The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 683: The long-lost villain (4)

He Tiantian: Little D, you really found a good script for me!

Classmate D, who was locked up in the small dark room, balled up with guilt: "What about that, Tiantian, I can explain it!"


I obviously chose a good script, but why are the facts so far from what I imagined? !

Little classmate D bit his handkerchief and groaned in great grievance.

He Tiantian didn't know the reaction of classmate Xiao D, but she could imagine it.

There is no way, this is just a little retard, she has no illusions about it for a long time!

If you have this free time, you might as well receive the script as soon as possible and integrate it into your memory.

He Tiantian dismissed the bad guy, sent all the maids out of the room, sat on a chair alone, and closed her eyes slightly.

After a long while, she slowly opened her eyes, a look of helplessness flashing in her eyes.

Sure enough, I guessed right, she is really a little villain this time.

And she is the kind of bad, stupid and vicious female supporting character who is most satisfied with the technical content and makes He Tiantian speechless the most.

Chu Baozhu, the eldest daughter of the Chu family, the number one martial arts family in Qizhou.

The biological mother died young, and the scumbag father, who claimed to be deeply affectionate for his first wife, under the guise of "finding someone to take care of his daughter," quickly married a step-in-law less than a month after the death of his first wife.

Stepmother Xue looks weak, delicate and timid, but she is a powerful person.

Thinking about it, if she didn't have the means, how could she remarry the head of the Chu family?

When they passed the door, they brought her and her ex-husband's daughter with them.

In this regard, Mr.

After marrying Chu Baozhu, Mrs.

Chu Qingqing, who has changed her surname to Chu after her stepfather, is a few months older than Chu Baozhu, but is precocious, smart and sensible than Chu Baozhu.

The key is,

Like her mother Xue, she is the kind of weak and pitiful little white flower.

As for Chu Baozhu, she had been pampered and spoiled by her biological father and stepmother since she was a child, and she had long developed the temperament of a little bully.

Before Chu Baozhu was able to run outside to show off her power and roam the countryside, at less than five years old, she already had a reputation for being domineering and unfriendly to her sisters.

Half-sisters are also sisters.

Chu Qingqing was pitiful. She knew that she was a drag, so she took the initiative to serve Chu Baozhu.

But Chu Baozhu can't really regard this stepsister as a maid!

"Tsk, what a weak and kind stepmother and step-sister, they are clearly stepping on Chu Baozhu's fame!"

He Tiantian couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Of course, the people who caused all this were not only the restless stepmother and stepsister, but also the father, the head of the Chu family, who was definitely not innocent.

His seemingly pampering, but actually flattering behavior is enough to prove everything.

Not to mention, in the following ten years, he only indulged and never taught or disciplined his daughter, which directly caused Chu Baozhu to become completely crooked.

Relying on the power of the Chu family, he is coquettish and willful, bullying the good.

I was afraid of hardship and didn't want to practice martial arts, so I led a group of powerful slaves at home or members of the Chu family who had practiced martial arts to run rampant outside.

He Tiantian didn't believe that the Chu family leader didn't know anything about Chu Baozhu's actions.

Chu Baozhu didn't just bully her stepsister and disobey her stepmother in the inner courtyard, she also caused trouble outside.

The head of the Chu family had no reason to shirk.

Besides, even if the head of the Chu family came up with the idea of ​​"men take charge outside and women take charge inside" and put all the responsibility for disciplining their children on step-sibling Xue, it wouldn't really make sense.

If he can't even control the inner court, is this still the famous head of the Chu family?

It is said that cultivating one's family, governing the country and bringing peace to the world. The head of the Chu family is full of ambitions, but he can't even manage the back house well. He allows his step-in-law to praise and kill his own daughter, which is really not that powerful.

Therefore, the problem was not the step-brother's fault, but the Chu family head himself, who did not take his daughter Chu Baozhu seriously.

What's more, raising Chu Baozhu crooked was the idea of ​​the Chu family leader.

Mrs. Xue just followed the trend and stepped on Chu Baozhu, turning her daughter Chu Qingqing into a pitiful and innocent white lotus!

As for Chu Baozhu, she is an overbearing, arrogant and willful bully.

...These are actually just small things, harmless.

If there is no subsequent plot, no matter how bad Chu Baozhu's reputation is, as long as she is the "most favored" eldest daughter of the Chu family, she will still be able to marry a well-matched family.

With the support of her natal family and her husband's family, she can continue to be a person who does whatever she wants and wills.

In fact, Chu Baozhu does have a very suitable fiancé - Su Hao, the eldest son of the Su family.

The Su family is a martial arts family as famous as the Chu family.

The ancestor of the Chu family was a swordsman, and his nineteen swords of the Chu family were famous all over the world.

Four generations of the Chu family have practiced swordsmanship, and by the generation of the head of the Chu family, he is already the best swordsman in the martial arts world.

The Chu family also has a set of internal skills and mental methods to assist in sword training. It can cultivate sword energy and hurt people invisible.

The previous head of the Chu family, the father of the Chu family, had already reached this level, that is, he was a grandmaster.

He has broken through the acquired realm and is about to enter the innate realm.

Unfortunately, there was no chance. The old master lived to be one hundred and nine years old and died with hatred.

The head of the Chu family is not as strong as his father, but it is not too bad.

In the martial arts world, he ranks among the top six in terms of overall strength, vaguely touching the threshold of a master.

Given time, or a chance encounter, he is very likely to break through.

As for the Su family, they are famous for their Chaos Fist.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the Su family had immortals, not just nicknamed ones, but literal beings who could fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

And that set of Chaos Fist is the secret skill left by the immortal ancestor.

However, none of the successive heads of the Su family have admitted this matter, and only some rumors have been circulated.

Moreover, although the Su family's Chaos Fist is somewhat magical, it is not the most exquisite boxing technique in the martial arts.

Several generations of heads of the Su family, even if they practiced Chaos Fist to perfection, could never reach the master level.

A set of martial arts secrets that cannot be broken through to the innate realm even if practiced to the extreme, then it cannot be considered a good technique.

Therefore, no matter how the outside world claims that the Su family's Chaos Fist is an immortal technique, most people in the martial arts community do not believe it.

The Su family has been passing on safely for hundreds of years.

However, there are exceptions and people are special. Most people don't believe that the Su family has produced immortals. There are still a small number of people who want to take shortcuts or have no way out, and finally put their hope in the Su family's secret method.

So, one night, the Su family was wiped out.

In such a big Su family, only the brother and sister Su Hao and Su Nuan are left.

The Su brothers and sisters became bereaved dogs, and rumors about the Su family spread all over the world.

Some people say that the Su family has offended a big family in the martial arts world and is being completely liquidated;

Some people also say that the Su family hid a secret treasure and was assassinated by forces secretly coveting it;

Others said that the Su family violated the royal family and were secretly killed by people sent by the government...

Various legends are rampant, but no matter how bizarre the speculations are, they all vaguely point to the truth——

The Su family has offended a certain force or is guilty of possessing a jade.

If Su Hao and Su Nuan, the only two people in the Su family who had slipped through the net, wanted to survive, they had to either hide their names and go away from home, or find a big family to seek shelter.

Su Hao chose the latter.

He wants revenge, and he needs time and conditions for himself to grow and become stronger.

The Chu family, the number one martial arts family in Qizhou, is an excellent choice.

So Su Hao ran to the Chu family and instead of forcing the Chu family to fulfill the engagement, he took the initiative to break off the engagement.

He wanted to use this as a favor to get the Chu family leader to take him in.

Su Hao thought clearly, why is the Chu family leader not an old fox?

He sternly rejected Su Hao's proposal to break off the engagement, and said righteously, "My Chu family is by no means a treacherous family. I, Mr. Chu, am not a villain who has different ideas and dislikes the poor and loves the rich!"

The head of the Chu family insisted on fulfilling the engagement for the sake of his own reputation and that of the family.

He left the Su Hao brothers and sisters in the Chu family and treated them as "lovers" in the family according to the treatment of legitimate children.

The head of the Chu family is affectionate and righteous, and he is also very good at performing.

Chu Baozhu is an idiot who shows his emotions.

I heard that the Su family was wiped out and Su Hao became a bereaved dog, better than a beggar on the street.

She immediately quit, "Break the engagement! I want to break the engagement! I don't want to marry him and suffer!"

Chu Baozhu didn't even cover up or find an excuse, and just made a fuss.

The head of the Chu family, who had always been kind and obedient to Chu Baozhu, became extremely stern this time, "Nonsense! Marriage matters are always dictated by parents and matchmakers!"

"Your marriage to Hao'er was decided long ago by my father and brother Su Shi. After exchanging Geng Tie and tokens, everyone in Qizhou knows it!"

"Although the Su family is in decline, Hao'er is still doing well. He is an excellent child and will surely revitalize the family business and bring glory to the Su family!"

"...Baozhu, be obedient and get along well with Hao'er. When Hao'er's filial piety period is over, my father will handle your marriage!"

The head of the Chu family reprimanded him coldly, and comforted him gently at the same time.

Both soft and hard words were used, and a lot of good and bad words were said. The Chu family leader thought he had persuaded Chu Baozhu.

Chu Baozhu: I won’t listen, I won’t listen!

I don’t want to marry Su Hao, a shabby guy!

However, seeing his father's rare black face, Chu Baozhu, who subconsciously had the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, did not continue to mess around.

She didn't dare to anger her own father, but she dared to bully Su Hao secretly.

Coupled with the superficial congratulations and secret instigation from her stepmother and step-sister, as well as the suggestions from the scoundrels around her, the stupid and vicious Chu Baozhu came up with a plan——

"Yes! I want Su Hao to retreat when faced with difficulties!"

"He couldn't bear it himself and proposed to break off the engagement. My father can't blame me!"

Chu Baozhu, who was being used as a gunman, did not realize at all that she was being used.

Instead, he was very proud of having thought of such a "good idea".

In the days that followed, she worked tirelessly and intensified to bully and abuse the two brothers, Su Hao.

On the surface, Su Hao and Su Nuan lived in the best courtyard of the Chu family.

But in reality, the maids and slaves were disrespectful, and supplies such as meals and clothing were deliberately withheld.

Their situation in the Chu family was not as good as when Su Hao took Su Nuan to flee.

Su Hao endured it all.

When Su Nuan cried and told him how vicious and domineering the eldest daughter of the Chu family was, Su Hao even realized clearly——

"Is this a problem of Chu Baozhu alone? It is clearly the attitude of the entire Chu family!"

Yes, if the head of the Chu family valued the Su family as an in-law and Su Hao as the "son-in-law" as he said, wouldn't he know about Chu Baozhu's little tricks?

Chu Baozhu is not a smart or cautious person.

Her various methods were simple, crude and direct, without any cover-up.

As long as you are not blind or deaf, you can't miss it if you are careful.

But the head of the Chu family still looked "oblivious". Occasionally seeing Su Hao with an injury on his face, he would reprimand him like a strict father: "I know you are dedicated to practicing martial arts and want to become stronger as soon as possible, but You can’t ignore your health!”

"Hao'er, although I don't understand much about your Su family's Chaos Fist, martial arts training is all the same. It should be done step by step. Don't be greedy for more or seek speed."

"You're just recovering from the trauma now, so you're lucky. If it goes too far, you'll be in trouble!"

have to!

The injury was obviously caused by Chu Baozhu, the evil woman, but when the Chu family leader said this, it turned out that Su Hao was ignorant of the rules and practiced martial arts crazily, and that was why he failed!

Su Hao was angry in his heart, but he still had a teachable expression on his face and said yes respectfully.

After several such experiences, Su Hao knew that Chu Baozhu's little actions were actually connived by the Chu family head.

Not only did the Chu family not want to be known as "treacherous", but the old man, the head of the Chu family, also wanted to have a good reputation as "generous and righteous".

He would never let Su Hao break off the engagement.

But he didn't like the down-and-out Su Hao, so he let Chu Baozhu do whatever he wanted.

If Su Hao died "accidentally", the Chu family would not be held responsible at all.

If someone had to take the blame, the arrogant and willful Chu Baozhu would be the best candidate.

The head of the Chu family only needs to say a few heartbroken words about "There is no way to teach a daughter", push Chu Baozhu out to be punished, and squeeze out a few crocodile tears. He is still the glorious, affectionate and righteous Chu hero.

In the future, there may be competition for the martial arts leader!

"It's such a good plan!"

Su Hao was secretly angry.

He quickly saw through the true face of the hypocrite, the leader of the Chu family.

In the bottom of his heart, he even had a bold guess: Was the Chu family's handiwork in the Su family's affairs? !

As both martial arts families in Qizhou, the Chu family may know the "secret" of the Su family.

Even if the Chu family cared about the "in-law" relationship, they did not participate in the Su family's extermination.

But this does not mean that the head of the Chu family will not covet the Su family's secret treasure.

Su Hao couldn't help but suspect that the old man of the Chu family would allow Chu Baozhu to bully their siblings, not just to get rid of Su Hao as a burden, but also as a test.

That’s right, it’s a test!

The head of the Chu family wanted to use Chu Baozhu's humiliation and abuse to drive the Su brothers and sisters to a dead end.

Once in a desperate situation, Su Hao might want to use the Su family's secret treasure in a desperate situation.

As long as Su Hao takes action, the Chu family leader will follow him secretly and take the opportunity to seize the treasure!

We really can't blame Su Hao for thinking too bad about people. Anyone like him, who experienced his whole family being wiped out, running for his life with his young sister, and then meeting such a kind-faced and evil-hearted old fox as the head of the Chu family... he would change. Be suspicious! Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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