The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 702: The long-lost villain (23)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After traveling at sea for a month, He Tiantian caught a strange-shaped sea fish while fishing.

He Tiantian pretended to be careless, but instead of being scared, she was very excited.

"Come and see, this fish looks so strange. It actually has four pairs of eyes!"

He Tiantian held up a sea fish the size of a washbasin and showed it off to Su Nuan, "Little girl, look, I'm so awesome. I actually caught such a big fish!"

Su Nuan squatted next to He Tiantian.

In the past few months after leaving Qizhou, traveling, wandering around Haicheng, and wandering on the sea, Su Nuan became cheerful and lively.

It was as if the nightmare of extermination had already happened in a previous life.

She is no longer cautious, no longer forcing herself to be sensible, but has regained the liveliness that a child of this age should have.

There is also a really naughty kid "Chu Baozhu" next to Su Nuan. It seems that Su Nuan has been led astray.

However, Su Hao was not angry, but was very pleased——

Children should act like children.

The sister's ability to regain her former liveliness shows that she has overcome the grief of her family being destroyed.

This is a good thing!

Furthermore, Su Hao was quite pleased with "Chu Baozhu".

Su Hao is happy to see the results. Of course, you can also say that he is "conniving".

As a result, Su Nuan became more and more naughty, while He Tiantian became more and more proud and flamboyant.

Mo Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it more and more!

However, after Xu made trouble together, He Tiantian and Su Nuan actually became "good sisters".

He Tiantian was no longer coerced towards Su Nuan and had to be nice to her.

She seemed a little more sincere.

Su Hao: ...Let me just say, no matter how bad a person is, he still has sincerity and weakness.

Emotions and other things come from getting along.

"Chu Baozhu" initially got close to Su Nuan, but she was indeed forced by God.

But after getting along for a long time, Nuan Nuan has a kind and pure temperament, which can naturally touch Miss Chu's heart.

The two people now may not be as close as flesh and blood, but they have a bit more true love.

Su Hao was very satisfied.

He felt that he could completely leave his sister to the care of "Chu Baozhu".

With Su Hao's help, He Tiantian and Su Nuan were almost inseparable.

Two people are like two children, bickering every day and falling out from time to time.

However, it won't be long before the two of them become as good as one without the need for anyone else to persuade them.

"Tsk, how old are you, and you still look like a child!"

Mo Xiaoxiao complained so many times in her heart.

Now, it was her turn to "pilot" the treasure ship in the cockpit.

She sat cross-legged in front of the formation board, running the Evergreen Art while peeking at the two figures, one large and one small, on the deck in front.

Soon, Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes widened——

Damn, leviathan!

That's right, the sea fish that "Chu Baozhu" is holding, which looks a bit like the PLUS version of monkfish, is not an ordinary deep-sea fish, but a mutated sea beast in the Infinite Sea.

Mo Xiaoxiao has never seen this kind of sea beast, but she is familiar with the plot.

In the original script, it was described that the male protagonist had encountered this kind of sea beast when he crossed the Wuji Sea.

It has a big, flat mouth and an ugly appearance. The most obvious sign is that it has four pairs of eyes!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, Mo Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat when she heard He Tiantian yelling, "You little girl, come and see, this ugly fish actually has four pairs of eyes."

Has this already entered the rhythm of the Infinite Sea? !

Although the eight-eyed monkfish is a sea beast,

But not too aggressive.

On the contrary, its meat is delicious and full of spiritual energy, making it a very good food for cultivation.

However, the eight-eyed monkfish is just the beginning. As we go deeper into the deep sea, there will be many strange and extremely dangerous sea monsters and monsters!

There are even more terrifying storms, the kind that can overturn magic weapons!

Thinking of the various descriptions in the novel, Mo Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shudder.

"...Chu Baozhu's formation disk, is it reliable?"

"Can you withstand the attacks of sea beasts and the terrifying storms?"

Mo Xiaoxiao was confused!

"Miss Mo, let's take a rest. Chu Baozhu caught a lot of sea fish and said he was going to have a barbecue on the deck. Let's go and try it together!"

Su Hao walked into the cockpit and said to Mo Xiaoxiao with a smile.

When he first went to sea, Su Hao thought he had a plan and arranged a shift for three people to pilot the treasure ship.

After traveling on the sea for a month or two, Su Hao realized that he had taken things for granted.

There are indeed three of them, and they are indeed not ordinary mortals.

However, even immortal cultivators will get tired and need to eat, rest, get along with and chat with their companions.

They simply can't spend twelve hours a day just driving and sailing the boat.

We can't chat harmoniously if we gather together to have a meal. Even if we bicker, we can pass the boring life at sea.

Therefore, Su Hao quickly adjusted his plan.

Taking time for three meals a day, everyone gathers together.

Whether it's a quarrel or an exchange of practice experiences, there must always be interaction.

For the rest of the time, Su Hao, Mo Xiaoxiao and He Tiantian took turns driving the treasure ship.

Of course, as a willful young lady, He Tiantian would hide whenever she could when it was time for her to "work".

There are different reasons every time, either because they are tired or sleepy, or they need to refine elixirs or weapons, or they have to talk about the "agreement" with Mo Xiaoxiao, or they are using Su Nuan as a cover...

Anyway, she would do it every time.

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao were both numb. If they hadn't really disliked her arrogant, willful and take-for-granted look and insisted on forcing her to do some work, they really wouldn't want to keep arguing with He Tiantian.

However, with He Tiantian making such a fuss, their treasure ship with only four people was very lively every day.

To be honest, loneliness is the scariest thing in the deep sea.

Although they are cultivators, they should abandon distracting thoughts and concentrate on cultivation.

However, after all, they have just started, their mentality is not yet very stable, and they are more susceptible to external influences.

With a master like "Chu Baozhu", their lives don't seem so boring anymore.

When practicing, he seems to be particularly motivated.

"...Okay! I happen to be hungry too!"

Various plots were still floating in Mo Xiaoxiao's mind, so she responded absently.

The infusion of spiritual power stopped, and the treasure ship slowly stopped.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This sea area has entered the deep sea, but it is extremely calm.

The boat floated on the sea without much bumps.

On the deck, He Tiantian took out the barbecue grill he made, cleaned up the monkfish and put it on the baking sheet.

Zhila, zhila!

Along with these noises, a layer of white smoke rose from the baking pan.

A strong aroma spreads along the smoke.

"It smells so good!" Su Nuan squatted next to the barbecue stove, twitched her little nose and said with saliva in her mouth.

"Huh? This smell?"

Su Hao's cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Stage and is about to enter the threshold of foundation building.

However, he did not dare to break through easily.

First, the foundation building stage requires sufficient spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in Wuji Sea is relatively abundant, but there are too many dangers.

Secondly, Su Hao always felt that his state of mind was not stable enough and he might fail if he rushed to build a foundation.

So he planned to build the foundation after entering Yuancang Continent.

During this time at sea, he had been suppressing his cultivation.

He would replace He Tiantian or even Mo Xiaoxiao to drive the ship. In addition to helping, he also wanted to use this method to consume the spiritual power in the Dantian.

His cultivation level is the highest among the group, and his ability to capture spiritual energy is also the most keen.

Therefore, as soon as he came to the deck, he felt a special aura that was different from the aura of the sea.

"This sea fish?"

Su Hao quickly locked onto the target - the spiritual energy emanated from this strange-looking sea fish.

"Yes, this is the eight-eyed monkfish! It was mentioned in the letters left by my ancestors!"

Mo Xiaoxiao didn't know that for the nth time, he was passing the blame to Wuying'er's ancestor.

Su Hao was refreshed. He first looked at the grilled sea fish, and then aimed his burning eyes at Mo Xiaoxiao.

Mo Xiaoxiao met his gaze and nodded slowly.

She didn't say anything, but the meaning was very obvious - dear, just as you guessed, the eight-eyed monkfish is a sea monster.

Encountering sea beasts means that they have entered the Infinite Sea!

The Infinite Sea contains endless dangers!

It is like the dragon gate in ancient legends. If you cross it, you can become an immortal.

And if it fails, there will be no bones left!

"Yes, that Divine Doctor Cheng was buried in the Wuji Sea!"

He Tiantian pretended not to understand the conversation between the two, but secretly sighed in her heart.

After she came here, she never met the original owner's uncle, a miracle doctor.

However, because He Tiantian always used him as a cover and did many things, He Tiantian had an inexplicable feeling for this familiar stranger.

Unfortunately, Doctor Cheng secretly went to Wuji Sea.

And He Tiantian judged from the deduction based on his birth date that this person had passed away.

"Huh? This fish is delicious, and it seems to have some spiritual energy!"

He Tiantian thought to herself while using long chopsticks to add a piece of white and tender fish meat.

While chewing, He Tiantian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then, as if she was afraid of being snatched by others, she ate desperately.

Seeing her like this, "naughty kid" Su Nuan also started grabbing her.

"Oh, you stinky girl, don't fight with me!"

"It's so delicious, Sister Baozhu, you can't eat it alone!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What do you mean by eating alone? I caught this fish or baked it with my own hands, so naturally it should belong to me!"

"...What about that? Let my brother catch a few more, and then I'll share them with you!"

Su Nuan is indeed a bit "Chuhua", ahem, she is becoming more and more like Chu Baozhu.

Naughty, bearish, willful, and a bit egotistical!

Of course, Su Nuan's "Chuhua" is still in its infancy.

She is still a little loli, so she looks lively, cute, and totally cute.

It won’t offend, let alone make people feel disgusted!

Only Su Hao couldn't help but twitch his lips: Nuan Nuan is indeed his biological sister, and he really doesn't treat his eldest brother as an outsider.

When it comes to giving instructions, there is really no ambiguity at all.

Just as Su Hao was complaining secretly, Su Nuan and He Tiantian rushed to finish a fish and burped with satisfaction.

Turning around and seeing Su Hao, Su Nuan hurriedly shouted excitedly, "Brother, go catch fish! It's this ugly fish with eight eyes. The fried chicken is delicious!"

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, "Yes! Go catch the fish quickly! This fish has spiritual energy and can assist in cultivation!"

Su Hao: ...of course I know!

It's just that you two naughty kids, one big and one small, haven't you thought deeply about it?

They often discuss the dangers of the Infinite Sea, and often talk about monsters and sea beasts.

As a result, "Chu Baozhu" ate such a weird sea fish and felt the spiritual energy, but didn't think too much about it!

This this--

Forget it, what does he care about with a willful young lady who won't grow up?

Not wanting to waste time, Su Hao arranged his clothes and plunged into the sea.

With the eight-eyed monkfish, the "Seeking Taoism and Immortality" team seems to have started "cultivating immortality on the tip of the tongue."

They walked and ate along the way.

At first, it was a gentle sea beast like the eight-eyed monkfish, which only had aura but not much lethality.

However, as we go deeper into the Infinite Sea, some ferocious and powerful sea beasts begin to appear.

A tentacle monster the size of a house, a sea snake with two heads, an arowana with horns on its head...

The treasure ship began to come under attack. Su Hao and the others did not care about driving the treasure ship for the time being. Instead, they ran to the deck or the stern to deal with the attacks of the strange monsters.

Later, those monsters not only mutated in size or body, but also had "superpowers."

A fire-breathing three-headed seabird, a powerful giant sea turtle, and a mutated electric eel that can spit out thunder and lightning.

Su Hao and the others began to get hurt.

However, the confrontation with monsters is not without its disadvantages.

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao gained practical experience, and also obtained giant sea beast corpses, as well as demon elixirs, animal blood, animal skins, animal bones, animal teeth and other training materials in some monster beasts!

Why are these two the only ones fighting?

Haha, He Tiantian said: The Lun family is the eldest lady, she is still a child, how can she charge into battle?

She hid in the back with Su Nuan, stealing the loot secretly while eating dried sea animal meat and watching the show.

Su Hao was better, he didn't care too much about "Chu Baozhu"'s superb behavior.

After all, "Chu Baozhu" is not alone, there is Su Nuan beside her.

Rounding things off, Su Hao thought she was protecting her sister who had no fighting ability.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mo Xiaoxiao was very dissatisfied: "Chu Baozhu, you've gone too far! It's okay to not contribute and not fight, but you still, still -" snatch the head!

This is simply a rogue act.

"The Peiyuan Pill you owe me will be canceled in one go!" He Tiantian spoke generously.

Mo Xiaoxiao became even more angry: "I have been your maid for two months, I don't owe you much at all!"

"A Qi and Blood Pill! It replenishes Qi and blood, essential for fighting!" He Tiantian was confident.

Hehe, I can make elixirs.

And you guys can't live without elixirs.

Mo Xiaoxiao was choked, but still refused to give in, "Then, you can't take away all our loot!"

"A Peiyuan Pill!"

"Add another protective formation disk!"

Mo Xiaoxiao:......

Okay, so be it.

Anyway, she has no use for the animal blood, animal skins, etc.

Of course, those things can indeed be exchanged for spiritual stones or other cultivation materials.

However, we have to wait until they cross this endless sea.

Monsters and whatnot are just appetizers.

Mo Xiaoxiao, who is familiar with the plot, is waiting with fear for the big storm that will destroy the world.

Tsk, what's the use of grabbing too many supplies? When a big storm hits, the treasure ship will be overturned.

When the time comes, you will regret it!

Mo Xiaoxiao secretly felt cruel, and the big storm was about to hit...

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