The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 704: The long-lost villain (25)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


A huge beast roar came from the bottom of the sea.

The sound is loud and powerful, enough to make people fearful.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water and soul-piercing roars, the huge animal head appeared in the sky above the treasure ship.


Su Hao couldn't help but swallow.

so big!

What a weird sea beast.

Just one head is as big as a millstone.

The key point is that the head shape of this sea beast is not a fish, a turtle, or a snake, but like a bird.

A bird head the size of a millstone with bright feathers.

And its neck is like a sea snake, long and thin, uh, it also looks a bit like the neck of the long-necked giant crocodile eaten at noon.

There are fine scales on the neck, and when the setting sun shines, they glow with a deep and cold light.

The most terrifying thing is that its head has appeared above the treasure ship, but its body is still in the sea.

Su Hao jumped onto the mast and barely looked at the giant sea beast.

He looked down and could see a huge black figure in the sea water.

That should be the body of the sea beast.

The neck alone is two to three feet long. So, how big is this sea beast?

This was not the first time that Su Hao faced a giant sea beast, but it was definitely the first time that the sea beast looked as big as the one in front of him.

Su Hao clenched the animal bone sword in his hand, hmm, "Chu Baozhu" refined it for him.

It is said that a formation is added to it, and it can be used after being infused with spiritual power.

The animal bone sword is extremely sharp. After stabbing the opponent, it will make the opponent freeze for a moment.

Maybe he can't kill with one sword, but in the battle, it can give Su Hao a brief chance, which is enough for him to escape or kill the enemy.

...This is also the reason why Su Hao "connived" Miss Chu.

She is indeed not a good person, she is arrogant, willful, has a vicious mouth, and has a bad temper, but she is capable.

She can make pills and weapons.

And these are indispensable assistants on the road to immortality.

Not to mention, Chu Baozhu is still controlled by God, and it is absolutely impossible to harm him and his sister.

If she is valuable, she will not betray her, regardless of her character or whether she is sincere.

What Su Hao wants is the result.

And the current "results" are already very good for him.

Just like Mo Xiaoxiao secretly guessed——

If at a critical moment, Su Hao had to choose between "Chu Baozhu" and Mo Xiaoxiao, he would definitely choose the former without hesitation!

It’s not about feelings, it’s not about three views, it’s only about interests!


This giant bird-headed and snake-necked beast roared again.

Invisible sound waves hit Su Hao, who was standing on the mast, layer by layer.

Su Hao felt his eardrums roaring and his scalp numb.

Take a deep breath and try your best to calm yourself down.

Hongmeng Chaos Art began to run in Su Hao's body, and his Dantian was filled with spiritual power.

Su Hao poured his spiritual power into the animal bone sword, and with a twist of his feet, he leapt up.

The beast bone sword stabbed straight into the neck of the giant beast!


The sharp animal bone sword failed to pierce the flesh of the giant beast, but was blocked by a layer of scales on its neck.

The sword blade and scales collided together, sparking little sparks!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao felt a sharp pain in his arm and almost flew out the animal bone sword holder in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and continued to slash with the animal bone sword while running the Chaos Art crazily.


Dang Dang!

The scales of the giant beast are too hard;

The animal bone sword infused with spiritual power could only leave shallow marks on it.

The giant beast was not injured, but was angered by Su Hao's repeated attacks.


This little two-legged beast actually dares to offend this monster!

This giant sea beast obviously has intelligence, and its sinister eyes are full of disdain and murderous intent!

It didn't take the initiative to attack. It just shook the bird's head slightly and formed huge waves.

Su Hao was pushed aside by the storm, his body hit the mast, and he fell directly to the deck.


Su Hao spit out a mouthful of blood and felt as if his internal organs had been smashed.

If it weren't for the spiritual protection, he might have died directly.

"Su Hao is the male protagonist, he won't die!"

Mo Xiaoxiao has strong confidence in the male protagonist.

She gritted her teeth and threw out a Xuan Lei Talisman the moment Su Hao landed!



The Xuan Lei Talisman produced by the system is indeed powerful and domineering.

A mysterious thunder struck the giant beast's bird's head, and black smoke instantly erupted.

The giant beast whined in pain, and all its beautiful feathers were burnt.

Seeing this situation, Su Hao ignored his serious injury, activated his spiritual power, supported his body, leaped up again, and stabbed the giant beast.

This time, Su Hao did not attack the neck of the giant beast, but took advantage of its injured and weak moment to stab its head with a sword.


The giant beast let out a wail of pain and anger, and one of its eyes was pierced by the beast bone sword.


Perhaps the giant beast was in too much pain. It no longer hid under the water, but jumped directly out of the sea and hit the treasure ship with its entire body.


Click! Click!

The runes on the treasure ship slowly shattered in the violent impacts.

The treasure ship began to become fragile and vulnerable.

"Chu Baozhu! Stop hiding and reinforce the treasure ship quickly!"

"...Chu Baozhu, come out quickly! Don't think you can escape by hiding in the cabin!"

"If the boat breaks down, we will all die! No one can escape!"

Su Hao was knocked out by the giant beast and fell heavily to the deck again.

Lying on the deck is not stable either.

The collision of the giant beasts made the huge treasure ship look like a small paper boat in the huge waves.

The hull shook violently, huge water splashed onto the deck, and the treasure ship might capsize at any time.

Or, before the treasure ship can turn over, it will be smashed into pieces by a giant beast.

At this time, someone needs to use formations or talismans to strengthen the hull.

But "Chu Baozhu", the only one who knew this, was like a quail, hiding in the cabin and trembling.

Su Hao was anxious and angry, and shouted towards the cabin.

"I don't! I, I don't want to die!"

"Su Hao, aren't you the most powerful? Hurry up and kill that monster!"

He Tiantian held her head and hid in the closet of the cabin, shivering.

She shouted outside at the top of her lungs.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao:......

I'm almost dead, how can I still have the strength to kill that monster?

Along the way, Su Hao felt that his cultivation was good.

The Qi refining period is complete, and we are only one step away from foundation building.

With such a level of cultivation, even if they reach Yuancang Continent, they should not be the same as those at the bottom.

After entering the Wuji Sea, Su Hao encountered many monsters.

Some of them were quite strong, and Su Hao killed them all successfully.

During the process, there were injuries and bleeding, but no life-threatening injuries.

Therefore, Su Hao has always felt that he should be considered a strong person.

However, at this moment, facing such a giant ferocious beast, Su Hao realized the danger and cruelty of the world of immortality!

The opponent didn't even need to practice any skills. He could easily kill Su Hao with just his huge body and powerful strength.

Mo Xiaoxiao was also cursing Chu Baozhu: "How long have you been, Chu Baozhu, and you are still so selfish?"

The key is that it's too stupid.

Don’t know what “standing together in the same boat” means?

Only by saving the ship and giving Su Hao time to breathe can they possibly survive.

Plus, if she remembered correctly, a storm was coming.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape from this giant monster, they would not be able to survive the storm if the ship was gone.

Of course, Su Hao is the male protagonist, and no matter how big the disaster is, it is just a grind for him.

other people?

Not to mention that Chu Baozhu is a vicious female supporting character, but Mo Xiaoxiao is also a background figure that does not appear in the script.

Oh, and Su Nuan is also a cannon fodder.

Her existence was only to stimulate Su Hao to embark on the path of cultivation and to bring him inner demons.

They were "lucky" to survive before, but now they have encountered the biggest disaster on the Wuji Sea. The male protagonist can survive and have an adventure by the way.

People like them will only end up burping.

Mo Xiaoxiao wished she could rush in front of "Chu Baozhu" and pull her ears and say "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" her frantically.

Even if it is a scolding or a threat, Chu Baozhu must be forced to take action.

But God doesn't give them this time!

Just when the giant beast frantically hit the treasure ship, the sky instantly turned black.

Between the thick clouds, there were bright lights flashing.

The sea began to become rough, and there were giant wind pillars between the sea and the sky.

The scene in front of me was like the end of the world.

Faced with such a huge disaster that surpassed nature, Su Hao and several weak humans, even the monster beast, felt great fear.

It stopped pounding, fear flashing in its one remaining eye.

The animal's instinct and the alertness after opening up its spiritual intelligence allowed it to make an instant judgment - danger! Run!

The monster dived into the sea water quickly, causing huge splashes on the sea surface, and the huge black shadow in the water fled quickly.

However, it is still a step too late.

In other words, the storm came too quickly.


A huge wind pillar instantly swept the dark shadow in the sea into the sky.



The horrifying roar and the painful wail were quickly annihilated in the storm that could destroy the world!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao was directly shocked by this terrifying scene.

Such a huge demonic beast, a giant Mac-like existence, could be shattered into pieces by the wind pillar so easily? !

Of course, there wasn't much time left for Su Hao to be shocked.

Because in the next second, the already fragile treasure ship instantly shattered into pieces.

Su Hao hurriedly executed his technique and grabbed a piece of deck to prevent himself from falling directly into the deep and turbulent sea.

Mo Xiaoxiao was not injured. The moment the storm hit, he tore off a large piece of canvas in advance.

He Tiantian and Su Nuan, who were hiding in the cabin, were not so lucky. They seemed to be frightened and let themselves fall into the sea.

"Nuan Nuan!"

Su Hao lay down on the wooden board with difficulty, his eyes wide open as he saw his sister fall into the deep sea.

After He Tiantian was thrown into the sea water, he seemed to be stimulated by the cold sea water.

She suddenly reacted, as if she had thought of something, and suddenly, a small wooden boat appeared in front of her.

When Su Hao saw this scene, he suddenly thought——

Yes, "Chu Baozhu" discovered a small wooden boat in the Valley of Divine Doctors.

Later, they felt that the small wooden boat was too small to support their deep-sea voyage, so they built a large treasure ship.

The small wooden boat was conveniently received by Miss Chu into her ring storage bag.

At the critical moment, this small wooden boat saved "Chu Baozhu"'s life.

Su Hao suddenly felt hope in his heart, and he shouted to He Tiantian: "Chu Baozhu, go and save Nuan Nuan!"

"Hurry up, Nuannuan is right next to you!"

"You, you just need to stretch out your hand and you can save her!"

Su Hao was so anxious that he shouted until his voice became hoarse.

However, what made him shocked and angry was that "Chu Baozhu" didn't seem to hear his shouts, nor did he seem to see Su Nuan struggling in the sea with her little hands.

She used her spiritual power to drive a small wooden boat in an attempt to escape from this dangerous sea full of strong winds and waves.

"Chu Baozhu! How dare you!"

"you you you!"

Su Hao's eyes were bloodshot with hatred and he couldn't speak clearly.

He thought that Chu Baozhu was just a bear, just selfish, and just a little bit bad.

But he never expected that this person would be so selfish, cold-hearted and cold-hearted.

It doesn't matter to others, she is free to save or not to save him.

But Su Nuan was different. The two of them had been together for several months, and were inseparable, as close as sisters.

Su Nuan was still so young, and she just raised her hand. Chu Baozhu could pull Su Nuan up without risking her life at all.

In the end, she ran away regardless!

"Chu Baozhu! You, you are so abominable!"

Su Hao didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt a sense of sadness and resentment at being betrayed.

He gritted his teeth hard, tried his best to activate his spiritual power, and tried to rush forward.

He wants to save Nuan Nuan, he wants to hold back Chu Baozhu, a heartless bad woman, he wants to——

However, God didn't give him a chance at all.

Another giant wind pillar quickly spun over and wrapped Su Hao directly inside.

Su Hao was running the Hongmeng Chaos Art like crazy. He didn't dare to resist this huge force, he just wanted to use his spiritual power to protect himself.

However, not even the giant demonic beast could escape. If he, a weaker human being, could survive.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao felt as if he was thrown into a grinder, and the flesh and blood all over his body was cut bit by bit by the wind blade.

Ling Chi's torture probably felt like this.

Su Hao knew that he might die.

But he is not willing to give in, and he is not reassured. His path to immortality has just begun.

And his Nuannuan, she is still so young, will she be buried in the Wuji Sea?

Thinking of his only relative, Su Hao persisted tenaciously.

Before he fell into coma, he vaguely saw this scene——

"Chu Baozhu", a selfish and evil woman who was greedy for life and fearful of death, used her spiritual power to drive the boat and quickly escaped into the distance.

Behind her, two small hands struggled desperately, and a faint, weak child's voice shouted: "Help!"

"Brother! Sister Baozhu! Help me!"

"Help, brother, Sister Baozhu, come and save me!"

Su Hao's heart was broken.

He shouldn't have brought his sister to Wuji Sea!

However, leaving her in Pingyuan Continent will still cause various unknown difficulties.

But after all, there is still one life left.

Unlike now, Nuannuan was only six years old and was about to die tragically in the sea.

It’s all Chu Baozhu’s fault!

She, she——

Wait, what do I see?

Chu Baozhu suddenly stopped, turned the boat around, and returned to Su Nuan? !


How could Chu Baozhu, such a ruthless person, come back to save Nuan Nuan?

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