant departments are also very concerned about He Tiantian's "transformation".

Some people even had doubts and wanted to ask He Tiantian carefully.

However, it was eventually stopped by the leaders.

Everyone has a secret, and there must be an "adventure" in He Tiantian.

so what?

He Tiantian has a pure heart and is extremely passionate and loyal to the country.

She did not rely on her research results to gain wealth or become king, but handed it over to the country without any hesitation or conditions.

Such a good boy, even if he has a little secret, will not harm the country.

The superiors thought very clearly. Not only did they not inquire into the details of He Tiantian's "adventure", they also helped her clean up the trouble.

It's not blatant fraud, but some specious "evidence".

If someone really investigates He Tiantian, they will find that all of He Tiantian's transformation seems to be traceable.

There are certain "external factors" for her becoming so powerful, but more importantly, this person "enlightened" and is a genius who was delayed by a top-notch family!

The only thing that is difficult to explain is He Tiantian's island and why a little girl from a small county would be accompanied by a female special forces soldier like Yuan Mei.

However, He Tiantian’s personal hobbies inspired the leaders——

Be a star!


In China, in addition to the rich, there are also celebrities in the entertainment industry who can become rich overnight and be supported by everyone.

He Tiantian is beautiful, young and energetic, which is her greatest asset.

It just so happened that she had just finished filming a movie, and even though she was not guaranteed to become an instant hit, she still had a name in the entertainment industry.

In this way, it is normal for her to have more assets in her name, or to have an "assistant", "bodyguard", etc.

Especially after realizing that someone was secretly investigating He Tiantian, the leaders of the relevant departments increasingly felt that it would be good for He Tiantian to become a big star in the entertainment industry.

"The Great Hidden in the City!"

Yuan Mei said calmly, "The leader thinks that you might as well open a studio to make 'everything' go smoothly!"

Yuan Mei didn't say what "everything" was, but everyone present was not a fool and could understand it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian nodded slowly.

She had never thought of hiding her identity before, she just liked acting.

Now, with that "opponent" peeping in secret, she should try her best to hide her true situation before she is sure whether the opponent is friend or foe.

In the novel world, she can pass the "transformation" of the characters in the play,

Find and target wild copywriters.

So in reality, the suspected wild writer can also infer her identity through the name "He Tiantian" and the differences between her before and after.

So, let’s continue to hide ourselves and grow in obscene ways.

"Since the leader agrees, then I will set up a studio."

He Tiantian understood what the leader meant and also understood her own situation.

Opening a studio or something is no longer a trivial matter for her to mention casually, she is more cautious.

"Okay, will the studio be set up in the capital or the provincial capital?"

Yuan Mei began to enter formal office mode, and she asked methodically.

"...Let's stay in the capital."

He Tiantian pondered for a moment and said slowly, "I will be in the capital in the next few years."

As for the provincial capital, although it is the capital of her hometown, she is not very nostalgic.

First, she has been living in a small county town, and only occasionally travels to the provincial capital to take the high-speed rail or plane.

Secondly, her biological parents were in the provincial capital.

He Tiantian has let go of all the past, but "parents" are always a knot in her heart.

She couldn't live with it and was unwilling to "reconcile."

She can stop being resentful and retaliating, but she can't really treat the other person as a stranger.

The harm done to her by He Shengli and his wife had already been done. Even if she was redeemed in the mission world, it was because she was lucky enough and worked hard enough.

It has nothing to do with He Shengli and his wife.

From beginning to end, they did not think they were at fault for abandoning their biological daughter. They had no guilt, no regrets, and no regrets!

The hurdle in He Tiantian's heart could never be overcome.

On the surface, the harm He Tiantian suffered because of his native family has been erased by everything in the mission world.

However, He Tiantian knew carefully that her character was still flawed.

If nothing else, she is very sensitive and cautious when it comes to her children.

He Tiantian strongly agrees with what some celebrities say: "Not having children casually is the most basic upbringing for a person!"

Giving birth to a child is no small matter, it is a life, a living person.

Before having a baby, soon-to-be parents must think carefully -

Can you shoulder the burden of a little life? Can you provide your children with a family life that cannot be said to be rich, but at least normal and harmonious?

If these are not guaranteed, then don't have children casually.

In reality, or in movies and TV shows, there are always some people who think they are great and have given birth to children. However, they are often moved by themselves.

No matter how beautiful their rhetoric is, they cannot hide the fact that they are ultimately doing it for themselves.

I have never thought that they insist on bringing their children into this world despite being unable to guarantee a sound family and a normal environment for their children. This is not greatness, but selfishness.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As far as the children themselves are concerned, if their parents are not healthy, if there is no expectation and love, they would rather not be born.

Perhaps, He Tiantian's idea is a bit extreme.

No way, the trauma given to her by her original family left her with some character flaws.

In the days to come, she will slowly heal herself and try to make herself sunnier and more positive.

Maybe one day, He Tiantian can really reconcile with the whole world, including her irresponsible parents.

But for now, He Tiantian still tries not to have anything to do with that couple.

Even in the same city, He Tiantian resisted from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Yuan Mei nodded and wrote down on her notepad——

Studio location: Beijing.

Then, there were some specific matters.

For example, the office of the studio, the manager of the studio...

After careful calculation, the three people present, including He Tiantian, did not know much about the entertainment industry.

They also have a vague idea of ​​the process required to open a studio.

"I'd better report it to the boss and ask the relevant departments to send a professional helper."

Yuan Mei looked at the random notes on the notepad, a little confused about her thoughts, and couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

Finally, she gave up and asked the leader for help.

He Tiantian has long been accustomed to relying on the state, so naturally she will not object.

She said in an extremely trusting tone, "Yes, let's call in foreign help."

The country has a lot of talents, and we can always find talents with the right expertise.

Of course, He Tiantian doesn't expect to be able to invite national team-level players, just give him someone who is proficient in the industry!

"Tiantian, this is Lian Lian. She once worked on a national television station and now has her own studio!"

He is a true industry expert.

Moreover, the identity is reliable.


Are you Yuan Mei's friend?

Otherwise, why would Sister Mei call her so affectionately?

This was He Tiantian's first reaction when he heard Lian Lian's name.

Xu Shi has been misunderstood too many times, and Lian Lian has become accustomed to it.

Even though He Tiantian didn't show too many strange emotions, Lian Lian still said one more sentence out of habit: "My surname is Lian, and the beacon fire is the lotus of March. The single name has the word "lotus", and the lotus leaves are infinitely green. lotus!"

He Tiantian:......

Uh, I misunderstood. It turns out that my nickname is not Lianlian, but my surname is Lianminglian.

"Hello, Ms. Lian!"

It was the first time that He Tiantian and Lian Lian met. Out of caution, He Tiantian still called her "Ms." more formally.

"Haha, if you don't mind, please call me Sister Lian. Professor Zheng from the Chinese Academy of Sciences is my aunt!"

Lian Lian was very close and said with a smile.

Professor Zheng?

He Tiantian's eyes lit up. This was one of the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the leader who had been in contact with He Tiantian.

In the past two years, the old lady took great care of her.

Unexpectedly, I just wanted to ask the relevant departments to find foreign aid, but I didn’t want to alarm Professor Zheng.

Even his own niece was dispatched, and the old lady was indeed very kind to her.

"Hello, Sister Lian!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian quickly changed her title and her tone became more intimate.

When she greeted Lian Lian, she also didn't forget to ask Professor Zheng, "How are Professor Zheng? The last time I saw her was when I was in the capital."

A quick calculation showed that she had not contacted this leader for two or three months.

"Auntie is very good. She is busy with work in the yard every day."

Lian Lian smiled and replied, looking at He Tiantian with a slightly probing look.

Lian Lian is very aware of her aunt's identity and how busy she is.

Normally, my aunt doesn't even care about her son, but now she is so interested in a little girl who has no blood relationship. She can't help but be curious——

What is the identity of this girl named He Tiantian?

Of course, Lian Lian had already obtained He Tiantian's information when she accepted her aunt's request.

Well, I am proficient in many foreign languages, was admitted to Beijing University without taking the exam, and even made a movie...

It seems pretty good.

But who is her aunt? She is one of the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In Beijing, the most indispensable thing is talents.

He Tiantian's situation is not outstanding at all among the young elites.

But her aunt looked at her in a different light, knowing that she was "not doing her job properly", so she actually used personal connections to help her open a studio!

...I can’t figure it out! I really can’t figure it out!

However, for people like Lian Lian, whether it is family reasons or her previous work in a television station, she has developed a cautious and calm temperament.

"It is better to say nothing than to be silent"!

Lian Lian has always kept these eight words in mind.

She understands better the principles of what should be asked and what should not be asked.

Therefore, no matter why her aunt asked her to help He Tiantian, she would just do it.

Others are not issues that Lian Lian is concerned about and can pay attention to!

Lian Lian already had a guess in her mind: This He Tiantian must be someone with some background.

Although she doesn’t know what her background is, for Lian Lian, she is someone she can get close to and win over!

Before Lian Lian came to see He Tiantian, she had sorted all this out in her mind.

That's why she became so close and enthusiastic after meeting He Tiantian.

"As for the studio, what else do you want?"

"Office space, management staff, and..."

After the pleasantries were exchanged, Lian Lian took out her notepad and started talking about the specific details!

Before He Tiantian could speak, Yuan Mei said first, "The office space is set to be near Beijing University, and we have already found an office space."

While talking, Yuan Mei did not forget to wink at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian:......


It should be done with help from the national government.

Hehe, let me just say, with the support of the country, she personally doesn’t have to worry about anything!

Lian Lian didn't seem to see the eye contact between Yuan Mei and He Tiantian. She said businesslikely, "Okay! The office space is settled. Where are the managers?"

After Lian Lian finished speaking, she did not forget to glance at the three people present.

Two women and one man, they don’t look like they belong to the circle.

It is definitely a taboo for a layman to break in when doing business.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Especially in the entertainment industry, connections and resources are most important.

What does the studio do?

Why do those young actors not open studios, but need to sign with an agency?

To put it bluntly, the studio is a small agency that specializes in serving celebrities.

Those famous celebrities dare to leave their agency companies and open their own studios because they have a name and traffic, and the resources in the circle will come to them.

And He Tiantian?

Ahem, I did film a movie by Feng Jing.

After the movie is released, it may be able to gain some attention with the title of "Jing Girl".

However, it is only a certain amount of attention, and no one can guarantee that He Tiantian will become popular.

The name of Miss Jing is indeed useful, but even Feng Jing cannot say that all of his Miss Jings can become popular.

He has made movies and TV series for more than 20 years, and has about a dozen so-called "Jing girls".

But in the end, only two or three can be active in the entertainment industry and become first- and second-tier stars.

So, Jing girl is not a talisman to become famous.

Whether you are popular or not, and whether you can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, ultimately depends on your "luck."

Soon, Lian Lian knew that He Tiantian was extremely lucky.

"Endorsement? There is already a company looking for Tiantian to be a brand spokesperson?"

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