The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 700: The long-lost villain (21)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"You're welcome! As long as you like it!"

Su Hao gave the Evergreen Jue to Mo Xiaoxiao and replied lightly.

He didn't leave immediately, ahem, so on, since he bought the exercises for Mo Xiaoxiao, shouldn't he also get one for Chu Baozhu?

Although, there is a high probability that Miss Chu is not uncommon.

However, Su Hao is a fair person and they are all friends in the same industry. If Mo Xiaoxiao has something, Chu Baozhu should also have something.

It's one thing whether Miss Chu wants it or not. It's a matter of attitude that he left someone behind and didn't buy it for them.

Su Hao himself didn't realize that his feelings towards his enemy "Chu Baozhu" were becoming more and more complex and subtle.

However, this kind of thing is not Chinese cabbage.

Even in the world of cultivating immortals, you can't just buy it if you want.

Not to mention a small mortal town like Haicheng that has only a slight connection to the world of immortality.

Su Hao walked around several times and went to the Two Worlds Trading Company in Haicheng, and then he discovered a book of exercises.

After spending a full ten taels of gold, Su Hao bought this book on weapon refining techniques.

"Well, Chu Baozhu is good at refining pills, so he should also be able to refine weapons!"

He Tiantian:......

Of course, but as a willful, arrogant and vicious female supporting character, He Tiantian must not be too considerate and understanding.

"Tch! What kind of junk?"

He Tiantian looked disgusted.

Su Hao frowned and said coldly: "Don't like it? Then——"

"Whether I like it or not is my business, but you have to give it to me!"

He Tiantian looked like an overbearing young lady. She snatched the scroll from Su Hao's hand and said angrily: "That Mo Xiaoxiao has it, I want it too!"

Su Hao: ...He was indeed right, "Chu Baozhu" is really a bear as always!

They both got the technique, and although they didn't know whether it was suitable or not, both He Tiantian and Mo Xiaoxiao showed great interest.

Mo Xiaoxiao really wanted to practice, so he hid in his room every day and guided the energy into his body according to Chang Qing Jue's mental method.

Not to mention, she might be really suitable for this set of evergreen tactics.

In less than three days, Mo Xiaoxiao successfully introduced Qi into his body.

Mo Xiaoxiao was so excited that the villain in her heart was already pinching her waist and laughing wildly: Wow, I knew there would be something to eat with the male protagonist behind me!

Mo Xiaoxiao felt that the reason why he was able to successfully enter the door of cultivating immortals was because of the talent of this body.

But, what’s more, it’s the male protagonist’s unlucky luck.

Tsk tsk, it’s just that in a small town like Haicheng in the mortal world, you can buy real immortality cultivation techniques for only a few taels of gold.

If there was no male protagonist and she was just a supporting actor whose name didn't even appear in the script, Mo Xiaoxiao felt that she would definitely not be able to do it.

Although she is a copywriter, Mo Xiaoxiao has never felt that there is anything unique about herself.

In the novel world, the halo of the male and female protagonists is really very powerful.

Many times, even if the writer has a plug-in provided by the system, he may not be able to defeat the protagonist.

Therefore, every time he did a task, Mo Xiaoxiao did not dare to confront the protagonists easily.

She just stayed with the protagonist, lingering, and slowly completed the task as every drop of water penetrated the stone.

Perhaps, her task completion was not so perfect and she barely reached the passing mark every time.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, she finally completed it. No points were deducted, and she was given a "consolation prize" of one or two points. Mo Xiaoxiao was satisfied.

Being self-aware and knowing how to be content is the key to successfully completing her mission, Mo Xiaoxiao feels.

This time, the facts told her again that the male protagonist is the male protagonist, and as long as she follows the male protagonist, she can get a lot of benefits!

What he didn't say was just one word - continue to follow the hero.

Of course, if you want to be a follower to the male protagonist, you also need to have enough strength.

The male protagonist is not a holy father. If he doesn't have a certain value, people won't even look at him.

The so-called life-saving grace can only allow the male protagonist to take her across the Infinite Sea.

Once they arrive at the Far Cang Continent, if Mo Xiaoxiao cannot show her worth, the hero will part ways with her without hesitation!


You can never leave the hero!

Mo Xiaoxiao had a strong will, and when he practiced, he worked extremely hard.

Three more days later, Mo Xiaoxiao successfully broke through to the first level of Qi training using the Pei Yuan Dan he got on "credit" from He Tiantian.

"Mo Xiaoxiao, why don't you cook for me? I also need to wash my clothes. Also, I want to refine the formation disk and need the best lightning peach wood. Go to the market and buy it for me!"

He Tiantian stood outside Mo Xiaoxiao's guest room and shouted at the top of her lungs.

Alas, there was no way, she didn't want to be so "mean".

However, it is forced by the character.

Also, the vicious female supporting role is not simply bad.

They just keep their accounts clear and care about it very much.

"……heard it!"

Mo Xiaoxiao felt that the spiritual power in his Dantian was very full, as if it was about to break through the thin barrier.

If she breaks through, she can enter the second level of the Qi Refining Stage.

But, it's just a little bit short.

Mo Xiaoxiao felt that if she was given some more time and a stable training environment, she would be able to break through.

No matter what——

Alas, there is no way, who told her to owe Miss Chu a Yuan Pei Dan?

The eldest lady said that she could either exchange it for a sea lingzhi from the deep sea or be her maid for three months.

Mo Xiaoxiao didn't even think about the first choice.

What a joke.

Ganoderma lucidum on the bottom of the deep sea?

It's the spiritual grass of the Wuji Sea. With her current level of cultivation, she can't even easily cross the Wuji Sea. She still wants to dive into a more dangerous seabed? !

Mo Xiaoxiao bets that if she really jumps into the Wuji Sea, she will be swallowed up by an unknown monster or sea beast flying over in the next second!

You can buy Ganoderma lucidum from the two trading houses.

But the price is too expensive. I don’t want gold, just spiritual stones, one hundred and twenty.

There are one hundred and twenty spirit stones. Looking at their "Seeking Taoism and Immortality" team, Su Hao, the richest man, only has two or three ancestral spirit stones.

Mo Xiaoxiao neatly chose the latter——

Isn't it just to be a cow or a horse for Miss Chu? It's not a lifetime, only three months.

Just be patient, it will pass soon.

"Yes, I tolerate it!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Xiaoxiao jumped off the bed, opened the door, and pretended to be groveling, "Yes, Miss, I'll go right now!"

Humph, just wait!

Now let you be arrogant and wait until you reach the Wuji Sea and encounter sea monsters or storms...

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There was no need for Mo Xiaoxiao to take the initiative to harm others. She felt that God would take her away just because she was the vicious female supporting character of "Chu Baozhu" and was always against the male protagonist!

In this way, while He Tiantian was looking for trouble from time to time, Mo Xiaoxiao worked hard to practice.

Su Hao was not idle either.

The first time he entered Haicheng, Su Hao felt the more abundant spiritual energy here.

Su Hao's cultivation has reached the sixth level of Qi training.

With such strength, he would have absolutely no problem crossing the Infinite Sea alone.

However, he still has a sister and Chu Baozhu, a dragster.

Su Hao wanted to become stronger.

We have simply arrived at Haicheng, which is only a short distance away from the Wuji Sea.

Su Hao was not in a hurry anymore.

It just so happened that Mo Xiaoxiao also had the skills to practice, and "Chu Baozhu" seemed to be really obsessed with alchemy and weapon refining.

The three of them were busy practicing, so Su Hao decided to stay in Haicheng for a while.

Two months later, Su Hao entered the seventh level of the Qi refining stage and officially entered the late stage of Qi refining.

After practicing for a period of time, Su Hao found that as his cultivation level improved, the further he went, the more difficult it became to practice.

Su Hao had the manuscripts of his ancestors, so he knew what his problem was - he only practiced without experiencing actual combat.

His state is not stable, and he feels a bit like a castle in the air.

"...I can no longer 'work behind closed doors'. I have to go out and truly experience battles in order to stabilize my realm, improve my cultivation, and sharpen my mind!"

Su Hao sat cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes were filled with light.

Su Hao made a decision and was ready to go to sea today.

He is the soul and leader of the team. If he speaks, no one will object.

Of course, as a willful young lady, He Tiantian still has to find some trouble with Su Hao——

"Huh, let's go as soon as we say it, we really want to come out all the time!"

"You have the nerve to say that I am willful. I think the most willful and authoritarian person is you!"

"I just got some sea beast blood, and I want to refine a new magic weapon, but I have to leave."

"...Su Hao, can you stop being so arrogant and discuss it with me before making a decision?"

He Tiantian had a cold face and complained angrily.

"Leave in three days!"

Su Hao didn't waste any words and directly stated his decision.

The implication of his words is very clear: if you are willing to obey, we will set off together in three days; if you are not willing, then do whatever you want!

"...Su Hao, you, you are too arrogant!"

He Tiantian puffed up her cheeks in anger.

She stood up and wanted to continue fighting with Su Hao.

However, suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and her face was full of secret joy and pride: "Su Hao, are you sure you want to leave me?"

Su Hao frowned.

What's wrong with "Chu Baozhu" again? !

He Tiantian was not in a hurry to reveal the answer. Instead, he sat down slowly, crossed his legs, and looked leisurely, which was really annoying.

Mo Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it, but it was hard for him to break up with "Chu Baozhu" directly.

So what, the person holding the hand is short-handed. People who owe money don't always have the confidence to quarrel with their creditors.

Mo Xiaoxiao could only complain silently in his heart: He is indeed a vicious villain, and it's already this time, and he still doesn't forget to fight against the male protagonist!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Su Hao's mind: "Ship!"


The boat they were going to use to cross the sea was still stored in the storage ring of "Chu Baozhu".

"Haha, yes, it's a boat!"

"Su, you are the most powerful, then don't use my ship and fly directly across the Infinite Sea!"

He Tiantian looked like a villain who would go wild when he got his way. Seeing that Su Hao finally discovered the problem, he couldn't help laughing.

Su Hao clenched his fists.

Mo Xiaoxiao has long regarded herself as the male protagonist's loyal follower. She does not want to see the male protagonist being "bullied" by the vicious female supporting role.

After thinking about it, Mo Xiaoxiao said: "Actually, Haicheng also has treasure ships that cross the Infinite Sea!"

Of course Su Hao knew there was.

Private individuals can't do it, but Haicheng still has an awesome gang like Two Realms Trading Company.

The best thing about the two worlds trading companies is that they also have business in the Far Cang Continent.

Since they can travel between the two continents, the trading houses of the two worlds naturally have a way to cross the Infinite Sea.

However, the ferry ticket is too expensive.

And they don’t accept gold, only spiritual stones.

The few spiritual stones Su Hao left behind from Ancestor Su were not even enough for a fraction of the boat ticket!

"I have a talisman. I can use it to exchange for a boat ticket!"

Mo Xiaoxiao still had three talismans, but she was reluctant to take them out.

In the past, it was to defend myself and see if I could save the hero or Su Nuan.

Now, Mo Xiaoxiao has successfully reached the threshold of cultivating immortals. Although she is only at the third level of weapon refining, she already has the ability to protect herself.

The three talismans redeemed from the system are not that important anymore.

If you don't use it yourself, you can exchange it for spiritual stones.

Or simply exchange it for a boat ticket.

Mo Xiaoxiao felt that three yellow-level talismans should be exchanged for three ship tickets - for her, Su Hao and Su Nuan, just right!

Su Hao was a little moved.

However, he still prefers to go to sea on his own.

The two trading houses are too mysterious. After going to sea, taking the other's ship is tantamount to handing over your wealth and life to others.

Su Hao would never do anything with too many variables.

"No need, those talismans are the amulets left to you by your ancestors, they can't be wasted like this!"

After all, Su Hao still didn't want to owe Mo Xiaoxiao karma.

He Tiantian: ...So, you still want to exploit Chu Baozhu? !

Uh, okay, Chu Baozhu is indeed sorry for Su Hao.

When Su Hao "used" her, he really didn't have to bear any consequences, let alone any psychological burden.

He Tiantian was also happy to let Su Hao take advantage of her, so that she could always follow the male protagonist Su Hao.

However, the character of the original owner cannot be destroyed!

"Yes, exchanging the talisman for the ship ticket is such a loss!"

"Also, the boat I provided is no longer the small wooden boat of the past!"

"I specially bought a three-story ocean ship. It is big and comfortable. I carved the newly learned magic circle on it. It is definitely safer and stronger than the passenger ships of the two trading companies!"

"...Su Hao, you have no choice, you should come and beg me. As long as you beg me and accept me as your eldest lady, I will -"

He Tiantian is so proud.

She is obviously a bright and beautiful girl, but she is suddenly made to look like a villain.

Mo Xiaoxiao: ...The Dogecoin villain knows how to embarrass the male protagonist, and he is not afraid of the world’s consciousness dealing with you!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Just as Mo Xiaoxiao was muttering to herself, as if to echo her thoughts, a muffled thunder sounded in the distant sky.

Su Hao smiled when he heard the thunder coming from far away.

He looked at He Tiantian playfully, "Are you sure? Do you really want me to 'beg' you? Do you want me to accept you as my eldest lady?"

Su Hao deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of several words.

He even pretended to bend his knees, as if he wanted to kneel down for He Tiantian.



The thunder became louder and louder.

Rays of light slowly approached.

Finally, it hovered over He Tiantian's head.

He Tiantian covered her fingers so that no one could notice her little move.

Her face showed an expression of fear and unwillingness.

Finally, she said as if she was resigned to her fate: "No! You don't need to beg me, and you don't need to obey me!"

"I, I listen to you, okay!"

He Tiantian did not address the last three words to Su Hao, but to God.

That aggrieved look pleased Su Hao again.

By this time, Su Hao completely regarded "Chu Baozhu" as his "family member".

She will never betray herself, because God is watching over her.

Without emotional ties, but with the deterrence of heaven, Su Hao no longer has any doubts about "Chu Baozhu"...

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